Bizarre contradictory Democrat ideals...there’s many.

No you don't get it. Illegal workers will continue to come as long as illegal employers exist. Notice Mexicans don't go to Canada? Why is that? It's because Canadian employers wouldn't hire them. But American employers will. Go after them you will start to solve this problem but only START.

Because the next thing you'll see if American corporations will lobby the Republicans to start accepting more people from Mexico China Africa the Middle East because they are the ones who want to flood the market with illegal workers.
Your all they can to make life for illegals easier and more prosperous. They shit their pants and resist any type of measure against illegals...You know this but you play stupid to it.
“We want higher wages and income equality but we want tens of millions of illegals also”
Your all they can to make life for illegals easier and more prosperous. They shit their pants and resist any type of measure against illegals...You know this but you play stupid to it.
“We want higher wages and income equality but we want tens of millions of illegals also”
Yea, we don’t like the republicans and corporations getting away with ruining the middle class by hiring illegals and to make themselves look good to fucks like you they play wack a mole with peoples lives.

you ignored everything I said you stupid white fuck
Yea, we don’t like the republicans and corporations getting away with ruining the middle class by hiring illegals and to make themselves look good to fucks like you they play wack a mole with peoples lives.

you ignored everything I said you stupid white fuck
You don't like Republicans for hiring the wetbacks you invite in, encourage to invade, protect in sanctuary cities, offer free healthcare and education to? Your legislators and the 116th congress have spent all their time fighting to make the U.S. a better nation for wetbacks...They have told you and the middle class to fuck off.
Do you ralize how fucking ignorant you sound?
You don't like Republicans for hiring the wetbacks you invite in, encourage to invade, protect in sanctuary cities, offer free healthcare and education to? Your legislators and the 116th congress have spent all their time fighting to make the U.S. a better nation for wetbacks...They have told you and the middle class to fuck off.
Do you ralize how fucking ignorant you sound?
I didn’t invite them in Reagan did. Then bush 2 stopped raiding illegal employers in 2001
I didn’t invite them in Reagan did. Then bush 2 stopped raiding illegal employers in 2001
Nobody gives two fucks about what was...lets talk about what is....Today, your party loves their prized you deny this fact?
I didn’t invite them in Reagan did. Then bush 2 stopped raiding illegal employers in 2001

The Democrats have been fighting against border control since at least 1900 when they defunded the Arizona Rangers.

Your claim is historically false.
Dem ideology always seems to contradict itself....I may not be able to think of them all right now, please help me compile the list.
I have to ask, how do you support such contradicting beliefs? Sell me

Protect the eagle egg but not the human fetus
Individualism but collectivism when I need free shit
Equality for all but special treatment for minorities
Free speech until your speech hurts my feelings
Income inequality but we want illegals dragging wages down
Stop pollution but recruit tens of millions of polluting illegals
Cheap rents wanted but more illegals wanted
Better healthcare wanted but free healthcare for illegals wanted
Better education wanted but more illegals wanted to weigh down our system
Stop Russian meddling but let Mexico meddle
Cops killing Americans = BAD, Illegals killing Americans = ACCEPTABLE
Whitey be accountable, Do not dare hold minorities accountable

"Protect the eagle egg but not the human fetus"

- allow women the right to choose for themselves on this deeply personal matter.

- but at least we don't DEMAND that the woman be FORCED to have the baby then REFUSE to help them with welfare so they just die on the streets.

- you protect the human fetus BEFORE it is born but AFTER it is born you couldn't care less.

- every gay and every black and every muslim that conservatives have lynched or murdered was ONCE a fetus

"Individualism but collectivism when I need free shit"

I don't want "free shit"

You are obviously thinking of evangelicals who are expecting FREE SHIT from god when they die

I believe that to MAGA and to KAGA we need the best education readily and affordably available for everyone

Affordable health care isn't such a bad idea, either

and I must assume that the FEWER people living in poverty and the MORE people with "disposable income" has GOT to be BETTER for the economy and the country than "rich get richer and everyone else has less"
If every working person earned enough to live a decent and comfortable life and still have money for a movie or a dinner out then the economy would be in great shape!

"Equality for all but special treatment for minorities"

do cons lie about everything?
Worse than lie, you just accused liberals of your own crime!

we want equality and fair treatment for all.
YOU want special rights for conservative christians.

"Free speech until your speech hurts my feelings"

- free speech until you start taking about lynching people who hurt your feelings

- free speech until you say "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"

- once again you accuse your enemies of your own crimes.
Obviously you are writing this because we hurt your widdle feelings

-how many times have I read on THIS BOARD "we must SILENCE our enemies!" "we must DEPORT or DESTROY our enemies!"

so you believe in FREE SPEECH as long as you agree with it

no doubt, to you, "the only good democrat is a dead democrat" would be an example of FREE SPEECH
but "the only good republican is a dead republican" would be an example of "liberals trying to silence us!" and "hate speech from the left!"

