Bill O'Reilly: Obama's White House Christmas Trees "Are Facing Mecca"

Nov 26, 2012
I don't think he was serious but if he was to Jay Leno, how can that be possible? Christmas Trees are round, especially the ones in the White House!!

[ame=]Bill O'Reilly To Jay Leno: All Of Obama's Christmas Trees Are Facing Mecca - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah, pretty clear he's joking, funny line, and no doubt some will believe it.

That's what it has come to.

[ame=]Lighten Up Francis - YouTube[/ame]
Libs have no sense of humor.

It was a throwaway joke.

Get a grip.

Besides, every knows that the 54 White House Obama Trees are pointing up to Louis Farrakhan's "Mother Wheel", hovering over DC.
[ame=]Obama Admits He Is A Muslim Multiple Times! - YouTube[/ame]
Libs have no sense of humor.

It was a throwaway joke.

Get a grip.

Besides, every knows that the 54 White House Obama Trees are pointing up to Louis Farrakhan's "Mother Wheel", hovering over DC.

Uh huh.

See post #6.
I doesn't matter witch way his Christmas tree faces or what his faith is, and I will tell you why.
The United States of America is under an extremely powerful dictatorship that will and always have been dictating terms to the president.

You ask who are these so called dictators..................
...........They are the registered voters of the United States of America

Now since there are so many of them, it would be impossible to uproot or overthrow these dictators spread out across America, so it don't matter where he was born or what is religious faith is, he and all presidents will do as they are TOLD !
Libs have no sense of humor.

It was a throwaway joke.

Get a grip.

Besides, every knows that the 54 White House Obama Trees are pointing up to Louis Farrakhan's "Mother Wheel", hovering over DC.

Wrapped by Romneys magic underwear.
Libs have no sense of humor.

It was a throwaway joke.

Get a grip.

Besides, every knows that the 54 White House Obama Trees are pointing up to Louis Farrakhan's "Mother Wheel", hovering over DC.

I see. Fmr-army-msgt is a lib. Never a thought it.
Um, that was supposed to be a joke.

I agree it's a joke, but many on the right will actually believe it. I'll wager more will be made of it on right wing than left wing blogs.
Did you see his Xmas tree with the star AND crescent on it? #47 I believe, in honor of Mitt. :D
A joke?


Thing is, ALL of the shit that spews out of fux is like this. How the hell are we supposed to know which outrageous piles of steamy dog doo are jokes and which are not?

Remember, this is Bill O'Reilly we're talking about. He has made a career out of saying stupid things on a network that is filled with nothing BUT stupid people.

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Bill O’Reilly says stupid things.
Libs have no sense of humor.

It was a throwaway joke.

Get a grip.

Besides, every knows that the 54 White House Obama Trees are pointing up to Louis Farrakhan's "Mother Wheel", hovering over DC.

funny... it seems the rightwingnuts were the ones who couldn't tell it was a joke.

want to try again?

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