Black-Clad Hoodlums Were First Up the Stairs, First to Smash Windows at US Capitol — But FBI Refuses to Look for Them – Weird, Huh?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Black-Clad Hoodlums Were First Up the Stairs, First to Smash Windows at US Capitol​


But FBI Refuses to Look for Them​


Weird, Huh?​

10 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
So, just how many FBI informants and infiltrators were involved in the Jan. 6 riot?
And why is the FBI refusing to look for two of the most violent protesters?

Bobby Powell the host of “The Truth is Viral” podcast was invited on OAN last week to discuss his viral video that exposed two likely FBI informants who were filmed breaking windows, attacking the building, and even pushing people inside the US Capitol.
Bobby was on the east side of the US Capitol on Jan. 6. He witnessed several men attacking the building. Bobby told OAN, “Two men I saw attacking the building, breaking windows, and even pushing people inside HAVE NOT been arrested. And they are not on the list of suspects being sought by the FBI. Now I provided the FBI with 29 minutes of high definition footage, 1080p, more than five months ago. Neither one of these men has been arrested. They are not in any of the 400+ indictments, I’ve checked them all. There’s not one frame of video not one still photograph on either of these men on the FBI’s webpage that ask people to give them tips on who the rioters were. The FBI’s YouTube channel or their Facebook page. They’re putting up all kinds of fuzzy pictures but they’re not putting up the HDI images that I sent them.”
Bobby and fellow Trump supporters then stood guard at the broken window and refused to allow fellow Trump supporters inside the building!
The police left the US Capitol open!

Here is the video link here – Via One America News:
Now this…
New video shows these same black-clad military operatives were the first ones up the stairs at the US Capitol on Jan. 6.
So why is the FBI not looking for these guys?

Why do you think Pelosi and Mayor Bowser of D.C. turned down request for the National Guard...
While capitol police incited the crowds by throwing flash bangs, tear gas etc., then actually opening the doors {the doors were magnetic locked and could only be unlocked from the inside} and barricades to let people in.
Hmm....., two Capitol Cops committed suicide shortly after (or had some help)? What bothered them so much? I haven't read of any other officers committing suicide while Antifa/BLM were beating them up and burning down Blue Plantation cities.
January 6th was a False flag operation conducted by Leftists within our government. This has been made obvious by the refusal of 14,000 hours camera footage and the incarceration of 400 Americans.
What's the difference between the Black hoodlums and the white hoodlums?

They're all traitors.
Two men I saw attacking the building, breaking windows, and even pushing people inside HAVE NOT been arrested. And they are not on the list of suspects being sought by the FBI.
You can't expect FBI to arrest their own agents, smartypants. It's a DEMOCRAT coup d'etat, they have their own labor union, FBIAA, they can engage in all the criminal asshattery they want at all hours of the day or night, and as clearanced federal employees, they can't be fired for any reason no matter what.
The FBI is complicit in orchestrating and then covering up the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.
We all see and know it.
That, in and of itself, is proof, on it's face, that the election was stolen and Joe Biden's presidency represents
a coup d'etat which still is being conducted at the higher levels of power and in the media.
The FBI spend as much time fomenting trouble as they do investigating it. Pieces of shit.
Drug dealing Democrat gun grabbers, to boot.

Indeed, while Joey Xi Bai Dung has destroyed the building and usefulness of the border wall allowing rampant illegal entry to crises levels, his decision also allowed rampant narcotic smuggling into the U.S.
That is quite apparent by the number of drugs being caught. Just imagine what is getting through now.


Indeed, while Joey Xi Bai Dung has destroyed the building and usefulness of the border wall allowing rampant illegal entry to crises levels, his decision also allowed rampant narcotic smuggling into the U.S.
That is quite apparent by the number of drugs being caught. Just imagine what is getting through now.


And welcoming pregnant women with open arms.

Weird. It’s almost like the whole thing was planned to unfold like that to make Trump supporters look bad.

Strangely nothing like this has occurred before or after January 6th....., except for Antifa/BLM attacking federal buildings in attempts to burn them down, or UFT teachers taking over state capital buildings in protest. PM/DSA Democrat Commies all....
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Black-Clad Hoodlums Were First Up the Stairs, First to Smash Windows at US Capitol​


But FBI Refuses to Look for Them​


Weird, Huh?​

10 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
So, just how many FBI informants and infiltrators were involved in the Jan. 6 riot?
And why is the FBI refusing to look for two of the most violent protesters?

