Billions of tests needed yet few are saying it.

They do no want to buy you a Coke, sit around the campfire with you, and sing "Kumbaya. The only thing that has kept them from gobbling up the entire Pacific Basin is the fact that we are heavily-armed and have a massive nuclear capability.

???there is no evidence of that. they have always been focused internally. Sorry
I respect George Philllip, he asked me my beliefs about this pandemic, I told him.
why not give us one significant belief about pandemic??
What you judge as significant, and what I judge as significant are absolutely divergent.

By your OP, you have already proven yourself to be a fool.

why not give us one significant belief about pandemic? Afraid?
Define significance. . .
not common and educational
Where the fuck did you get that definition? :dunno:
stop evading; please tell us your significant belief about Corona
I am not evading, I'm am just not up to playing your silly rhetoric games.

Words have meaning, and you have consistently shown that you have a fundamental inability to use logic.

You said you had significant beliefs on Corona. I asked for one but you have been afraid to present it.
What kind of tests do you mean? The immunity/antibody tests? Are they even making those yet? The tests that detect the virus won't do any good unless you test workers everyday.
1) yes anti-body tests are out in limited numbers but conclusions from tests seems limited so far

2) yes frequent testing will be necessary to be sure someone is safe for work or school.
Who is responsible for creating panic? That would be the intel. agencies embedded in the corporate media.
If you have evidence of this I will pay you $10,000. Bet??
What a dumb ass thing to say.

What do you take me for, a fool?

You don't even has a $100 to your name. :auiqs.jpg:

you said: "Who is responsible for creating panic? That would be the intel. agencies embedded in the corporate media."

I asked for evidence and you had to change the subject. Do you understand?
You are asking for evidence of something that is only circumstantial, and for evidence of clandestine operations.

I admit that for you, O.K.?

There have been dozens of experts that have come out and said they are confused as to why the MSM is over hyping this thing. They do not know why this is happening, it is beyond all reason.

Most folks that follow this type of stuff know, that the MSM, and corporate media have spooks embedded in it. Thus, they control the story, the paradigm of reality, they have always done this, at least as far back as WWII. If this is the story that the establishment wants to put out, this is the story that will be put out.

If you do not know this, I cannot help you.

I can suggest some reading for you, or some research for you.

Go read Edward Bernays, "Propaganda"

Go read Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent"

Look into Operation Paper Clip.

You can't say this ISN'T an intel operation, just like I can't say for sure it is, that is the point.. . . it is the very nature of all intel operations.

Absence of evidence is not proof that something doesn't exist, do you get it?

But test results won't do me or healthcare providers any good.

Obviously it would do you good to stay away from other people if you had Corona. 1+1=2
Including folks doing the testing. Boy, you are thick, ain't ya? Logic IS NOT a strong suit of yours, is it?

I just told you, if folks feel ill, and they stay away from everybody till they feel fine, THEN IT DOESN'T MATTER. They never need to be tested, and never need to risk exposing health care workers and anyone else.

They don't need to be tested. 2+0=2 :auiqs.jpg:
I respect George Philllip, he asked me my beliefs about this pandemic, I told him.
why not give us one significant belief about pandemic??
What you judge as significant, and what I judge as significant are absolutely divergent.

By your OP, you have already proven yourself to be a fool.

why not give us one significant belief about pandemic? Afraid?
Define significance. . .
not common and educational
Where the fuck did you get that definition? :dunno:
stop evading; please tell us your significant belief about Corona
I am not evading, I'm am just not up to playing your silly rhetoric games.

Words have meaning, and you have consistently shown that you have a fundamental inability to use logic.

You said you had significant beliefs on Corona. I asked for one but you have been afraid to present it.
I don't remember ever writing the word, "significant," or bringing up that term, before you brought it into the conversation, it is why I asked you to define it.

I initially thought it an odd question, and had no idea why you were asking it to begin with.

You asked me after post # 98 "why not give us one significant belief about pandemic?" When I gave you a whole post of beliefs about the pandemic?

