Billionaires made more $ in 2017 than any other year in history.

Some people are envious by nature. I admire success.
We'll, if you admire the other guys success, it's only because you've been successful at being an idiot in math. It's a total failure of recognizing how badly you have gotten screwed, and an insult to your own education.
My math is excellent, I have a PhD in it and over 10 million dollars in the bank, that I used every government tax loophole to avoid paying taxes...
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
How they "earned" their billion$

"A Rigged Tax System During the past two decades, presidents and members of Congress consistently have cut the taxes of the United States’ wealthiest taxpayers.

"Their actions were based on a simple premise: that the rich pay more than their fair allocation of the nation’s bills.

"In fact, a closer look at the U.S.’s complex tax structure undermines that premise and reveals huge loopholes for the richest Americans, those who can afford high-priced tax attorneys to set up elaborate tax dodges.

"These tax avoidance schemes sometimes are legal, but even when they’re not, the Internal Revenue Service lacks the political support and the manpower to pursue wealthy scoffl aws."
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all away from them and hand it out to the poor?
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.

That would be criminal. What right do you, or the government, have to confiscate someone's wealth?
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all away from them and hand it out to the poor?
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.
80 or 90%? You cannot be that stupid? How about tax the almost 50% that don't pay taxes?
Just proves that the liberal education system has failed the citizens of the US when it comes to economics. Instead of each person using their God given talents to their best of abilities, many of the pajama boys sit back suck down lattes and dont save for their future.. As I said before, I dont give a shit anymore, you want to be poor, that is YOUR choice.

This is so unbelievably stupid, where does one begin? Do you not understand what tax cuts going to the wealthy has done to this country? My God man, do some research; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

You realize your spouting talking points that are over 50 years old?

Boss, do you understand simple numbers? That chart began in 1979/1980. And tax cuts for the wealthy by Bush went all the way into 2012. please tell me I am talking to a person who understands numbers? If not I am wasting my time?

You do know the rich pay most of the taxes? You tax them more, they will leave. Just ask New York or California.

Tell them good riddance. We will start over if need be, because they are ripping us off now. The sooner they leave, the better. Others will gladly take their place.

How are they ripping you off? Be specific. understand what that word means, right?
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all away from them and hand it out to the poor?
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.
80 or 90%? You cannot be that stupid? How about tax the almost 50% that don't pay taxes?
You realize your spouting talking points that are over 50 years old?
Boss, do you understand simple numbers? That chart began in 1979/1980. And tax cuts for the wealthy by Bush went all the way into 2012. please tell me I am talking to a person who understands numbers? If not I am wasting my time?
You do know the rich pay most of the taxes? You tax them more, they will leave. Just ask New York or California.
Tell them good riddance. We will start over if need be, because they are ripping us off now. The sooner they leave, the better. Others will gladly take their place.
You really don't know how it works. Proof our education system has failed us.
If you were educated, you'd understand simple math through charts. All one has to do, is understand numbers and a little history and their in the game. Too bad folks like you ignore facts through numbers and history.

If i didn't know how it worked, I wouldn't have you by the balls with real numbers. I do, you don't. Very simple.
Let the billionares go, who is gonna pay the major percentage of the taxes? I see liberalism has your balls.
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all away from them and hand it out to the poor?
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.
80 or 90%? You cannot be that stupid? How about tax the almost 50% that don't pay taxes?
This is so unbelievably stupid, where does one begin? Do you not understand what tax cuts going to the wealthy has done to this country? My God man, do some research; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
You realize your spouting talking points that are over 50 years old?
Boss, do you understand simple numbers? That chart began in 1979/1980. And tax cuts for the wealthy by Bush went all the way into 2012. please tell me I am talking to a person who understands numbers? If not I am wasting my time?
You do know the rich pay most of the taxes? You tax them more, they will leave. Just ask New York or California.
Tell them good riddance. We will start over if need be, because they are ripping us off now. The sooner they leave, the better. Others will gladly take their place.
How are they ripping you off? Be specific. understand what that word means, right?
He doesn't, he sounds like the typical talking point guy.
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.
80 or 90%? You cannot be that stupid? How about tax the almost 50% that don't pay taxes?
Boss, do you understand simple numbers? That chart began in 1979/1980. And tax cuts for the wealthy by Bush went all the way into 2012. please tell me I am talking to a person who understands numbers? If not I am wasting my time?
You do know the rich pay most of the taxes? You tax them more, they will leave. Just ask New York or California.
Tell them good riddance. We will start over if need be, because they are ripping us off now. The sooner they leave, the better. Others will gladly take their place.
You really don't know how it works. Proof our education system has failed us.
If you were educated, you'd understand simple math through charts. All one has to do, is understand numbers and a little history and their in the game. Too bad folks like you ignore facts through numbers and history.

