Binge drinking, marijuana and hallucinogen use reach all-time highs, NIH says

All I have to do is quote your bullshit nonsense back to you, and you tuck your tail between your legs and run.

Where's that link that only 2-3 slave owners out of a 100 were 'cruel'?

And when you said 'some' slave owners were mean barely 1/2 of 1%, huh?'re so easy.

There's a lot of untruth in that last link.

So barely 1/2 of 1% of slave owners were black. Which means that 99% were white.

AND.......not one of your sources claims that only 2 or 3 slavewoners out of 100 were 'cruel', nor offers jackshit to back your revisionist fantasy.

Your ancestors were traitors, Duke. Murderers of hundreds of thousands of loyal US soldiers. And why? So they could preserve the most vile, the most evil, the most tyrannical institution 'good Christian men' ever thought to stain this continent with.


They murdered loyal Americans in defense of tyranny. That's the legacy you're trying to white wash.

There's a lot of untruth in that last link.

So, your own source....can't be trusted?

Laughing.....when you have to ignore your own sources, you've clearly got a dogshit argument.

Tell me, shitkicker......was this enslaved man's oppressor one of the 97-98 out of 100 'good' slave owners?

So barely 1/2 of 1% of slave owners were black. Which means that 99% were white.

AND.......not one of your sources claims that only 2 or 3 slavewoners out of 100 were 'cruel', nor offers jackshit to back your revisionist fantasy.

Your ancestors were traitors, Duke. Murderers of hundreds of thousands of loyal US soldiers. And why? So they could preserve the most vile, the most evil, the most tyrannical institution 'good Christian men' ever thought to stain this continent with.


They murdered loyal Americans in defense of tyranny. That's the legacy you're trying to white wash.

So, your own source....can't be trusted?

Laughing.....when you have to ignore your own sources, you've clearly got a dogshit argument.

Tell me, shitkicker......was this enslaved man's oppressor one of the 97-98 out of 100 'good' slave owners?
STFU white trash yankee. 98% of "slaveowners" did not do fucked up things like that to their workers.

If you were capable of abstract thought, you'd realize that that's not the way to get the best from people.

But you're a cruel little myopic fucktard, so you probably do think that's the case. That's why you never have

been, and never will be in charge of people doing anything.

Me? I've been "in charge" of a lot of people at times, but I don't see it that way.

I look at it as if we're all a baseball team and everybody has their position and job to do.

I do not want to play bossman, even though ultimately I am the one in charge.

I work harder than most people. I just wanna get the job done, make everybody money, and go home.
So, your own source....can't be trusted?

Laughing.....when you have to ignore your own sources, you've clearly got a dogshit argument.

Tell me, shitkicker......was this enslaved man's oppressor one of the 97-98 out of 100 'good' slave owners?

Is that recent? That's old history that should have been forgotten. But too many people like you won't let it die.
Is that recent? That's old history that should have been forgotten. But too many people like you won't let it die.
I posted it, but there's some inaccuracies there.

Never forget history, lest it repeats itself.
STFU white trash yankee. 98% of "slaveowners" did not do fucked up things like that to their workers.

Show me the link, shitkicker.

You reciting the 'Lost Cause' bullshit you taught to ape as a boy by the descendants of tyrants, murderers and traitors isn't exactly the most reliable source, now is it?

If you were capable of abstract thought, you'd realize that that's not the way to get the best from people.

You've literally just pulled that number sideways out of your ass, based on absolutely nothing.

George Washington himself is on record ordering the whipping his slaves. He, a good christian man, felt that occasional torture was a good motivator for working harder and more obediently.

A value your traitor ancestors took to heart so completely that the murdered hundreds of thousands of loyal American soldiers in defense of the most vile tyranny 'good chritisna men' ever stained our nation and our continent with.


You know, what you're trying desperately to defend even now?
But you're a cruel little myopic fucktard, so you probably do think that's the case. That's why you never have

been, and never will be in charge of people doing anything.

