Black Americans aren’t buying election-year falsehoods. Here’s why.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
I and other blacs in this forum have continually tried teling these right wing white "experts" on blac people tat they do nottnow anything aboutus or how we think. When we say we can see racism, when we say that wecannot befooled by racism, it is because we have seen the sit for generations. Our grabdparents and patents taughtus what to look for. We teach our kids about whatto look for now, and as long as itcontinues generation of blacks wil be teaching each other whatto lok for andhow to deal with it.

Black Americans aren’t buying election-year falsehoods. Here’s why.​

For centuries, Black Americans have been battling racism and disenfranchisement — and batting down endless so-called truths. In the process, we’ve developed a powerful sixth sense for separating fact from fiction.

Black people have been forced to see the country for what it is, and we have learned to watch our collective backs in the face of persistent attempts to confuse and deceive us by the purposeful spreading of falsehoods.

Such spreading of disinformation — specifically the sort that targets a specific race — has a centuries-long history in America. Slave owners regularly spread lies to control perceptions of enslaved Black people and to suppress slave revolts. Since at least the mid-20th century, such tactics have often involved propaganda campaigns designed to discredit Black leaders and undermine the efforts of Black activist organizations.


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