Bill Nye was on Tucker Carlson last night, lying his ass this fool

Also, it seems many people are ignorant to the fact the sun will supernova and suck in the earth in about 5 billion years.

That is guaranteed global warming that will kill whatever life is on earth at that time.

The earth will be incinerated by the sun. Get your SPF 10 trillion sunblock ready to go, because the UV levels will be elevated.

The Sun is too small to go nova.

It will expand and then contract and in doing so, destroy earth. THE SUN is finite in its existence. Making Earth also finite.
You bozos, it's settled science, if not for man, man could not grow grapes in England.

LOL Nye was truly bizarre last night.

The Trump rant at the end was just icing on the cake.

Yea what the fuck was he rambling about?



That asshole is a VERY typical snowflake. Just stick to facts and they are lost.
Asshole snowflakes take note.

Carlson NEVER went political in the discussion. He wanted to talk about the specific scientific data.......BILL NYE HAD NONE.


There goes another BULLSHIT SNOWFLAKE NARRATIVE...they claim Global Warming Deniers are POLITICALLY motivated...IT'S IN FACT THE OPPOSITE. Global warming is politicized by those who are using FEAR tactics to claim we are all going to die from global warming.

Very topical now that we know Trump's plan to gut the enforcement part of the EPA on polluters.
Obviously clean air and water is NOT part of his agenda.
Because you cannot prove AGW, any average American with a basic understanding of Science, Logic and Rhetoric could debate Bill NYE.

Carlson didn't even do a good job and still made NYE look like a bitter, radical foaming at The Mouth, Moonbat Nazi-Commie-Globalist LIBTURD!

CO2 is not a pollutant unless it is being exhaled by a Liberal.
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"Bill Nye the science guy" is a living cartoon. There is a winter storm advisory for Hawaii today. I kid you not.
View attachment 114717

Very topical now that we know Trump's plan to gut the enforcement part of the EPA on polluters.
Obviously clean air and water is NOT part of his agenda.

I am still searching for The Empirical DATA that verifies the 97% comment which has been repeatedly debunked, but The Enviro Nazis still like to wheel it out to make lying fools of themselves.

The only place AGW exists is inside failed and flawed computer models. In a test of 120 AGW models over 20 years, the success rate of predictive climate trends is 0%.

Bill Nye should have perhaps shared that with the audience before going on his religious narrative.
Very topical now that we know Trump's plan to gut the enforcement part of the EPA on polluters.
Obviously clean air and water is NOT part of his agenda.

I am still searching for The Empirical DATA that verifies the 97% comment which has been repeatedly debunked, but The Enviro Nazis still like to wheel it out to make lying fools of themselves.

The only place AGW exists is inside failed and flawed computer models. In a test of 120 AGW models over 20 years, the success rate of predictive climate trends is 0%.

Bill Nye should have perhaps shared that with the audience before going on his religious narrative.
The science is solid everywhere but at the global warming denying sites funded by the Koch Bros and Big Oil.
Gee what stake do they have in this. Lol
Last year was the warmest on record.. the year before the same the year before the same...on and on.
But no there's no global warming. Lol

Real science sites are the benchmark the world uses.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
View attachment 114722
Very topical now that we know Trump's plan to gut the enforcement part of the EPA on polluters.
Obviously clean air and water is NOT part of his agenda.

I am still searching for The Empirical DATA that verifies the 97% comment which has been repeatedly debunked, but The Enviro Nazis still like to wheel it out to make lying fools of themselves.

The only place AGW exists is inside failed and flawed computer models. In a test of 120 AGW models over 20 years, the success rate of predictive climate trends is 0%.

Bill Nye should have perhaps shared that with the audience before going on his religious narrative.
The science is solid everywhere but at the global warming denying sites funded by the Koch Bros and Big Oil.
Gee what stake do they have in this. Lol
Last year was the warmest on record.. the year before the same the year before the same...on and on.
But no there's no global warming. Lol

Real science sites are the benchmark the world uses.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
Then why didn't Bill DeNyer state any facts?
View attachment 114722
Very topical now that we know Trump's plan to gut the enforcement part of the EPA on polluters.
Obviously clean air and water is NOT part of his agenda.

