Bill O’Reilly DESTROYS ‘Liar’ David Corn, Mother Jones ‘Far-Left Zealots’

I wonder what Bill O'Reilly will say when he finds out that a thread here on USMessageboard is reporting that he exaggerated news reports?
"Mr. Bill, what's your position on sexual harassment in the workplace?" :)
Being accused of sexual-harassment in an office in NYC happens so often it's lost its sting.

Gonna have to do better than that.
John Hawkins runs Right Wing News, Linkiest and is the co-owner of The Looking Spoon. He also does weekly appearances on the #1 in it’s market Jaz McKay show, writes a weekly column for Townhall and his work has also been published at the Washington Examiner, The Hill, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, and at Human Events.

Additionally, he’s also the blogosphere’s premier interviewer and has interviewed conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Mark Levin, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, G. Gordon Liddy, Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Michael Steele, Milton Friedman, Ron Paul, Jim DeMint, Jonah Goldberg, Jim DeMint, Walter Williams, Robert Novak, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, & Michelle Malkin among others.

Additionally, John Hawkins’ work has been linked and discussed in numerous publications and on TV and radio shows including ABC News, BusinessWeek, C-Span, The Chicago Tribune, CNN, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Editor & Publisher, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, The Laura Ingraham Show, Minneapolis Star Tribune, MSNBC, National Journal, National Post, Newsmax, Newsweek, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Tammy Bruce Show, Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Washington Post, Salt Lake Tribune, Scarborough Country, U.S. News & World Report, WorldNetDaily and Human Events, where he had a weekly column. Right Wing News has been studied by college classes and even inspired an urban legend that was covered at Snopes.

Last but not least, John Hawkins also founded and led the Rightroots group, a grassroots effort that collected almost $300,000 for Republican candidates in the last 3 months of the 2006 election cycle. In 2008, he consulted for Duncan Hunter’s presidential campaign and was on the board of Slatecard, which raised more than $600,000 for Republican candidates in the 2008 election cycle. In 2006 and 2010, he led a blogosphere wide Google Bomb effort against Democrati candidates. In 2011, he helped found Raising Red, although he left the organization the same year and went on to become one of the co-founders of Not Mitt In 2013, he teamed up Jimmy LaSalvia to lead a boycott of Capital One for having Alex Baldwin as their spokesman.

can you say totally bias ....I knewe you could.
Bill O Reilly DESTROYS Liar David Corn Mother Jones Far-Left Zealots John Hawkins Right Wing News

So trying to say Bill O Reilly lied has been proven false.. Liberals lied..

They didn't sound like they were destroyed in today's article. BillO did rant and rave a little bit last night, and that will probably be enough to satisfy his drones, but he didn't completely explain away his bullshit, as evidenced by this. BillO the bloviator's rant is quoted and dismantled quite effectively. What say you now?
Bill O Reilly Responds. We Annotate. Mother Jones
In a way, it's impossible to win a debate with O'Reilly because he is not bound by reality. In response to the article, he told Fox News' media reporter, Howard Kurtz, "Nobody was on the Falklands and I never said I was on the island, ever." Yet our article included video of O'Reilly saying in 2013, "I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us." Note the words "war zone" and "in the Falklands."

Bill O Reilly Responds. We Annotate. Mother Jones
John Hawkins runs Right Wing News, Linkiest and is the co-owner of The Looking Spoon. He also does weekly appearances on the #1 in it’s market Jaz McKay show, writes a weekly column for Townhall and his work has also been published at the Washington Examiner, The Hill, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, and at Human Events.

Additionally, he’s also the blogosphere’s premier interviewer and has interviewed conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Mark Levin, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, G. Gordon Liddy, Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Michael Steele, Milton Friedman, Ron Paul, Jim DeMint, Jonah Goldberg, Jim DeMint, Walter Williams, Robert Novak, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, & Michelle Malkin among others.

Additionally, John Hawkins’ work has been linked and discussed in numerous publications and on TV and radio shows including ABC News, BusinessWeek, C-Span, The Chicago Tribune, CNN, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Editor & Publisher, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, The Laura Ingraham Show, Minneapolis Star Tribune, MSNBC, National Journal, National Post, Newsmax, Newsweek, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Tammy Bruce Show, Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Washington Post, Salt Lake Tribune, Scarborough Country, U.S. News & World Report, WorldNetDaily and Human Events, where he had a weekly column. Right Wing News has been studied by college classes and even inspired an urban legend that was covered at Snopes.

