Bill O'Reilly


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
xXx WARNING xXx morbid picture of what progressive/liberals did to poor Easter Bunny HERE

Bill O'Reilly: Christian Tradition Under Attack as Schools Ban 'Easter'

By Leonardo Blair , CP Contributor
March 22, 2013

Fox News personality Bill O'Reilly has slammed secular progressives for continuing their attack on Christian traditions through the banning of the word "Easter" in some public schools as students get ready to celebrate the upcoming holiday.
In a video posted on Thursday, O'Reilly named the East Meadow School District in Long Island, N.Y.; Prospect Heights Public Library, Ill.; Manhattan Beach School District, Calif.; Flat Rock Elementary School, S.C.; and West Shore School District, Pa., among public institutions which have banned the use of "Easter."

The institutions, he noted, have replaced the traditional Easter celebration with a more politically correct, "Spring Egg Hunt."


Easter in America and around the world typically celebrates the resurrection of Jesus as found in the New Testament of the Bible.

Read more at Bill O'Reilly: Christian Tradition Under Attack as Schools Ban 'Easter'
O’Reilly And Beck Take On ‘Jesus’ Stomp Controversy: University Only Sorry Because ‘Spotlight Was On Them’

by Josh Feldman
March 26th, 2013

Bill O’Reilly was fired up tonight over a Florida college student getting suspended after refusing to stomp on the word “Jesus” in one of his classes. O’Reilly said this was blatantly “attacking Christianity,” and brought on Glenn Beck to discuss the university’s mea culpa. Beck said that Florida Atlantic University is only apologizing because “the spotlight was on them,” and they don’t actually intend to do anything serious about the situation or discipline the professor involved.

RELATED: UPDATE II: College Student Reportedly Suspended After Refusing to Step on ‘Jesus’


And the spotlight may stay on them for a while, because tonight Governor Rick Scott is calling for an official investigation [PDF] into the incident.

Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox News:


O?Reilly And Beck Take On ?Jesus? Stomp Controversy: University Only Sorry Because ?Spotlight Was On Them? | Mediaite

Christian Organizations Under Attack on U.S. Campuses

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The political correctness crowd may have a new Christian holiday to target.

Fox News reported that some schools in Long Island, New York are now banning the word “Easter” from being used in Easter celebrations. Instead, the word “spring” is substituted in order to avoid offending non-Christians.

Fox News’s Jesse Waters interviewed Professor Carol Swain of Vanderbilt University about the new politically correct effort to ban “Easter.” She said that this “is part of a larger effort across the country because we find on our college and university campuses, our Christian organizations are under attack.”


Read more: Christian Organizations Under Attack on U.S. Campuses ? Patriot Update
School Bans the Word Easter

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Boys and girls at an Alabama elementary school will still get to hunt for eggs – but they can’t call them ‘Easter Eggs’ have the principal banished the word for the sake of religious diversity.

“We had in the past a parent to question us about some of the things we do here at school,” said Heritage Elementary School principal Lydia Davenport. “So we’re just trying to make sure we respect and honor everybody’s differences.”


Read more: School Bans the Word Easter ? Patriot Update

It's the

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Granny says Jesus comin' back soon an' he gonna get `em fer dat...
Egyptian mosque turned into house of torture for Christians after Muslim Brotherhood protest
March 26, 2013 > Islamic hard-liners stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo, turning it into torture chamber for Christians who had been demonstrating against the ruling Muslim Brotherhood in the latest case of violent persecution that experts fear will only get worse.
Such stories have become increasingly common as tensions between Egypt’s Muslims and Copts mount, but in the latest case, mosque officials corroborated much of the account and even filed a police report. Demonstrators, some of whom were Muslim, say they were taken from the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in suburban Cairo to a nearby mosque on Friday and tortured for hours by hard-line militia members. “They accompanied me to one of the mosques in the area and I discovered the mosque was being used to imprison demonstrators and torture them,” Amir Ayad, a Coptic who has been a vocal protester against the regime, told MidEast Christian News from a hospital bed.