If i didn't know how it worked, I wouldn't have you by the balls with real numbers. I do, you don't. Very simple.
Let the billionares go, who is gonna pay the major percentage of the taxes? I see liberalism has your balls.
These welfare bitches who come on this site and moan and groan how their liberal lives suck because their political hacks keep them in victimhood. I say for 1 year , all the working people stop paying taxes and watch those fuckers really have an issue when there EBT cards dont work. We pay their shit year after year and do they say "THANK YOU", nope just complain even more. There is no way the government could arrest the 150 million working people who dont pay taxes because then if they did, who would pay the taxes? Liberals are such stupid twits and greedy sons of bitches too...
80 or 90%? You cannot be that stupid? How about tax the almost 50% that don't pay taxes?
You do know the rich pay most of the taxes? You tax them more, they will leave. Just ask New York or California.
Tell them good riddance. We will start over if need be, because they are ripping us off now. The sooner they leave, the better. Others will gladly take their place.
You really don't know how it works. Proof our education system has failed us.
If you were educated, you'd understand simple math through charts. All one has to do, is understand numbers and a little history and their in the game. Too bad folks like you ignore facts through numbers and history.

If i didn't know how it worked, I wouldn't have you by the balls with real numbers. I do, you don't. Very simple.
Let the billionares go, who is gonna pay the major percentage of the taxes? I see liberalism has your balls.
These welfare bitches who come on this site and moan and groan how their liberal lives suck because their political hacks keep them in victimhood. I say for 1 year , all the working people stop paying taxes and watch those fuckers really have an issue when there EBT cards dont work. We pay their shit year after year and do they say "THANK YOU", nope just complain even more. There is no way the government could arrest the 150 million working people who dont pay taxes because then if they did, who would pay the taxes? Liberals are such stupid twits and greedy sons of bitches too...
I know right? Way too many Republicans are on welfare.
Ever wondered why? Here's a good answer for that. It just involves looking, knowing numbers, and understanding a little of our tax history. Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Before that, in the forties, fifties, and sixties, people saw their pay checks, because the well off paid 80 to 90%. Why? Because businesses and corporations were set up for the bulk of the population. Not for just a few. It was the original intention of Capitalism. Now all we have is Corporatism. But you numb skulls refuse to believe it.
I do not deserve what they have. I have done nothing to reap their benefits. Just because I may want something does not mean I am entitled to it. I was taught early what it takes to make really good money, I just failed to make that mark. Just like not everyone can be the MVP of our ball team, or voted as King of the Prom, that does not mean life is not worth living. As a result of my actions, I must live within my means... nothing is just given to me... I earned everything......

Neither do they. Most inherited their wealth. Some are part of criminal organizations like Trump, who's father was part of a mafia. Once you establish more wealth, folks like him try and become legal. He started out by trying to get connected. He went through four or five bankruptcies, then went overseas to borrow money. But if he hadn't been connected from the start through his father, he would be a nobody. Trump is just one example of the inheritance of wealth.
And I have no issue with that, and still struggle as to why you do

I don't have a problem with inherited wealth. Good for them.

