Bill Mahr on Ahmeds clock: "Teachers thought it was a bomb bc it looks like a f**ing bomb!"

How would you know what he claims without detaining him? You are bending over backwards to prove why they were wrong to detain him, but the truth is, thats exactly what they should do every time they see something that looks like a "hoax bomb". To say otherwise is just argumentative nonsense.

Because they already knew--- right there in the school, before there were any cops involved -- that it was a clock and not a bomb.

...but did they know if it was a "HOAX BOMB"? No, of course they didnt. They had no idea if he was up to something. Thats what the cops are for. Why are you arguing this point?

It isn't a point. They DID know it wasn't a hoax bomb. A hoax bomb would be when you bring in a case with nothing special in it, somebody asks you "what's in the case?" and you falsely tell them, "a bomb". None of that happened.

That's why a "hoax bomb" charge is bullshit, and that's also why they carted him off to (what appears to be a completely illegal) interrogation -- to intimidate him into saying it was. Because without that claim, there is no hoax, and ergo there cannot be a legitimate charge.

Get it now?

It funny as hell to sit here and watch you try and spin the Jr. Jihadists actions.

Ain't I......
...but did they know if it was a "HOAX BOMB"? No, of course they didnt. They had no idea if he was up to something. Thats what the cops are for. Why are you arguing this point?

It isn't a point. They DID know it wasn't a hoax bomb. A hoax bomb would be when you bring in a case with nothing special in it, somebody asks you "what's in the case?" and you falsely tell them, "a bomb". None of that happened.

That's why a "hoax bomb" charge is bullshit, and that's also why they carted him off to (what appears to be a completely illegal) interrogation -- to intimidate him into saying it was. Because without that claim, there is no hoax, and ergo there cannot be a legitimate charge.

Get it now?

No dummy you're wrong. The Texas hoax bomb law does NOT require one to admit it was a hoax or admit they tried to make it look Iike a bomb. The only requirements is that the device would be perceived as possibly dangerous or results in a public safety response. It's quite broad.

That broad -- is too broad to be a law or hold up a charge.

That's exactly why they had to take him to the interrogation room and try to get him to say it. Because without that they have no charge. You can't just walk around going "oooh, that pop tart looks like a gun, it's a hoax pop tart". Get a freakin' grip.

But you go ahead and tell us why they took him to interrogation, if that's not the reason.

"We found a witch! May we burn 'er?"
"How do you know she's a witch?"
"She looks like one!"

Oh well, OK then. Light 'er up. :rolleyes:

Stupefying how people can get on the internet and forget everything about how the world works....
The truth is you know you were wrong, but you just don't have the integrity to admit it.


About what?

We sit, and we wait.....


Guess he was wrong.
And now supposedly the sister was suspended for threatening to blow the school up in the past....what you want to bet no police were called....which is what ANY school would do if they had a threat like that.

Hey...she said it happened in the interview. Is she a liar?

Watch out for this woman, she's heavily involved in this.
Her name is Alia Salem and she's executive director of Council on American-Islamic Relations Dallas/Fort Worth
She appears everywhere Ahmed does and when not coaching him, she basically speaks for him.

'Bill Mahr on Ahmeds clock: "Teachers thought it was a bomb bc it looks like a f**ing bomb!"'

Maher is a comedian making a joke, your thread premise fails as a joke.

Watch it. It wasn't a joke.

Of course it wasn't a joke.

That's his game. Whenever he's attacked for saying something, he's defended by left "he's comedian, it's only a joke".

However, lefties cite him on regular basis and have no problem with his "jokes" when they agree with him.
And now supposedly the sister was suspended for threatening to blow the school up in the past....what you want to bet no police were called....which is what ANY school would do if they had a threat like that.

Hey...she said it happened in the interview. Is she a liar?

Watch out for this woman, she's heavily involved in this.
Her name is Alia Salem and she's executive director of Council on American-Islamic Relations Dallas/Fort Worth
She appears everywhere Ahmed does and when not coaching him, she basically speaks for him.


You're referring to his sister Eyman, who was quoted (by a single source) as saying another student made that claim about her. A claim for which -- sooprise sooprise Gomer -- there seems to be no evidence whatsoever.

Moreover I just linked to the other thread where we spelled all that out. Read much?
And now supposedly the sister was suspended for threatening to blow the school up in the past....what you want to bet no police were called....which is what ANY school would do if they had a threat like that.

Hey...she said it happened in the interview. Is she a liar?

Watch out for this woman, she's heavily involved in this.
Her name is Alia Salem and she's executive director of Council on American-Islamic Relations Dallas/Fort Worth
She appears everywhere Ahmed does and when not coaching him, she basically speaks for him.


You're referring to his sister Eyman, who was quoted (by a single source) as saying another student made that claim about her. A claim for which -- sooprise sooprise Gomer -- there seems to be no evidence whatsoever.

Moreover I just linked to the other thread where we spelled all that out. Read much?

Nope, I am NOT referring to his sister. I am referring to the woman in picture, right in the post you quoted.
And now supposedly the sister was suspended for threatening to blow the school up in the past....what you want to bet no police were called....which is what ANY school would do if they had a threat like that.