Ayad said he was beaten for hours with sticks before being left for dead on a roadside. Amir’s brother, Ezzat Ayad, said he received an anonymous phone call at 3 a.m. Saturday, with the caller saying his brother had been found near death and had been taken to the ambulance. “He underwent radiation treatment that proved that he suffered a fracture in the bottom of his skull, a fracture in his left arm, a bleeding in the right eye, and birdshot injuries,” Ezzat Ayad said.


Amir Ayad lies in a hospital bed after he was allegedly beaten by Islamic hardliners who stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo.

Officials at the Bilal ibn Rabah Mosque said radical militias stormed the building, in the Cairo suburb of Moqattam, after Friday prayers. “[We] deeply regret what has happened and apologize to the people of Moqattam,” mosque officials said in a statement, adding that “they had lost control over the mosque at the time." The statement also “denounced and condemned the violence and involving mosques in political conflicts.”

The latest crackdown is further confirmation that the Muslim Brotherhood’s most hard-line elements are consolidating control in Egypt, according to Shaul Gabbay, a professor of international studies at the University of Denver. “It will only get worse,” said Gabbay. “This has been a longstanding conflict, but now that the Muslim Brotherhood is in power, it is moving forward to implement its ideology – which is that Christians are supposed to become Muslims. “There is no longer anything to hold them back,” he continued. “The floodgates are open.”

Read more: Egyptian mosque turned into house of torture for Christians after Muslim Brotherhood protest | Fox News
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Considering that eggs and rabbits have nothing to do with Jesus, but rather are pagan fertility symbols that Rome instituted into the belief system when they mixed Jesus with pagan beliefs to better sell it to the people, I'm wondering why Christians are so upset about it?

I mean.......................bunnies and eggs had NOTHING to do with what was happening when Christ was crucified, because Jesus was in Jerusalem to celebrate Passover (as any good observant Jew would do).

Nothing about a sunrise service, eggs, bunnies or other fertility symbols, it's something made up by the Romans to sell Christianity.
School Bans the Word Easter

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Boys and girls at an Alabama elementary school will still get to hunt for eggs – but they can’t call them ‘Easter Eggs’ have the principal banished the word for the sake of religious diversity.

“We had in the past a parent to question us about some of the things we do here at school,” said Heritage Elementary School principal Lydia Davenport. “So we’re just trying to make sure we respect and honor everybody’s differences.”


Read more: School Bans the Word Easter ? Patriot Update

It's the


The subculture that is destroying this county

[ame=]Crazy For God - Insane Christian Religious Right Thinks Obama Is The Anti-Christ! - YouTube[/ame]
School Bans the Word Easter

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Boys and girls at an Alabama elementary school will still get to hunt for eggs – but they can’t call them ‘Easter Eggs’ have the principal banished the word for the sake of religious diversity.

“We had in the past a parent to question us about some of the things we do here at school,” said Heritage Elementary School principal Lydia Davenport. “So we’re just trying to make sure we respect and honor everybody’s differences.”


Read more: School Bans the Word Easter ? Patriot Update

It's the


The subculture that is destroying this county

[ame=]Crazy For God - Insane Christian Religious Right Thinks Obama Is The Anti-Christ! - YouTube[/ame]

No one believes Obama is the anti-christ, Polkow. He is too stupid to be the one. There is absolutely no way and we know it. lol... As for what is destroying this "county"? Its your commie pal in the oval office who told the world he had been to all 57 States of America. You two ought to get together. You make quite a team. lol. - Jeremiah
xXx WARNING xXx morbid picture of what progressive/liberals did to poor Easter Bunny HERE

Bill O'Reilly: Christian Tradition Under Attack as Schools Ban 'Easter'

By Leonardo Blair , CP Contributor
March 22, 2013

Fox News personality Bill O'Reilly has slammed secular progressives for continuing their attack on Christian traditions through the banning of the word "Easter" in some public schools as students get ready to celebrate the upcoming holiday.
In a video posted on Thursday, O'Reilly named the East Meadow School District in Long Island, N.Y.; Prospect Heights Public Library, Ill.; Manhattan Beach School District, Calif.; Flat Rock Elementary School, S.C.; and West Shore School District, Pa., among public institutions which have banned the use of "Easter."