Last but not least, John Hawkins also founded and led the Rightroots group, a grassroots effort that collected almost $300,000 for Republican candidates in the last 3 months of the 2006 election cycle. In 2008, he consulted for Duncan Hunter’s presidential campaign and was on the board of Slatecard, which raised more than $600,000 for Republican candidates in the 2008 election cycle. In 2006 and 2010, he led a blogosphere wide Google Bomb effort against Democrati candidates. In 2011, he helped found Raising Red, although he left the organization the same year and went on to become one of the co-founders of Not Mitt In 2013, he teamed up Jimmy LaSalvia to lead a boycott of Capital One for having Alex Baldwin as their spokesman.

can you say totally bias ....I knewe you could.
And your point is?
John Hawkins runs Right Wing News, Linkiest and is the co-owner of The Looking Spoon. He also does weekly appearances on the #1 in it’s market Jaz McKay show, writes a weekly column for Townhall and his work has also been published at the Washington Examiner, The Hill, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, and at Human Events.

Additionally, he’s also the blogosphere’s premier interviewer and has interviewed conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Mark Levin, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, G. Gordon Liddy, Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Michael Steele, Milton Friedman, Ron Paul, Jim DeMint, Jonah Goldberg, Jim DeMint, Walter Williams, Robert Novak, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, & Michelle Malkin among others.

Additionally, John Hawkins’ work has been linked and discussed in numerous publications and on TV and radio shows including ABC News, BusinessWeek, C-Span, The Chicago Tribune, CNN, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Editor & Publisher, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, The Laura Ingraham Show, Minneapolis Star Tribune, MSNBC, National Journal, National Post, Newsmax, Newsweek, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Tammy Bruce Show, Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Washington Post, Salt Lake Tribune, Scarborough Country, U.S. News & World Report, WorldNetDaily and Human Events, where he had a weekly column. Right Wing News has been studied by college classes and even inspired an urban legend that was covered at Snopes.

Last but not least, John Hawkins also founded and led the Rightroots group, a grassroots effort that collected almost $300,000 for Republican candidates in the last 3 months of the 2006 election cycle. In 2008, he consulted for Duncan Hunter’s presidential campaign and was on the board of Slatecard, which raised more than $600,000 for Republican candidates in the 2008 election cycle. In 2006 and 2010, he led a blogosphere wide Google Bomb effort against Democrati candidates. In 2011, he helped found Raising Red, although he left the organization the same year and went on to become one of the co-founders of Not Mitt In 2013, he teamed up Jimmy LaSalvia to lead a boycott of Capital One for having Alex Baldwin as their spokesman.

can you say totally bias ....I knewe you could.
And your point is?
do I need one ?
In a way, it's impossible to win a debate with O'Reilly because he is not bound by reality. In response to the article, he told Fox News' media reporter, Howard Kurtz, "Nobody was on the Falklands and I never said I was on the island, ever." Yet our article included video of O'Reilly saying in 2013, "I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us." Note the words "war zone" and "in the Falklands."

Bill O Reilly Responds. We Annotate. Mother Jones

I guess everyone must use a teleprompter to keep from ever saying anything wrong. I've been known to misspeak on occasion.

He says he was there in the Falklands conflict. It wasn't confined to the island itself, but also Argentina.
John Hawkins runs Right Wing News, Linkiest and is the co-owner of The Looking Spoon. He also does weekly appearances on the #1 in it’s market Jaz McKay show, writes a weekly column for Townhall and his work has also been published at the Washington Examiner, The Hill, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, and at Human Events.

Additionally, he’s also the blogosphere’s premier interviewer and has interviewed conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Mark Levin, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, G. Gordon Liddy, Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Michael Steele, Milton Friedman, Ron Paul, Jim DeMint, Jonah Goldberg, Jim DeMint, Walter Williams, Robert Novak, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, & Michelle Malkin among others.

Additionally, John Hawkins’ work has been linked and discussed in numerous publications and on TV and radio shows including ABC News, BusinessWeek, C-Span, The Chicago Tribune, CNN, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Editor & Publisher, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, The Laura Ingraham Show, Minneapolis Star Tribune, MSNBC, National Journal, National Post, Newsmax, Newsweek, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Tammy Bruce Show, Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Washington Post, Salt Lake Tribune, Scarborough Country, U.S. News & World Report, WorldNetDaily and Human Events, where he had a weekly column. Right Wing News has been studied by college classes and even inspired an urban legend that was covered at Snopes.

