Binge drinking, marijuana and hallucinogen use reach all-time highs, NIH says

The Founding Fathers were Christians.

Indeed. We've improved this so thoroughly since then.

Women can vote. People are no longer property. Children are no longer born as slaves. Non-land owners can vote. Women can work much more easily. The Bill of Rights apply to the States.

We've corrected their brutal mistakes. Well, many of them.
Covid destroyed an already jaded generation.

Not COVID. That was just an overhyped cold/flu outbreak, nothing more.

The use of it as a vehicle for lies, exaggeration, and fearmongering, as a vehicle for unprecedented abuses of government power, is what caused the harm.
Not COVID. That was just an overhyped cold/flu outbreak, nothing more.

The use of it as a vehicle for lies, exaggeration, and fearmongering, as a vehicle for unprecedented abuses of government power, is what caused the harm.
Damn that Trump!
Indeed. We've improved this so thoroughly since then.

Women can vote. People are no longer property. Children are no longer born as slaves. Non-land owners can vote. Women can work much more easily. The Bill of Rights apply to the States.

We've corrected their brutal mistakes. Well, many of them.
The Puritans hated Baptist
There's no established causation. It would be like a liberal insisting that suicides are up because of global warming.

Y'all make shit up, backed with no specific evidence. And then seem confused when your stories aren't accepted as gospel truth.

You all haven’t blamed suicide on global warming yet?

Nah they are up to an all time high because…well it’s xiden’s america
Fuck your commie topic, BooBoo.

I keep it real, this is America.

My point exactly. Why bring up the WHOLE sorted history under Christinaity. Lets keep it Amero-centric: And talk about the slavery, children as property, the rape, the torture, the segregation, the mutilation, the rampant sexism, the denial of franchise, the tyranny.
Or an even casual review of history under Christianity.

I didn't even mention the holy wars, inquisitions, witch burnings, religious persecution, mutilations, genocides.

I tried to keep it more topical.

Keep it real, an imaginary cloud deity that is never seen or heard from, yeah.
A country founded on his ways has done quite well for over 200 years.
A country founded on his ways has done quite well for over 200 years.

Its done even better as we've corrected the founders mistakes. And done better for more of us as we've cast off the mistakes made by Christians.

I mean, the 50s were ideal from a white, male, conservative perspective. But for women, people of color, gay folks, anyone who didn't was a brutal time.
My point exactly. Why bring up the WHOLE sorted history under Christinaity. Lets keep it Amero-centric: And talk about the slavery, children as property, the rape, the torture, the segregation, the mutilation, the rampant sexism, the denial of franchise, the tyranny.
You're blowing all kinds of things out of proportion, boy.

Very few Americans owned slaves, and of those that did, the appropriate proportion of black to white owned slaves too.

Very little torture, very little rape, very little mutilation, very little tyranny.

You're promoting a view of America that simply wasn't, you fucking lying piece of shit.
Its done even better as we've corrected the founders mistakes. And done better for more of us as we've cast off the mistakes made by Christians.

I mean, the 50s were ideal from a white, male, conservative perspective. But for women, people of color, gay folks, anyone who didn't was a brutal time.
That's where you're wrong. Getting away from God's ways has caused a degradation in society.

You're absolutely full of shit about the 50s, too.

All Americans were absolutely better off in the 1950s than they are today. Yeah, black Americans too.


Go choke on a bag of dicks, you commie piece of filth.
You're blowing all kinds of things out of proportion, boy.

Very few Americans owned slaves, and of those that did, the appropriate proportion of black to white owned slaves too.

Very little torture, very little rape, very little mutilation, very little tyranny.

You're promoting a view of America that simply wasn't, you fucking lying piece of shit.
What proportion should slavery be, kiddo?

The single most tyrannical institution our nation has ever participated in, where people were stripped of every right so they could be turned into generational property. Their CHILDREN were property. They could be murdered, mutilated, raped, tortured and sold (and very often were) by 'good Christian men'. For centuries.

How about the systematic murder of gay folks? Brutally murdered when found. Jefferson wanted to liberalize the laws and only mutilate and casttrate them without anesthesia. What proportion should that have, sport?

How about the Civil War? Where 'good Christian men' murdered hundreds of thousands of American soldiers to preserve the most brutal, most evil, most tyrannical insitution our nation had ever seen.

How about women having few rights, not being allowed to vote, not being able to hold jobs, being regularly beaten *under the law* by "good Christian men"?

What about segregation, redlining, the Klan, lynchings, the ethnic cleansing of native americans, interracial marriage bans, medical experimentation on people of color, forced sterilizations, all upheld by 'good christian men'.

Feel free to give us the old, white, christian, conservative, male perspective on why we shouldn't acknowledge this.
What proportion should slavery be, kiddo?

The single most tyrannical institution our nation has ever participated in, where people were stripped of every right so they could be turned into generational property. Their CHILDREN were property. They could be murder, mutilated, raped, tortured and sold (and very often were) by 'good Christian men'. For centuries.

How about the systematic murder of gay folks? Brutally murdered when found. Jefferson wanted to liberalize the laws and only mutilate and casttrate them without anesthesia. What proportion should that have, sport?

How about women having few rights, not being allowed to vote, not being able to hold jobs, being reguilarly beaten *under the law* by "good Christian men"?

What about segregation, redlining, the Klan, lynchings, interracial marriage bans, all upheld by 'good christian men'.

Feel free to give us the old, white, christian, conservative, male perspective on why we shouldn't acknowledge this.
Could be, but 98% weren't. You've been fed a fucking lie about how things were and spread it.

The Klan killed white people too, I know. They tried to kill my great-granddaddy and my grandma

stopped 3 of them with a butcher knife.

They had him up on a stool with a noose around his neck, and she said "Either you get him down from there,

or I'm going to gut all 3 of you like fish, right here, right now."

So fuck off with your lies about history. I know how it really was, and you're lying.

Yeah, there were some bad things here and there, but by and large everything was good. A lot

better than anything you can even conceptualize or promote, you fucking idiot.

And all the bad things you say were happening, yes, they happened, but on a miniscule percentage of everything.

To the point where things like that did not affect most Americans. At all.
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Could be, but 98% weren't. You've been fed a fucking lie about how things were and spread it.

98% of...what? Our history? The people? Who or what is this imaginary 98%?

And what lie have I told? Did I lie about slavery? Perhaps the murder of gay folks? Ethnic cleansing? Medical experimentation? Forced sterilization? Lynchings? The oppression of women? Segregation? Racism? The Civil War?

What have I claimed happened....that didn't happen? Be specific.

Would you care to look at the ruling against Richard and Mildred Loving in the 1960s where GOD was offered as the legal justification for interracial marriage bans? Want to look over the Declarations of Secession of southern states where they cite Slavery, over and over, as their reason for leaving the union?

That all never happened?

By all means, mansplain American history for us.
98% of...what? Our history? The people? Who or what is this imaginary 98%?

And what lie have I told? Did I lie about slavery? Perhaps the murder of gay folks? Ethnic cleansing? Medical experimentation? Forced sterilization? The oppression of women? Segregation? Racism? The Civil War?

What have I claimed happened....that didn't happen? Be specific.

Would you care to look at the ruling against Richard and Mildred Loving in the 1960s where GOD was offered as the legal justification for interracial marriage bans?

That never happened?

By all means, mansplain American history for us.
All the bad you speak ill of America about, did not affect 98% of Americans for the entire time.

Pull your head out of your ass and stop hating your country over lies some commies told you.

You present this distorted view of America that just isn't so.

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