Black Congresswoman Shelia Jackson blames BUSH for Fast and Furious!!

In addition, since the Mexican Government didn't help the Bush administration with the program at all, and Mexican government members are well-known to be corrupt and have ties to the cartels themselves...

Why do you feel it would have been a better plan to involve them?
In addition, since the Mexican Government didn't help the Bush administration with the program at all, and Mexican government members are well-known to be corrupt and have ties to the cartels themselves...

Why do you feel it would have been a better plan to involve them?

Well why would obama and holder think of doing fast and ther furious in the first place knowing the Mexican government would not help them and could not keep track of the gun once they left the U.S.
No, it is NOT correct. The stupid idea of running guns to Mexico under Wide Receiver (2006-2007) was correctly ended and acknowledged as a failure after Mexico informed us that they were unable to track the weapons, allowing about 400 of them into the hands of the cartels.

Under Holder, that stupid idea was resurrected and re-tried WITHOUT the knowledge and cooperation of the Mexican government, and it resulted in about 2,000 weapons being lost, 2 of which were connected to the death of BP agent Terry.

IOW, Holder's ATF ignored the previous failure, instituted a program that was LESS likely to succeed and QUINTUPLED the number of trafficked weapons, all the while using the bloated gun recovery figures to push for stricter gun laws here at home.

Talk about DUMB!!

Despite your opinions as to the effectiveness of the programs, that still does not contradict her statement, which was:

“This Fast and Furious debacle started under the Bush administration.”

Which is essentially true.

Yes it is. And it was closed down after it did not work.
The question now is, Why was it opened back up in 2009? This is what they are trying to find out and Holder is stalling.
I have been saying it for over a year... Obama is

Picture's worth a thousand words! Clever girl, you!
So is she blaming Bush for using the executive privilege for the coverup, too?
No, it is NOT correct. The stupid idea of running guns to Mexico under Wide Receiver (2006-2007) was correctly ended and acknowledged as a failure after Mexico informed us that they were unable to track the weapons, allowing about 400 of them into the hands of the cartels.

Under Holder, that stupid idea was resurrected and re-tried WITHOUT the knowledge and cooperation of the Mexican government, and it resulted in about 2,000 weapons being lost, 2 of which were connected to the death of BP agent Terry.

IOW, Holder's ATF ignored the previous failure, instituted a program that was LESS likely to succeed and QUINTUPLED the number of trafficked weapons, all the while using the bloated gun recovery figures to push for stricter gun laws here at home.

Talk about DUMB!!

Despite your opinions as to the effectiveness of the programs, that still does not contradict her statement, which was:

“This Fast and Furious debacle started under the Bush administration.”

Which is essentially true.

Yes it is. And it was closed down after it did not work.
The question now is, Why was it opened back up in 2009? This is what they are trying to find out and Holder is stalling.

It is not "essentially true". Holder himself admitted that you cannot compare the two programs.
No, it is NOT correct. The stupid idea of running guns to Mexico under Wide Receiver (2006-2007) was correctly ended and acknowledged as a failure after Mexico informed us that they were unable to track the weapons, allowing about 400 of them into the hands of the cartels.

Under Holder, that stupid idea was resurrected and re-tried WITHOUT the knowledge and cooperation of the Mexican government, and it resulted in about 2,000 weapons being lost, 2 of which were connected to the death of BP agent Terry.

IOW, Holder's ATF ignored the previous failure, instituted a program that was LESS likely to succeed and QUINTUPLED the number of trafficked weapons, all the while using the bloated gun recovery figures to push for stricter gun laws here at home.

Talk about DUMB!!

Despite your opinions as to the effectiveness of the programs, that still does not contradict her statement, which was:

“This Fast and Furious debacle started under the Bush administration.”

Which is essentially true.

Fast and Furious was a completely different program- So you and she are wrong.
Two very different programs that did the EXACT SAME THING???? Hello! You guys don't get to make up your own facts. Haven't you figured that out?
You dimwits make up your own intelligence every day. Idiot.