Last but not least, John Hawkins also founded and led the Rightroots group, a grassroots effort that collected almost $300,000 for Republican candidates in the last 3 months of the 2006 election cycle. In 2008, he consulted for Duncan Hunter’s presidential campaign and was on the board of Slatecard, which raised more than $600,000 for Republican candidates in the 2008 election cycle. In 2006 and 2010, he led a blogosphere wide Google Bomb effort against Democrati candidates. In 2011, he helped found Raising Red, although he left the organization the same year and went on to become one of the co-founders of Not Mitt In 2013, he teamed up Jimmy LaSalvia to lead a boycott of Capital One for having Alex Baldwin as their spokesman.

can you say totally bias ....I knewe you could.
And your point is?

The point is that John Hawkins, the writer of the article in the OP, is a rabid right wing partisan hack. His function is to be the GOP's version of Baghdad Bob, and spread misrepresented propaganda in the hope that people will believe him instead of the facts right in front of them.
John Hawkins runs Right Wing News, Linkiest and is the co-owner of The Looking Spoon. He also does weekly appearances on the #1 in it’s market Jaz McKay show, writes a weekly column for Townhall and his work has also been published at the Washington Examiner, The Hill, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, and at Human Events.

Additionally, he’s also the blogosphere’s premier interviewer and has interviewed conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Mark Levin, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, G. Gordon Liddy, Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Michael Steele, Milton Friedman, Ron Paul, Jim DeMint, Jonah Goldberg, Jim DeMint, Walter Williams, Robert Novak, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, & Michelle Malkin among others.

Additionally, John Hawkins’ work has been linked and discussed in numerous publications and on TV and radio shows including ABC News, BusinessWeek, C-Span, The Chicago Tribune, CNN, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Editor & Publisher, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, The Laura Ingraham Show, Minneapolis Star Tribune, MSNBC, National Journal, National Post, Newsmax, Newsweek, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Tammy Bruce Show, Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Washington Post, Salt Lake Tribune, Scarborough Country, U.S. News & World Report, WorldNetDaily and Human Events, where he had a weekly column. Right Wing News has been studied by college classes and even inspired an urban legend that was covered at Snopes.

Last but not least, John Hawkins also founded and led the Rightroots group, a grassroots effort that collected almost $300,000 for Republican candidates in the last 3 months of the 2006 election cycle. In 2008, he consulted for Duncan Hunter’s presidential campaign and was on the board of Slatecard, which raised more than $600,000 for Republican candidates in the 2008 election cycle. In 2006 and 2010, he led a blogosphere wide Google Bomb effort against Democrati candidates. In 2011, he helped found Raising Red, although he left the organization the same year and went on to become one of the co-founders of Not Mitt In 2013, he teamed up Jimmy LaSalvia to lead a boycott of Capital One for having Alex Baldwin as their spokesman.

can you say totally bias ....I knewe you could.
And your point is?

The point is that John Hawkins, the writer of the article in the OP, is a rabid right wing partisan hack. His function is to be the GOP's version of Baghdad Bob, and spread misrepresented propaganda in the hope that people will believe him instead of the facts right in front of them.
bravo! a poster who doesn't need to be spoon fed the obvious!
In a way, it's impossible to win a debate with O'Reilly because he is not bound by reality. In response to the article, he told Fox News' media reporter, Howard Kurtz, "Nobody was on the Falklands and I never said I was on the island, ever." Yet our article included video of O'Reilly saying in 2013, "I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us." Note the words "war zone" and "in the Falklands."

Bill O Reilly Responds. We Annotate. Mother Jones

I guess everyone must use a teleprompter to keep from ever saying anything wrong. I've been known to misspeak on occasion.

He says he was there in the Falklands conflict. It wasn't confined to the island itself, but also Argentina.

Billo made a lot more claims than that. Of course you are free to accept a half assed explanation of only one of the examples of Billo's lies as justification for all the rest. That's what is expected of jelly brained teabaggers anyway.
In a way, it's impossible to win a debate with O'Reilly because he is not bound by reality. In response to the article, he told Fox News' media reporter, Howard Kurtz, "Nobody was on the Falklands and I never said I was on the island, ever." Yet our article included video of O'Reilly saying in 2013, "I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us." Note the words "war zone" and "in the Falklands."

