Billionaires steal election…

I call you a commie, because you embrace some communist ideals in the past…simple as that.
Yet you accuse me of lashing out with grade school insults, which is exactly what you do. Are you related to Hillary Clinton?
Sitting here in Canada, I've been watching the OBSCENE amounts of money being poured into the elections and thinking of all of the infrastructure, education, and programs which help American families, instead of being used to line the pockets of the political consultants, and media corporations running the ads.

Our elections last 42 days from the date the writ is dropped. Political Campaigns cannot begin advertizing before that and they must stop 2 days before the election. I attended a 4 day event this past weekend and one of the Americans there commented how wonderful it was in Canada with no political ads on the TV. She was dreading going home.
SO Canada does it better?



Then why do you find yourselves on our coattails whenever there is a global issue?
Well looks like we can agree on something (even if I am a Liberal) The supreme court decision that allowed for this kind of madness needs to stop now. Maybe both sides should express this (loudly) to the high court.
I’m a classical liberal and I agree with you. However I think more needs to be done to prevent the extreme wealthy and their controlled organizations from influencing elections and public opinion. Public funding of campaigns might be a good start.

Bezos owns the Wapo! How crazy is that?
Yet you accuse me of lashing out with grade school insults, which is exactly what you do. Are you related to Hillary Clinton?
If I were I’d eat a bullet before admitting that…But, speaking of grade school insults, maybe you should seek out a mirror before lashing out at someone else on that.
Its not that complicated. You embrace communism, yet want to deny that…I’d think you’d be proud, unless it’s all bullshit?
If I were I’d eat a bullet before admitting that…But, speaking of grade school insults, maybe you should seek out a mirror before lashing out at someone else on that.
Its not that complicated. You embrace communism, yet want to deny that…I’d think you’d be proud, unless it’s all bullshit?
Except you started it by stupidly calling me a commie for pointing the obvious. When you start shit, I’ll give it right back to you.
Public funding of campaigns might be a good start.
That is about the most stupid fucking thing I've ever heard an alleged "libertarian" say.

Turn over all dispensing of political campaign funds to the same assholes who gave us Medicare, Medicaid, Ovmitcare, the CDC, FDA, DHS, and the rest of the District of Criminals swamp?

Except you started it by stupidly calling me a commie for pointing the obvious. When you start shit, I’ll give it right back to you.
You didn't "give anything back to me"..... All I saw was you whining about being called a communist supporter, which I think you are...
You didn't "give anything back to me"..... All I saw was you whining about being called a communist supporter, which I think you are...
Apparently you missed the part where I called you a fucking idiot.
That is about the most stupid fucking thing I've ever heard an alleged "libertarian" say.

Turn over all dispensing of political campaign funds to the same assholes who gave us Medicare, Medicaid, Ovmitcare, the CDC, FDA, DHS, and the rest of the District of Criminals swamp?

Public funding of political campaigns works well in Europe and prevents the wealthy from buying elections, as they here.

I’m all ears for your great ideas.
Public funding of political campaigns works well in Europe and prevents the wealthy from buying elections, as they here.

I’m all ears for your great ideas.
Europe?!?....Home of the EU, WEF, socialized medicine, ubchecked violent Muzzy invasion, cities with "safe zones", national economies that can't rival those of medium-sized states?....That Europe?

Now I know you're off you're fucking meds.
Europe?!?....Home of the EU, WEF, socialized medicine, ubchecked violent Muzzy invasion, cities with "safe zones", national economies that can't rival those of medium-sized states?....That Europe?

Now I know you're off you're fucking meds.
Gipper loves that quasi Socialist paradigm...Some indy eh?
Europe?!?....Home of the EU, WEF, socialized medicine, ubchecked violent Muzzy invasion, cities with "safe zones", national economies that can't rival those of medium-sized states?....That Europe?

Now I know you're off you're fucking meds.
Spoken like a true con. Public funding is better than billionaire funding. It’s obvious, but cons can’t see it.
Sitting here in Canada, I've been watching the OBSCENE amounts of money being poured into the elections and thinking of all of the infrastructure, education, and programs which help American families, instead of being used to line the pockets of the political consultants, and media corporations running the ads.

Our elections last 42 days from the date the writ is dropped. Political Campaigns cannot begin advertizing before that and they must stop 2 days before the election. I attended a 4 day event this past weekend and one of the Americans there commented how wonderful it was in Canada with no political ads on the TV. She was dreading going home.
You seem to think your system is better, yet you ended up with Trudeau.

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