Birthright Citizenship Causes Illegal Immigration

The caveat that globalist America haters always seem to pretend to miss.
“and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”

True…”All persons born” is clear….but there’s more context…“and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”

“and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”

Are new born babies in America not under American jurisdiction?
Some LOSER still thinks ALL immigrants come from Mexico. Hard to believe anyone can be so stupid.
The entire U.S. Constitution, every single Amendment and clause was authored with a sole purpose to benefit and protect Americans. The Constitution is not an international document to benefit foreigners. It’s bizarre as fuck that you globalist pukes would believe the framers fucked up on the 14th….you actually choose to believe they wrote the 14th for Mexico’s people, you choose to believe they intended to force Americans to foster Mexico’s children.
Evidenced by the Naturalization Act of 1790, the framers knew what dark people do to communities, cities, states and nations, there’s no way in fucking hell they would have framed a single sentence that would allow for the browning of America….they knew better.
Look, if I had roots / lineage in a brown shithole I’d try to see the 14th as fucked up as you do….I get it.

The 14th was authored for and aimed at previously enslaved people….Nobody sane would believe it was written in such a way for Mexico to fuck us blind. Again, the Constitution is to be used for We The People of America and not We The People Of Mehico….just admit it brown people, the manner in which we have interpreted the 14th is just plain non-sensical.

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The Framers didn't write the 14th you ignorant Bingo. 😄
And if not what other nation gets to have jurisdiction on American soil? To whom to do you want to give away this nation's sovereignty? 😄
You’re trying hard Gustavo….It’s not jurisdiction over the soil …think jurisdiction over the person. COME ON MAN…think!
You’re trying hard Gustavo….It’s not jurisdiction over the soil …think jurisdiction over the person. COME ON MAN…think!
So other nations have jurisdiction over people in the US? They can just come in and do with them as they please on American soil?
ANYONE born in the US is a US citizen.

Nope. I got your rightly pegged as a complete moron.
The framers didn’t want dark people in America…BUT they wanted to create a pathway for Mexico to fuck our people over and brown our nation? WTF….come on globalists, that retarded shit doesn’t make sense to a third grader.
So other nations have jurisdiction over people in the US? They can just come in and do with them as they please on American soil?
NEGATIVE…an illegal person and their litters of silver tooth filth ALWAYS remain citizens of whatever dark shithole they came from…Said shithole maintains jurisdiction over their citizens.
If I broke into Australia today I would remain a U.S. citizen and thus the U.S. would maintain jurisdiction. Get it Gustavo?
``Blood that has soaked into the sands of a beach is all of one color. America stands unique in the world: the only country not founded on race but on a way, an ideal. Not in spite of but because of our polyglot background, we have had all the strength in the world. That is the American way.''
The framers didn’t want dark people in America…BUT they wanted to create a pathway for Mexico to fuck our people over and brown our nation? WTF….come on globalists, that retarded shit doesn’t make sense to a third grader.
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Well thanks for the confirmation that you confused The Framers/Founders with the people who wrote the 14th Amendment. The First Congress was in 1790 and the 14th was adopted in 1868 you ignorant twit. 😄

Also people from South America are largely considered white seeing how South America was conquered by Spain you dumb Bingo.
NEGATIVE…an illegal person and their litters of silver tooth filth ALWAYS remain citizens of whatever dark shithole they came from…Said shithole maintains jurisdiction over their citizens.
If I broke into Australia today I would remain a U.S. citizen and thus the U.S. would maintain jurisdiction. Get it Gustavo?
If you broke into Australia you would be under Australian jurisdiction but you would not have been born there. Really, how stupid are you?
The entire U.S. Constitution, every single Amendment and clause was authored with a sole purpose to benefit and protect Americans. The Constitution is not an international document to benefit foreigners. It’s bizarre as fuck that you globalist pukes would believe the framers fucked up on the 14th….you actually choose to believe they wrote the 14th for Mexico’s people, you choose to believe they intended to force Americans to foster Mexico’s children.
Evidenced by the Naturalization Act of 1790, the framers knew what dark people do to communities, cities, states and nations, there’s no way in fucking hell they would have framed a single sentence that would allow for the browning of America….they knew better.
Look, if I had roots / lineage in a brown shithole I’d try to see the 14th as fucked up as you do….I get it.

The 14th was authored for and aimed at previously enslaved people….Nobody sane would believe it was written in such a way for Mexico to fuck us blind. Again, the Constitution is to be used for We The People of America and not We The People Of Mehico….just admit it brown people, the manner in which we have interpreted the 14th is just plain non-sensical.

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This sure is an awful lot of bloviating to tell us you wish Mexicans were whiter.

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