Bill O Reilly Responds. We Annotate. Mother Jones

He's caught, red handed. Video lives forever. But,

"In a way, it's impossible to win a debate with O'Reilly because he is not bound by reality".

That's a fact about Fox, in general. They're an entertainment network and are not bound by the rules of real journalism.

And yes, the "jelly brained" tee potties know they're being lied to. They openly accept and embrace that.
I wonder what Bill O'Reilly will say when he finds out that a thread here on USMessageboard is reporting that he exaggerated news reports?
Now that John is leaving the Daily Show, he's glad to get some attention...
In a way, it's impossible to win a debate with O'Reilly because he is not bound by reality. In response to the article, he told Fox News' media reporter, Howard Kurtz, "Nobody was on the Falklands and I never said I was on the island, ever." Yet our article included video of O'Reilly saying in 2013, "I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete. And the army was chasing us." Note the words "war zone" and "in the Falklands."

Bill O Reilly Responds. We Annotate. Mother Jones

He's caught, red handed. Video lives forever. But,

"In a way, it's impossible to win a debate with O'Reilly because he is not bound by reality".

That's a fact about Fox, in general. They're an entertainment network and are not bound by the rules of real journalism.

And yes, the "jelly brained" tee potties know they're being lied to. They openly accept and embrace that.
of course conservatives prefer fantasy over reality...
John Hawkins runs Right Wing News, Linkiest and is the co-owner of The Looking Spoon. He also does weekly appearances on the #1 in it’s market Jaz McKay show, writes a weekly column for Townhall and his work has also been published at the Washington Examiner, The Hill, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, and at Human Events.

Additionally, he’s also the blogosphere’s premier interviewer and has interviewed conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Mark Levin, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, G. Gordon Liddy, Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Michael Steele, Milton Friedman, Ron Paul, Jim DeMint, Jonah Goldberg, Jim DeMint, Walter Williams, Robert Novak, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, & Michelle Malkin among others.

Additionally, John Hawkins’ work has been linked and discussed in numerous publications and on TV and radio shows including ABC News, BusinessWeek, C-Span, The Chicago Tribune, CNN, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Editor & Publisher, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, The Laura Ingraham Show, Minneapolis Star Tribune, MSNBC, National Journal, National Post, Newsmax, Newsweek, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Tammy Bruce Show, Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Washington Post, Salt Lake Tribune, Scarborough Country, U.S. News & World Report, WorldNetDaily and Human Events, where he had a weekly column. Right Wing News has been studied by college classes and even inspired an urban legend that was covered at Snopes.

Last but not least, John Hawkins also founded and led the Rightroots group, a grassroots effort that collected almost $300,000 for Republican candidates in the last 3 months of the 2006 election cycle. In 2008, he consulted for Duncan Hunter’s presidential campaign and was on the board of Slatecard, which raised more than $600,000 for Republican candidates in the 2008 election cycle. In 2006 and 2010, he led a blogosphere wide Google Bomb effort against Democrati candidates. In 2011, he helped found Raising Red, although he left the organization the same year and went on to become one of the co-founders of Not Mitt In 2013, he teamed up Jimmy LaSalvia to lead a boycott of Capital One for having Alex Baldwin as their spokesman.

can you say totally bias ....I knewe you could.
And your point is?

The point is that John Hawkins, the writer of the article in the OP, is a rabid right wing partisan hack. His function is to be the GOP's version of Baghdad Bob, and spread misrepresented propaganda in the hope that people will believe him instead of the facts right in front of them.
The greater point is where else are you going to get that counterpoint from? Mainstream media is in the tank for the left institutionally and overtly. Smart people vet the news by relying on right wing sites for perspective because they already get pounded by left wing perspective without having to try.
John Hawkins runs Right Wing News, Linkiest and is the co-owner of The Looking Spoon. He also does weekly appearances on the #1 in it’s market Jaz McKay show, writes a weekly column for Townhall and his work has also been published at the Washington Examiner, The Hill, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, and at Human Events.

Additionally, he’s also the blogosphere’s premier interviewer and has interviewed conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Mark Levin, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, G. Gordon Liddy, Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Michael Steele, Milton Friedman, Ron Paul, Jim DeMint, Jonah Goldberg, Jim DeMint, Walter Williams, Robert Novak, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, & Michelle Malkin among others.

