Bizarre NBC News Hit Piece Criticizes Ron DeSantis for Prioritizing Seniors for Vaccine Distribution

This ain't about getting vaccines to old people. It's about playing politics with who gets the vaccine.
The Left just can't handle that states run by Democratic fascists are doing much worse in the pandemic than the ones run by republicans.
That's complete horsehit.

Since when are Texas and Florida blue states. or North Dakota and South Dakota?

The virus his all the states
The Left wants Grandma dead.

‘Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, ignored federal guidelines and prioritized getting senior citizens — one of Florida’s most potent voting blocs — vaccinated first,’ NBC News reported.


Libs news are so manipulative and their watchers so stupid.

The elderly as EVERYONE knows are the group that dies from Covid-------
In addition, the "vaccines" which are actually not vaccines but messenger RNA blockers have not been fully tested and thusly potentionally pose a huge risk to the public especially long term. The public really needs to test these on people and lets face it, the elderly have live most of their lives and aren't procreating (usually) passing on what could be an affected gene due to these "vaccines".

I'm in florida, creating herd immunity in the senior citizen communities is the most logical thing to do for florida slowing the spread of this disease why the younger generation can develop natural herd immunity for the most part simply by younger and healtier AND using the sun to their advantage.
What is he doing that every other state is not (except maybe NY). Front line emergency workers are first priority followed by seniors. For crying out loud--that is what the CDC recommends. When Vaccine is Limited, Who Gets Vaccinated First? Are the Dems/MSM disregarding the CDC? Wow, maybe Trump was right after all. Fancy that.

The Democrat party is the most anti-science organization in America right now.
The Democrats in Florida wanted all the diabetes ridden Negroes to get the vaccine before any White person.

That is how fucking racists they are.

The Democrats complained that a vaccine station had been set up in Lakewood Ranch near Bradenton. The filthy racist Liberals hated it because the demographics for the area are mainly White.
The Left wants Grandma dead.

‘Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, ignored federal guidelines and prioritized getting senior citizens — one of Florida’s most potent voting blocs — vaccinated first,’ NBC News reported.


Ron Desantis for President 2024!

He wants the tourist industry wide open with no hope in sight of a vaccine for anyone that will have to deal with the assholes coming down here to take a vacation from covid precautions.
The young folks working at bars etc are at far less risk then the older folks...they should get it first.

but you should have nothing to worry about....the snowbirds from NYC that are coming in are well taken care of by Andy
Here is what was really in the piece

In Charlotte County, officials said they were caught unaware when a vaccination station suddenly opened last week in the Kings Gate retirement community in Port Charlotte and 3,000 doses were dispensed.

Harvey Goldstein, who sits on the county’s GOP executive committee and does not live in the development, said he first learned of the pop-up when a regular Republican Party meeting was canceled so that some of the members could get their shots.

“It looks like they were allowed to jump the line ahead of the 90,000 people in the county who are still waiting to get a shot,” Goldstein, 81, told NBC News.

“If you set up rules about who should get vaccinated first they should apply to everyone. I haven’t heard any rationale for them to get their shots ahead of the people who registered in the county.”


Goldstein said he suspects the reason Kings Gate got special treatment is because it was built by Benderson Development and “they swing a heavy hammer in Tallahassee.” NBC News has reached out to the company's marketing director, Julie Fanning, but there was no immediate response.

Charlotte County Democratic Party Chair Teresa Jenkins said DeSantis’ decision to open a vaccination center in Kings Gate created the appearance that “politically connected people who are likely to vote for the governor are getting prioritized.”

“There’s quite a bit of anger out there,” Jenkins told NBC News. “So many of us get online every morning trying to get a vaccination appointment. We have people who are waiting and waiting and waiting for their shots. And here we see vaccinations being distributed in areas where there are mostly political supporters of Gov. DeSantis.”

Of the 1,900 residents of Kings Gate, Jenkins said, only 150 are registered Democrats.

DeSantis is playing politics with the vaccine.

What a shocker huh?

You obviously don't know much about Charlotte County, Florida! It's about as Republican a County as you'll find in the State! If they were giving out vaccines at some OTHER development my guess is that the ratio of Republicans to Democrats would be about the same or even heavier towards the GOP! What I would ask Theresa Jenkins is how many of the 1,900 residents of Kings Gate are in their 60's or older? My guess on that would be around 95% and I might be low on that estimate! So what better place to give out the vaccine than at a housing development that is almost 100% elderly? The Charlotte County Democratic Party Chair appears to be doing her best to stir up controversy by accusing Ron De Santis of something underhanded! I guess when you're the Party Chair to a party that pretty much doesn't EXIST in a stoop to things like that! Otherwise nobody really cares what you think! Just saying...
The Left just can't handle that states run by Democratic fascists are doing much worse in the pandemic than the ones run by republicans.
That's complete horsehit.

Since when are Texas and Florida blue states. or North Dakota and South Dakota?

The virus his all the states
Texas, Florida and Georgia have done much better relatively than states like NY and California. That is a fact.
Texas, Florida and Georgia have done much better relatively than states like NY and California. That is a fact.
That is anything BUT a fact
Coumo of NY is under criminal investigation and Newsom of CA is about to get recalled, both for their response and handling of the pandemic. Democrats have joined Republicans in this effort. Fact.

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