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Bill Maher Insults Troops - Again

he did not have to chose his aircraft until after the decision to pull it from Nam had already been made...

and I will grant you that George Bush well and faithfully protected our southern flank by flying patrol missions over the Gulf of Mexico - until he failed to report for his flight physical and lost his flight status....and then got let go early, all the while other pilots were being shot from the skies over Vietnam.....

Gee, since Pres Bush was never there, Kerry could not slime him as he did all the other men and women who were over there
The pro terrorist rally in DC seems to be a flop. A measly turnout of hundreds according to CNN

I wonder how the Bush haters and the liberal media will blame Pres Bush for this?

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hundreds of anti-war demonstrators and supporters of the U.S. policy in Iraq shouted at each other Saturday from opposite sides of a street bordering the National Mall as protesters formed a march to the Pentagon to denounce a war entering its fifth year.

The anti-war group carried signs saying "U.S. Out of Iraq Now," "Stop Iraq War, No Iran War, Impeach" and "Illegal Combat." The other side carried signs saying "Peace Through Strength," "al Qaeda Appeasers On Parade" and "We Are At War, Liberals Root For the Enemy."

Police on horseback and foot separated the demonstrators, who were on opposite sides of Constitution Avenue in view of the Lincoln Memorial. Barriers also kept them apart. (See the results of CNN's latest poll on whether Americans think the war is worth it)

Cheryl Davis, 62, a library assistant from Celina, Ohio, endured a nine-hour overnight drive in the wake of a late-winter storm to raise her voice against the conflict that has killed more than 3,200 members of the U.S. armed forces. "I just want peace," she said. "I just have to do my part." She had supported the Vietnam War when her ex-husband fought in it.

Protesters met at the starting point of the epic 1967 march on the Pentagon, which began peacefully but turned ugly in clashes between authorities and more radical elements of the crowd. More than 600 were arrested that day. It was there that anti-war activist Abbie Hoffman led the masses in chants, with the fanciful goal of levitating the building.

The pro terrorist rally in DC seems to be a flop. A measly turnout of hundreds according to CNN

I wonder how the Bush haters and the liberal media will blame Pres Bush for this?

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hundreds of anti-war demonstrators and supporters of the U.S. policy in Iraq shouted at each other Saturday from opposite sides of a street bordering the National Mall as protesters formed a march to the Pentagon to denounce a war entering its fifth year.

The anti-war group carried signs saying "U.S. Out of Iraq Now," "Stop Iraq War, No Iran War, Impeach" and "Illegal Combat." The other side carried signs saying "Peace Through Strength," "al Qaeda Appeasers On Parade" and "We Are At War, Liberals Root For the Enemy."

Police on horseback and foot separated the demonstrators, who were on opposite sides of Constitution Avenue in view of the Lincoln Memorial. Barriers also kept them apart. (See the results of CNN's latest poll on whether Americans think the war is worth it)

Cheryl Davis, 62, a library assistant from Celina, Ohio, endured a nine-hour overnight drive in the wake of a late-winter storm to raise her voice against the conflict that has killed more than 3,200 members of the U.S. armed forces. "I just want peace," she said. "I just have to do my part." She had supported the Vietnam War when her ex-husband fought in it.

Protesters met at the starting point of the epic 1967 march on the Pentagon, which began peacefully but turned ugly in clashes between authorities and more radical elements of the crowd. More than 600 were arrested that day. It was there that anti-war activist Abbie Hoffman led the masses in chants, with the fanciful goal of levitating the building.

I wonder how 'the gathering of Eagles went?' Not covered by C-Span.
Nope, C-Span announced yesterday they would NOT cover. Seems only nihilists are covered.

The CNN link above does not mention the real heros at all. Only the 1960 throwbacks

Even then only hundreds turned out. Yes, there is a real anti war movement sweeping the country
What gives? CNN say hundreds - MSNBC says thousands. From the TV pictures I say the turnout was dismal

Anti-war protesters gather in Washington
Christian group calls Iraq war ‘offense against God’; police arrest hundreds

WASHINGTON - Denouncing a conflict entering its fifth year, protesters raised their voices Saturday against U.S. policy in Iraq and marched by the thousands to the Pentagon in the footsteps of an epic demonstration four decades ago against another divisive war.

A counterprotest shadowed the anti-war crowd on a day of dueling signs and sentiments such as “Illegal Combat” and “Peace Through Strength,” and songs like “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “War (What’s It Good For?).”

