Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

I don't like Mahr, but I give him credit for this one:

“Berkeley used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s just the cradle for f—ing babies,” Maher said. “I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses — they invite somebody to speak that’s not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. I feel like this is the liberals’ version of book burning. And it’s got to stop.”

Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

Bill is a walking cock, though he's right on the money here. The left has become exactly what they protest to hate.
Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?

actually - yes

remember when the ACLU would defend the KKK to ensure their right to march & assemble?

I remember...

the whole point of our free speech laws is to protect unpopular speech

since Berkeley is a public institution that accepts tax dollars, they really do not have a right to bar anyone from speaking that is invited by a group of students
Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?

actually - yes

remember when the ACLU would defend the KKK to ensure their right to march & assemble?

I remember...

the whole point of our free speech laws is to protect unpopular speech

since Berkeley is a public institution that accepts tax dollars, they really do not have a right to bar anyone from speaking that is invited by a group of students

No one is debating whether they have a right to speak. But they don't have a right to a stage or venue.
No one is debating whether they have a right to speak. But they don't have a right to a stage or venue.

OK - fair enough, but I disagree

Especially when they have been invited by a group of students and when other groups with different ideas are routinely granted said venue

Do they have a right to demand this auditorium on campus instead of that one? No, probably not

But if speakers that are invited by other student groups are routinely granted a stage; then that invite should apply across the board
No one is debating whether they have a right to speak. But they don't have a right to a stage or venue.

I am going to go a step further here, the real issue is that the school is attempting to control the flow of ideas. They are sanctioning ideas from one side of the spectrum and censoring others that they don't agree with. The fact that they are a public institution is what makes this illegal (so no, I do not have a problem with a small Christian school that is private restricting who speaks on campus, nor do I have a problem with a private school with liberal ideals doing the same - as long as they do not accept public money!)

This is not something that is limited to UC Berkeley - it happens frequently

Looks like this matter is going to be settled in court, starting with the 9th Circuit. I won't be surprised by a ruling either way coming out of the 9th. If the school loses, I suspect it will end there. If the school wins, I expect SCOTUS to take the case & at that point it is likely that the school will lose. I just hope it does not wind up being a 5-4 decision - would like to see 6-3 or better & would really like to see an unanimous decision.

This will be interesting theatre no matter how it plays out...
No one is debating whether they have a right to speak. But they don't have a right to a stage or venue.

I am going to go a step further here, the real issue is that the school is attempting to control the flow of ideas. They are sanctioning ideas from one side of the spectrum and censoring others that they don't agree with. The fact that they are a public institution is what makes this illegal (so no, I do not have a problem with a small Christian school that is private restricting who speaks on campus, nor do I have a problem with a private school with liberal ideals doing the same - as long as they do not accept public money!)

This is not something that is limited to UC Berkeley - it happens frequently

Looks like this matter is going to be settled in court, starting with the 9th Circuit. I won't be surprised by a ruling either way coming out of the 9th. If the school loses, I suspect it will end there. If the school wins, I expect SCOTUS to take the case & at that point it is likely that the school will lose. I just hope it does not wind up being a 5-4 decision - would like to see 6-3 or better & would really like to see an unanimous decision.

This will be interesting theatre no matter how it plays out...

Every school that accepts students whose tuition etc. is paid for all or in part by the government is accepting government money.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?

Ann is not a "regressive," as you call it. The fact that people at Berkeley don't like her is the proof that more like her need to come to Berkeley. There reasons are not "good." Their reason is that they are all hardcore leftists. They aren't fit to be teaching in a university, let alone deciding who gets to speak there.
Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?

actually - yes

remember when the ACLU would defend the KKK to ensure their right to march & assemble?

I remember...

the whole point of our free speech laws is to protect unpopular speech

since Berkeley is a public institution that accepts tax dollars, they really do not have a right to bar anyone from speaking that is invited by a group of students

No one is debating whether they have a right to speak. But they don't have a right to a stage or venue.

They do at Berkeley, which is a taxpayer supported institution. If it was a private venue, then the people who own it could decline to invite her.
No one is debating whether they have a right to speak. But they don't have a right to a stage or venue.

I am going to go a step further here, the real issue is that the school is attempting to control the flow of ideas. They are sanctioning ideas from one side of the spectrum and censoring others that they don't agree with. The fact that they are a public institution is what makes this illegal (so no, I do not have a problem with a small Christian school that is private restricting who speaks on campus, nor do I have a problem with a private school with liberal ideals doing the same - as long as they do not accept public money!)