My issue is with income inequality through tax cuts going to the wealthy. There are no known proven graphs that justify or prove that the wealthy actually are given tax cuts to promote jobs. The charts I supplied proves that, while what they really show, are that tax cuts have increased the pay of the wealthy 300%, while the 99% have seen virtually flat wages. That is what is proven there. Inherited wealth has nothing to do with that, but did they deserve that wealth? No more than anyone else.
Considering only ~50% of us pay taxes. not all can complain. I have a hard enough time keeping the wheels on my life than worrying about the Jones'. I can se the ladder of success in front of me, its just a question of whether I have the courage to take the steps

The other 50% don't make any money either. Which is why they are not taxed much. You can't blame people like that without any income for not paying taxes. But income inequality "is" too blame. Which is why we have to go back to the fifties and sixties when the rest of the country had a living wage that actually could be taxed, while taxing the wealthy 80%. Again, simple math. Apparently some on here with their PHD's in math decided to skip too many classes, and they know absolutely nothing, or never studied history.
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.
80 or 90%? You cannot be that stupid? How about tax the almost 50% that don't pay taxes?
Boss, do you understand simple numbers? That chart began in 1979/1980. And tax cuts for the wealthy by Bush went all the way into 2012. please tell me I am talking to a person who understands numbers? If not I am wasting my time?
You do know the rich pay most of the taxes? You tax them more, they will leave. Just ask New York or California.
Tell them good riddance. We will start over if need be, because they are ripping us off now. The sooner they leave, the better. Others will gladly take their place.
You really don't know how it works. Proof our education system has failed us.
If you were educated, you'd understand simple math through charts. All one has to do, is understand numbers and a little history and their in the game. Too bad folks like you ignore facts through numbers and history.

If i didn't know how it worked, I wouldn't have you by the balls with real numbers. I do, you don't. Very simple.
Let the billionares go, who is gonna pay the major percentage of the taxes? I see liberalism has your balls.
No, stupidity has yours. This country didn't start on the ground floor because of the rich, and it doesn't have to do it again. We got ourselves out of the depression because of tax cuts going to the wealthy by taxing the rich 80 and 90%. It's how a middle class was born again in the late forties, fifties, sixties, and part of the seventies. But when tax cuts for the wealthy came along with Reagan, the slow downward spiral of income inequality began. Our history taught us that. You can ignore those facts all you like. But history is what it is, and there is nothing you can do about it.
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all away from them and hand it out to the poor?
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.
80 or 90%? You cannot be that stupid? How about tax the almost 50% that don't pay taxes?
You realize your spouting talking points that are over 50 years old?
Boss, do you understand simple numbers? That chart began in 1979/1980. And tax cuts for the wealthy by Bush went all the way into 2012. please tell me I am talking to a person who understands numbers? If not I am wasting my time?
You do know the rich pay most of the taxes? You tax them more, they will leave. Just ask New York or California.
Tell them good riddance. We will start over if need be, because they are ripping us off now. The sooner they leave, the better. Others will gladly take their place.
How are they ripping you off? Be specific. understand what that word means, right?
He doesn't, he sounds like the typical talking point guy.
"Be specific"? :290968001256257790-final: Can you read charts? The chart shows us how the middle class is being ripped off. If you can't comprehend the Vulture chart, then you aren't intelligent enough to be debating on this forum. Get lost.
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.
80 or 90%? You cannot be that stupid? How about tax the almost 50% that don't pay taxes?
Boss, do you understand simple numbers? That chart began in 1979/1980. And tax cuts for the wealthy by Bush went all the way into 2012. please tell me I am talking to a person who understands numbers? If not I am wasting my time?
You do know the rich pay most of the taxes? You tax them more, they will leave. Just ask New York or California.
Tell them good riddance. We will start over if need be, because they are ripping us off now. The sooner they leave, the better. Others will gladly take their place.
How are they ripping you off? Be specific. understand what that word means, right?
He doesn't, he sounds like the typical talking point guy.
"Be specific"? :290968001256257790-final: Can you read charts? The chart shows us how the middle class is being ripped off. If you can't comprehend the Vulture chart, then you aren't intelligent enough to be debating on this forum. Get lost.
How much percentage do you pay? You dumb shit, why don't you pay 90%?
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all away from them and hand it out to the poor?
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.

