Biologist warn of early stages of Earth's sixth mass extinction event


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

Biologist warn of early stages of Earth's sixth mass extinction event

Biologist warn of early stages of Earth's sixth mass extinction event -- ScienceDaily

The planet's current biodiversity, the product of 3.5 billion years of evolutionary trial and error, is the highest in the history of life. But it may be reaching a tipping point.

In a new review of scientific literature and analysis of data published in Science, an international team of scientists cautions that the loss and decline of animals is contributing to what appears to be the early days of the planet's sixth mass biological extinction event.

Since 1500, more than 320 terrestrial vertebrates have become extinct. Populations of the remaining species show a 25 percent average decline in abundance. The situation is similarly dire for invertebrate animal life.

And while previous extinctions have been driven by natural planetary transformations or catastrophic asteroid strikes, the current die-off can be associated to human activity, a situation that the lead author Rodolfo Dirzo, a professor of biology at Stanford, designates an era of "Anthropocene defaunation."

Across vertebrates, 16 to 33 percent of all species are estimated to be globally threatened or endangered. Large animals -- described as megafauna and including elephants, rhinoceroses, polar bears and countless other species worldwide -- face the highest rate of decline, a trend that matches previous extinction events.

Why not use dna to bring them back? We could bring back every one of these 320 creatures!
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Ah a good post from you Matthew! It's refreshing! Humans create an impact on their environment that is unprecedented in all of known Earth history. It's why we've become the Apex species on the planet. Sadly the dumber member's of our species denies that.

The Earth will be able to support it's inhabitants for a while longer. I very much doubt we'll give a damn about trying to conserve anything so we'll have to adapt with technology or some other way. I think we'll make it.
Ah a good post from you Matthew! It's refreshing! Humans create an impact on their environment that is unprecedented in all of known Earth history. It's why we've become the Apex species on the planet. Sadly the dumber member's of our species denies that.

The Earth will be able to support it's inhabitants for a while longer. I very much doubt we'll give a damn about trying to conserve anything so we'll have to adapt with technology or some other way. I think we'll make it.

If not, we can blame Oblama or Boosh!!

Biologist warn of early stages of Earth's sixth mass extinction event

Biologist warn of early stages of Earth's sixth mass extinction event -- ScienceDaily

The planet's current biodiversity, the product of 3.5 billion years of evolutionary trial and error, is the highest in the history of life. But it may be reaching a tipping point.

In a new review of scientific literature and analysis of data published in Science, an international team of scientists cautions that the loss and decline of animals is contributing to what appears to be the early days of the planet's sixth mass biological extinction event.

Since 1500, more than 320 terrestrial vertebrates have become extinct. Populations of the remaining species show a 25 percent average decline in abundance. The situation is similarly dire for invertebrate animal life.

And while previous extinctions have been driven by natural planetary transformations or catastrophic asteroid strikes, the current die-off can be associated to human activity, a situation that the lead author Rodolfo Dirzo, a professor of biology at Stanford, designates an era of "Anthropocene defaunation."

Across vertebrates, 16 to 33 percent of all species are estimated to be globally threatened or endangered. Large animals -- described as megafauna and including elephants, rhinoceroses, polar bears and countless other species worldwide -- face the highest rate of decline, a trend that matches previous extinction events.

Why not use dna to bring them back? We could bring back every one of these 320 creatures!

Variety of life on Earth is surely why life exists at all forming a kind of symbiotic relationship where what happens to some effects all. Remove too many with extinction and the effects might well chain-react at some critical tipping point as with bees being one a very few, if not the only, species capable of pollenating crops we rely upon. Since we can't do it via technology, or at least not on a sufficient scale, if bees go extinct so will we as we starve absent many fundamental foods we need to make other foods.

Though I confess I don't see a huge need for big nibbly sharks (being an avid diver,) and wouldn't shed any tears if they went away, I trust they're here after hundreds of millions of years for a reason.

I have reservations about using science to 'bring back' extinct animals. If they went extinct before moedern humans came about, I'd worry the two biologies might interact in some unfortunate way as with reintroducing a disease we have no natural immunity for not having been exposed to the critter ever before. Plus the problem is you get the introduced animal thing as seen in Australian with cane toads and other introduced species. Because they're foreign, nothing in Australia has evolved to eat them and keep their numbers in balance with everything else. Even if we caused an extinction, bring things back is iffy at best.
Grant money does not grow on trees.

Someone has to pay for an old Biology professors graduate student assistance program.
we're wiping out species that we haven't even discovered yet. Thanks deniers! :thup:

How can we know we are wiping something out that we do not know exists?

Logic flaw alert!


Well you could always look up species we know for sure ARE gone in, hell even in the last 50 years!

But no man lol humans have NEVER EVER impacted ANYTHING ever. Stop typing and put your fingers back in your ears man!

Biologist warn of early stages of Earth's sixth mass extinction event

Biologist warn of early stages of Earth's sixth mass extinction event -- ScienceDaily

The planet's current biodiversity, the product of 3.5 billion years of evolutionary trial and error, is the highest in the history of life. But it may be reaching a tipping point.

In a new review of scientific literature and analysis of data published in Science, an international team of scientists cautions that the loss and decline of animals is contributing to what appears to be the early days of the planet's sixth mass biological extinction event.

Since 1500, more than 320 terrestrial vertebrates have become extinct. Populations of the remaining species show a 25 percent average decline in abundance. The situation is similarly dire for invertebrate animal life.

And while previous extinctions have been driven by natural planetary transformations or catastrophic asteroid strikes, the current die-off can be associated to human activity, a situation that the lead author Rodolfo Dirzo, a professor of biology at Stanford, designates an era of "Anthropocene defaunation."

Across vertebrates, 16 to 33 percent of all species are estimated to be globally threatened or endangered. Large animals -- described as megafauna and including elephants, rhinoceroses, polar bears and countless other species worldwide -- face the highest rate of decline, a trend that matches previous extinction events.

Why not use dna to bring them back? We could bring back every one of these 320 creatures!

Until we fully grasp nature's very subtle interweave of life and environment. Our voracious glutton-like consumption of Earth's resources suggests we're no where near that understanding. Your echoing of this warning can't be repeated too often though.
An apocalyptic prophecy of doom maybe may be more rational than silence at this point.

I'm sure you watched the new Cosmos, the sixth Great Extinction was one of it's consistent theme's, with that un-labeled Hall as the frontispiece. That's the kind of "propaganda" our side needs to get the message out. The creationists and their co-tribalists think that their God gave them dominion over the Earth and therefore the right to rape and pillage it's bounty at will.
Humans are the only species of living beings that have wiped out entire species of animals on this planet...

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