This is not something that is limited to UC Berkeley - it happens frequently

Looks like this matter is going to be settled in court, starting with the 9th Circuit. I won't be surprised by a ruling either way coming out of the 9th. If the school loses, I suspect it will end there. If the school wins, I expect SCOTUS to take the case & at that point it is likely that the school will lose. I just hope it does not wind up being a 5-4 decision - would like to see 6-3 or better & would really like to see an unanimous decision.

This will be interesting theatre no matter how it plays out...

Every school that accepts students whose tuition etc. is paid for all or in part by the government is accepting government money.

That's right. However, the same could be said of virtually every business in the U.S. since they take SSN money from Seniors. Berkeley, on the other hand, gets revenue directly from the government, not through third parties.
No one is debating whether they have a right to speak. But they don't have a right to a stage or venue.

I am going to go a step further here, the real issue is that the school is attempting to control the flow of ideas. They are sanctioning ideas from one side of the spectrum and censoring others that they don't agree with. The fact that they are a public institution is what makes this illegal (so no, I do not have a problem with a small Christian school that is private restricting who speaks on campus, nor do I have a problem with a private school with liberal ideals doing the same - as long as they do not accept public money!)

This is not something that is limited to UC Berkeley - it happens frequently

Looks like this matter is going to be settled in court, starting with the 9th Circuit. I won't be surprised by a ruling either way coming out of the 9th. If the school loses, I suspect it will end there. If the school wins, I expect SCOTUS to take the case & at that point it is likely that the school will lose. I just hope it does not wind up being a 5-4 decision - would like to see 6-3 or better & would really like to see an unanimous decision.

This will be interesting theatre no matter how it plays out...

Every school that accepts students whose tuition etc. is paid for all or in part by the government is accepting government money.

That's right. However, the same could be said of virtually every business in the U.S. since they take SSN money from Seniors. Berkeley, on the other hand, gets revenue directly from the government, not through third parties.

Tomato tomahto

Liberty University, a hub of conservative politics, owes rapid growth to federal student loans

In the article: Liberty University now takes in more money in federal aid to students than it does in the rest of its revenues.
That's where you're wrong. Those school receive government monies so by extension they represent the government. When they invite someone to speak, then prevent that speech they are violating the First Amendment. They are PUBLIC institutions.

Not really. The government is contracting them for a service... that service being to provide education for students or conduct research. That does not require them to provide a forum for anyone...
That's where you're wrong. Those school receive government monies so by extension they represent the government. When they invite someone to speak, then prevent that speech they are violating the First Amendment. They are PUBLIC institutions.

Not really. The government is contracting them for a service... that service being to provide education for students or conduct research. That does not require them to provide a forum for anyone...

If a student group invites a guest to speak and the school agrees to the contract the school and the speaker, they are contractually obliged to provide a forum. Which is what was done between Berkley and Ann Coulter. They are also obliged to provide adequate security for said forum. Berkley is in breach of contract if they later refuse her a forum.

Berkley, itself, is not in violation of the First Amendment unless they are trying to stifle Ann and prevent their students from hearing her speak, which doesn't appear to be the case. Berkley tried to arbitrarily set another date for her to speak, but they scheduled it when nobody was in school (sound kind of fishy to me).

The next question would be: Is Berkley's refusal to supply adequate security for Ann come from not wanting her to speak, or fear and cowardice in the face of Fascists/Anarchists threats of violence?

(Yes, I've altered my opinion on this issue.)
Snowflakes are frightened that some of their ignorant and compliant brainwashed followers might get a dose of truth and open their eyes.

The liberal cult can't allow for free thinking.
I don't often agree with Maher but he was dead on with this one. If longstanding libs start backing off on this free speech issue it leaves liberal academia and crooked left wing mayors holding the bag. It's a good sign.
Just like Muslims progressive are hate filled people... fact
It's pretty sad that liberals are so insecure that they can't even allow dissenting opinions to be voiced.

If conservative policies and opinions are so terrible, why not let them be heard and then exposed for how terrible they are?

Ahmadinejad is allowed to speak at Columbia...Coulter isn't allowed to speak at Berkeley.

Seems reasonable.
I don't like Mahr, but I give him credit for this one:

“Berkeley used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s just the cradle for f—ing babies,” Maher said. “I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses — they invite somebody to speak that’s not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. I feel like this is the liberals’ version of book burning. And it’s got to stop.”

Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

Maher is correct........Liberals are pussies.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?

Did the school invite her ? Simple yes or no.

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