No they ignore truth everyday.

Liberals will try and pretend this operation that began in mid-2009 is connected to former President George W. Bush’s administration. The media should challenge this false assertion. Operation Wide Receiver in 2006 did not remotely resemble Fast and Furious, as National Review’s Andrew McCarthy has ably examined. Mexico helped coordinate it, and there was traceable controlled delivery. Even Holder admitted in testimony that you cannot “equate the two.”

No, it is NOT correct. The stupid idea of running guns to Mexico under Wide Receiver (2006-2007) was correctly ended and acknowledged as a failure after Mexico informed us that they were unable to track the weapons, allowing about 400 of them into the hands of the cartels.

Under Holder, that stupid idea was resurrected and re-tried WITHOUT the knowledge and cooperation of the Mexican government, and it resulted in about 2,000 weapons being lost, 2 of which were connected to the death of BP agent Terry.

IOW, Holder's ATF ignored the previous failure, instituted a program that was LESS likely to succeed and QUINTUPLED the number of trafficked weapons, all the while using the bloated gun recovery figures to push for stricter gun laws here at home.

Talk about DUMB!!

Despite your opinions as to the effectiveness of the programs, that still does not contradict her statement, which was:

“This Fast and Furious debacle started under the Bush administration.”

Which is essentially true.

its only HALF true.

the program was also ENDED in the Bush years. Oct 6, 2007 to be exact. It lost 200 guns and it was decided it was too dangerous to continue.

Im an Obama supporter and Fast and Furious was STARTED under his administration. I also LOVE Harry Truman and his slogan " The Buck Stops Here." No ones perfect and this is one of the BAD things that happened under Obamas watch.
Two very different programs that did the EXACT SAME THING???? Hello! You guys don't get to make up your own facts. Haven't you figured that out?
You dimwits make up your own intelligence every day. Idiot.

No they ignore truth everyday.

Liberals will try and pretend this operation that began in mid-2009 is connected to former President George W. Bush’s administration. The media should challenge this false assertion. Operation Wide Receiver in 2006 did not remotely resemble Fast and Furious, as National Review’s Andrew McCarthy has ably examined. Mexico helped coordinate it, and there was traceable controlled delivery. Even Holder admitted in testimony that you cannot “equate the two.”

Technically it IS "connected" in the sense that the tactic was used before.

BUT ( <----notice the BIG BUT ) during the Bush administration, there was a failure. And because of that failure the tactic was rightfully abandoned. That SHOULD have told the Obama administration that this tactic was too dangerous to pursue. They did not LEARN from Bush's mistakes and therefore reinstated the tactic and met with the same failure on a much larger scale.

And yes, there should be some accountability, but at the same time, this so called investigation is a sham, political theatre, that would NOT take place if the same party held both the House and the Presidency, regardless of which party held both.
Answers must be demanded. When was the first time President Obama was briefed on this operation? Given his previous conflicting testimony, when in fact did Attorney General Eric Holder become involved? What exactly did he know and when did he know it?

Despite the fact that Mexico was left in the dark by the Obama administration, this was still an international operation. If Secretary of State Hillary Clinton must approve the Keystone pipeline, wouldn’t she also be consulted on this cross-border operation?

Liberals will try and pretend this operation that began in mid-2009 is connected to former President George W. Bush’s administration. The media should challenge this false assertion. Operation Wide Receiver in 2006 did not remotely resemble Fast and Furious, as National Review’s Andrew McCarthy has ably examined. Mexico helped coordinate it, and there was traceable controlled delivery. Even Holder admitted in testimony that you cannot “equate the two.”

We will also hear that this is “election-year politics.” The problem with that refrain is that this investigation has been ongoing since early 2011, well before campaign season started. It has been Attorney General Holder’s evasiveness that has dragged this process closer to Election Day.

Morning Bell: President Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal Grows
Black Congresswoman Shelia Jackson is an idiot....