"Income inequality but we want illegals dragging wages down"

do you mean those illegals making 2 bits an hour picking your fruit?

"Stop pollution but recruit tens of millions of polluting illegals"

Personally i am against ILLEGALS and would slow the LEGAL IMMIGRATION process to a slow trickle. I would DEMAND that any/all immigrants attempting to LEGALLY enter the country speak passable english and be skilled enough to be employable

"Cheap rents wanted but more illegals wanted"

livable wages, NO illegals.

"Better healthcare wanted but free healthcare for illegals wanted"

AFFORDABLE health care for all CITIZENS and LEGAL immigrants

"Better education wanted but more illegals wanted to weigh down our system"

Better and AFFORDABLE education for all CITIZENS and LEGAL immigrants.

"Stop Russian meddling but let Mexico meddle"

stop ALL meddling.

"Cops killing Americans = BAD, Illegals killing Americans = ACCEPTABLE
Whitey be accountable, Do not dare hold minorities accountable"

Cops should abide by their oath to Serve and Protect
They should NOT be just tazing, beating or killing people simply because YOU enjoy it. They should be a POLICE SERVICE and NOT a POLICE FORCE

The Democrats have been fighting against border control since at least 1900 when they defunded the Arizona Rangers.

Your claim is historically false.
Nonsense you right wing wackos but this will be one of your Fox News lies or half truths you’ll push on racist white america to turn out the vote. We get it.
The Democrats have been fighting against border control since at least 1900 when they defunded the Arizona Rangers.

Your claim is historically false.
Nonsense you right wing wackos but this will be one of your Fox News lies or half truths you’ll push on racist white america to turn out the vote. We get it.

Listen you fucking halfwit, the Democrat elimination of the Arizona Rangers is WELL KNOWN HISTORY.

You know the history you try and erase so you can try and repeat it.
"We must stop 'SUPER SPREADER' events......BUT lets ship a million unvetted illegal aliens around the country."
Been saying it for years; if they didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.
Double standards. Yeah.

Like bitching about Obama's spending and deficits, and then going silent when Trump doubles the federal deficit in his first two years and submits the largest budgets in history. BEFORE the pandemic.

Oh, wait. That was the Republicans.
Double standards. Yeah.

Like bitching about Obama's spending and deficits, and then going silent when Trump doubles the federal deficit in his first two years and submits the largest budgets in history. BEFORE the pandemic.

Oh, wait. That was the Republicans.
I didn't do that, because I'm not a republican.

In fact, I openly said that Trump should have vetoed thoes bills....But none of you ninnies wanted to talk about policy....It was all mean tweets, fake scandals, and ORANGE MAN BAD! for four years.

Not even a nice try, Gomer.
Dem ideology always seems to contradict itself....I may not be able to think of them all right now, please help me compile the list.
I have to ask, how do you support such contradicting beliefs? Sell me

Protect the eagle egg but not the human fetus
Individualism but collectivism when I need free shit
Equality for all but special treatment for minorities
Free speech until your speech hurts my feelings
Income inequality but we want illegals dragging wages down
Stop pollution but recruit tens of millions of polluting illegals
Cheap rents wanted but more illegals wanted
Better healthcare wanted but free healthcare for illegals wanted
Better education wanted but more illegals wanted to weigh down our system
Stop Russian meddling but let Mexico meddle
Cops killing Americans = BAD, Illegals killing Americans = ACCEPTABLE
Whitey be accountable, Do not dare hold minorities accountable
None of that is true of course. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill that would include an ID card, the only solution for this GOP mess. And change the channel for God's sake....
Once Communism actually takes over a nation, those double standards quickly go away, after millions are murdered.
Socialism is what they have in every modern country except for us with our barbarian GOP health non-system. Fair capitalism and always democracy. Of course English speakers are totally brainwashed on the subject. Mention socialism and the next question is so you are for communism lol. Every other country has had socialist and communist parties at the same time and the difference is democracy. And screw Nazis and communists who try and take over the word socialism.
The amount of things the older generation expects from younger generation is ridiculous.

Go to college to get a good job. But we will define them.

Don’t complain about housing prices which are double.

Don’t demand to make much money. Higher wages increase our costs.

Don’t have kids. Have kids so that we have more labor for future generations.

Don’t expect the government to help. The government needs that money for our medical bills and care attendants.

Save for the future because we screwed up Social Security and it probably won’t be around. Oh and we will crash the economy in 2008. And you’ll have to put up with a other crash in 2020.
The older generation sees that younger generations can't get out of their own way. Younger generations are their own worst enemy.
Read the OP…..


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