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"Bishop" Romney Urged Single Mother to give up Baby

LOL yeah it's the 21st century and according to Wicca there are witches- but I digress. A spiritualist who believes in spiritual warfare visiting a Pentecostal church makes Sarah Palin a witch hunter?

Thomas Muthee (born c. 1955)[1] is a Kenyan preacher and bishop. During the 2008 United States Presidential campaign, his visit to the Wasilla, Alaska Assembly of God in 2005, including a blessing that he gave Sarah Palin, was widely discussed. His prior claims of successful spiritual warfare in Kiambu, Kenya involving an alleged witch known as "Mama Jane" also came under specific scrutiny. In addition to his Alaskan visits, Muthee has spoken to churches in multiple European countries and is involved in humanitarian work in Africa.

You're kind of making my point for me.

This character was a joke, and here was Palin and friends, inviting him over like this was all so normal and acceptable.

You got Romney with his magic underwear, you've got Palin with the witch hunter, you got Jindal attending excorcisms.

Did you all just miss the memo about the 20th century?

Nothing is more whackadoodle than fundies.
Sallow believes all poor sick children should die. That way he is superior over any religious institution. Or so that future poor parents will opt for abortion. We just can't have people thanking religious institutions for saving the lives of their children when some democratic schmuck should get the gratitude instead.


I believe in the Constitution.

You..apparently believe in a cherry picked version.

This thread has nothing to do with the constitution. Diversion fail
You're an idiot- Nazi's were not Christians.

<snip> Christianity had declined severely in Germany at the time the Nazis came to power, which is why the Nazis were able to come to power. In his book, The Dictators, Richard Overy states that in the decades preceding the First World War Germany was becoming increasingly secular, and that after that war, from 1918 to 1931, 2.4 million Evangelical Christians formally renounced their faith as well as almost half a million Catholics. In Prussia, only 21% of the population took communion and in Hamburg only five percent of the population took communion. Before Hitler, German religious leaders were publicly condemning the rise of moral relativism and decline of traditional religious values.

Weimar Germany largely had abandoned Christianity and increasingly was embracing hedonism, Marxism and paganism. There, decline of Christianity in Germany led directly to the rise of Nazism. Professor Henri Lichtenberger in his 1937 book, The Third Reich, describes the religious life of the Weimar Republic as a place in which the large cities were "spiritual cemeteries" with almost no believers at all, except for those who were members of the clergy. <snip>


If Christianity was so in decline, the Nazis wouldn't have had to invoke so many Christian imagry and themes to take power.

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

Thank you for supporting my proposition!

OMG! Yes another PROOF that Hitler USED the name of Christ- not that he was a Christian.

Yeah..who else do you wanna kick out of the Christian religion? George Washington?

James Madison? Franklin? Jefferson?

You guys are good at cherry picking heroes and discarding villians.

Sallow believes all poor sick children should die. That way he is superior over any religious institution. Or so that future poor parents will opt for abortion. We just can't have people thanking religious institutions for saving the lives of their children when some democratic schmuck should get the gratitude instead.


I believe in the Constitution.

You..apparently believe in a cherry picked version.

This thread has nothing to do with the constitution. Diversion fail

He knows it.
Sallow believes all poor sick children should die. That way he is superior over any religious institution. Or so that future poor parents will opt for abortion. We just can't have people thanking religious institutions for saving the lives of their children when some democratic schmuck should get the gratitude instead.


I believe in the Constitution.

You..apparently believe in a cherry picked version.

This thread has nothing to do with the constitution. Diversion fail


That's ridiculous.

I pointed out that government support for a religion is Unconstitutional.

That's how this started.
My problem is, that shouldn't be their call. Proper medical treatment should be determined by the doctor and the patient, not government, churches, insurance companies or employers.

Unless you want to do the breathtakingly rational thing and have single payer for the whole country...

Let's follow your rationale to its logical conclusion. No planned parenthood counselor should give abortion counseling to women. It shouldn't be their call. It should be determined by the doctor and the patient without third party counselors.

Ummm, no, since PP is a medical institution... Sorry, man, that's argument fail right there.

Okay, make it simple for you... If you went in for cancer treatment, you wouldn't ask Bible Boy for his suggestion. WHich is probably a good thing, too. YOu'd go to a trained medical specialist...

Churches have no business sticking their noses in this stuff.

Neither do untrained but idealogically driven secular acolytes. Planned Parenthood is NOT a medial institution. It doesn't even have any doctors. PP is as much of a SECULAR belief institution as St. Mary's Hospital is a religious belief institution.

If one should not discuss abortion options neither should the other.
Bigamy is illegal.


