Billions of tests needed yet few are saying it.

"The companies plan to initiate phase I clinical trials in the second half of 2020 and, if successful, subject to regulatory considerations, aim to complete the development required for availability by the second half of 2021."

Wishful thinking.
Lets hope they are right...

Hope is all we got right now. :hyper:
Edward is correct, at least a year for a vaccine. 16 to 18 months also realistic.
But don't forget, we have a flue vaccine and all it does is prevent about 65% of cases. A vaccine will be a giant step but even that may not get us out of the woods. Perhaps a vaccine, drugs that treat symptoms, and some social distancing is our ultimate fate.
Can we test everyone for Syphilis too? It's killed a hell of a lot more people than COVID.
USA Syphilis deaths= 2
USA Corona deaths = 26,000 in first month

See why America should not be a democracy? It encourages fools to think they have something to say.

If you're only concerned with deaths in America ... why do you need Billions of tests?

Are you anticipating a lot of retakes for those who don't study?

I know you were trying to be funny with the retake comment, but there are several cases where people who caught it and recovered, have caught it again. Doctors are NOT sure about immunity or how long it can last. They think that yearly shots may be required for the public.

Well, unless every man, woman, and child in the US needs to take the test six times... we don't need BILLIONS of tests.
Perhaps in recognition of the fact that even China and the USA can't manufacture enough tests so we can finally find and isolate the virus on a daily or weekly basis, and then safely get back to work. It seems the enormity of this task may have scared us off and forced us to give up on it even though it is the only realistic solution based on what we know today. Anyone disagree?
We need millions upon millions of tests weekly and we also need the serum test that shows who's safe in huge quantity as well.
Edward is correct, at least a year for a vaccine. 16 to 18 months also realistic.
But don't forget, we have a flue vaccine and all it does is prevent about 65% of cases. A vaccine will be a giant step but even that may not get us out of the woods. Perhaps a vaccine, drugs that treat symptoms, and some social distancing is our ultimate fate.
One thing we can do with a flue vaccine is to make one with a "booster" for older more fragile people...and the 65% number is questionable due to folks that already are infected when they get the least that's what my pharmacist told me....that is where I get my shot every year....
Perhaps in recognition of the fact that even China and the USA can't manufacture enough tests so we can finally find and isolate the virus on a daily or weekly basis, and then safely get back to work. It seems the enormity of this task may have scared us off and forced us to give up on it even though it is the only realistic solution based on what we know today. Anyone disagree?
We need millions upon millions of tests weekly and we also need the serum test that shows who's safe in huge quantity as well.
The states now have tests....more than they your governor....
Well, unless every man, woman, and child in the US needs to take the test six times... we don't need BILLIONS of tests.

we will all need to take it multiple times to determine that we have not been reinfected and can safely go to school or work. Falling into place for you now?
Perhaps in recognition of the fact that even China and the USA can't manufacture enough tests so we can finally find and isolate the virus on a daily or weekly basis, and then safely get back to work. It seems the enormity of this task may have scared us off and forced us to give up on it even though it is the only realistic solution based on what we know today. Anyone disagree?
We need millions upon millions of tests weekly and we also need the serum test that shows who's safe in huge quantity as well.

Wow, we're making progress. We've gone from Billions to Millions.
Nope. I'm sure the best and brightest are working on it 24/7, but it's an insurmountable task.

Humanity done got blindsided, thanks to some Obama-era virologists studying coronavirus and SARS-infected bats in China. Those bats either escaped from that biological lab in some caves in China, or they were stupidly sold off to the wet market.

The question now is was China working on a biological warfare weapon or was it just plain incompetence that allowed this to infect the entire world?
And the search for the scapegoat continues.
You know your post is bullshit, of course.
Perhaps in recognition of the fact that even China and the USA can't manufacture enough tests so we can finally find and isolate the virus on a daily or weekly basis, and then safely get back to work. It seems the enormity of this task may have scared us off and forced us to give up on it even though it is the only realistic solution based on what we know today. Anyone disagree?
We need millions upon millions of tests weekly and we also need the serum test that shows who's safe in huge quantity as well.

Wow, we're making progress. We've gone from Billions to Millions.
Trust me, Son. The total in the billions. We need millions and millions of tests weekly.
.hopefully if it returns in the fall we will have vaccine
1) it has not gone anywhere
2) vaccine is 1- 2 years with good luck, not in fall
3) you did not say if you supports billions of tests?
Actually the company that created the SARS vaccine says they are close to producing a vaccine...they began human testing last week...if they nail it that vaccine will be ready by the fall.....
Does that not seem suspicious to you?
Like Norton creating the computer virus then selling you their Anti Virus Softwre.
Nope. I'm sure the best and brightest are working on it 24/7, but it's an insurmountable task.

Humanity done got blindsided, thanks to some Obama-era virologists studying coronavirus and SARS-infected bats in China. Those bats either escaped from that biological lab in some caves in China, or they were stupidly sold off to the wet market.

The question now is was China working on a biological warfare weapon or was it just plain incompetence that allowed this to infect the entire world?

Seeing China is a Communist regime it could be both... It could have been a incompetent cousin working at the biological weapons lab that sold the bats so he or should could have batshit crazy soup that caused the Kung Pow Sickness...
The states now have tests....more than they your governor....
more???? they are rationed very strictly

The testing is available by appointment only, a process that requires a referral from a primary care physician. People experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, as well as healthcare workers and emergency services providers, will be prioritized.

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