Bobby Powell the host of “The Truth is Viral” podcast was invited on OAN last week to discuss his viral video that exposed two likely FBI informants who were filmed breaking windows, attacking the building, and even pushing people inside the US Capitol.
Bobby was on the east side of the US Capitol on Jan. 6. He witnessed several men attacking the building. Bobby told OAN, “Two men I saw attacking the building, breaking windows, and even pushing people inside HAVE NOT been arrested. And they are not on the list of suspects being sought by the FBI. Now I provided the FBI with 29 minutes of high definition footage, 1080p, more than five months ago. Neither one of these men has been arrested. They are not in any of the 400+ indictments, I’ve checked them all. There’s not one frame of video not one still photograph on either of these men on the FBI’s webpage that ask people to give them tips on who the rioters were. The FBI’s YouTube channel or their Facebook page. They’re putting up all kinds of fuzzy pictures but they’re not putting up the HDI images that I sent them.”
Bobby and fellow Trump supporters then stood guard at the broken window and refused to allow fellow Trump supporters inside the building!
The police left the US Capitol open!

Here is the video link here – Via One America News:
Now this…
New video shows these same black-clad military operatives were the first ones up the stairs at the US Capitol on Jan. 6.
So why is the FBI not looking for these guys?

Why do you think Pelosi and Mayor Bowser of D.C. turned down request for the National Guard...
While capitol police incited the crowds by throwing flash bangs, tear gas etc., then actually opening the doors {the doors were magnetic locked and could only be unlocked from the inside} and barricades to let people in.
Hmm....., two Capitol Cops committed suicide shortly after (or had some help)? What bothered them so much? I haven't read of any other officers committing suicide while Antifa/BLM were beating them up and burning down Blue Plantation cities.
January 6th was a False flag operation conducted by Leftists within our government. This has been made obvious by the refusal of 14,000 hours camera footage and the incarceration of 400 Americans.

Let's see the videos... its the peoples house , why don't they let the people watch the videos.
Let's see the videos... its the peoples house , why don't they let the people watch the videos.


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Black-Clad Hoodlums Were First Up the Stairs, First to Smash Windows at US Capitol​


But FBI Refuses to Look for Them​


Weird, Huh?​

10 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
So, just how many FBI informants and infiltrators were involved in the Jan. 6 riot?
And why is the FBI refusing to look for two of the most violent protesters?

Bobby Powell the host of “The Truth is Viral” podcast was invited on OAN last week to discuss his viral video that exposed two likely FBI informants who were filmed breaking windows, attacking the building, and even pushing people inside the US Capitol.
Bobby was on the east side of the US Capitol on Jan. 6. He witnessed several men attacking the building. Bobby told OAN, “Two men I saw attacking the building, breaking windows, and even pushing people inside HAVE NOT been arrested. And they are not on the list of suspects being sought by the FBI. Now I provided the FBI with 29 minutes of high definition footage, 1080p, more than five months ago. Neither one of these men has been arrested. They are not in any of the 400+ indictments, I’ve checked them all. There’s not one frame of video not one still photograph on either of these men on the FBI’s webpage that ask people to give them tips on who the rioters were. The FBI’s YouTube channel or their Facebook page. They’re putting up all kinds of fuzzy pictures but they’re not putting up the HDI images that I sent them.”
Bobby and fellow Trump supporters then stood guard at the broken window and refused to allow fellow Trump supporters inside the building!
The police left the US Capitol open!

Here is the video link here – Via One America News:
Now this…
New video shows these same black-clad military operatives were the first ones up the stairs at the US Capitol on Jan. 6.
So why is the FBI not looking for these guys?

Why do you think Pelosi and Mayor Bowser of D.C. turned down request for the National Guard...
While capitol police incited the crowds by throwing flash bangs, tear gas etc., then actually opening the doors {the doors were magnetic locked and could only be unlocked from the inside} and barricades to let people in.
Hmm....., two Capitol Cops committed suicide shortly after (or had some help)? What bothered them so much? I haven't read of any other officers committing suicide while Antifa/BLM were beating them up and burning down Blue Plantation cities.
January 6th was a False flag operation conducted by Leftists within our government. This has been made obvious by the refusal of 14,000 hours camera footage and the incarceration of 400 Americans.

And you believe this guy ... why?

There are also a hundred reasons why the FBI might not be telling the general public about their ongoing investigation before you get to MASSIVE COVER-UP. Maybe they're hoping he'll lead them to other members of a violent group he's in. Maybe they're hoping to flip him and don't want his ID on the news. Maybe they're overworked and haven't gotten there yet. There are plenty more, but these guys won't address them because it doesn't fit OAN's and the podcaster's narratives.

Folks, this is a conspiracy theory. There is no evidence to show that Antifa or FBI goons were false-flagging the Capitol invasion; it's all conjecture about who this guy MIGHT be. The people pushing it are saying that until someone can prove that no Antifa/FBI people were there (and proving a negative is a logical impossibility), surely it must be true, which is bassackwards. A simple test: If an accusation appeals only to people who hated the target anyway, it's probably not true.

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