Billions of tests needed yet few are saying it.

People downplaying virus are really stupid. We have 25-35k new cases a day and thatā€™s with us taking extreme measures to stop the spread. To the people who arenā€™t taking this seriously I would love to tell you to go out and enjoy your liberty you cry for, but only what you do affects us all. 25k thousand dead in a month but there are still naysayers. And the naysayers are insensitive pricks with no compassion whatsoever.


And this is only the 1st wave.
I say reset all of our doomsday coordinates towards China, now!
Can we test everyone for Syphilis too? It's killed a hell of a lot more people than COVID.
USA Syphilis deaths= 2
USA Corona deaths = 26,000 in first month

See why America should not be a democracy? It encourages fools to think they have something to say.

If you're only concerned with deaths in America ... why do you need Billions of tests?

Are you anticipating a lot of retakes for those who don't study?

I know you were trying to be funny with the retake comment, but there are several cases where people who caught it and recovered, have caught it again. Doctors are NOT sure about immunity or how long it can last. They think that yearly shots may be required for the public.

. . . Then they were never really recovered. . . were they?
With climate change the world pretty much continued as it has.
Wuhanvirus different; no way is this near the same!
We had time to react to virus and global warming but were slow in both cases.

some saw it early and some didn't

Stop cognitively wandering around and flailing your arms.
I've heard ducks fart, and you're sounding just like them!
We need to see through this manufactured crises already.

Society didn't see through the war on poverty, it didn't see through the war on drugs, and it didn't see through the war on terror.
Where do you believe the Covid-19 pandemic was manufactured?
Where the virus originated is immaterial. If it is a bio-weapon, there will be so much propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation put out by spook controlled media, folks won't know truth from fiction, reality from lies. And, like 9/11, it won't do any good either way.

We need to deal with facts, on the ground.

Who is responsible for creating panic? That would be the intel. agencies embedded in the corporate media.

The fact of the matter is, this respiratory infection is no more lethal than a severe flu, or say, the last cholera pandemic. We can only know when we measure it against excessive death, and, from what it appears? Authorities are doing a spectacularly good job of covering up those statistics.

Containment? No amount of testing is going to contain this, unless you want to starve folks or deny them medical treatment. And it would be foolish to do so for a disease with such a low fatality rate.

". . . This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2

The efficiency of transmission for any respiratory virus has important implications for containment and mitigation strategies. The current study indicates an estimated basic reproduction number (R0) of 2.2, which means that, on average, each infected person spreads the infection to an additional two persons. As the authors note, until this number falls below 1.0, it is likely that the outbreak will continue to spread.. . ."
if you have any idea what your point is why not tell us????
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People downplaying virus are really stupid. We have 25-35k new cases a day and thatā€™s with us taking extreme measures to stop the spread. To the people who arenā€™t taking this seriously I would love to tell you to go out and enjoy your liberty you cry for, but only what you do affects us all. 25k thousand dead in a month but there are still naysayers. And the naysayers are insensitive pricks with no compassion whatsoever.


And this is only the 1st wave.
I say reset all of our doomsday coordinates towards China, now!

I donā€™t know if youā€™re being facetious, but China is our enemy, and they fucked over the world. They need to pay!
China is our enemy, and they fucked over the world. They need to pay!
Republicans just converted China to capitalism so we could share goals and have much less to fight about. We don't want them as our enemy but rather as our friend. Yes, they screwed up on Corona but then so did we. For example, Trump imposed travel ban and they said he was racist and xenophobic, etc etc.
China is our enemy, and they fucked over the world. They need to pay!
Republicans just converted China to capitalism so we could share goals and have much less to fight about. We don't want them as our enemy but rather as our friend. Yes, they screwed up on Corona but then so did we. For example, Trump imposed travel ban and they said he was racist and xenophobic, etc etc.

Hybrid of capitalism and communism isnā€™t good enough. They are an authoritarian government that lied to the whole world. Their state sanctioned wet markets that started this thing are still opened. The Chinese are soulless bastards. Fuck them.
No matter how you dice this it is China mistake by not being open and honest...

Yes, they screwed up big time but so did every other country. It's a once in a lifetime time event and that's the way humans react. It's sort of like climate change. We just naturally expect the world to go on as it always has.

China is not "every other country" and they're not being up front about their virus. According to the information they're providing, only 0.006% of their entire population was infected with COVID19, but the mortality rate was 3.96%.