If you found none of that significant? NOT MY PROBLEM. That is your problem. Since you are so hung up on sigificance and were so triggered by my response to George Phillip in post #98, believing it had no significance;

Meriam - Webster defines SIGNIFICANT as;

Definition of significant

"1 : having meaning especially : suggestive

2a : having or likely to have influence or effect : important a significant piece of legislation also : of a noticeably or measurably large amount a significant number of layoffs producing significant profits

b : probably caused by something other than mere chance"

. . . with that in mind, I'd say that the MSM creating panic and the medical bureaucracy over hyping this is pretty "significant," going by that definition.

What a dumb thing to quibble over.

Stop with your rhetoric already.
They do no want to buy you a Coke, sit around the campfire with you, and sing "Kumbaya. The only thing that has kept them from gobbling up the entire Pacific Basin is the fact that we are heavily-armed and have a massive nuclear capability.

???there is no evidence of that. they have always been focused internally. Sorry
I've read here and there that they are expanding their presence in the South China Sea and the little countries there don't like, nor do we.
I respect George Philllip, he asked me my beliefs about this pandemic, I told him.
why not give us one significant belief about pandemic??
What you judge as significant, and what I judge as significant are absolutely divergent.

By your OP, you have already proven yourself to be a fool.

why not give us one significant belief about pandemic? Afraid?
Define significance. . .
not common and educational
Where the fuck did you get that definition? :dunno:
stop evading; please tell us your significant belief about Corona
I am not evading, I'm am just not up to playing your silly rhetoric games.

Words have meaning, and you have consistently shown that you have a fundamental inability to use logic.

You said you had significant beliefs on Corona. I asked for one but you have been afraid to present it.
Oh, brother. Here you go....
You asked for it, you're gonna get it, Toyota.
I respect George Philllip, he asked me my beliefs about this pandemic, I told him.
why not give us one significant belief about pandemic??
What you judge as significant, and what I judge as significant are absolutely divergent.

By your OP, you have already proven yourself to be a fool.

why not give us one significant belief about pandemic? Afraid?
Define significance. . .
not common and educational
Where the fuck did you get that definition? :dunno:
stop evading; please tell us your significant belief about Corona
I am not evading, I'm am just not up to playing your silly rhetoric games.

Words have meaning, and you have consistently shown that you have a fundamental inability to use logic.

You said you had significant beliefs on Corona. I asked for one but you have been afraid to present it.
Oh, brother. Here you go....
You asked for it, you're gonna get it, Toyota.
Do not be mistaken: China is not a "capitalist" country.
The economy is largely Republican capitalist ie people shop with their own money, businesses compete world wide on basis of price and quality.

You are woefully uninformed. China's economy is not "Republican capitalist", they are more similar to Lenin's 1921 "New Economic Policy." As did Russia in 1921, China allows for some private control over the economy in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors, while heavy industries, banking, trade, and mining remain under strict Chinese state control. The former President of China Deng Xiaoping admired Lenin's new Economic Policy and referred to it several times during the reform process.

Under President Xi Jinping, The Chinese government continues to control a large portion of the economy. Government monopolies exists in some industries and many private companies are at least partly owned by the state. Other companies which are solely owned by private individuals often have an association or partnership with the government. All private companies are also required by law to have a party organization in them.
The current study indicates an estimated basic reproduction number (R0) of 2.2, which means that, on average, each infected person spreads the infection to an additional two persons. As the authors note, until this number falls below 1.0, it is likely that the outbreak will continue to spread.. . ."
With an RO that high, wouldn't such a rate overwhelm medical infrastructure without mitigation?

Flattening the Coronavirus Curve
The current study indicates an estimated basic reproduction number (R0) of 2.2, which means that, on average, each infected person spreads the infection to an additional two persons. As the authors note, until this number falls below 1.0, it is likely that the outbreak will continue to spread.. . ."
With an RO that high, wouldn't such a rate overwhelm medical infrastructure without mitigation?

