Birthright Citizenship Causes Illegal Immigration

Birthright Citizenship Causes Illegal Immigration​

No, it doesn't. That's a myth fed to you by liars who lie to you on a daily basis.

An illegal immigrant does not automatically become a citizen by giving birth. A child must be at least 21 years old before they can sponsor a parent.

Why do you keep going back to eat more manufactured bullshit from your propagandists?

Scientists should study this.

This fails as a post hoc fallacy.
‘Post hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin: 'after this, therefore because of this') is an informal fallacy that states: "Since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X." It is often shortened simply to post hoc fallacy.’

In this case the lie that the Citizenship Clause is somehow ‘responsible’ for undocumented immigrants entering the country.
All predictable Democrat doublespeak. Birthright citizenship for people entering the country illegally is a scourge on this country and is directly hurting the poorest Americans. But all Democrats care about is votes.
If that is the case then you have a process to change it.

Ignoring the actual text is not part of that process. Try again.
Maybe. But, setting aside your persistent and tiresome campaign to paint all conservatives as racists, I see very little justification for birthright citizenship.
The justification is the wording of the constitution.

I do not see how you get around the 14th. You can easily argue that there is justification to change it BUT that does not change the fact that the law is what it is right now.

And that matters. It is all the 'justification' needed.
Ummmmmmmmmmm, illegals come across the borders but do not reside in a state until after the fact.

It also says in the state they reside but when illegals cross the border they are not residing in a state.

It clearly says "in the state they reside. Illegals aren't residing in a state when they cross the border.
Let's try this again, you illiterate Bingo. The 14th doesn't apply to undocumented people who cross over the border illegally. It applies to everyone born in the United States you dumb fuck. 😄
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It applies to everyone born in the United States
No exceptions.
If you are born on U.S. soil you are a U.S. citizen. It doesn't matter HOW you came to be born here.
Even if your birth morther landed in a spaceship from a distant galaxy and then just happened to give birth while here you would STILL be a U.S. Citizen according to The Constitution.
If you don't like The U.S. Constitution maybe try a different country where the rules are different.
The justification is the wording of the constitution.

I do not see how you get around the 14th. You can easily argue that there is justification to change it BUT that does not change the fact that the law is what it is right now.

And that matters. It is all the 'justification' needed.
Sure, I get that. I just mean what is the reasoning for birthright citizenship, why should we want it as a policy?
What's unclear about that?
The caveat that globalist America haters always seem to pretend to miss.
“and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”
There is no ambiguity in the words All persons born. That's incredibly clear. You can pretend to be the biggest Bingo in all the land and it won't change that.
True…”All persons born” is clear….but there’s more context…“and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”
Intent is based upon the opinions of the one reading the history, while words have actual meanings. If intent is all that matters then the Constitution can be changed every time a new group of Justices have a different opinion of the intent behind the words.
“and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”

All these constitutional scholars posting here, but somehow the REAL Supreme Court hasn't found cause to reconsider the 14th in all this time. Hmmm......
There were no illegal aliens. Immigration laws came after the 14th. If you clowns want to carve out an exception to birth right citizenship in the Constitution for the children of illegal immigrants then you're going to have to carve it yourselves with an Amendment of your own. Good luck with that Soys. :funnyface:

The OP is true for some illegal aliens, particularly rich Chinese moms who want the infant to be dual citizens.

Chinese law does not allow for dual citizenship.

It's very clearly written.

So, only Dems support the words of the Constitution?

Well, if you say so.


This fails as a post hoc fallacy.

Actually our plan is to someday have ignorant, white, hillbilly, MAGAt racists like yourself completely weeded out of the gene pool and replaced with a new super race of thinking, compassionate and intellectionally superior Latino voters who will make America great again.:auiqs.jpg:

It does to you. Not in court.

You overdosed on the red meat conhole candidates are tossing around.
Nothing will change about birthright citizenship. Nothing

No, it doesn't. That's a myth fed to you by liars who lie to you on a daily basis.

An illegal immigrant does not automatically become a citizen by giving birth. A child must be at least 21 years old before they can sponsor a parent.

Why do you keep going back to eat more manufactured bullshit from your propagandists?

Scientists should study this.

If that is the case then you have a process to change it.

Ignoring the actual text is not part of that process. Try again.
The entire U.S. Constitution, every single Amendment and clause was authored with a sole purpose to benefit and protect Americans. The Constitution is not an international document to benefit foreigners. It’s bizarre as fuck that you globalist pukes would believe the framers fucked up on the 14th….you actually choose to believe they wrote the 14th for Mexico’s people, you choose to believe they intended to force Americans to foster Mexico’s children.
Evidenced by the Naturalization Act of 1790, the framers knew what dark people do to communities, cities, states and nations, there’s no way in fucking hell they would have framed a single sentence that would allow for the browning of America….they knew better.
Look, if I had roots / lineage in a brown shithole I’d try to see the 14th as fucked up as you do….I get it.

The 14th was authored for and aimed at previously enslaved people….Nobody sane would believe it was written in such a way for Mexico to fuck us blind. Again, the Constitution is to be used for We The People of America and not We The People Of Mehico….just admit it brown people, the manner in which we have interpreted the 14th is just plain non-sensical.

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