But... but.... but... God Told Joseph Smith and Brigham Young it was acceptable...

And Romney's Grand dad fled to mexico so he wouldn't be limited to one wife.

But...But.. Mormons respect the LAW of the land...

Your red herrings will bring you botchulism.


Well, except for the bank fraud, the polygamy, the raising of private armies, the attempted scession and the slaughter of the Francher party, they are the most law abiding folk out there.

YOu danced around my point, though. If Smith and Young were talking to God, and God said Polygamy was okay, then how can Mormons reject it?
Adolf Hitler's religious views are a matter of dispute. Raised by a skeptic Catholic father and a devout Catholic mother, Adolf Hitler ceased to participate in the sacraments after childhood. In his book Mein Kampf and in public speeches he often made statements that affirmed a belief in Christianity.[1][2] Prior to World War II Hitler had promoted "positive Christianity", a Christian movement which purged Christianity of its Jewish elements and instilled it with Nazi philosophy.[3] According to the controversial collection of transcripts edited by Martin Bormann, titled Hitler's Table Talk, as well as the testimony of some intimates, Hitler had privately negative views of Christianity. Others reported he was a committed believer.[4][5]

The fact that a megalomaniac like Hitler took Christ's name in vain does not mean he was a Christian- only desperate faux intellectuals attempt to claim Nazi's were Christian's.

Numerous mad men have took Christ's name in vain in order to lend authority to their views- Nazism was hardly a theocracy.
Let's follow your rationale to its logical conclusion. No planned parenthood counselor should give abortion counseling to women. It shouldn't be their call. It should be determined by the doctor and the patient without third party counselors.

Ummm, no, since PP is a medical institution... Sorry, man, that's argument fail right there.

Okay, make it simple for you... If you went in for cancer treatment, you wouldn't ask Bible Boy for his suggestion. WHich is probably a good thing, too. YOu'd go to a trained medical specialist...

Churches have no business sticking their noses in this stuff.

Neither do untrained but idealogically driven secular acolytes. Planned Parenthood is NOT a medial institution. It doesn't even have any doctors. PP is as much of a SECULAR belief institution as St. Mary's Hospital is a religious belief institution.

If one should not discuss abortion options neither should the other.

Wow, man, you are stretching, aren't you? I'm waiting for the whole "Margie Sanger was a Nazi" song and dance you fanatics usually devolve down to...
Some reading material, for those who have never done any:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/The-Nazi-Persecution-Churches-Conway/dp/1573830801]Amazon.com: The Nazi Persecution of the Churches (9781573830805): J. S. Conway: Books[/ame]

"By 1937 it had become clear that the Nazi sate was not to be appeased by Catholic efforts to accommodate the Church and the State in the form of a Concordat, and that Hitler's government had no intention to adhere to its part of the document. Convinced, therefore, that the Church had been in error, in face of the irreconcilability of its teachings with those of National Socialism, in abandoning its earlier opposition to the movement, the Church resumed its controversy with Nazi doctrine, while continuing to suffer from Nazi practice."
pg. 25
"In May 1936 the leaders of the Confessional Church addressed a memorandum to Hitler denouncing the anti-Christian acts of the government. When this was met with further acts of repression, the failure of the church committees to effect a reconciliation was admitted by Ecclesiastical Minister Kerrl, in a report to Hitler. From that time forward the official attitude was that the Confessional Churches was illegal, and its activities were persecuted to the point where they became almost completely ineffective. For specific instances of this persecution, see the following section."
pg. 37
"In February, 1937, Dr. Zollner, the Chairman of the Reich Church Committee, was prevented by the police from visiting nine Confessional Pastors of Lubeck who had been arrested by the secret police. This interference with his attempted conciliation led to the resignation of Zollner and his committee on 14 February 1937."
pg. 48
"On 25 October 1936 members of the Hitler Youth hurled insults at Cardinal Faulhaber as he was entering his car in Giesing, a suburb of Munich."
pg. 53
"On 1 July 1937 Martin Niemoller, Confessional leader, was arrested and put in prison. On 7 February 1938 he was tried before a Special Court in Berlin. On 2 March he was sentenced to seven months imprisonment in a fortress (i.e., honorable imprisonment) for violation of the Pulpit Law. He was also fined 500 Marks for a violation of the rules of the Emergency Decree of 28 February 1933 (originally directed against the Communists) and 1500 Marks for another violation of both laws. He was acquitted of the charge of "underhand attacks on State and Party". As he had been eight months in prison he was allowed to go free. On leaving the court he was arrested by the Gestapo and sent to a concentration camp where he remained until the end of the war."