Additionally, John Hawkins’ work has been linked and discussed in numerous publications and on TV and radio shows including ABC News, BusinessWeek, C-Span, The Chicago Tribune, CNN, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Editor & Publisher, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, The Laura Ingraham Show, Minneapolis Star Tribune, MSNBC, National Journal, National Post, Newsmax, Newsweek, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Tammy Bruce Show, Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Washington Post, Salt Lake Tribune, Scarborough Country, U.S. News & World Report, WorldNetDaily and Human Events, where he had a weekly column. Right Wing News has been studied by college classes and even inspired an urban legend that was covered at Snopes.

Last but not least, John Hawkins also founded and led the Rightroots group, a grassroots effort that collected almost $300,000 for Republican candidates in the last 3 months of the 2006 election cycle. In 2008, he consulted for Duncan Hunter’s presidential campaign and was on the board of Slatecard, which raised more than $600,000 for Republican candidates in the 2008 election cycle. In 2006 and 2010, he led a blogosphere wide Google Bomb effort against Democrati candidates. In 2011, he helped found Raising Red, although he left the organization the same year and went on to become one of the co-founders of Not Mitt In 2013, he teamed up Jimmy LaSalvia to lead a boycott of Capital One for having Alex Baldwin as their spokesman.

can you say totally bias ....I knewe you could.
And your point is?

The point is that John Hawkins, the writer of the article in the OP, is a rabid right wing partisan hack. His function is to be the GOP's version of Baghdad Bob, and spread misrepresented propaganda in the hope that people will believe him instead of the facts right in front of them.
The greater point is where else are you going to get that counterpoint from? Mainstream media is in the tank for the left institutionally and overtly. Smart people vet the news by relying on right wing sites for perspective because they already get pounded by left wing perspective without having to try.
thanks for proving my point...conservatives prefer fantasy over reality...
John Hawkins runs Right Wing News, Linkiest and is the co-owner of The Looking Spoon. He also does weekly appearances on the #1 in it’s market Jaz McKay show, writes a weekly column for Townhall and his work has also been published at the Washington Examiner, The Hill, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, and at Human Events.

Additionally, he’s also the blogosphere’s premier interviewer and has interviewed conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Mark Levin, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, G. Gordon Liddy, Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Michael Steele, Milton Friedman, Ron Paul, Jim DeMint, Jonah Goldberg, Jim DeMint, Walter Williams, Robert Novak, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, & Michelle Malkin among others.

Additionally, John Hawkins’ work has been linked and discussed in numerous publications and on TV and radio shows including ABC News, BusinessWeek, C-Span, The Chicago Tribune, CNN, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Editor & Publisher, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, The Laura Ingraham Show, Minneapolis Star Tribune, MSNBC, National Journal, National Post, Newsmax, Newsweek, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Tammy Bruce Show, Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Washington Post, Salt Lake Tribune, Scarborough Country, U.S. News & World Report, WorldNetDaily and Human Events, where he had a weekly column. Right Wing News has been studied by college classes and even inspired an urban legend that was covered at Snopes.

Last but not least, John Hawkins also founded and led the Rightroots group, a grassroots effort that collected almost $300,000 for Republican candidates in the last 3 months of the 2006 election cycle. In 2008, he consulted for Duncan Hunter’s presidential campaign and was on the board of Slatecard, which raised more than $600,000 for Republican candidates in the 2008 election cycle. In 2006 and 2010, he led a blogosphere wide Google Bomb effort against Democrati candidates. In 2011, he helped found Raising Red, although he left the organization the same year and went on to become one of the co-founders of Not Mitt In 2013, he teamed up Jimmy LaSalvia to lead a boycott of Capital One for having Alex Baldwin as their spokesman.

can you say totally bias ....I knewe you could.
And your point is?

The point is that John Hawkins, the writer of the article in the OP, is a rabid right wing partisan hack. His function is to be the GOP's version of Baghdad Bob, and spread misrepresented propaganda in the hope that people will believe him instead of the facts right in front of them.
The greater point is where else are you going to get that counterpoint from? Mainstream media is in the tank for the left institutionally and overtly. Smart people vet the news by relying on right wing sites for perspective because they already get pounded by left wing perspective without having to try.
thanks for proving my point...conservatives prefer fantasy over reality...
You obviously didn't read or understand my post.

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