The institutions, he noted, have replaced the traditional Easter celebration with a more politically correct, "Spring Egg Hunt."


Easter in America and around the world typically celebrates the resurrection of Jesus as found in the New Testament of the Bible.

Read more at Bill O'Reilly: Christian Tradition Under Attack as Schools Ban 'Easter'

Uh, Daily Kos: Pagan roots of Easter

Let's not fool ourselves into thinking that Easter bunnies and eggs have anything to do with Christianity. ahem.
Granny says Jesus comin' back soon an' he gonna get `em fer dat...
Egyptian mosque turned into house of torture for Christians after Muslim Brotherhood protest
March 26, 2013 > Islamic hard-liners stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo, turning it into torture chamber for Christians who had been demonstrating against the ruling Muslim Brotherhood in the latest case of violent persecution that experts fear will only get worse.
Such stories have become increasingly common as tensions between Egypt’s Muslims and Copts mount, but in the latest case, mosque officials corroborated much of the account and even filed a police report. Demonstrators, some of whom were Muslim, say they were taken from the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in suburban Cairo to a nearby mosque on Friday and tortured for hours by hard-line militia members. “They accompanied me to one of the mosques in the area and I discovered the mosque was being used to imprison demonstrators and torture them,” Amir Ayad, a Coptic who has been a vocal protester against the regime, told MidEast Christian News from a hospital bed.

Ayad said he was beaten for hours with sticks before being left for dead on a roadside. Amir’s brother, Ezzat Ayad, said he received an anonymous phone call at 3 a.m. Saturday, with the caller saying his brother had been found near death and had been taken to the ambulance. “He underwent radiation treatment that proved that he suffered a fracture in the bottom of his skull, a fracture in his left arm, a bleeding in the right eye, and birdshot injuries,” Ezzat Ayad said.


Amir Ayad lies in a hospital bed after he was allegedly beaten by Islamic hardliners who stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo.

Officials at the Bilal ibn Rabah Mosque said radical militias stormed the building, in the Cairo suburb of Moqattam, after Friday prayers. “[We] deeply regret what has happened and apologize to the people of Moqattam,” mosque officials said in a statement, adding that “they had lost control over the mosque at the time." The statement also “denounced and condemned the violence and involving mosques in political conflicts.”

The latest crackdown is further confirmation that the Muslim Brotherhood’s most hard-line elements are consolidating control in Egypt, according to Shaul Gabbay, a professor of international studies at the University of Denver. “It will only get worse,” said Gabbay. “This has been a longstanding conflict, but now that the Muslim Brotherhood is in power, it is moving forward to implement its ideology – which is that Christians are supposed to become Muslims. “There is no longer anything to hold them back,” he continued. “The floodgates are open.”

Read more: Egyptian mosque turned into house of torture for Christians after Muslim Brotherhood protest | Fox News

We are still waiting for his return.
School Bans the Word Easter

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Boys and girls at an Alabama elementary school will still get to hunt for eggs – but they can’t call them ‘Easter Eggs’ have the principal banished the word for the sake of religious diversity.

“We had in the past a parent to question us about some of the things we do here at school,” said Heritage Elementary School principal Lydia Davenport. “So we’re just trying to make sure we respect and honor everybody’s differences.”