I am still searching for The Empirical DATA that verifies the 97% comment which has been repeatedly debunked, but The Enviro Nazis still like to wheel it out to make lying fools of themselves.

The only place AGW exists is inside failed and flawed computer models. In a test of 120 AGW models over 20 years, the success rate of predictive climate trends is 0%.

Bill Nye should have perhaps shared that with the audience before going on his religious narrative.
The science is solid everywhere but at the global warming denying sites funded by the Koch Bros and Big Oil.
Gee what stake do they have in this. Lol
Last year was the warmest on record.. the year before the same the year before the same...on and on.
But no there's no global warming. Lol

Real science sites are the benchmark the world uses.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
You do know THE KOCH BROTHERS funded Hillary Clinton's campaign, right?
We are still in an ICE AGE numb nuts.

Post all the pictures you want of melting glaciers. The pictures mean nothing when we only have 50-60 years of temperature data on a 4 Billion Year Old Planet.

All of these glaciers need to melt before we are out of the ICE Age, and unlocking unusable water when it is in the form of ICE helps to promote more precipitation in arid lands.


Until the general moronic public gains a deeper understanding of ACTUAL SCIENCE they will continue to be useful idiots for The Left.

Here Morons. The Black Line is Paleoclimate CO2 Levels which are identified by carbon dating rock samples and in a controlled environment and in a vacumn, coring them and taking a sample and then analyzing CO2 levels when the rock was formed.

THIS IS SETTLED SCIENCE. Not theory, not a wish, hope and a pipe dream built on lies, but real hard core science.

We are in what is called a CO2 desert. We need more CO2 not less right now to increase vegetation, precipitation, and crop yields.

There are only two other periods in EARTH'S 4 BILLION YEAR HISTORY where CO2 WAS LOWER than it is today. And both times they were Ice Ages, just like our present ICE AGE.

Note the Graph Below.

Lord you people are dumb. Someone please thin out the gene pool and save us from these IDIOTS!

We just came out of an ICE AGE 10,000 years ago, and we may still be heading back in to one. You should all be praying for Global Warming, because Life Thrives when the Earth is Warmer and Dies when we go in to ICE AGES.

Last edited:
View attachment 114722
Very topical now that we know Trump's plan to gut the enforcement part of the EPA on polluters.
Obviously clean air and water is NOT part of his agenda.

I am still searching for The Empirical DATA that verifies the 97% comment which has been repeatedly debunked, but The Enviro Nazis still like to wheel it out to make lying fools of themselves.

The only place AGW exists is inside failed and flawed computer models. In a test of 120 AGW models over 20 years, the success rate of predictive climate trends is 0%.

Bill Nye should have perhaps shared that with the audience before going on his religious narrative.
The science is solid everywhere but at the global warming denying sites funded by the Koch Bros and Big Oil.
Gee what stake do they have in this. Lol
Last year was the warmest on record.. the year before the same the year before the same...on and on.
But no there's no global warming. Lol

Real science sites are the benchmark the world uses.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
Then why didn't Bill DeNyer state any facts?
I can care less about Nye. I'm concerned with the planet and the forces that are killing it.
Up next: Trump/ Pruitt's plans to abolish the EPA.
View attachment 114722
Very topical now that we know Trump's plan to gut the enforcement part of the EPA on polluters.
Obviously clean air and water is NOT part of his agenda.

I am still searching for The Empirical DATA that verifies the 97% comment which has been repeatedly debunked, but The Enviro Nazis still like to wheel it out to make lying fools of themselves.

The only place AGW exists is inside failed and flawed computer models. In a test of 120 AGW models over 20 years, the success rate of predictive climate trends is 0%.

