Binge drinking, marijuana and hallucinogen use reach all-time highs, NIH says

All the bad you speak ill of America about, did not affect 98% of Americans for the entire time.

Pull your head out of your ass and stop hating your country over lies some commies told you.

You present this distorted view of America that just isn't so.

So I 'lied'....but you can't actually cite a single lie. I said all these horrible things happened. And you don't deny that every last fucking one of them happened.

Yeah, I don't think 'lie' means what you think it means.

The words you're looking for are 'uncomfortable truths'.

History that doesn't make you at least a little uncomfortable is propaganda.
So I 'lied'....but you can't actually cite a single lie. I said all these horrible things happened. And you don't deny that every last fucking one of them happened.

Yeah, I don't think 'lie' means what you think it means.

The words you're looking for are 'uncomfortable truths'.

History that doesn't make you at least a little uncomfortable is propaganda.
Your version of history is a lie. Black people have been a part of this country since it started.

Yes, some some were slaves, and some were slave owners. Out of slave owners, only about 2-3 out of 100 were cruel,

and most people in America did not have slaves at all, they just made it on their own.

By and large America has been a great and God-fearing country where everyone is accepted.

You are pushing the envelope with your commie bullshit, buddy. Your ways hurt all Americans.
Your version of history is a lie.
Be specific. What did I lie about.

Did Slavery not happen? Were gay folks not killed for being gay? Were there no interracial marriage bans? Did we NOT ethnically cleanse native Americans from regions of the US? Did we NOT force sterlization? Did we NOT enact segregation? Did the Civil War never happen? Were women NOT denied the vote? Did we NOT torture, multiate, murder and rape under the law?

You can't deny a single point I've made. You can't refute a single instance of our history that I've cited to you.

Black people have been a part of this country since it started.

Yes, some some were slaves, and some were slave owners.

'Some'? MILLIONS were. An estimated 10 million souls were enslaved, with 4 MILLION people enslaved at the outbreak of the civil war.

With many of the 'black slave owners' being black men purchasing their WIVES and children. And almost all slave owners being white. In 1790, there were 12,200 slave owning families in Maryland for example. How many were black? 84.

That's barely one HALF of one percent.

I think we found your 98%. As 99.4% of slave owners in Maryland in 1790...were white.

And those free blacks lived under BRUTAL racism, almost always without the right to vote. With entire SCOTUS rulings codifying their lack of franchise into law.

All overseen by 'good christian men'.

Out of slave owners, only about 2-3 out of 100 were cruel,

Says who? Torture is cruel. Enslavement is cruel. You're claiming that only 2 or 3 out of every 100 slave owners whipped their slaves or OWNED slaves? Your argument is a nonsenseical oxymoron, as enslavement is cruel.

You're literally just making this shit up. All to try and whitewash the brutal cruelty, inhumanity, and tyranny of slavery.

Let me guess....they called the Civil War the 'War of Northern Aggression' in your house?
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Be specific. What did I lie about.

Did Slavery not happen? Were gay folks not killed for being gay? Were there no interracial marriage bans? Did we NOT ethnically cleanse native Americans from regions of the US? Did we NOT force sterlization? Did we NOT enact segregation? Did the Civil War never happen? Were women NOT denied the vote? Did we NOT torture, multiate, murder and rape under the law?

You can't deny a single point I've made. You can't refute a single instance of our history that I've cited to you.

'Some'? MILLIONS were. An estimated 10 million souls were enslaved, with 4 MILLION people enslaved at the outbreak of the civil war.

With many of the 'black slave owners' being black men purchasing their WIVES and children. And almost all slave owners being white.

And those blacks that we're slaves lived under BRUTAL racism, almost always without the right to vote. With entire SCOTUS rulings codifying their lack of franchise into law.

Says who? Torture is cruel. Enslavement is cruel. You're claiming that only 2 or 3 out of every 100 slave owners whipped their slaves or OWNED slaves? Your argument is a nonsenseical oxymoron, as enslavement is cruel.

You're literally just making this shit up. All to try and whitewash the brutal cruelty, inhumanity, and tyranny of slavery.
No, you're making shit up. Let's see some links, boy!

I know what I know, and I know you're full of shit. I know where I come from. And the families of any "slaves"

involved with my family are still like family. And that's how it is.

Okay, so my family did have "slaves". They got paid and they got fed.

