Black Community: Sanctuary Cities are Racist!

This is making my head explode...@CNN, how is this possible?

"When you come here illegally, they don't get trucked into Brentwood. They don't get trucked into Beverly Hills. ... Here in California, in SoCal, they get trucked into the streets of Crenshaw. The Jungle. East LA. A lot of black people aren't suffering academically, but they suffer economically. They suffer in abject poverty and crime. Their schools are beyond a disgrace. They're highly likely to drop out. And when those schools get pumped with illegal aliens, they're even more likely to drop out. Money has to be spent to translate school books into Spanish because the illegal alien minors cannot speak the King's English. I, as an American, born and raised in Los Angeles cannot get a job for what I do[,] I have to learn two languages, specifically Spanish -- in my own country. You tell me how that's fair!"

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Wow, I'm starting to think we've been lied to...this reaction to Nancy Pelosi is classic

"It shouldn't be a crime being over here illegally?? ... I have heard it all. This don't make no sense. Matter of fact, how 'bout this - how 'bout I don't renew my driver's license? How 'bout that? How 'bout I don't renew my car tag? How 'bout that?"


Terrence K. Williams on Twitter
"We are tired of being overlooked by our government that no longer works for Americans interests but for those that are not Americans and of American heritage. ... People want to throw blacks up with illegal immigration, but guess what? Blacks are citizens, and we speak one language, and we have one unity -- to this country. We have no other country. Many of us have never been to Africa. We only speak English, and we want to be acknowledged as pro-American, someone that has grown to love our country. Thank you for your time, God bless you, God bless America, and God bless Trump."

Melissa A. on Twitter
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These videos of city counsel members in California sanctuary cities getting blasted by black people who live in those communities truly shows the backlash that the Democrats are about to face from the demographic they've consistently betrayed while assuming they'd always get their votes.

"Americans are dreamers too, we have dreams too. Because of the illegal aliens that are here, our dreams are going to them, and less to us. ... I'm African American, my family members were slaves back in the day ... [they were] brought here not of their own will. We have citizenship - we have every right to be here. If you guys want to be here in our country, then become citizens. We're not saying you shouldn't be here, but guess what, we're paying for it. We're paying for welfare, for Section 8, it's costing us our jobs, we're losing so much money. Come the right way."

Melissa A. on Twitter
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I always thought the biggest losers to illegals were blacks. Work competition, wage lowering, housing shortages, and social services. Biggest challenge coming-when job requires bi-lingual individual.
I always thought the biggest losers to illegals were blacks. Work competition, wage lowering, housing shortages, and social services. Biggest challenge coming-when job requires bi-lingual individual.

The woman blasting the city counsel in post #2 hits that exact point. I edited the post to add the transcript of that part of the video.
Yeah the democrats see demographics the same way they see the budget....linear........and with their programs they dismiss unintended consequence....but both the linear thought and the unintended consequence are going to bite them in the ass...big time....because they are fake........
The Democrat Party Hates Black Americans.

This is why they enslaved them

This is why they denied them Civil Rights

This is why they created Poll Taxes

This is why they created Jim Crow Laws.

This is why they created Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps to exterminated 50 Million Black Babies

This is why they created The KKK and Lynchings and used fire hoses, Billy Clubs and Dogs on Black Americans

This is why they created Segregation.

And this is why they favor Illegal Aliens who will work for below minimum wage in Democrat Plantations and Sweat Shops instead of employing an Uppity Black American who wants a fair wage.

If you are Black and you vote Democrat, you are cutting your own throat.

After the election, they are going to tell you to sit down, STFU and go sit in the back of the bus like they ALWAYS DO, and like they Always have done.

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