Bill Nye should have perhaps shared that with the audience before going on his religious narrative.
The science is solid everywhere but at the global warming denying sites funded by the Koch Bros and Big Oil.
Gee what stake do they have in this. Lol
Last year was the warmest on record.. the year before the same the year before the same...on and on.
But no there's no global warming. Lol

Real science sites are the benchmark the world uses.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
You do know THE KOCH BROTHERS funded Hillary Clinton's campaign, right?
We are still in an ICE AGE numb nuts.

Post all the pictures you want of melting glaciers. All of them need to melt before we are out of the ICE Age, and unlocking unusable water when it is in the form of ICE helps to promote more precipitation in arid lands.
Another science illiterate.
View attachment 114722
Very topical now that we know Trump's plan to gut the enforcement part of the EPA on polluters.
Obviously clean air and water is NOT part of his agenda.

I am still searching for The Empirical DATA that verifies the 97% comment which has been repeatedly debunked, but The Enviro Nazis still like to wheel it out to make lying fools of themselves.

The only place AGW exists is inside failed and flawed computer models. In a test of 120 AGW models over 20 years, the success rate of predictive climate trends is 0%.

Bill Nye should have perhaps shared that with the audience before going on his religious narrative.
The science is solid everywhere but at the global warming denying sites funded by the Koch Bros and Big Oil.
Gee what stake do they have in this. Lol
Last year was the warmest on record.. the year before the same the year before the same...on and on.
But no there's no global warming. Lol

Real science sites are the benchmark the world uses.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
Then why didn't Bill DeNyer state any facts?
I can care less about Nye. I'm concerned with the planet and the forces that are killing it.
Up next: Trump/ Pruitt's plans to abolish the EPA.
Uh huh.
View attachment 114722
Very topical now that we know Trump's plan to gut the enforcement part of the EPA on polluters.
Obviously clean air and water is NOT part of his agenda.

I am still searching for The Empirical DATA that verifies the 97% comment which has been repeatedly debunked, but The Enviro Nazis still like to wheel it out to make lying fools of themselves.

The only place AGW exists is inside failed and flawed computer models. In a test of 120 AGW models over 20 years, the success rate of predictive climate trends is 0%.

Bill Nye should have perhaps shared that with the audience before going on his religious narrative.
The science is solid everywhere but at the global warming denying sites funded by the Koch Bros and Big Oil.
Gee what stake do they have in this. Lol
Last year was the warmest on record.. the year before the same the year before the same...on and on.
But no there's no global warming. Lol

Real science sites are the benchmark the world uses.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
You do know THE KOCH BROTHERS funded Hillary Clinton's campaign, right?
We are still in an ICE AGE numb nuts.

Post all the pictures you want of melting glaciers. All of them need to melt before we are out of the ICE Age, and unlocking unusable water when it is in the form of ICE helps to promote more precipitation in arid lands.


Did you go to any schooling whatsoever?
From NASA.

SOTC: Mountain Glaciers
Because they are so sensitive to temperature fluctuations, glaciers provide clues about the effects of global warming (Oerlemans, J. 2001). The 1991 discovery of the 5,000 year-old "ice man" preserved in a glacier in the European Alps fascinated the world, yet the discovery meant that this glacier had reached a 5,000-year minimum. With few exceptions, glaciers around the world have retreated at unprecedented rates over the last century. Some ice caps, glaciers, and ice shelves have disappeared altogether. Many more are retreating so rapidly that they may vanish within decades. Scientists attribute this retreat to the unintended effects of the Industrial Revolution and modern energy use; burning fossil fuels and other economic activities release greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere and affect our environment.
View attachment 114722
Very topical now that we know Trump's plan to gut the enforcement part of the EPA on polluters.
Obviously clean air and water is NOT part of his agenda.

I am still searching for The Empirical DATA that verifies the 97% comment which has been repeatedly debunked, but The Enviro Nazis still like to wheel it out to make lying fools of themselves.

The only place AGW exists is inside failed and flawed computer models. In a test of 120 AGW models over 20 years, the success rate of predictive climate trends is 0%.

