Bill Nye was on Tucker Carlson last night, lying his ass this fool

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Very topical now that we know Trump's plan to gut the enforcement part of the EPA on polluters.
Obviously clean air and water is NOT part of his agenda.

I am still searching for The Empirical DATA that verifies the 97% comment which has been repeatedly debunked, but The Enviro Nazis still like to wheel it out to make lying fools of themselves.

The only place AGW exists is inside failed and flawed computer models. In a test of 120 AGW models over 20 years, the success rate of predictive climate trends is 0%.

Bill Nye should have perhaps shared that with the audience before going on his religious narrative.
The science is solid everywhere but at the global warming denying sites funded by the Koch Bros and Big Oil.
Gee what stake do they have in this. Lol
Last year was the warmest on record.. the year before the same the year before the same...on and on.
But no there's no global warming. Lol

Real science sites are the benchmark the world uses.
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence
Then why didn't Bill DeNyer state any facts?
I can care less about Nye. I'm concerned with the planet and the forces that are killing it.
Up next: Trump/ Pruitt's plans to abolish the EPA.

I'm concerned with the planet and the forces that are killing it.

There are forces killing the planet??

Tell me more!
Thanks for making my point for me. Not a real climate scientist to be found in any of your links.
Stop.. my sides are aching from laughing at you.
I presume you are getting China to stop heating up the earth.
China is leading the world on alternate energy research and shutting down their coal plants.
Trump just gave the coal industry free rein to pollute our streams and rivers.
So you tell me who is the advanced country.

Trump just gave the coal industry free rein to pollute our streams and rivers.

That's awful!! When did Obama stop those nasty polluters?
Thanks for making my point for me. Not a real climate scientist to be found in any of your links.
Stop.. my sides are aching from laughing at you.
I presume you are getting China to stop heating up the earth.
China is leading the world on alternate energy research and shutting down their coal plants.
Trump just gave the coal industry free rein to pollute our streams and rivers.
So you tell me who is the advanced country.

Trump just gave the coal industry free rein to pollute our streams and rivers.

That's awful!! When did Obama stop those nasty polluters?
You really are an ignorant troll aren't you.
With an EO order Trump rolled back a provision of Obama's that now gives coal industry carte Blanche to pollute.
You should try reading sometime.
Thanks for making my point for me. Not a real climate scientist to be found in any of your links.
Stop.. my sides are aching from laughing at you.
I presume you are getting China to stop heating up the earth.
China is leading the world on alternate energy research and shutting down their coal plants.
Trump just gave the coal industry free rein to pollute our streams and rivers.
So you tell me who is the advanced country.

Trump just gave the coal industry free rein to pollute our streams and rivers.

That's awful!! When did Obama stop those nasty polluters?
You really are an ignorant troll aren't you.
With an EO order Trump rolled back a provision of Obama's that now gives coal industry carte Blanche to pollute.
You should try reading sometime.

With an EO order Trump rolled back a provision of Obama's

That's so awful!!

When did Obama's provision get implemented?
The only person doing any polluting is Lefty in here infecting this forum with polluted logic, lies and ignorance.

The US has the strictest environmental regulations in the world. We already have clean coal plants and coal can be burnt cleanly and safely, but don't let Truth and facts get in the way of lefty hysteria and lies.

That won't stop him anyways in his Jihad to force the free world to bow down to their false gods. It's a religious war for him as he defends Mother Earth at the expense of reality and logic and rational thinking.
The only person doing any polluting is Lefty in here infecting this forum with polluted logic, lies and ignorance.

The US has the strictest environmental regulations in the world. We already have clean coal plants and coal can be burnt cleanly and safely, but don't let Truth and facts get in the way of lefty hysteria and lies.

That won't stop him anyways in his Jihad to force the free world to bow down to their false gods.
There is no such thing as " clean coal." Lol
And we do have the strictest environmental regulations in the world.. that are all going to change under Pruitt and Trump. They're going to negate the enforcement part of the EPA and then try to get rid of the whole agency which was Trump's goal when he hired a guy tat sued the EPA over air and water restrictions.... 13 times.
Trump won't be happy until we're all wearing masks in the inner cities.
Tree man has yet to provide a peer reviewed article or graph on climate change. Just the usual bullshit propaganda all the righties have been doing for 2 decades.
What a dunce.

Hilarious that you won't tell me when Obama put in his rule.
Hilarious you have nothing to say about Trump signing an EO to let the coal industry pollute. I guess you approve.
I gave you two links.. not good enough? GFY.
There is no such thing as an honest liberal.

You don't get to decide what truth is or dictate your Fascist Liberal Nazi Dreams of A Collectivist Dystopian Mandate upon Free Human Beings.

There is no such thing as Clean Coal?

Not only are you a dumbass, you are a Liberal Troll.

Why don't you go knock over some Jewish headstones or something?

The only person doing any polluting is Lefty in here infecting this forum with polluted logic, lies and ignorance.

The US has the strictest environmental regulations in the world. We already have clean coal plants and coal can be burnt cleanly and safely, but don't let Truth and facts get in the way of lefty hysteria and lies.

That won't stop him anyways in his Jihad to force the free world to bow down to their false gods.
There is no such thing as " clean coal." Lol
And we do have the strictest environmental regulations in the world.. that are all going to change under Pruitt and Trump. They're going to negate the enforcement part of the EPA and then try to get rid of the whole agency which was Trump's goal when he hired a guy tat sued the EPA over air and water restrictions.... 13 times.
Trump won't be happy until we're all wearing masks in the inner cities.
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There is no such thing as an honest liberal.

