black crew member complains about the set of the dahmer series

there is a difference between coexistence and cohabitation. I have a few black neighbors , I don't bother them they don't bother me. The first thing a racist says is I have some black friends. well I don't, and thats perfectly fine for me. if I looked around and saw that because of race my neighborhood is going to shit I'd move in a second.
So if whites were causing your neighborhood to go to shit, would you move?

So if you don't bother them and they don't bother you, what is the problem?
So if whites were causing your neighborhood to go to shit, would you move?

So if you don't bother them and they don't bother you, what is the problem?
yes if whites were selling dope on the corner and doing drive by shootings daily I would move. but in all fairness that's not usually a white neighborhood problem.
because white people prefer to act like animals in private.
Or could it be the system is set up to keep the crime in certain communities and out of others. See when whites want drugs they go to the Hood to pick them up, when white men want a woman they go towards the hood to pick one up. Why don't they let the white drug dealers stand on white corners and white prostitutes stand on white corners?
Or could it be the system is set up to keep the crime in certain communities and out of others. See when whites want drugs they go to the Hood to pick them up, when white men want a woman they go towards the hood to pick one up. Why don't they let the white drug dealers stand on white corners and white prostitutes stand on white corners?
like I said white people do their shit in private.
the rape wasn't the illegal part. being seen in public was. Ask Emmet Till how it worked out for him. spoiler alert... not too good.
What crime did Emmit Till commit other than being black. See that is a perfect example of the injustices that black folks have faced in this country. Hell is murderers sold their story Life Magazine on how they killed him and the wife of Roy Bryant has told the story that she lied about the whole thing and what was done to her? Not a damn thing, but to racist like you that's ok because Emmit was murdered in 1955.
What crime did Emmit Till commit other than being black. See that is a perfect example of the injustices that black folks have faced in this country. Hell is murderers sold their story Life Magazine on how they killed him and the wife of Roy Bryant has told the story that she lied about the whole thing and what was done to her? Not a damn thing, but to racist like you that's ok because Emmit was murdered in 1955.
Emmett was murdered for talking shit to a white women in a time where things like that got you killed.
Or could it be the system is set up to keep the crime in certain communities and out of others. See when whites want drugs they go to the Hood to pick them up, when white men want a woman they go towards the hood to pick one up. Why don't they let the white drug dealers stand on white corners and white prostitutes stand on white corners?
That system is the Democratic party.
So you think the murder of Emmit Till was justified? Also Roy Bryant's wife said she lied and that Emmitt Till never said anything to her.
I never said that at all. but it does go back to the point I was making about the illegality of race mixing at some times in history.

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