Just sayin'...

and her color is relevant because?

i know you know that the program started during the bush administration.

and yet issa didn't call mukasey to testify. imagine that.

who'd a thunk it?

The key differences are that Operation Wide Receiver tracked the firearms that were &#8220;walked&#8221; into Mexico, and the operation was carried out in conjunction with Mexican authorities. With Operation Fast and Furious, on the other hand, there was no effort made to track the weapons once they &#8220;walked&#8221; across the border, and the US government never informed the Mexicans of the operation. At a hearing this week, Senator Jon Cornyn (R) made the distinction perfectly clear.
The Difference Between Bush&#8217;s &#8216;Wide Receiver&#8217; and Obama&#8217;s &#8216;Fast and Furious&#8217; | The Lonely Conservative
Another example of "blame white people when blacks screw up". Might work though since the establishment media is always on the dem side.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee blames Fast and Furious on George W. Bush - Spokane Conservative |

On Wednesday, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) tried to pin the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal on former President George W. Bush.

“This Fast and Furious debacle started under the Bush administration,” Jackson Lee said. “And it is been evidenced by various reports that it started under the ATL office in Arizona unbeknownst to leadership in Washington DC, at least leadership that came in under the Obama administration in this instance, Eric Holder.”

Not so fast, says Andrew C. McCarthy of National Review Online.

For starters, Fast and Furious did not start until 2009, months after George W. Bush was no longer in the White House.

McCarthy explains that the Democrats' strategy is to conflate two "very different programs."

In this case, the two programs are Operation Fast & Furious and a "Bush era ATF initiative known as 'Operation Wide Receiver.'"

According to McCarthy, "Operation Wide Receiver" involved "not gun-walking but controlled delivery."

He explains that "controlled delivery is a very common law enforcement tactic."

Basically, the agents know the bad guys have negotiated a deal to acquire some commodity that is either illegal itself (e.g., heroin, child porn) or illegal for them to have/use (e.g., guns, corporate secrets). The agents allow the transfer to happen under circumstances where they are in control — i.e., they are on the scene conducting surveillance of the transfer, and sometimes even participating undercover in the transfer. As soon as the transfer takes place, they can descend on the suspects, make arrests, and seize the commodity in question — all of which makes for powerful evidence of guilt.

"Fast and Furious," on the other hand, "involved uncontrolled deliveries — of thousands of weapons."

Why not blame it on Nixon???

Progressives take no responsibility for their actions....

They destroy then blame....

It will never change and it will destroy us as a nation....

We have 5-10 years left as a nation....

Progressives need to be rounded up like cattle and treated as such....
Black Congresswoman Shelia Jackson is an idiot....

Just sayin'...

and her color is relevant because?

i know you know that the program started during the bush administration.

and yet issa didn't call mukasey to testify. imagine that.

who'd a thunk it?

NO, that's the liberal spin. They were two very different programs. One used standard operational procedure in a sting scenario and worked with the Mexican Government- When they lost control of a few dozen guns they ended it.

The other allowed guns to walk unbeknownst to the Mexican government and had zero control over the operation, allowing thousands of guns to fall into the hands of known drug cartels. These guns have consequently been linked to numerous murders of Mexican citizens and also in the murder of one of our own agents- Holder himself gave testimony that you cannot “equate the two.”
Black Congresswoman Shelia Jackson is an idiot....

Just sayin'...

and her color is relevant because?

i know you know that the program started during the bush administration.

and yet issa didn't call mukasey to testify. imagine that.

who'd a thunk it?

NO, that's the liberal spin. They were two very different programs. One used standard operational procedure in a sting scenario and worked with the Mexican Government- When they lost control of a few dozen guns they ended it.

The other allowed guns to walk unbeknownst to the Mexican government and had zero control over the operation, allowing thousands of guns to fall into the hands of known drug cartels. These guns have consequently been linked to numerous murders of Mexican citizens and also in the murder of one of our own agents- Holder himself gave testimony that you cannot “equate the two.”

They're not liberals....

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