Meanwhile the US has an infection rate of 0.18% with a mortality rate of 0.007%, Italy has an infection rate of 0.26% with a mortality rate of 0.03%, Spain has an infection rate of 0.34% with a mortality rate of 0.04%, and the UK has an infection rate of 0.14% with a mortality rate of 0.02%.

China has a population of 1.39 billion people and their infection rate is only 0.006%, but their mortality rate is 3.96%.

Their numbers aren't adding up and I think they're hiding something.
No matter how you dice this it is China mistake by not being open and honest...

Yes, they screwed up big time but so did every other country. It's a once in a lifetime time event and that's the way humans react. It's sort of like climate change. We just naturally expect the world to go on as it always has.

No, you can not excuse China for what they did by saying so did everyone else!

China did everything to deny the virus and when they could no longer they tried to blame the U.S., so no they hold sole responsibility and no one else!

You may have had a case had China not arrested doctor's and lied but seeing they did that, again it is their virus and fault!
With climate change the world pretty much continued as it has.
Wuhanvirus different; no way is this near the same!
We had time to react to virus and global warming but were slow in both cases.

some saw it early and some didn't

Oh bullshit!

China lied and withheld information until they could no longer, so China own it!
People downplaying virus are really stupid. We have 25-35k new cases a day and thatā€™s with us taking extreme measures to stop the spread. To the people who arenā€™t taking this seriously I would love to tell you to go out and enjoy your liberty you cry for, but only what you do affects us all. 25k thousand dead in a month but there are still naysayers. And the naysayers are insensitive pricks with no compassion whatsoever.

You are right, downplaying a virus is really stupid.

Equally moronic is exaggerating the danger.

I will bet you, we have 10 times that many new cases a day. Do you honestly think that conservatives and libertarians are going to the doctor to get themselves tested, when it is obvious that the MSM and politicians are using this as a tool to destroy the economy and strip folks liberty, civil rights, and freedom?



If you are feeling fine. . . go about your business.

If you are feeling ill, quarantine your ass.

The government SHOULD NOT be in the business of telling people or the economy how to act. Let people use their own common sense, they are not children.

The only folks going out getting tested are hypochondriac SJWs and folks with weak immune systems. :heehee:
Their numbers aren't adding up and I think they're hiding something.
Perhaps but so what. It's up to us to find a cure to save ourselves. It would be nice to have their cooperation but at least they are now Republican capitalist and not trying to convert us to communism. That would be a serious lack of cooperation.
We need to see through this manufactured crises already.

Society didn't see through the war on poverty, it didn't see through the war on drugs, and it didn't see through the war on terror.
Where do you believe the Covid-19 pandemic was manufactured?
Where the virus originated is immaterial. If it is a bio-weapon, there will be so much propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation put out by spook controlled media, folks won't know truth from fiction, reality from lies. And, like 9/11, it won't do any good either way.

We need to deal with facts, on the ground.

Who is responsible for creating panic? That would be the intel. agencies embedded in the corporate media.

The fact of the matter is, this respiratory infection is no more lethal than a severe flu, or say, the last cholera pandemic. We can only know when we measure it against excessive death, and, from what it appears? Authorities are doing a spectacularly good job of covering up those statistics.

Containment? No amount of testing is going to contain this, unless you want to starve folks or deny them medical treatment. And it would be foolish to do so for a disease with such a low fatality rate.

". . . This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2

The efficiency of transmission for any respiratory virus has important implications for containment and mitigation strategies. The current study indicates an estimated basic reproduction number (R0) of 2.2, which means that, on average, each infected person spreads the infection to an additional two persons. As the authors note, until this number falls below 1.0, it is likely that the outbreak will continue to spread.. . ."
if you have any idea what your point is why not tell us????
I respect George Philllip, he asked me my beliefs about this pandemic, I told him.

If you are too obtuse to follow the conversation, keep your comments to yourself.

A good portion of this forum is probably not surprised that you lack the critical thinking skills to follow that exchange. :heehee:
The only folks going out getting tested are hypochondriac SJWs and folks with weak immune systems. :heehee:

and those who don't want to infect their parents and grandparents etc etc
NO. . .

Anyone, no matter who they are, if they do not want to have their info be politicized, can stay home till they feel better, with out going to their parents or grandparents.

What good what it do if you are feeling ill to get tested? All they would do is tell you to go home. .. . . there is no treatment for this, nothing they can do for you.

You would be dumb to get tested for it if you have a mild case, just stupid.

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