Thousands crossed the Memorial Bridge over the Potomac River from the Lincoln Memorial to rally as close to the Pentagon as they could get. Smaller protests were organized across the country and held abroad, stretching to Tuesday’s four-year anniversary of the Iraq invasion.

“Too many people have died and it doesn’t solve anything,” said Ann O’Grady, who drove through snow with her husband, Tom, and two children, 13 and 10, from Athens, Ohio. “I feel bad carrying out my daily activities while people are suffering, Americans and Iraqis.”

Retired Marine Jeff Carroll, 47, an electrician in Milton, Del., held a sign saying: “Proud of our soldiers, ashamed of our president.” Carroll said he served in Lebanon when the Marine barracks was bombed in a deadly attack in 1983, and thinks the U.S. should be focusing on Afghanistan and Osama bin Laden instead of Iraq. “We’re fighting the wrong country.”

Police on horseback and foot separated the two groups of demonstrators, who shouted at each other from opposite sides of Constitution Avenue in view of the Lincoln Memorial before the anti-war group marched. Barriers also kept them apart.

Protesters walked in a blustery, cold wind across the Potomac River with motorcycles clearing their way and police boats and helicopters watching.

The anti-war group carried signs saying “U.S. Out of Iraq Now,” “Stop Iraq War, No Iran War, Impeach.” The other side carried signs saying “al-Qaida Appeasers On Parade” and “Fight Jihad Not GIs.”

‘I’m not sure I’m in support’
Protesters met at the starting point of the Oct. 21, 1967, march on the Pentagon, which began peacefully but turned ugly in clashes between authorities and more radical elements of the estimated crowd of 50,000 on the plaza in front of the Defense Department’s headquarters. More than 600 were arrested that day.

That protest has lived on in the popular imagination because of the crowd’s attempts to lift the Pentagon off the ground with their chants; they fell short of their fanciful goal.

Organizers of the Saturday protest did not anticipate numbers comparable to those of the Vietnam era. Authorities no longer give crowd estimates publicly.

Veterans, some from the Rolling Thunder motorcycle group, lined up at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and waved U.S, POW-MIA and military-unit flags. Not all were committed to the U.S. course in Iraq, however.

“I’m not sure I’m in support of the war,” said William “Skip” Publicover of Charleston, S.C., who was a swift boat gunner in Vietnam and lost two friends whose names are etched on the memorial’s wall. “I learned in Vietnam that it’s difficult if not impossible to win the hearts and minds of the people.”

‘We didn’t lose the war in Vietnam’
But Larry Stimeling, 57, a Vietnam veteran from Morton, Ill., said the loss of public support for the Iraq war mirrors what happened in Vietnam and leaves troops without the backing they need.

“We didn’t lose the war in Vietnam, we lost it right here on this same ground,” he said, pointing to the grass on the National Mall. “It’s the same thing now.”

Henry Sowell, 22, Raleigh N.C., who fought with the Marines in Iraq in 2005, asserted that anti-war protesters were “taking away what my buddies died for and what I fought for.”

Some active-duty service members joined the anti-war protest, following rules that allow them to demonstrate but limit what they can say.

Speaking into a microphone hooked to massive speakers, Petty Officer Jonathan Hutto, who is on active duty with the Navy, told the crowd that the people had voted against the war in the November elections and “we’re here to cash the check.”

Rallies also were planned in Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, Oklahoma City, Hartford, Conn., and Lincoln, Neb.

Overseas, more than 3,000 people protested peacefully in Istanbul, Turkey, and about 1,000 in Athens, Greece.

‘I just want peace’
Cheryl Davis, 62, a library assistant from Celina, Ohio, endured a nine-hour overnight drive in the wake of a late-winter storm to raise her voice against the conflict that has killed more than 3,200 members of the U.S. armed forces. “I just want peace,” she said. “I just have to do my part.” She had supported the Vietnam War when her ex-husband fought in it.


Pictorial coverage at site:

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Moronic Convergence
I'm watching it on CSPAN so you don't have to. I haven't been from the start, and I don't know how long I can do it. But without commentary - and without Gathering of Eagles because CSPAN won't show them. Look up the names and organizations if you really need to know who these are. Communists, terrorists fellow travelers and useful idiots. Keep up, I will update as it goes on. Refresh when needed. Too bad it wasn't a Global Warming rally.