Bill Nye should have perhaps shared that with the audience before going on his religious narrative.
The science is solid everywhere but at the global warming denying sites funded by the Koch Bros and Big Oil.
Gee what stake do they have in this. Lol
Last year was the warmest on record.. the year before the same the year before the same...on and on.
But no there's no global warming. Lol

Real science sites are the benchmark the world uses.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
You do know THE KOCH BROTHERS funded Hillary Clinton's campaign, right?
We are still in an ICE AGE numb nuts.

Post all the pictures you want of melting glaciers. All of them need to melt before we are out of the ICE Age, and unlocking unusable water when it is in the form of ICE helps to promote more precipitation in arid lands.


Did you go to any schooling whatsoever?

"Did you go to any schooling whatsoever?"
Is that a sentence?
View attachment 114722
Very topical now that we know Trump's plan to gut the enforcement part of the EPA on polluters.
Obviously clean air and water is NOT part of his agenda.

I am still searching for The Empirical DATA that verifies the 97% comment which has been repeatedly debunked, but The Enviro Nazis still like to wheel it out to make lying fools of themselves.

The only place AGW exists is inside failed and flawed computer models. In a test of 120 AGW models over 20 years, the success rate of predictive climate trends is 0%.

Bill Nye should have perhaps shared that with the audience before going on his religious narrative.
The science is solid everywhere but at the global warming denying sites funded by the Koch Bros and Big Oil.
Gee what stake do they have in this. Lol
Last year was the warmest on record.. the year before the same the year before the same...on and on.
But no there's no global warming. Lol

Real science sites are the benchmark the world uses.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
You do know THE KOCH BROTHERS funded Hillary Clinton's campaign, right?
We are still in an ICE AGE numb nuts.

Post all the pictures you want of melting glaciers. All of them need to melt before we are out of the ICE Age, and unlocking unusable water when it is in the form of ICE helps to promote more precipitation in arid lands.

Until the general moronic public gains a deeper understanding of ACTUAL SCIENCE they will continue to be useful idiots for The Left.

Here Morons. The Black Line is Paleoclimate CO2 Levels which are identified by carbon dating rock samples and in a controlled environment and in a vacumn, coring them and taking a sample and then analyzing CO2 levels when the rock was formed.

THIS IS SETTLED SCIENCE. Not theory, not a wish, hope and a pipe dream built on lies, but real hard core science.

We are in what is called a CO2 desert. We need more CO2 not less right now to increase vegetation, precipitation, and crop yields.

The glaciers need to melt?
Stupidest thing I've ever heard. oh and your unsourced dumbass propaganda graphs are just part of the climate denying sites I spoke about. Totally funded by the fossil fuel industry.

When temperatures rise and ice melts, more water flows to the seas from glaciers and ice caps, and ocean water warms and expands in volume. This combination of effects has played the major role in raising average global sea level between four and eight inches (10 and 20 centimeters) in the past hundred years, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Scientists point out that sea levels have risen and fallen substantially over Earth's 4.6-billion-year history. But the recent rate of global sea level rise has departed from the average rate of the past two to three thousand years and is rising more rapidly—about one-tenth of an inch a year. A continuation or acceleration of that trend has the potential to cause striking changes in the world's coastlines.

Driving around Louisiana's Gulf Coast, Windell Curole can see the future, and it looks pretty wet. In southern Louisiana coasts are literally sinking by about three feet (a meter) a century, a process called subsidence. A sinking coastline and a rising ocean combine to yield powerful effects. It's like taking the global sea-level-rise problem and moving it along at fast-forward.
It's always a joy kicking the asses of the GW deniers. It's also hilarious the nonscience propaganda they use to kick their own asses.

Intelligent people respect science.
Trump supporters are the dumbest people on earth.
The Republican Party still remains the only political party in the world still not on board with the science of climate change.
Fortunately some are starting to come around.
But Trump's going to set this country back 20 years while other countries develop clean energy sources that are the future.

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