You don't get to decide what truth is or dictate your Fascist Liberal Nazi Dreams of A Collectivist Dystopian Mandate upon Free Human Beings.

There is no such thing as Clean Coal?

Not only are you a dumbass, you are a Liberal Troll.

Why don't you go knock over some Jewish headstones or something?

The only person doing any polluting is Lefty in here infecting this forum with polluted logic, lies and ignorance.

The US has the strictest environmental regulations in the world. We already have clean coal plants and coal can be burnt cleanly and safely, but don't let Truth and facts get in the way of lefty hysteria and lies.

That won't stop him anyways in his Jihad to force the free world to bow down to their false gods.
There is no such thing as " clean coal." Lol
And we do have the strictest environmental regulations in the world.. that are all going to change under Pruitt and Trump. They're going to negate the enforcement part of the EPA and then try to get rid of the whole agency which was Trump's goal when he hired a guy tat sued the EPA over air and water restrictions.... 13 times.
Trump won't be happy until we're all wearing masks in the inner cities.
Knocking down headstones is the job of Trump supporters and both you and I know that.
So let's sum up.
You say you're a scientist but say the dirty fuel coal is "clean."
You can't provide even one peer reviewed article to back your antiscience propaganda.
You keep using bogus climate denying sites and graphs to try to further your agenda of ignorance and fellating Big Oil.
You can't make this type of shit up... it has to be seen to believed.

Hilarious that you won't tell me when Obama put in his rule.
Hilarious you have nothing to say about Trump signing an EO to let the coal industry pollute. I guess you approve.
I gave you two links.. not good enough? GFY.

I already told you it's just awful!!!
Now tell me when Obama implemented this vital rule that Trump canceled?
It was done by Liberals And Your Jihadists Brethren which you are in league with, and your party is making the most racist Jihadi mother phucker on the planet the head of its organization.

A Black Bigot Uncle Tom who promises to sell America and even his own people out for Global Govermental Tyrrany! Ellison can kiss my ass!

So the Democrats are doubling down on the very racism that founded their party. Heil Hitlery! Seig Heil Obama!

Congratulations on nominating Hitler Reincarnated as the head of the DNC. You started with the KKK and looks like you are returning to your roots.

Ellison is an Antisemite asshole and so is every liberal that supports him.

And btw I love Coal and burn it in my woodburner. It has secondary combustion and for Liberal Dumbasses that means near Zero Emissions. If I can burn Coal and wood with such low emissions cheaply so can the rest of the world. No smoke comes out of my chimney! None!

It produces less emissions than that fairy wagon Prius you drive.

And Phuck The EPA. They are a lefty unconstitutional entity used to terrorize hard working Americans. The Lefty Gestapo along with The IRS. Goose Stepping Nazis is what your party has devolved in to.

Lefty is the single biggest reason for The Earth needing an Extinction Level Event so we can rid ourselves of genetically defective liberal Nazi Morons before they spread like the virus they are and infect the whole planet.
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You bozos, it's settled science, if not for man, man could not grow grapes in England.

LOL Nye was truly bizarre last night.

The Trump rant at the end was just icing on the cake.

There is a suburb of Jacksonville FL called Mandarin. Guess why?

They grew Mandarin oranges, as well as other citrus crops, there back in the late 1800s. All of a sudden, the weather cooled and they no longer grow there. I guess we had global cooling in the 1900s.
Thanks for making my point for me. Not a real climate scientist to be found in any of your links.
Stop.. my sides are aching from laughing at you.
I presume you are getting China to stop heating up the earth.
China is leading the world on alternate energy research and shutting down their coal plants.
Trump just gave the coal industry free rein to pollute our streams and rivers.
So you tell me who is the advanced country.
I presume you know Jack Schitt about China.
Previously, Nye claimed that Global Warming deniers should be jailed.

Tucker brought it up.

Nye lied that he never said it,

Tucker read the quote.

Nye came off as a snowflake jackass and NOT a scientist. (He is a mechanical engineer). He brought NO FACTS.


Mechanical engineer? -------sheeeeesh-----they do math and nothing
more. I have an engineer brother---really bright-----but anything related
to LIFE FORMS frightens and disgusts him. The global warming issue in
my (biological ) mind is very tied up with the chemistry of LIFE

You mean the chemistry of lie.....
Thanks for making my point for me. Not a real climate scientist to be found in any of your links.
Stop.. my sides are aching from laughing at you.
I presume you are getting China to stop heating up the earth.
China is leading the world on alternate energy research and shutting down their coal plants.
Trump just gave the coal industry free rein to pollute our streams and rivers.
So you tell me who is the advanced country.

Trump just gave the coal industry free rein to pollute our streams and rivers.

That's awful!! When did Obama stop those nasty polluters?
You really are an ignorant troll aren't you.
With an EO order Trump rolled back a provision of Obama's that now gives coal industry carte Blanche to pollute.
You should try reading sometime.
Get bent.

Thanks for making my point for me. Not a real climate scientist to be found in any of your links.
Stop.. my sides are aching from laughing at you.
I presume you are getting China to stop heating up the earth.
China is leading the world on alternate energy research and shutting down their coal plants.
Trump just gave the coal industry free rein to pollute our streams and rivers.
So you tell me who is the advanced country.
What were you saying about China?

Previously, Nye claimed that Global Warming deniers should be jailed.

Tucker brought it up.

Nye lied that he never said it,

Tucker read the quote.

Nye came off as a snowflake jackass and NOT a scientist. (He is a mechanical engineer). He brought NO FACTS.


He has a degree in Mechanical engineering...he isn't a scientist...and remember how the global warming religionists go after actual scientists...even physicists, if they aren't specifically climate nye is an asshole...

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