Bill Maher Explains Why Democrats Lost. Hilarious.

He said it was one of the many, many reasons and that it was one that could be changed. Now.

As won't take an act of congress. He is a dude on tv.
Maher nails it again.

Will the Regressive Left listen?


He missed it. He missed it because the whole point of the "feelings" thing is so no one pays attention to the policies. It's nothing more than a get up to tell Americans........look, we really, really care.
Unfunny Maher is wrong yet again. Yeah, the liberals are pussies but that's not why Hillary lost the election and no, Americans don't side with Democrats on gun control, abortion, and minimum wage. Some do but not in general as he implied. Maher is a typical butthurt liberal who can't come to terms with the fact that most Americans see Hillary as a criminal who would give us another 4 years of corruption and a continuation of Obama's anti-American policies.

I don't think he's wrong, just not totally correct.

Yes, Trump did pickup a lot of voters because he's the only politician that spoke for the anti-politically correct, but Hil-Liar lost for a host of reasons. If the Democrats picked just about anybody else to run for their party, we might not be looking at a Trump presidency today.
He also picked up a lot of votes from people who are against wealth redistribution, government intrusion into our lives, forcing us to buy sub standard health insurance we can't afford, importing muslim terrorists and taking away our ability to defend ourselves, encouraging illegals to vote in our elections, and many more. But Maher, being the hack that he is, ignores all those other issues and pretends that political correctness alone is the reason Trump won the election. But since Maher is a far left liberal propagandist, he's too dishonest to acknowledge that people were just fed up with destructive, self serving liberal policies (which he routinely espouses).

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