bin Laden was unarmed?

Let me expand on my previous post:

You don't put on a condom unless you are going to fuck.

And you don't put send special operations into an hostile territory after public enemy numero uno to capture him alive.

We don't send men in to kill the unarmed.

We are not executioners.

Can, have, and presumably still will. We did it in Vietnam, with the Phoenix Program, among other things; more than one VC leader "disappeared". All's fair in war. We caught a VC courier one day, literally with his drawers down; he had put his Chicom Type 56 down, to relieve himself. I cut his throat, before he finished; can't say I ever lost any sleep over that. I suppose you think I should have let him pick up his weapon first, and shot it out with him instead? Do excuse me for NOT wanting to wake up every bad guy in the vicinity.
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We don't send men in to kill the unarmed.

We are not executioners.

It wasn't an execution. He wasn't in custody when he was killed. It was arguably an assassination, but it still happened on the battlefield.

I don't really see the need to nuance here. Anymore than I would blame somebody for smothering baby Hitler in his crib.

Some people just deserve to die.

thats all well an good and considering both of our backgrounds, we agree, BUT, lets not pretend that this is not some new love for killing folks that need killing. what was bad is now ho hum or acceptable.

1 admin. had to fight to the SC and lose ala extending habeus corpus to non citizens who were in all likelihood terrorists, yet now we JDAM amercian citizens and nary a word is heard, in fact Harold Koh twsited himself into a virtual semantic pretzel justifying that killing while he railed against bush for lesser evils and my point being he is far from alone.

and hey whatever happened to - collateral damage? ;)

The Left has now seen the light, since their Dear Leader ordered it (mainly for political gain). Oh well, better late than never, I suppose. May I assume the Left will now finally shut up about what we did in Vietnam, and stop trying to prosecute our current troops for killing the enemy and pissing on their corpses? Excellent! Now, will someone in the administration please inform the theater commanders that the season on insurgents has been re-opened. New ROE: If it moves, kill it; if it doesn't, bomb it! Much better!
bin Laden was an enemy competent of the United States of America.

Quit whining that we killed him.
If Bin Laden was unarmed when he died, he now has something in common with those who died because of him on September 11th because they weren't armed either.

God bless you and the families of his victims always!!!


P.S. Because of the way that he looked at us who live in America, he wouldn't have hesitated to shoot if he was armed and happened to come across someone from America, so to me what was done to him was completely justified because he would have been sentenced to death anyways for all that he is guilty of if he had been put on trial. The only difference is that it would have been forever before his sentence was finally carried out.
We don't send men in to kill the unarmed.

We are not executioners.

Yes we are, and Mr Obama owns it.
His decision, his action, his choice.
Liberals have to decide if that is the type of president they want.

I want the guy who gets the asshole who ordered several thousand people die for no other reason then he's somehow "pissed" that the Saudis asked America to defend them against Iraq.

And that's what we got.

Bin Laden signed his death warrant in American Blood.

Do you agree with the government sanctioning assassination?
I could care less if he was unarmed......
The five thousand in the towers were un-armed, and the ones in the planes were un-armed, so I look at it as and eye for and eye, and a tooth for a tooth OBL, that is what I say (justice was served).. End of story.

I'm just gad they didn't get the wrong guy or it would have been some heavy crap as a result of. They done good! Congrats again to seal team six.
Yes we are, and Mr Obama owns it.
His decision, his action, his choice.
Liberals have to decide if that is the type of president they want.

I want the guy who gets the asshole who ordered several thousand people die for no other reason then he's somehow "pissed" that the Saudis asked America to defend them against Iraq.

And that's what we got.

Bin Laden signed his death warrant in American Blood.

Do you agree with the government sanctioning assassination?
Against the enemies of the United States whom seek to destroy and kill us abroad ? YES!

Now if they are here, we could try and capture them before they leave, and then execute them as spies, just as it has always been in America after their trial, otherwise if that sentence was given in such a case, or it could be that they would be sentenced to quantanomo bay if it is still open for business.. Hmmmm, oh that's right it is still open for business, because O-bama-bin-lyin kept it open for business in which was smart that he did.
Yes we are, and Mr Obama owns it.
His decision, his action, his choice.
Liberals have to decide if that is the type of president they want.

I want the guy who gets the asshole who ordered several thousand people die for no other reason then he's somehow "pissed" that the Saudis asked America to defend them against Iraq.

And that's what we got.

Bin Laden signed his death warrant in American Blood.

Do you agree with the government sanctioning assassination?

Take out a few troublemakers and the next guy in line will think twice about fucking with us.
Let me expand on my previous post:

You don't put on a condom unless you are going to fuck.

And you don't put send special operations into an hostile territory after public enemy numero uno to capture him alive.

We don't send men in to kill the unarmed.

We are not executioners.

Can, have, and presumably still will. We did it in Vietnam, with the Phoenix Program, among other things; more than one VC leader "disappeared". All's fair in war. We caught a VC courier one day, literally with his drawers down; he had put his Chicom Type 56 down, to relieve himself. I cut his throat, before he finished; can't say I ever lost any sleep over that. I suppose you think I should have let him pick up his weapon first, and shot it out with him instead? Do excuse me for NOT wanting to wake up every bad guy in the vicinity.

Not even apples to oranges
oh really? and why not? oh becasue we would have to put him in gitmo where we have been told for years anyway, that putting folks there fed Islamic fundamentalism ? little late to the religion party, they didn't capture him or even attempt to becasue he would be an embarrassment to an admin. that proposed and promised to close Gitmo. He died, in part, to protect obamas political ass.

so take that danger to the troops, rendition ( which we still practice too) and the extra-legal/ extrajudicial killings and stick them where the sun doesn't shine, you simply lack the intellectual honesty to say so, so you fall back on the tired bullshit to excuse obama, after using the very same tired bullshit you and your like here to fore took bush to task for. Hackasaurus.

I served this country for 20 years in the Armed Forces (specifically the Navy).

What did YOU do for this country?

Your status as a Vet is not a proper response.

You claimed the best trained men in the world couldn't have captured obl.

I ignored the stupidity of the comment, until you trumped it with; Well I'm a vet, so there.

I didn't say that the SEALs couldn't have taken him alive, I said that there would be targets on the backs of every soldier overseas and there would be many suicide bombers who would stop at nothing to get him released. If he HAD been taken alive, it would have opened up a whole mess of trouble, because THEN he would be a figurehead again and having OBL in GITMO would be a recruiting poster for terrorists that would be unequaled.
Makes no difference if he was armed or not. He should have been, and was, shot on sight.

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