Birthers Show Their True Colors While Eating Their Own

Actually, Obama's Kenyan grandmother never said that she was there during his birth.

That was a misunderstanding that was clarified within moments.

From reading other posts that dispute your claim, I look forward to reading your material once you can post them.......

As soon as the remark was misinterpreted, the other relatives corrected the misunderstanding.

The edited portion that often makes the rounds on the Internet includes this part of the interview:

McRae: "Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to visit Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?"

"She says yes she was. She was present when Obama was born," said the translator.

Smoking gun? Only if you stop the tape there and don't listen to the rest of the interview.

McRae immediately followed up by saying, "Okay, when I come in December, I would like to go by the place, the hospital where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?"

The translator can be heard translating, and then, he said, "No. Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America."

Said McRae: "Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya."

The response came back, "He was born in America, not in Mombasa."

"Do you know where he was born?" McRae continued. "I thought he was born in Kenya. I was gonna go by and see where he was born."

"Hawaii. She says he was born in Hawaii," the translator said. "In the state of Hawaii, where his father, his father was also learning there. The state of Hawaii."

"I thought she said she was present," McRae said. "Was she able to see him being born in Hawaii?''

"No, no," the translator said. "...She was not ... she was here in Kenya. Obama was born in America ... Because the grandmother was back in Kenya and Obama was born in America, where he is from, where his father was learning, learning in America, the United States."

Listen to the full conversation yourself. The parts in question begin about the 4:20 mark.

This is from Politifact, dated 4/7/11.

This story was born a lie.

Thank Gawd. Finally we get some facts on the matter.
Actually, Obama's Kenyan grandmother never said that she was there during his birth.

That was a misunderstanding that was clarified within moments.

From reading other posts that dispute your claim, I look forward to reading your material once you can post them.......

As soon as the remark was misinterpreted, the other relatives corrected the misunderstanding.

The edited portion that often makes the rounds on the Internet includes this part of the interview:

McRae: "Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to visit Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?"

"She says yes she was. She was present when Obama was born," said the translator.

Smoking gun? Only if you stop the tape there and don't listen to the rest of the interview.

McRae immediately followed up by saying, "Okay, when I come in December, I would like to go by the place, the hospital where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?"

The translator can be heard translating, and then, he said, "No. Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America."

Said McRae: "Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya."

The response came back, "He was born in America, not in Mombasa."

"Do you know where he was born?" McRae continued. "I thought he was born in Kenya. I was gonna go by and see where he was born."

"Hawaii. She says he was born in Hawaii," the translator said. "In the state of Hawaii, where his father, his father was also learning there. The state of Hawaii."

"I thought she said she was present," McRae said. "Was she able to see him being born in Hawaii?''

"No, no," the translator said. "...She was not ... she was here in Kenya. Obama was born in America ... Because the grandmother was back in Kenya and Obama was born in America, where he is from, where his father was learning, learning in America, the United States."

Listen to the full conversation yourself. The parts in question begin about the 4:20 mark.

This is from Politifact, dated 4/7/11.

This story was born a lie.

No one quoted anything from the internet about emails. FAIL.............
Your remark makes no sense. It doesn't matter if anyone said anything about emails or not.
The birthers eat their own - The Washington Post

The good news is that they've shown they aren't partisan. The bad news is they've shown that they are racist.

I'm shocked, SHOCKED I saw! :eek: :rolleyes:

If you ever find a birther that's anywhere in the range of sane and mentally balanced, drop me a line, won't you?

I'm a birther, or at least that's what you'd call me. I watched that video when Obama's grandmother said she was there when he was born, with my Kenyan friends who understood the language. They said, that's exactly what she said. Seeing as how Grandma never left Kenya that means Obama had to have been born there. Some djs called up the Kenyan ambassador and asked if Obama's birthplace in Kenya was going to be made a national monument and he said something to the extent of "it already is..."

