Binge drinking, marijuana and hallucinogen use reach all-time highs, NIH says

Unless your family tree is an imbred pine that goes straight up, you've got traitor ancestors. And you were certainly fed that antebellum 'Lost Cause' horseshit.

For fuck's sake, you're *still* trying to defend slavery.
It's a fact of history, idiot. And it was not at all the way your retarded ass is portraying it. :nono:

You can't even spell "inbred" and you're knocking my education and breeding, you stupid white trash fuck?

You ain't got a leg to stand on, brah.

You knock George Washington, who else, faggot?

GTFO the US if you don't like it, bitch!

Your ancestors were white trash, and that culminated into you being white trash, white trash.
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Unless you're blaming me personally for the massive drop in people identifying as Christians in the US, your argument doesn't make the slightest sense.

Down from 90% self identification as Christian in 1992. To about 63% last year.

I'd say Christians have far more to do with those numbers than I do personally.

I mean, y'all did offer up as 'god's chosen' a rapist and habitual liar. That's a tough sell.

I am not responsible for the state of your soul, and thank God for that.
You think backing a rapist and habitual liar as 'god's chosen' is an example of 'loving their neighbors'?

Again, y'all have beautiful scripture. Its the people that follow it that you might want to work on. As they're not as much love coming out of that faith as you seem to think there is.

But blame everyone else rather than looking inward. Again, not a great look.

No wonder the faith is dwindling in the US.
Ah, so you’re into slander.
BTW - Paul executed Christians, Moses and David were murderers, David was an adulterer, Rahab was a hooker, and every person in the Bible was sinning.

You really don’t understand what you attack and why you attack.
As demonstrated by all the tyranny, slavery, segregation, rape, rampant sexism, discrimination and white supremacy?
There’s more slaves today than at any time in human history. You didn’t know that because you really don’t care about it. And you won’t take action now that you do know about it because again, you really don’t care that people are enslaved.
There’s more slaves today than at any time in human history. You didn’t know that because you really don’t care about it. And you won’t take action now that you do know about it because again, you really don’t care that people are enslaved.
He just wants to run down the US for whatever reason.
All the stoners and drinkers I know are conservatives.

Yes, I can see why they're so depressed. Look at what their cult tells them every day.
Since the Hippy Boomer population during the '60s-'80s far exceeded the following groups, I find this hard to believe.
“The biggest question..what to do with all these useless people. The problem is boredom & what to do with them.. when they are.. worthless. My best a combination of drugs & computer games”

-Yuval Hirari WEF
All the stoners and drinkers I know are conservatives.
Yes, I can see why they're so depressed. Look at what their cult tells them every day.

This tells us nothing about conservatives in general.

It only tells us about the sort of people, political alignment notwithstanding, with whom you associate. It tells us about •YOU•.
Try one and see. In the name of science, of course.
No no. That’s why I asked. I’ve had some for chronic pain on several occasions. Never got ill. But last night? Wow. Very sick. Not sure it was the gunmie. But it could have been.
Suicides are up too. People have given up hope in the age of Joe. Dovetails with less people believing in Jesus too.

I think Biden gets too much credit. It is the entire left who are responsible. It happens as long as any leftists are in charge.
Ah, so you’re into slander.
BTW - Paul executed Christians, Moses and David were murderers, David was an adulterer, Rahab was a hooker, and every person in the Bible was sinning.

You really don’t understand what you attack and why you attack.

With plummeting self identification as Christian and free falling religious participation rates in this country....its y'all that need to work on what you're presenting to the world.

As this:

"LGBT people need to stop asking the world for acceptance, instead they should start accepting Jesus Christ in their hearts and turn away from their false sexual identity that the devil deceived them to be!”

Is what you've devloved into.
With plummeting self identification as Christian and free falling religious participation rates in this country....its y'all that need to work on what you're presenting to the world.
As this:
"LGBT people need to stop asking the world for acceptance, instead they should start accepting Jesus Christ in their hearts and turn away from their false sexual identity that the devil deceived them to be!”
Is what you've devloved [sic] into.

We didn't “devolve” to that. It's the plain truth, and we've been telling it for as long as it has been relevant.

That there are some of you who have chosen to follow Satan, and to reject the truth, is not the fault of those of us who dare to tell it and stand by it. It's on us to tell the truth; but we cannot force you to accept it, nor can we save you from the consequences of your own follow should you reject it.

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