Read more: School Bans the Word Easter ? Patriot Update

It's the


The subculture that is destroying this county

[ame=]Crazy For God - Insane Christian Religious Right Thinks Obama Is The Anti-Christ! - YouTube[/ame]

No one believes Obama is the anti-christ, Polkow. He is too stupid to be the one. There is absolutely no way and we know it. lol... As for what is destroying this "county"? Its your commie pal in the oval office who told the world he had been to all 57 States of America. You two ought to get together. You make quite a team. lol. - Jeremiah

LOL No wonder you bible thumping loons are marginalized and laughed at.


  • $calvin-piss-cross-small.jpg
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The only thing that's under attack are what's left of O'Riled Up's brain cells.

Just to be clear, Marc, there won't be any communists in heaven. You can choose to serve God or you can choose to serve satan but you cannot serve both of them. Communism is the devils religion. Follow it and you are following him...........straight down to hell.

Isn't it interesting how communists always claim to be atheists yet they are most known for torturing christians in their communist prisons until they can either force them to deny Christ ( who they claim doesn't exist ) or die? What effort the communist puts into fighting against a God who they claim doesn't exist. Doesn't make sense does it? Why do they rape nuns in their prison cells? Why do they force Muslims to sit on their Korans with a bare bottom in those prison cells ( all of this has been witnessed by christians and more ) why do they force priests to give a black mass to satan with an inverted cross when they claim even the devil doesn't exist? Could it be because they are liars? Yes. It could and it is the reason. Communists are the avowed enemies of G-d of Israel. The despise the G-d of the Torah and wish to cast him down from his throne. Marx said so, right? Bet he'd like another chance about now! Hell is hot you know...

- Jeremiah
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Does it surprise Muslims to learn their own people were in prison along with the Christians, Jews and even communists? It is true. They are still in prisons run by communists today. Look up stories of communists torturing religious persons of every religion on earth. Their goal? To torture you into denying your God so that you cannot go to heaven. As one communist told Richard Wurmbrand while torturing him, we communists do not want to kill you christians and send you to your God! We want to torture you until you deny your God and then we can send you to hell instead! Oh yes. These communists know exactly who it is they are serving. They serve satan and have earned their true religious title , "Satanists".. communism is a religion. It is the religion of hell. - Jeremiah
I wonder what world reaction would have been if a teacher
had students stomp on the name or image of the prophet Muhammad?
These marxist teachers / professors are first and foremost cowards until they have the upper hand and as of this writing they don't have it yet when it comes to Islam & their 1.2 billion followers. That is what the arab spring is for and the Iranian mullahs were the last ones it seems to get the memo.

For now the communist plan is exactly as Zhirinovsky said it would be.. use the arabs / persians to help assist them in their imperialistic ambitions - then Russia gets the ME and the Muslims get paradise which is as Zhirinovsky said, a win - win proposition. The Russians won't turn on the Iranians & ME muslims until they are upon the mountains of Jerusalem together ( invading Israel ) and then they will turn on them and wipe them out.

Once they have served their purpose they are not needed anymore according to Zhirinovsky. Besides, he thinks he is doing them a favor ( sending them to Allah ). For anyone who thinks Putin is the one to lead the islamic army against Israel they are dreaming. Zhirinovsky will get rid of Putin before he will allow him to take what he believes is rightfully his destiny and his place. Read Final March to the South. Mad Vlad's book. - Jeremiah
Considering that eggs and rabbits have nothing to do with Jesus, but rather are pagan fertility symbols that Rome instituted into the belief system when they mixed Jesus with pagan beliefs to better sell it to the people, I'm wondering why Christians are so upset about it?

I mean.......................bunnies and eggs had NOTHING to do with what was happening when Christ was crucified, because Jesus was in Jerusalem to celebrate Passover (as any good observant Jew would do).

Nothing about a sunrise service, eggs, bunnies or other fertility symbols, it's something made up by the Romans to sell Christianity.

Well yeah.

Same with Holly, Mistletoe and Christmas trees.


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