And they were in another state on a plantation with hundreds of acres, and a decision was made, and

it was laid out to them they can either stay where they are and have the land and work the land and it can be theirs

or migrate with my family to a new place. Every single one chose to stay with my family.

One of their offspring owns my family's former land to this day. It was time to let it go and Otis was given the 1st option

to buy and he took it. He already had 40 acres as a retirement. Him and 1 of his sons bought up all the rest

and then some around the area.

Don't try to tell me about those kind of things, guy. I already know.

No there was no slave whippin' on my family farms. Are you out of your fucking mind?

They protected them from the fuckin' klan. At the peril of personal injury, motherfucker.

And only a couple black men had guns and were backin' up the situation.

It was mostly my people.

And the black guys that showed up, bless their hearts, they meant well, but they were not real fighters.

My family is who were the fighters and fuck the KKK.

I know, this will short-circuit your crosswired head, but that's how it was.
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Suicides are up too. People have given up hope in the age of Joe. Dovetails with less people believing in Jesus too.

Another *gift* of the Democrat/DeepSwamp CovidCon.

Fauci, among others, should face a firing squad.
No, you're making shit up. Let's see some links, boy!

I know what I know, and I know you're full of shit.

Remember, just because you are making shit up as you go along doesn't mean that I am.

Now, where is your link that only 2 or 3 slave owners were 'cruel'. And of course, name ANY lie I've told, any thing I said that happened in our history that didn't happen.

And of course, tell us how 'good Christian men' had nothing to do with it, when 99% of slave owners were white, and 90% of folks identified as Christian. can't. Because we both know it ALL happened.

But don't let me interrupt you. Mansplain slavery to us. Make some more shit up, pulled sideways out of your ass.
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Sorry you haven't experienced the love of God.

God and I are great.

But when I'm looking for the love of God, I rarely go to Christians. And with Christian self identification plummeting from 90% to 63% in barely 30 years (and still falling!), it seems many, many folks feel the same.

If you want more people to look at Christianity as something laudable and good, y'all need to work on yourselves.

Because the 'recipe' for a good life y'all are shilling may say 'apple pie' in the cookbook. But there are way too many mud pies coming out of the oven.
More Highway deaths ( Drivers high on Molly & Meth & Chronic & Vodka Tonics )
God and I are great.

But when I'm looking for the love of God, I rarely go to Christians. And with Christian self identification plummeting from 90% to 63% in barely 30 years (and still falling!), it seems many, many folks feel the same.

If you want more people to look at Christianity as something laudable and good, y'all need to work on yourselves.

Because the 'recipe' for a good life y'all are shilling may say 'apple pie' in the cookbook. But there are way too many mud pies coming out of the oven.
God is great, you're a turd.

Remember, just because you are making shit up as you go along doesn't mean that I am.

Now, where is your link that only 2 or 3 slave owners were 'cruel'. And of course, name ANY lie I've told, any thing I said that happened in our history that didn't happen.

And of course, tell us how 'good Christian men' had nothing to do with it, when 99% of slave owners were white, and 90% of folks identified as Christian. can't. Because we both know it ALL happened.

But don't let me interrupt you. Mansplain slavery to us. Make some more shit up, pulled sideways out of your ass.
Where are you from, boy?
Where are you from, boy?

Laughing....those links shut you up right quick, didn't they kiddo?

Barely 1/2 of 1% of slave owners were black. 99% were white.

Bet your parents didn't teach you that when they were telling you about the 'War of Northern Aggression', did they?

So much for the wisdom of 'good Christian men'.
Laughing....those links shut you up right quick, didn't they kiddo?

Barely 1/2 of 1% of slave owners were black. 99% were white.

Bet your parents didn't teach you that when they were telling you about the 'War of Northern Aggression', did they?

So much for the wisdom of 'good Christian men'.
Yeah, but where you from?
Can I take it from the abrupt subject change that you've got shit for links to back of your bullshit?
Ain't nuthin' I've said so far bullshit. Problem?

Where you from, hmm?

What's your heritage?
Ain't nuthin' I've said so far bullshit. Problem?

Laughing....then show us the link that only 2-3 slave owners out of 100 were 'cruel'. Or name any lie I've told. Or any thing that I said happened....that didn't happen.

I won't hold my breath.

So much for 'good Christian men'.

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