Me? I've been "in charge" of a lot of people at times, but I don't see it that way.

You're directly comparing a *job* with *generational enslavement*?

That may be the whitest thing I've ever heard.
Show me the link, shitkicker.

You reciting the 'Lost Cause' bullshit you taught to ape as a boy by the descendants of tyrants, murderers and traitors isn't exactly the most reliable source, now is it?

You've literally just pulled that number sideways out of your ass, based on absolutely nothing.

George Washington himself is on record ordering the whipping his slaves. He, a good christian man, felt that occasional torture was a good motivator for working harder and more obediently.

A value your traitor ancestors took to heart so completely that the murdered hundreds of thousands of loyal American soldiers in defense of the most vile tyranny 'good chritisna men' ever stained our nation and our continent with.


You know, what you're trying desperately to defend even now?

You're directly comparing a *job* with *generational enslavement*?

That may be the whitest thing I've ever heard.
That's because I am THE cracker, motherfucker.

White? Yeah, I'm white.

But one of us can walk through the projects @ 2AM, and it ain't you.

As for all your other stupid bullshit? It's not even worth addressing. You're an ignorant fucktard.

Washington fought to give us a nice country to live in. Why are you so hellbent on fucking it up?
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That's because I am THE cracker, motherfucker.

White? Yeah, I'm white.

But one of us can walk through the projects @ 2AM, and it ain't you.

As for all your other stupid bullshit? It's not even worth addressing. You're an ignorant fucktard.

You're certainly full of something, shitkicker.

Show me the evidence and the links that 98% of slave owners were never cruel to their slaves. You can't , of course. You're just made that shit up.

Even Washington, a 'good Christian man', ordered the people he'd enslaved to be tortured to keep them working harder and more obediently.
You're certainly full of something, shitkicker.

Show me the evidence and the links that 98% of slave owners were never cruel to their slaves. You can't , of course. You're just made that shit up.

Even Washington, a 'good Christian man', ordered the people he'd enslaved to be tortured to keep them working harder and more obediently.
I'd so like to take you for a walk through the projects.
You can spout that bullshit to the black dudes there and see where that gets ya. :abgg2q.jpg:

GTFO here with your anti-American bullshit, you sumbitch!
I'd so like to take you for a walk through the projects.

I'd like you to stop making up "Lost Cause' propaganda bullshit, pulled sideways out of your ass to try and defend slavery.

But life is full of disappointments, shitkicker.
I'd like you to stop making up "Lost Cause' propaganda bullshit, pulled sideways out of your ass to try and defend slavery.

But life is full of disappointments, shitkicker.
I'm sure you're a disappointment to several people. :rolleyes-41:

Wtf ever.
Here ya go:

I'm not white trash like you, boy.

And no I'm not a "shitkicker" either. I come from big cities. Metropolitan, even.
Is that recent? That's old history that should have been forgotten. But too many people like you won't let it die.

Why in the *fuck* would we forget? Or ever want to?

Just because it makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean we need to forget it. History is SUPPOSED to make you uncomfortable. If it isn't, its almost certainly propaganda.

Real history is like real life: messy AF. Its got moments to be proud of, and moments to regret. And trying to pretend it didn't happen doesn't magically make it disappear.

We're adults. We've got the bandwidth to embrace the complexity and nuance of a messy history filled with triumph and atrocity, good, bad and a whole lot of gray. We don't have to simplify it into comforting cartoon caricatures

Washington can be a great man, one of the key founders of our nation, and an integral part of the birth of our civilization. AND he can be a man who enslaved people, ordered their torture, and embraced dipshit anti-jew conspiracies.

Martin Luther King can be a great man, a civil rights icon, a man of god who laid the foundation for the modern civil rights movement. AND he can be a serial adulterer and plagiarist.

People are complicated. Nations, even more so.
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Why in the *fuck* would we forget? Or ever want to?

Just because it makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean we need to forget it. History is SUPPOSED to make you uncomfortable. If it isn't, its almost certainly propaganda.