Now, if we ignore that and assume he was born in Hawaii...then he still doesn't qualify as he went to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport AFTER the age of majority. Since Indonesia doesn't accept duel citizenship he had to have given up is American citizenship at the time. He was adopted by his step father...there is nothing showing he ever had his name legally changed back to Barrack Obama from Barry Soetoro...

I do not believe any birth certificate is real when it lists the fathers race in 1962 as "African" as they were called Negroes back then, possibly Blacks, but never "Africans".

I've heard birthers try to hang their claims on the fact that Obama's father identified his race as "African" on the birth certificate. the fact is, they put down whatever the parent said he wanted on the birth certificate.

His father could have said "Klingon", and they'd have to put that down.

Also, if you think that they were going to forge a document, they'd have done it perfectly.

But here's the real problem with the whole "Obama wasn't born here". It would assume that his parents who were in Hawaii for most of the pregnancy for some bizarre reason went to Kenya and then made a huge effort to cover it up because some 48 years later he might run for President, even though at the time he was born, Blacks couldn't even vote in large chunks of the country.

I mean, if they were that good at predicting the future, why not just pick the winning lottery numbers? :lol:
I've heard birthers try to hang their claims on the fact that Obama's father identified his race as "African" on the birth certificate. the fact is, they put down whatever the parent said he wanted on the birth certificate.

His father could have said "Klingon", and they'd have to put that down.

Also, if you think that they were going to forge a document, they'd have done it perfectly.

But here's the real problem with the whole "Obama wasn't born here". It would assume that his parents who were in Hawaii for most of the pregnancy for some bizarre reason went to Kenya and then made a huge effort to cover it up because some 48 years later he might run for President, even though at the time he was born, Blacks couldn't even vote in large chunks of the country.

I mean, if they were that good at predicting the future, why not just pick the winning lottery numbers? :lol:

Exactly! Official allow the parents to identify their own racial category, and the entire racing-to-Africa conspiracy theory is dumber than the one about the moon landing being staged.

I've heard birthers try to hang their claims on the fact that Obama's father identified his race as "African" on the birth certificate. the fact is, they put down whatever the parent said he wanted on the birth certificate.

His father could have said "Klingon", and they'd have to put that down.

Also, if you think that they were going to forge a document, they'd have done it perfectly.

But here's the real problem with the whole "Obama wasn't born here". It would assume that his parents who were in Hawaii for most of the pregnancy for some bizarre reason went to Kenya and then made a huge effort to cover it up because some 48 years later he might run for President, even though at the time he was born, Blacks couldn't even vote in large chunks of the country.

I mean, if they were that good at predicting the future, why not just pick the winning lottery numbers? :lol:

Exactly! Official allow the parents to identify their own racial category, and the entire racing-to-Africa conspiracy theory is dumber than the one about the moon landing being staged.


Oh, come on, the Moon Landing was totally staged, dude.... Elvis told me so. :lol:
I've heard birthers try to hang their claims on the fact that Obama's father identified his race as "African" on the birth certificate. the fact is, they put down whatever the parent said he wanted on the birth certificate.

His father could have said "Klingon", and they'd have to put that down.

Also, if you think that they were going to forge a document, they'd have done it perfectly.

But here's the real problem with the whole "Obama wasn't born here". It would assume that his parents who were in Hawaii for most of the pregnancy for some bizarre reason went to Kenya and then made a huge effort to cover it up because some 48 years later he might run for President, even though at the time he was born, Blacks couldn't even vote in large chunks of the country.

I mean, if they were that good at predicting the future, why not just pick the winning lottery numbers? :lol:

I think you misunderstand the birther arguments completely. They believe Obama's father was a Klingon, and his Presidency is a secret plot to enslave the Human race.
One thing it shows, they stand on their principles. More than we can say for a lot of you and the Washingtoncompost.