New Orleans. Haliburton. Capitalism. Cuba. Workers (undocumented and otherwise). Socialism. Militarism. Palestine. Congress. Bush. The People. Resistance. Brothers and Sisters. Hugo Chavez. Don't pay your taxes. I'm cold.

Yawn.Oh, that last thin crowd shot. 3, yes count them, 3 minutes after the last yapping from the podium. Pathetic

Blogburst: Gathering of Eagles
By Michelle Malkin · March 17, 2007 05:35 PM

It was a breath-taking, historic, and emotional day in Washington, D.C. You won't know it if you tune in to the usual MSM channels. But new media--bloggers, conservative documentarians, Internet activists, FReepers, citizen journalists, photojournalists, and talk radio hosts--turned out in full force to participate and cover the Gathering of Eagles counter-protest. Thousands upon thousands turned out despite freezing temperatures and hairy travel conditions. We met bikers who drove up all night from Huntsville, Alabama; a retired NYC firefighter who arrived here at 2am; college students who traveled from Massachusetts; a Vietnam veteran's wife who bought plane tickets at the last minute from San Francisco; and countless participants who arrived as part of Move America Forward's cross-country caravan.

A pure, grass-roots effort, the Gathering of Eagles' volunteers matched the massive Soros-funded anti-war machine sign for sign, chant for chant, and marcher for marcher. The contrast was most stark right before the entrance to the Memorial Bridge, where Eagles gathered with a field of American flags--while anti-Bush, 9/11 conspiracy nuts wrapped themselves in a figurative blanket of yellow "Out of Iraq" placards. Several of the vets shouted, "Yellow! How appropriate!" in between spirited chants of "U.S.A! U.S.A!" While the classless Cindy Sheehan ranted profanely, the Eagles raised their voices in polite, but roaring disapproval and raised their American flags in answer to the ANSWER socialists' Che banners and peace pennants.

Why did the Eagles come? One common refrain: Vietnam veterans, some fighting back tears, told us they came to show the kind of support for the troops that they did not receive when the surrender lobby marched on the Pentagon 40 years ago today.

Mission accomplished.

Meantime, the battle for victory against global jihad continues. God bless our troops on the front lines.

E-mail or track back if you were there for a GoE blogburst.

We'll have a full video report on Hot Air Monday and more coverage to come. Here are a few photos I snapped with frozen fingers. I'll upload the rest to the Hot Air Flickr page later tonight:
I think that it is quite telling that democrats who express disagreement THE ADMINISTRATION about the way this war is being fought - and the way that the US military is being used are characterized as having "slimed and disrespected" our troops (where did I say that???).... but republicans are free to criticize retired flag officers for expressing their quite learned opinions (as you are free to criticize the CinC)... and denigrate their "lack of combat" experience and claim they really only know how to "teach foreign languages" (I never said that either).....pretty sarcastic, pretty disrespectful, if you ask me...(and no one did, but you sure had to say it anyway!)
but clearly, respect for military personnel only goes for those who toe the administration line.... (never said that either) anyone else gets slimed with disrespectful sarcasm and the folks who deliver it feel they should be free from criticism for doing so. (bullshit and you know it)

it seems hypocritical to denounce hypocrisy from the left when taking such positions from the right. (and vice versa, eh?)

Until you admit that you have been disrespectful of the CinC or admit that criticism of others is not disrespect (including those particular generals you happen to agree with like Eaton), either way, you are and will always remain a hypocrit...you cannot have it both ways and remain credible in my eyes. Not that it will matter to you I am sure....

Back on ignore for you!
MM stop defending the slimers of the US military?

That is like Ted Kennedy going on the wagon or Robert Byrd not buring crosses
he did not have to chose his aircraft until after the decision to pull it from Nam had already been made...

and I will grant you that George Bush well and faithfully protected our southern flank by flying patrol missions over the Gulf of Mexico - until he failed to report for his flight physical and lost his flight status....and then got let go early, all the while other pilots were being shot from the skies over Vietnam.....

But they weren't being shot from the skies over the Gulf of Mexico, nor were the units he was assigned to deployed to Vietnam. Kind of negates the emotional appeal in you statement.

