Bill Nye: Creationism Is 'Raising A Generation Of Young People Who Can't Think'

Hate to break it to you but creationism isn't a new thing although the OP suggests that it is. The previous generation, the one before that, and before that.....We've done fine up until the atheist communists took over the Democratic Party.

Yes, you can be a perfectly good shoe salesman not knowing that creationism is a myth. For that matter you can be a perfectly good shoe salesman thinking that the Earth is precariously balanced on the back of a giant turtle.

So, you are right in a sense. If you believe that humanity's highest aspiration should be to create a population of efficient worker bees, so to speak,

and nothing more, then yes,

your model works.
Well it's clear that this is nothing more than a troll thread, not an intellectual discussion. If you don't believe in God, fine, but why constantly try to act like you are interested in anything other than belittling those with whom you disagree?
Well it's clear that this is nothing more than a troll thread, not an intellectual discussion. If you don't believe in God, fine, but why constantly try to act like you are interested in anything other than belittling those with whom you disagree?

What is your NaziCon definition of a "troll thread"? Any thread you disagree with...?
Well it's clear that this is nothing more than a troll thread, not an intellectual discussion. If you don't believe in God, fine, but why constantly try to act like you are interested in anything other than belittling those with whom you disagree?

What is your NaziCon definition of a "troll thread"? Any thread you disagree with...?
You just reinforced what I was saying. Thank you, troll.
Bill Nye is a moron
He's a moron with a microphone masquerading as a scientist, spouting his personal beliefs. Notice how "scientists" are some of the most closed minded people? I always thought they were supposed to be open to all possibilities.
The worst thing about religious threads is that they are moron magnets.
Bill Nye is a moron

If true, you must still be a tadpole.

Walk me through the thought process of "Evolution"

Tell me how molecules created life.

The biggest danger creationism plays, according to Bill Nye the "Science Guy," is that it is raising a generation of children who "can't think" and who "will not be able to participate in the future in same way" as those who are taught evolution.

Speaking on MidPoint, Nye said he blames an older generation of evangelicals "who have very strong conservative views" and who are "reluctant to let kids learn about evolution." Their presence on school boards leads to debates over curriculum, Nye argued, which further inhibits schools' ability to teach facts.

"Religion is one thing. People get tremendous comfort and community with their religions," Nye said. "But whatever you believe, whatever deity or higher power you might believe in, the Earth is not 6,000 years old."

"They will not have this fundamental idea that you can question things, that you can think critically, that you can use skeptical thought to learn about nature," Nye told MidPoint. "These children have to suppress everything that they can see in nature to try to get a world view that's compatible with the adults in who they trust and rely on for sustenance."

More: Bill Nye: Creationism Is 'Raising A Generation Of Young People Who Can't Think'

I totally agree with Bill Nye. Creationism zealots are raising a generation of young idiots. They should be ashamed.

I've been a "thinker" all of my life and I was raised on Creationism. I was a straight "A" student in math/algebra; spelling; and English throughout Jr. High and High School. Sorry but the OP is based on faulty logic.

I don't care if you're a registered genius, because if you believe in Creationism - you're an idiot.

Your post represents a low IQ.

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