I have to disagree. There's a difference between standing on one's principles and stupidly adhering to fictional BS out of stubbornness or pride.
I'm a birther, or at least that's what you'd call me. I watched that video when Obama's grandmother said she was there when he was born, with my Kenyan friends who understood the language. They said, that's exactly what she said. Seeing as how Grandma never left Kenya that means Obama had to have been born there. Some djs called up the Kenyan ambassador and asked if Obama's birthplace in Kenya was going to be made a national monument and he said something to the extent of "it already is..."

Now, if we ignore that and assume he was born in Hawaii...then he still doesn't qualify as he went to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport AFTER the age of majority. Since Indonesia doesn't accept duel citizenship he had to have given up is American citizenship at the time. He was adopted by his step father...there is nothing showing he ever had his name legally changed back to Barrack Obama from Barry Soetoro...

I do not believe any birth certificate is real when it lists the fathers race in 1962 as "African" as they were called Negroes back then, possibly Blacks, but never "Africans".

Okay, now I've listed my reasons why I don't believe Obama qualifies to be's another one for you....neither did McCain. He was born on an American military base in Panama. I was born on an American military base in England, my brother was born on an American military base in Japan, both our parents are American citizens as were our grandparents on both sides and we are both "naturalized" citizens. We can't run for president, why should McCain be able to?????

Go ahead now, call me a always comes. I have the citizenship papers to prove it...but everyone calls me a liar anyway....

Sheila.....dont you think if the guy wasnt qualified to be President because of birth issues,that between Hillary and the Republicans, the proof would have surfaced some time ago?.....its a non-issue.....

Lets add to the mystery. :eusa_whistle:

He did pay a law firm to keep it suppressed. Defended a suit in court for disclosure.

Doesnt that seem odd to you?
it is just another reason why the respect for the guy is not there,which in this case is his the people what they need to see......i cant see what his big issue is with this.....i mean if down the line say ten years from now it comes to light that he was not a legal citizen,his legacy and the Democrats Credibility takes a big hit.....they have a lot to lose if indeed this plays out to be true....
I just love the birfers. They'll keep us entertained while Sarah is dreaming of Glen Rice.

you keep most posters here entertained as well......just like all the other posters here who feel "their side" is never wrong and would never fuck people over for political gain....
Methinks you guys protest too much.

The more you try to paint them as crazy, the more you seem to be coverning up something.
The birthers eat their own - The Washington Post

The good news is that they've shown they aren't partisan. The bad news is they've shown that they are racist.

I'm shocked, SHOCKED I saw! :eek: :rolleyes:

Birthers are actually Constitutionalist who want Article 2 Section 1 to be upheld to the fullest. They are American patriots. Obama never met the requirement and neither does Rubio or Jindal if they decide to run.

I believe that racists is the proper appellation.

All the scumbags who have destroyed the Constitution, Capitalism , individual liberty and the economy were native born Americans.

So Article 2 , section should be repealed.

Exactly! Official allow the parents to identify their own racial category, and the entire racing-to-Africa conspiracy theory is dumber than the one about the moon landing being staged.


It's the DUMBEST thing to believe in ever. It's the HEITH of stupidity. Not to mention ignorance. Every last, cotton-pickin one of those birfers are ignorant, RW buffoons.
I love what Rove had to say to Perry.

"You associate yourself with a nutty view like that, and you damage yourself," Rove said. "I know he went and he's trying to cultivate — as all of them are — Donald Trump, in order to get his endorsement, but this is not the way to go about doing it, because it starts to marginalize you in the minds of some of the people whom you need in order to get the election."

Read more: KARL ROVE TO RICK PERRY: It's Simple, Obama Was Born In The US
The options;

One — Barack Obama is a Kenyan-born time-traveling sorcerer, who returned to the year 1961 to establish a record of his "birth" with the state of Hawaii and local newspapers, then ventured to the mid-2000s in a successful bid to undermine the housing market, before returning to the future and winning the presidency.

Two — Some subset of people who hate Obama are demented fools who will believe anything.

Rick Perry Unsure if Barack Obama Is an American or a Time-Traveling Impostor | Indecision Forever | Political Humor and Satire Blog | 2012 Election | Comedy Central

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