Birthright Citizenship Causes Illegal Immigration

Section 1.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I just cannot find the caveat you mention here where where the text says what you claim it says MM.
Where does it say "EXCEPT for undocumented people entering the U.S. from other countries?"
Maybe you are just making this up?
Maybe you are afraid of brown skinned people huh?
I stated very clearly that the amendment was not worded as carefully as it should have been. It is all about the INTENT of what the lawmakers in 1866 were trying to address. There is no way they could have anticipated what a shit show the 14th amendment has created. It rewards illegal behavior, it is a primary driver for the hundreds of thousands of people being herded to our border by the Cartels every month. And it ends up hurting the poorest Americans the most as they have to compete for the same government resources as the illegals and their offspring. And there is no skin color exclusion to the 14th amendment, so your comment about me being afraid of brown skinned people is ludicrous.
Conservatives' unwarranted hostility to the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment is motivated by racism, bigotry, and hate.
Maybe. But, setting aside your persistent and tiresome campaign to paint all conservatives as racists, I see very little justification for birthright citizenship.
... And it ends up hurting the poorest Americans the most as they have to compete for the same government resources as the illegals and their offspring.....

Americans are hurt by competing against Americans? Illegal aliens should be deported, of course.
Poor Americans are hurt by the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants entering the country every taking the resources they also need.
So, your problem is with illegal immigration, not infant US citizens?
The fact is, intent should be the only thing that matters. If they dont like the intent, change the constitution, by the proper channels.

Intent is based upon the opinions of the one reading the history, while words have actual meanings. If intent is all that matters then the Constitution can be changed every time a new group of Justices have a different opinion of the intent behind the words.
You clowns saying the intent of the amendment is well documented only want to look at a narrow set of documented facts but unfortunately for you clowns, yes, the intent and context surrounding that intent, are well documented. Children of slaves had to be expressly granted citizinship because their children had previously been expressly forbidden it unlike every other immigrant child. This was a country of immigrants. There was no such thing as an illegal immigrant. Every person's child, many of whom were immigrants, were given citizenship except for the children of slaves. If there was no such thing as an illegal immigrant, it's hard to argue the 14th's intent was to exclude them. The context of the 14th is that it finally ensured all children born here, other than those of diplomats of sovereign nations, be treated equally under the law. Good luck challenging that you Bingos. 😄
Look in the mirror lately?
Maybe. But, setting aside your persistent and tiresome campaign to paint all conservatives as racists, I see very little justification for birthright citizenship.
Conservatives' unwarranted hostility to the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment is motivated by racism, bigotry, and hate – hence the lie that the Citizenship Clause ‘facilitates’ undocumented immigrants entering the country.

It’s about racist, bigoted, hateful conservatives wanting to keep black and Hispanic immigrants out, about keeping Spanish speakers out, and it’s about white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

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