Hey...she said it happened in the interview. Is she a liar?

Watch out for this woman, she's heavily involved in this.
Her name is Alia Salem and she's executive director of Council on American-Islamic Relations Dallas/Fort Worth
She appears everywhere Ahmed does and when not coaching him, she basically speaks for him.


You're referring to his sister Eyman, who was quoted (by a single source) as saying another student made that claim about her. A claim for which -- sooprise sooprise Gomer -- there seems to be no evidence whatsoever.

Moreover I just linked to the other thread where we spelled all that out. Read much?

Nope, I am NOT referring to his sister. I am referring to the woman in picture, right in the post you quoted.

I don't see any "picture". But I know damn well whose words they are. And I already linked it. And posted the entire quote. It's by Eyman, his sister. The Exec Director of CAIR is not a middle school student in Texas.
And now supposedly the sister was suspended for threatening to blow the school up in the past....what you want to bet no police were called....which is what ANY school would do if they had a threat like that.

Hey...she said it happened in the interview. Is she a liar?

Watch out for this woman, she's heavily involved in this.
Her name is Alia Salem and she's executive director of Council on American-Islamic Relations Dallas/Fort Worth
She appears everywhere Ahmed does and when not coaching him, she basically speaks for him.


You're referring to his sister Eyman, who was quoted (by a single source) as saying another student made that claim about her. A claim for which -- sooprise sooprise Gomer -- there seems to be no evidence whatsoever.

Moreover I just linked to the other thread where we spelled all that out. Read much?

Nope, I am NOT referring to his sister. I am referring to the woman in picture, right in the post you quoted.

I don't see any "picture". But I know damn well whose words they are. And I already linked it. And posted the entire quote. It's by Eyman, his sister. The Exec Director of CAIR is not a middle school student in Texas.

WTF are you talking about? I never mentioned his sister. I am not talking about his sister.

I am talking about woman whose picture I linked in my post and you quoted it twice already.
:banghead: Look...

I'm reading this...
Watch out for this woman, she's heavily involved in this.

--- which immediately follows another poster saying, "Hey...she said it happened in the interview. Is she a liar?"
--- which immediately follows this:
"And now supposedly the sister was suspended for threatening to blow the school up in the past....what you want to bet no police were called....which is what ANY school would do if they had a threat like that."

Who is "this woman" supposed to refer to?
'Bill Mahr on Ahmeds clock: "Teachers thought it was a bomb bc it looks like a f**ing bomb!"'

Maher is a comedian making a joke, your thread premise fails as a joke.

Watch it. It wasn't a joke.

Say Bucco -- aren't you supposed to be finding me that Texas law that made this "illegal"?

Been a while now. What's da holdup?

The holdup is I don't have all day to educate liberal retards like you. Here...section 13 A and B. Hoax bomb. And section 46.08.

OUCH....that must have hurt. I'll give you an address to send tuition. Or I'll accept PayPal.

Section 13 reads,
"(13) "Hoax bomb" means a device that:

(A) reasonably appears to be an explosive or incendiary device; or

(B) by its design causes alarm or reaction of any type by an official of a public safety agency or a volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies."​

That's fucking bullshit. If you've already established that it ISN'T "explosive or incendiary" -- then you CANNOT say it "appears to be" such. Nor can it "cause alarm or reaction" when you ALREADY KNOW BETTER.

Moreover, section 46 from your own link says:
>> Sec. 46.08. HOAX BOMBS. (a) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly manufactures, sells, purchases, transports, or possesses a hoax bomb with intent to use the hoax bomb to:

(1) make another believe that the hoax bomb is an explosive or incendiary device; or

(2) cause alarm or reaction of any type by an official of a public safety agency or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies.

Bottom line remains -- the kid never purported to be carrying a bomb. Other people plugged that in.

It was designed to cause alarm, and it did. Thus it is a hoax bomb...

Are you really this dense?
Yes, Pogo is more dense than spent plutonium on a cold winter morning in Antarctica.
:banghead: Look...

I'm reading this...
Watch out for this woman, she's heavily involved in this.

--- which immediately follows another poster saying, "Hey...she said it happened in the interview. Is she a liar?"
--- which immediately follows this:
"And now supposedly the sister was suspended for threatening to blow the school up in the past....what you want to bet no police were called....which is what ANY school would do if they had a threat like that."

Who is "this woman" supposed to refer to?

You're reading this: "Watch out for this woman, she's heavily involved in this."

Then you stop reading.

If you continued, as you suppose to, you would find I also said this: "Her name is Alia Salem and she's executive director of Council on American-Islamic Relations Dallas/Fort Worth"

Which is immediately followed by this: "She appears everywhere Ahmed does and when not coaching him, she basically speaks for him."

Then I posted her photo.
OCDGirl Pogo has a problem tonight her supply of Meth has been used up, and she has no money to buy more!... Pogo is simply a mental case waiting to explode when 3 or more Conservatives hit this idiot with facts!

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