Birthers Show Their True Colors While Eating Their Own


Wow, your crazy source drew a crazy chart! Yeah!
Then you'll have no trouble showing me where in the USC it describes this third type of citizen, and why they are barred from the Presidency.
Then you'll have no trouble showing me where in the USC it describes this third type of citizen, and why they are barred from the Presidency.

It's not in the Constitution I said. Resort must be made elsewhere as in the SCOTUS case Minor vs Happersett as I have mentioned above along with Pingy who referenced it as well as the chart. Obama's own website Fight the Smears says he is a native citizen, not natural born citizen. I put a image of it up. The only citizen eligible for the presidency in Article 2 Section 1 is a natural born Citizen. Obama is British dual citizen not eligible with born split allegiance to the British Crown. This is something the founders did not want in a president hence changing from citizen to natural born citizen so the commander in chief would be born from citizen parents with sole allegiance to the U.S. This is why all US presidents have been born post grandfather clause to two citizen parents.
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Then you'll have no trouble showing me where in the USC it describes this third type of citizen, and why they are barred from the Presidency.

It's not in the Constitution I said. Resort must be made elsewhere as in the SCOTUS case Minor vs Happersett as I have mentioned above along with Pingy who referenced it as well as the chart. Obama's own website Fight the Smears says he is a native citizen, not natural born citizen. I put a image of it up. The only citizen eligible for the presidency in Article 2 Section 1 is a natural born Citizen. Obama is British dual citizen not eligible with born split allegiance to the British Crown. This is something the founders did not want in a president hense changing from citizen to natural born citizen so the commander in chief would be born from citizen parents with sole allegiance to the U.S.

Yes, you must RESORT to mental gymnastics to get to this point. Extreme mental gymnastics.

There are two kinds of citizens. Natural born, and naturalized. Two.
Then you'll have no trouble showing me where in the USC it describes this third type of citizen, and why they are barred from the Presidency.

It's not in the Constitution I said. Resort must be made elsewhere as in the SCOTUS case Minor vs Happersett as I have mentioned above along with Pingy who referenced it as well as the chart. Obama's own website Fight the Smears says he is a native citizen, not natural born citizen. I put a image of it up. The only citizen eligible for the presidency in Article 2 Section 1 is a natural born Citizen. Obama is British dual citizen not eligible with born split allegiance to the British Crown. This is something the founders did not want in a president hense changing from citizen to natural born citizen so the commander in chief would be born from citizen parents with sole allegiance to the U.S.

Yes, you must RESORT to mental gymnastics to get to this point. Extreme mental gymnastics.

There are two kinds of citizens. Natural born, and naturalized. Two.
You don't believe there is such thing as a native citizen?


In essence, yes.

There is no legal distinction between ‘natural born’ and ‘citizen’:

Citizenship status of Barack Obama's parents

The forwarded email asserts that because Obama's Kenyan father wasn't a U.S. citizen, and because his mother, who was a citizen, didn't fulfill the supposed legal requirement of "resid[ing] in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16," Obama himself was therefore not a citizen at birth.

That is false on two counts:

Obama was born on U.S. soil — in Honolulu, Hawaii — and was therefore a citizen at birth by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment (and the principle of jus soli).

The stated residency requirement, in effect between 1952 and 1986, applied only to parents of individuals born outside the United States.

Therefore Barack Obama is, in fact, a U.S. citizen.

But some still argue that he is not a natural-born citizen. The reasons have to do with the disputed meaning of the term "natural born" itself.

'Natural born' vs. 'native born'

In lawsuits challenging Obama's Constitutional eligibility it has been argued that while birth on U.S. soil confers "birthright" or "native-born" citizenship, it does not confer natural-born citizenship unless both parents are also U.S. citizens. Citing precedents they claim establish the Framers' intent to disqualify individuals who could possess dual nationality or dual allegiance by virtue of having a foreign national for a parent, these litigants assert that such an individual ought not to be regarded as a natural-born citizen eligible to hold the office of the presidency (see Leo D'Onofrio, "Why Obama Is Ineligible - Regardless of His Birthplace").

But among Constitutional scholars the distinction between "natural born" and "native born" is not universally accepted as a crucial one. Short of a Supreme Court decision or legislative statute settling the matter, it remains but one way of interpreting a longstanding legal ambiguity concerning the eligibility clause. There are other interpretations, most notably that found in an analysis of Republican presidential candidate John McCain's standing as a natural-born citizen conducted by former U.S. Solicitor General Theodore Olson and Constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe in 2008. In their view — "based," Tribe and Olson wrote, "on the original meaning of the Constitution, the Framers' intentions, and subsequent legal precedent" — either the fact of birth on U.S. soil or the fact of birth to parents who are U.S. citizens is independently sufficient to confer natural born status.

Is Barack Obama a Natural-Born Citizen? - Urban Legends

So one realizes ‘natural born’ status via either parents or birth, both are not required. Obama consequently meets the ‘natural born’ requirement of the Constitution.

As far as ‘a Supreme Court decision or legislative statute settling the matter,’ the former won’t happen as Kerchner v. Obama was denied cert last November and any measure passed by the latter will have no effect on Obama.
Everybody knows Ret is a racist...being new to the board, you get a pass. Just so you know, Tank and William Joyce are overt racists, too.

Boards attract all sorts...
Everybody knows Ret is a racist...being new to the board, you get a pass. Just so you know, Tank and William Joyce are overt racists, too.

Boards attract all sorts...

And we are all so lucky to have someone like you to pass your judgment on everyone.:rolleyes:
Everybody knows Ret is a racist...being new to the board, you get a pass. Just so you know, Tank and William Joyce are overt racists, too.

Boards attract all sorts...

Oh, I know. I was making a point about birtherism.

I met Joyce earlier, he made a stirring argument in favor of separation of the races. :lol:

I don't know Tank.
Everybody knows Ret is a racist...being new to the board, you get a pass. Just so you know, Tank and William Joyce are overt racists, too.

Boards attract all sorts...

Oh, I know. I was making a point about birtherism.

I met Joyce earlier, he made a stirring argument in favor of separation of the races. :lol:

I don't know Tank.

You know that saying, it takes ALL KINDS to make the world go round.

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