Billions of tests needed yet few are saying it.

Well, unless every man, woman, and child in the US needs to take the test six times... we don't need BILLIONS of tests.

we will all need to take it multiple times to determine that we have not been reinfected and can safely go to school or work. Falling into place for you now?

If you're suggesting on testing every human on earth, multiple times, for every infectious disease known to man before they can leave their house ... then, I see where your head is at.

Or, is it just this version of the flu that makes you wet your Depends?
Nope. I'm sure the best and brightest are working on it 24/7, but it's an insurmountable task.

Humanity done got blindsided, thanks to some Obama-era virologists studying coronavirus and SARS-infected bats in China. Those bats either escaped from that biological lab in some caves in China, or they were stupidly sold off to the wet market.

The question now is was China working on a biological warfare weapon or was it just plain incompetence that allowed this to infect the entire world?

Seeing China is a Communist regime it could be both... It could have been a incompetent cousin working at the biological weapons lab that sold the bats so he or should could have batshit crazy soup that caused the Kung Pow Sickness...

You watch too many Hollywood movies.
They have you hypnotized.
If you're suggesting on testing every human on earth, multiple times, for every infectious disease known to man

actually we are not talking about every infectious disease known to man, only about the one that just killed 26,000 in one month. 1+1=2
Perhaps in recognition of the fact that even China and the USA can't manufacture enough tests so we can finally find and isolate the virus on a daily or weekly basis, and then safely get back to work. It seems the enormity of this task may have scared us off and forced us to give up on it even though it is the only realistic solution based on what we know today. Anyone disagree?
We need millions upon millions of tests weekly and we also need the serum test that shows who's safe in huge quantity as well.

Wow, we're making progress. We've gone from Billions to Millions.
Trust me, Son. The total in the billions. We need millions and millions of tests weekly.
why they are currently testing only 140K a day
Nope. I'm sure the best and brightest are working on it 24/7, but it's an insurmountable task.

Humanity done got blindsided, thanks to some Obama-era virologists studying coronavirus and SARS-infected bats in China. Those bats either escaped from that biological lab in some caves in China, or they were stupidly sold off to the wet market.

The question now is was China working on a biological warfare weapon or was it just plain incompetence that allowed this to infect the entire world?

Seeing China is a Communist regime it could be both... It could have been a incompetent cousin working at the biological weapons lab that sold the bats so he or should could have batshit crazy soup that caused the Kung Pow Sickness...

You watch too many Hollywood movies.
They have you hypnotized.

No, the fact is a communist regime like China has many flunkies within it system that could have screwed up.

No matter how you dice this it is China mistake by not being open and honest...
Do you own stock in any particular pharmaceutical company?
we will all need to take it multiple times to determine that we have not been reinfected and can safely go to school or work. Falling into place for you now?

That's sort of stupid. A colossal waste of time and money, even if you could get all the people who are feeling fine to line up for this test- that a Facebook friend of mine's daughter considered to be "heinous".

Which you can't by the way.

And the government isn't going to be able to keep people locked down in their homes for much longer either. It will soon be a good time to open up a Speakeasy if you are in a state that they refuse to open the economy up.
the near minuscule mortality rate of it,

??? 26,000 dead in just one month so far and that is with extreme social distancing. Back to normal might mean millions dead-right??????
Politicization of mortality coding, nothing more.

Deaths attributed to pneumonia down sharply


Perhaps in recognition of the fact that even China and the USA can't manufacture enough tests so we can finally find and isolate the virus on a daily or weekly basis, and then safely get back to work. It seems the enormity of this task may have scared us off and forced us to give up on it even though it is the only realistic solution based on what we know today. Anyone disagree?
We need millions upon millions of tests weekly and we also need the serum test that shows who's safe in huge quantity as well.

Wow, we're making progress. We've gone from Billions to Millions.
Trust me, Son. The total in the billions. We need millions and millions of tests weekly.
why they are currently testing only 140K a day
Without punctuation I cannot tell what you are trying to say.
And the government isn't going to be able to keep people locked down in their homes for much longer either.
people know it is what scientists recommend so everyone is doing it voluntarily. Only an ass wants to race out there and get infected.
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No matter how you dice this it is China mistake by not being open and honest...

Yes, they screwed up big time but so did every other country. It's a once in a lifetime time event and that's the way humans react. It's sort of like climate change. We just naturally expect the world to go on as it always has.
No matter how you dice this it is China mistake by not being open and honest...

Yes, they screwed up big time but so did every other country. It's a once in a lifetime time event and that's the way humans react. It's sort of like climate change. We just naturally expect the world to go on as it always has.

With climate change the world pretty much continued as it has.
Wuhanvirus different; no way is this near the same!
And the government isn't going to be able to keep people locked down in their homes for much longer either.
people know it is what scientists recommend so everyone is doing it voluntarily. Only an ass wants to race out there and get infected.

Not everyone is as convinced that the Chinese Kung Flu is as deadly as you think, and instead they are willing to risk it.

Remember that this infection has a very low rate of mortality.

Back in the 1980's, I was around when aids first became popular. That disease had a 100% mortality rate in the 1980's and through much of the 90's. Even during that pandemic, guys were willing to risk taking it in the caboose even though they were risking sudden death. This is a lot less risky than aids.
We need to see through this manufactured crises already.

Society didn't see through the war on poverty, it didn't see through the war on drugs, and it didn't see through the war on terror.
Where do you believe the Covid-19 pandemic was manufactured?
Where the virus originated is immaterial. If it is a bio-weapon, there will be so much propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation put out by spook controlled media, folks won't know truth from fiction, reality from lies. And, like 9/11, it won't do any good either way.

We need to deal with facts, on the ground.

Who is responsible for creating panic? That would be the intel. agencies embedded in the corporate media.

The fact of the matter is, this respiratory infection is no more lethal than a severe flu, or say, the last cholera pandemic. We can only know when we measure it against excessive death, and, from what it appears? Authorities are doing a spectacularly good job of covering up those statistics.

Containment? No amount of testing is going to contain this, unless you want to starve folks or deny them medical treatment. And it would be foolish to do so for a disease with such a low fatality rate.

". . . This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2

The efficiency of transmission for any respiratory virus has important implications for containment and mitigation strategies. The current study indicates an estimated basic reproduction number (R0) of 2.2, which means that, on average, each infected person spreads the infection to an additional two persons. As the authors note, until this number falls below 1.0, it is likely that the outbreak will continue to spread.. . ."
People downplaying virus are really stupid. We have 25-35k new cases a day and that’s with us taking extreme measures to stop the spread. To the people who aren’t taking this seriously I would love to tell you to go out and enjoy your liberty you cry for, but only what you do affects us all. 25k thousand dead in a month but there are still naysayers. And the naysayers are insensitive pricks with no compassion whatsoever.

With climate change the world pretty much continued as it has.
Wuhanvirus different; no way is this near the same!
We had time to react to virus and global warming but were slow in both cases.

some saw it early and some didn't

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