That would be criminal. What right do you, or the government, have to confiscate someone's wealth?
It wasn't their wealth to begin with. It is supposed to go to the middle class. What do you think Capitalism was initially designed to do? Take care of the 1%? No! Get that stupid shit out of your head. Why do you think the Great Depression happened? Because of idiots like you who went along with giving the rich tax cuts in the 1920's. That is how the depression was born. How did we get out of it? Government stimulus and taxing the rich 80 to 90%. How do we stay out of another depression? Take a wild guess. PEOPLE, STOP BEING STUPID ON THIS FORUM. History taught us the lesson once, and we almost fell into it again. But because of Obama's stimulus, we worked our way out of another depression, that would have happened, because of the disastrous Republican tax cuts .
80 or 90%? You cannot be that stupid? How about tax the almost 50% that don't pay taxes?
You do know the rich pay most of the taxes? You tax them more, they will leave. Just ask New York or California.
Tell them good riddance. We will start over if need be, because they are ripping us off now. The sooner they leave, the better. Others will gladly take their place.
How are they ripping you off? Be specific. understand what that word means, right?
He doesn't, he sounds like the typical talking point guy.
"Be specific"? :290968001256257790-final: Can you read charts? The chart shows us how the middle class is being ripped off. If you can't comprehend the Vulture chart, then you aren't intelligent enough to be debating on this forum. Get lost.
How much percentage do you pay? You dumb shit, why don't you pay 90%?
I asked people like you to stop being stupid. But there are those who are just stuck on it. You aren't capable of intelligent debate. You haven't read a word I said. Read the chart, or get lost.
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all away from them and hand it out to the poor?
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.

That would be criminal. What right do you, or the government, have to confiscate someone's wealth?
It wasn't their wealth to begin with. It is supposed to go to the middle class. What do you think Capitalism was initially designed to do? Take care of the 1%? No! Get that stupid shit out of your head. Why do you think the Great Depression happened? Because of idiots like you who went along with giving the rich tax cuts in the 1920's. That is how the depression was born. How did we get out of it? Government stimulus and taxing the rich 80 to 90%. How do we stay out of another depression? Take a wild guess. PEOPLE, STOP BEING STUPID ON THIS FORUM. History taught us the lesson once, and we almost fell into it again. But because of Obama's stimulus, we worked our way out of another depression, that would have happened, because of the disastrous Republican tax cuts .
I see you're an Obama bot who believes you didn't build that.
Tell them good riddance. We will start over if need be, because they are ripping us off now. The sooner they leave, the better. Others will gladly take their place.
How are they ripping you off? Be specific. understand what that word means, right?
He doesn't, he sounds like the typical talking point guy.
"Be specific"? :290968001256257790-final: Can you read charts? The chart shows us how the middle class is being ripped off. If you can't comprehend the Vulture chart, then you aren't intelligent enough to be debating on this forum. Get lost.
How much percentage do you pay? You dumb shit, why don't you pay 90%?
I asked people like you to stop being stupid. But there are those who are just stuck on it. You aren't capable of intelligent debate. You haven't read a word I said. Read the chart, or get lost.
Tell me, what did Obama do for the middle class?
you dont care about the suffering of humanity while billionaires have 10 times as much money as they actually need?
How much money another person makes or needs isn't any of my business, nor do I care. ... :cool:
You do care though because you keep voting for the billionaires to get more and more incentives and immunities while the general publics protections are eroded. What a sleaze you are. Vote for yourself and your kids and neighbors not the billionaires.

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