Bill Maher: gay cake and evangelical evil

asked and answerd

Nope. You vaguely reference infringement, and don't go into details. provide some details. For example, is the St patricks day parade infringing your ability to cross Manhattan without traffic? Is a street preacher infringing on you?
you wish... st paddy's parade is only marginally religious, in reality that holiday is for eating hagus and getting drunk. speaking of vague and implausible your example is all that and more.
as for the street preacher yes he or she is, they often do by getting in the faces of passers by.
if I was as anti religion as you wish I was ,why would I live on a street that has five churches with walking distance?
one is less then 50 yards away.
I don't talk shit to them as they pass by or do complain when they have and outdoor meeting.
as long as it's on their property and the don't harass no believers imo they can worship any way they please.

So a street preacher is infringing on you?? What if it was an activist for something you approved of? I noticed you had to assume a street preacher is going to get "in your face"

LOL, get a spine, Wimpy L. Wimpington.
wrong! again! that was no assumption ,assuming falsely is your gig.
activists, preachers, anybody, it's still wrong.
speaking of reaching the shit you are asking is improbable as being mauled by a polar bear and a black bear in the same day.

You have no right to not be offended or confronted (in a peaceful manner) by your fellow citizen.
Yes I do

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