Flattening the Coronavirus Curve

The current study indicates an estimated basic reproduction number (R0) of 2.2, which means that, on average, each infected person spreads the infection to an additional two persons. As the authors note, until this number falls below 1.0, it is likely that the outbreak will continue to spread.. . ."
With an RO that high, wouldn't such a rate overwhelm medical infrastructure without mitigation?

Flattening the Coronavirus Curve

Your link #2:

"Section 89 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 details just how many sections and sub-sections are not subject to the expiry clause. As well as all the 'conditions' which, if met, would enable Ministers to waive the expiry clause on certain other sections and regulations.

"The list is hugely long.

"Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19(11), 21(7), 59-70, 72-74, 75(1) and 76. As well as parts of Schedules 1, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 through 13.

"Fully one quarter (and possibly more) of the entire bill will never expire."

Somehow I don't trust Trump or Biden to resist the temptation to use these new emergency powers in ways that don't re-enforce the current economic inequality???
The current study indicates an estimated basic reproduction number (R0) of 2.2, which means that, on average, each infected person spreads the infection to an additional two persons. As the authors note, until this number falls below 1.0, it is likely that the outbreak will continue to spread.. . ."
With an RO that high, wouldn't such a rate overwhelm medical infrastructure without mitigation?

Flattening the Coronavirus Curve

Your link #2:

"Section 89 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 details just how many sections and sub-sections are not subject to the expiry clause. As well as all the 'conditions' which, if met, would enable Ministers to waive the expiry clause on certain other sections and regulations.

"The list is hugely long.

"Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19(11), 21(7), 59-70, 72-74, 75(1) and 76. As well as parts of Schedules 1, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 through 13.

"Fully one quarter (and possibly more) of the entire bill will never expire."

Somehow I don't trust Trump or Biden to resist the temptation to use these new emergency powers in ways that don't re-enforce the current economic inequality???
inequality is good since it is a way to reward productive behavior and make our standard of living rise. You get rich under Republican capitalism if you invent something that people want to buy( to increase their standard of living) more than what they were previously buying with their money. The richer people are the more you know they have increased our standard of living.

You too can be very unequally rich in our free Republican capitalist country. All you have to do is invent some thing that will improve our standard of living .
Libsocialism provides no such incentives which explains how they were able to slowly starve 150, million to death.
Last edited:
inequality is good since it is a way to reward productive behavior and make our standard of living rise. You get rich under Republican capitalism if you invent something that people want to buy( to increase their standard of living
Could you provide examples of Republican capitalism rewarding productive behavior on Wall Street?

American Workers Get a 4-Month Safety Net; Wall Street Gets a 4 to 5-Year Bailout
??? you need a car loan or house loan Wall Street makes it happen. Tesla needs to raise money Wall Street makes it happen. Now do you understand?
?? you need a car loan or house loan Wall Street makes it happen. Tesla needs to raise money Wall Street makes it happen. Now do you understand?
Do you happen to know why the New York Fed found it necessary to throw $6 trillion in below market rate loans at Wall Street's finest weeks before Covid-19 became an issue?

American Workers Get a 4-Month Safety Net; Wall Street Gets a 4 to 5-Year Bailout

"Now consider how the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York Fed) and Congress take care of Wall Street.

"On September 17, 2019 the interest rate on overnight loans (repo) made between banks and other financial institutions spiked from the typical 2 percent to 10 percent.

"There was no coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak anywhere in the world at that point.

"There were no skyscrapers collapsing on Wall Street.

"There was no national emergency of any kind to warrant bailing out Wall Street.

"But within 24 hours the New York Fed had pumped $53 billion to the trading houses on Wall Street.

"No questions asked. No clogged phone lines. No paperwork to fill out. No standing in lines.

"No asking Congress for a vote. Just $53 billion created out of thin air by the New York Fed and instantly funneled out to Wall Street’s trading houses with the push of an electronic button.

"Over the next six weeks, the New York Fed pumped out more than $6 trillion in below-market rate loans to Wall Street’s trading houses."

Chart of the week: US corporate-debt bubble ready to burst | MoneyWeek

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