Nazi Persecution of Christians

"Immediately after Hitler had seized the power, National Socialism
showed itself as an ideology plainly opposed to Christianism. Only a minority
among the princes of the Catholic Church like for example Bishop Berning from
Osnabruck and later Cardinal Innitzer from Vienna tried to show a friendly
attitude towards Hitler."


I believe in the Constitution.

You..apparently believe in a cherry picked version.

This thread has nothing to do with the constitution. Diversion fail


That's ridiculous.

I pointed out that government support for a religion is Unconstitutional.

That's how this started.

Funding the charitable programs of any entity is not supporting, starting or interfering with the core of said institution in any way. The charity is a byproduct and if that bothers you their is always north Korea. They feel just like you.
Adolf Hitler's religious views are a matter of dispute. Raised by a skeptic Catholic father and a devout Catholic mother, Adolf Hitler ceased to participate in the sacraments after childhood. In his book Mein Kampf and in public speeches he often made statements that affirmed a belief in Christianity.[1][2] Prior to World War II Hitler had promoted "positive Christianity", a Christian movement which purged Christianity of its Jewish elements and instilled it with Nazi philosophy.[3] According to the controversial collection of transcripts edited by Martin Bormann, titled Hitler's Table Talk, as well as the testimony of some intimates, Hitler had privately negative views of Christianity. Others reported he was a committed believer.[4][5]

The fact that a megalomaniac like Hitler took Christ's name in vain does not mean he was a Christian- only desperate faux intellectuals attempt to claim Nazi's were Christian's.

Numerous mad men have took Christ's name in vain in order to lend authority to their views- Nazism was hardly a theocracy.


It's a matter of "dispute" for Christian apologists.

Pope Pius signed a fucking pact with the Nazis.

The Current pope was in the Hitler Youth.

Man..you guys are funny.
This thread has nothing to do with the constitution. Diversion fail


That's ridiculous.

I pointed out that government support for a religion is Unconstitutional.

That's how this started.

Funding the charitable programs of any entity is not supporting, starting or interfering with the core of said institution in any way. The charity is a byproduct and if that bothers you their is always north Korea. They feel just like you.


It is.

And bigtime.

It would, however, be political suicide to bring this to the Supreme Court.
Adolf Hitler's religious views are a matter of dispute. Raised by a skeptic Catholic father and a devout Catholic mother, Adolf Hitler ceased to participate in the sacraments after childhood. In his book Mein Kampf and in public speeches he often made statements that affirmed a belief in Christianity.[1][2] Prior to World War II Hitler had promoted "positive Christianity", a Christian movement which purged Christianity of its Jewish elements and instilled it with Nazi philosophy.[3] According to the controversial collection of transcripts edited by Martin Bormann, titled Hitler's Table Talk, as well as the testimony of some intimates, Hitler had privately negative views of Christianity. Others reported he was a committed believer.[4][5]

The fact that a megalomaniac like Hitler took Christ's name in vain does not mean he was a Christian- only desperate faux intellectuals attempt to claim Nazi's were Christian's.

Numerous mad men have took Christ's name in vain in order to lend authority to their views- Nazism was hardly a theocracy.

My thoughts on that.

1) If mad men are abusing Chirst or God's name, why doesn't God do something about it? I mean, he's an omnipotent being. All he had to do was have Hitler choke on a chickenbone.

2) People will try to embrace people they like (such as conservatives quoting Dr. King or liberals quoting Reagan) but they will always try to pass of a detestable creature onto someone else.

Fact is, whehter Hitler himself was faking it is irrelevent. It was the fact most Germans were Christians, and were receptive to his anti-semetic message. Maybe it was the fact Martin Luther published a book called "the Jews and their lies", or the Catholic policies of blaming the Jews for Jesus execution before Vatican II. It wasn't a hard sell for the crazy talk.
This thread has nothing to do with the constitution. Diversion fail


That's ridiculous.

I pointed out that government support for a religion is Unconstitutional.

That's how this started.

And so is interfering with it.

The other side of the coin you conveniently forget.

What 'side' of the coin.

If an entity goes into business for profit..they are required to adhere to the law of the land and pay taxes.
But... but.... but... God Told Joseph Smith and Brigham Young it was acceptable...

And Romney's Grand dad fled to mexico so he wouldn't be limited to one wife.

But...But.. Mormons respect the LAW of the land...

Your red herrings will bring you botchulism.


Well, except for the bank fraud, the polygamy, the raising of private armies, the attempted scession and the slaughter of the Francher party, they are the most law abiding folk out there.

YOu danced around my point, though. If Smith and Young were talking to God, and God said Polygamy was okay, then how can Mormons reject it?

What the fuck are you babbling about?

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