Real history is like real life: messy AF. Its got moments to be proud of, and moments to regret. And trying to pretend it didn't happen doesn't magically make it disappear.
Then you better learn you some real history, fucktard, because you have things all kinds of twisted around.
Then you better learn you some real history, fucktard, because you have things all kinds of twisted around.

Your "War of Northern Aggression" progaganda bullshit isn't 'real history'. Its a hyper simplified, comforting cartoon caracature your gutless ancestors embraced to avoid the reality of their own evil.

They could acknowledge that what they did was among the WORST tyranny imaginable, that they victimized and brutalized centuries worth of families and MILLIONS of people in an orgy of white supremecy dipshittery that caused the collapse of their civlization under the weight of their own tyranny and betrayal.

Or they could make up a comforting fantasy about the 'Lost Cause', and feed themselves mindless pablum about how good slavery was, and how it was hardly ever cruel, and how black folks were happier then, and pontificate on the 'White Man's Burden'.

They chose the chickenshit way out. And you're the residue of their cowardice.
Your "War of Northern Aggression" progaganda bullshit isn't 'real history'. Its a hyper simplified, comforting cartoon caracature your gutless ancestors embraced to avoid the reality of their own evil.

They could acknowledge that what they did was among the WORST tyranny imaginable, that they victimized and brutalized centuries worth of families and MILLIONS of people in an orgy of white supremecy dipshittery that caused the collapse of their civlization under the weight of their own tyranny and betrayal.

Or they could make up a comforting fantasy about the 'Lost Cause', and feed themselves mindless pablum about how good slavery was, and how it was hardly ever cruel, and how black folks were happier then, and pontificate on the 'White Man's Burden'.

They chose the chickenshit way out. And you're the residue of their cowardice.
You dumbshit, that war was because yankees imposed tariffs on the southern states, you yankee white trash!

And my family's been American since way before any Civil War, you fuckin' turd.

It ain't my fault your ancestors didn't know how to make it in America, okay?

Doctors, music teachers, and professors didn't have slaves. Your argument is invalid, just like you, invalid.

White trash.
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You dumbshit, that war was because yankees imposed tariffs on the southern states, you yankee white trash!

Dude, it was about slavery. Says who? Says the Declarations of Secession. And they do not fuck around as to WHY they are Secession.

"[T]he State of South Carolina having resumed her separate and equal place among nations, deems it due to herself, to the remaining United States of America, and to the nations of the world, that she should declare the immediate causes which have led to this act….

[A]n increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution. The States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, have enacted laws which either nullify the Acts of Congress or render useless any attempt to execute them. In many of these States the fugitive is discharged from service or labor claimed, and in none of them has the State Government complied with the stipulation made in the Constitution. . . ."

Here's the whole document:

Tell me, how many times do they mention fucking tariffs?

Not once. They cite slavery 7 times, shitkicker

The Civil War NOT being about Slavery was revisionist nonsense that your ilk made up long AFTER the South had its has handed to it by Loyal Americans. Before and DURING the war, these traitors and murderers were ludicrously clear why they tried to leave the union:


Mammy and Pappy Duke filled their little boy with antebellum bullshit, son.

My family didn't participate in the Civil War, well...

They let the rebels use a piece of land for a shooting range.

I have a couple Mason jars full of Civil War bullets. Some big and round and the others have 3 rings and are pointy.

To me it looks like they used both types about evenly. Them lead balls are damn big. Like..bigger than a

12 gauge slug big. Big round hunk of lead. An inch in diameter?'s right behind me somewhere, don't feel like lookin' for it though.
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My family didn't participate in the Civil War, well...

They let the rebels use a piece of land for a shooting range.

I have a couple Mason jars full of Civil War bullets. Some big and round and the others have 3 rings and are pointy.

Unless your family tree is an imbred pine that goes straight up, you've got traitor ancestors. And you were certainly fed that antebellum 'Lost Cause' horseshit.

For fuck's sake, you're *still* trying to defend slavery.

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