That's like me saying because you weren't a Marine grunt, you increased the odds of my being and sent to Desert Shield/Storm. Too much what-iffery, IMO, and in the case of Bush, questionable relativity at best.
Until you admit that you have been disrespectful of the CinC or admit that criticism of others is not disrespect (including those particular generals you happen to agree with like Eaton), either way, you are and will always remain a hypocrit...you cannot have it both ways and remain credible in my eyes. Not that it will matter to you I am sure....

Back on ignore for you!

I have never been intentionally disrespectful to the President...I have vehemently disagreed with his policies and his execution of those policies. I have no problem with people disagreeing with Eaton in the same way... but if you go back to the Eaton thread, you will notice, I think, that the criticism from the right of Eaton was all about his lack of combat experience and the fact that he had some sort of an axe to grinde with the administration...there was no discussing the issues that Eaton brought forward, only a sliming of Eaton the man and his supposed "lack of credentials" or "ulterior motives".

I have always tried to confine my criticism of Bush to his policies, his execution of those policies and his command decisions. I will try to continue that narrow focus of criticism.

And please realize that my post was not directed solely at you and things that YOU have said, but encompasses the key players on the right here and statements that they have made. I realize that you have stood up for me - albeit in a "lefthanded way" regarding my military service and I already thanked you for that.

If you put me on ignore, that will be one less intelligent voice from the right that I can converse with. C'st la vie.
But they weren't being shot from the skies over the Gulf of Mexico, nor were the units he was assigned to deployed to Vietnam. Kind of negates the emotional appeal in you statement.

That's like me saying because you weren't a Marine grunt, you increased the odds of my being and sent to Desert Shield/Storm. Too much what-iffery, IMO, and in the case of Bush, questionable relativity at best.

my point was that he had the opportunity to select the aircraft in which he would train with the knowledge before the fact that it would not be deployed to Vietnam.... and in Bush's case, the political influence that was clearly exerted on his behalf to get him leapfrogged ahead of 500 other more or equally deserving TANG pilot candidates just as his student deferrment ran out does in fact mean that he stayed flying over the relatively safe Gulf of Mexico for his abbreviated stint as a F102 pilot while his contemporaries were going to Vietnam as an infantryman...and no doubt, the fact that he DIDN'T go to Vietnam caused some other poor fellow to have to go in his place.... I wonder if THAT guy came home alive, don't you?

All said, I believe if Kerry had emphasized his programs and his ideas - as well as highlighting the flaws in the Bush doctrine - instead of trying to continually cash in on his Silver Star, the public would have been MORE likely to examine the military credentials of George Bush and would have found them wanting in comparision.
my point was that he had the opportunity to select the aircraft in which he would train with the knowledge before the fact that it would not be deployed to Vietnam....

Okay. Since I am not up on the process circa 1968-69 except for what I read in the link, you could very-well be correct.

and in Bush's case, the political influence that was clearly exerted on his behalf to get him leapfrogged ahead of 500 other more or equally deserving TANG pilot candidates just as his student deferrment ran out does in fact mean that he stayed flying over the relatively safe Gulf of Mexico for his abbreviated stint as a F102 pilot while his contemporaries were going to Vietnam as an infantryman...and no doubt, the fact that he DIDN'T go to Vietnam caused some other poor fellow to have to go in his place.... I wonder if THAT guy came home alive, don't you?

You have evidence that this was done? Or is this just Bush-bashing conjecture?

All said, I believe if Kerry had emphasized his programs and his ideas - as well as highlighting the flaws in the Bush doctrine - instead of trying to continually cash in on his Silver Star, the public would have been MORE likely to examine the military credentials of George Bush and would have found them wanting in comparision.

IMO, Kerry should have tried to run on his record as a politician. He comes up short there too, adn I think that is one reason he didn't.

In either case I don't think Bush's military career would have scrutinized more unless Bush tried to run on it in the same manner Kerry did. Wisely, he did not.
You have evidence that this was done? Or is this just Bush-bashing conjecture?

there were plenty of news reports delineating accounts from Texas officials discussing the pull used by Poppy Bush to get George into the TANG.... I am sorry you missed them, but it really isn't a big enough deal either way for me to go digging around the net looking for them.... the point has always been: Bush didn't serve in Vietnam...Kerry did, and did so with bravery and valor. Should he had tried to run for President on the strength of his Silver Star and his Bronze Star? Absolutely not. Like I said before - I agree with you on that and on the fact that Kerry was not a strong candidate...he should have voted against the use of force and then run against the war on ON the planks of the democratic platform and stayed away from 30 year old heroics.

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