Black death it's 100% likely it spreads to the UK and a ticking time bomb ready to decimate the worl

UK not US

Yes but it will also be America at some point.

The common sense solution is that these people should be contained in their own shit holes and no Jungle Bunny should be allowed ANYWHERE in the Western world. If the Jungle Bunnies are kept out then no Western nation will get plague or Ebola or any other of these diseases that the filthy dwellers in Third World shit holes give to THEMSELVES:

They are getting plague because they are backward low IQ knuckledraggers who are digging up rotting corpses to dance with.

They are getting Ebola because they are backward low IQ knuckledraggers who do not eat NORMAL food and instead go and get a chimp or an ape to put on the grill for dinner.

Western Civilisation is not compatible with the Jungle Bunnies they should stay in their shit holes and fuck off.
Right. It has nothing to do with certain diseases are tropical rain forest bred.

^^^^ Moron.

Read about how the plague is happening in Madagascar. Read what the NUMBER ONE cause of Ebola is. Hint, neither has ANYTHING to do with tropical rain forests.
Isn't it the Chinese that cook up these bugs, then try it out on the Africans, who travel and infect everyone?

The Chinese is a different topic. Again THIS is how the filthy Africans give THEMSELVES Ebola:

View attachment 160376

About Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever| Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever | CDC

The largest carriers of the Ebola virus are monkeys, gorillas and chimps, the Jungle Bunnies go into the jungles and they catch an ape or a chimp or whatever for dinner, they take it home to their mud hut and put it on the grill, by consuming it they give THEMSELVES Ebola.

The WHO should not waste money treating them, let nature take its course why waste money treating them when they are unable to be educated in the situation of if you do not want to get Ebola don't eat a chimp or an ape. They treat them and then it's rinse and repeat and then there's another Ebola outbreak.

It's impossible to educate these people, WTF they can't even be educated into using a condom and that's one of the easiest things to know how to use.

The burka is more important than the condom. And if you don't eat green monkeys from the jungle, then how do you keep all those AIDS "professionals" in business? I bet there will be no Ebola in the uk.
Sensationalism? Like 3 people dead in some remote country of a 100 million population is not gonna matter.

LMFAO wtf have you been hate to bust that bubble it's way more than three ppl dead , reality check see how easily this shit can come here because ppl ain't got a fkn clue what is going on in the world and MSM sure in the hell isn't telling the public now are they.

They'll wait until it comes here ( which can to a degree be understood) , but sometimes there are many dangers and they wait for ppl to drop dead here first then warn ppl. Cause they don't want to cause a panic omg never cause a panic. lol

Okay. Assume it goes to the uk. What would be the death toll? I bet at most like 1%. That's nothing, The real Black Death in the medieval ages killed 67% of the populations, as mathematically expected. This will surely not happen now.

Have you ever seen this map ?


HealthMap | Flu Map | Contagious Disease Surveillance | Virus Awareness
The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies.
Sensationalism? Like 3 people dead in some remote country of a 100 million population is not gonna matter.

LMFAO wtf have you been hate to bust that bubble it's way more than three ppl dead , reality check see how easily this shit can come here because ppl ain't got a fkn clue what is going on in the world and MSM sure in the hell isn't telling the public now are they.

They'll wait until it comes here ( which can to a degree be understood) , but sometimes there are many dangers and they wait for ppl to drop dead here first then warn ppl. Cause they don't want to cause a panic omg never cause a panic. lol

Okay. Assume it goes to the uk. What would be the death toll? I bet at most like 1%. That's nothing, The real Black Death in the medieval ages killed 67% of the populations, as mathematically expected. This will surely not happen now.

You could have a point, but germs or whatever can travel much faster now because of " Flying" etc which i'm sure you have thought of.

But if someone slips through the cracks and has no symptoms as they are on their way here lets say that is all it will take.
Just like when that Ebola so called crap ended up here which of course they claim ebola wasn't it.

"The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies."

The Leftists insist that we are ALL the same, that there are NO Higher Cultures just different peoples and that essentially we are no different from African savages or YES because haven't we ALL exhumed rotting corpses to dance in the street with :uhoh3: :rolleyes-41:
The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies.
Sensationalism? Like 3 people dead in some remote country of a 100 million population is not gonna matter.

LMFAO wtf have you been hate to bust that bubble it's way more than three ppl dead , reality check see how easily this shit can come here because ppl ain't got a fkn clue what is going on in the world and MSM sure in the hell isn't telling the public now are they.

They'll wait until it comes here ( which can to a degree be understood) , but sometimes there are many dangers and they wait for ppl to drop dead here first then warn ppl. Cause they don't want to cause a panic omg never cause a panic. lol

Okay. Assume it goes to the uk. What would be the death toll? I bet at most like 1%. That's nothing, The real Black Death in the medieval ages killed 67% of the populations, as mathematically expected. This will surely not happen now.

You could have a point, but germs or whatever can travel much faster now because of " Flying" etc which i'm sure you have thought of.

But if someone slips through the cracks and has no symptoms as they are on their way here lets say that is all it will take.
Just like when that Ebola so called crap ended up here which of course they claim ebola wasn't it.

Unchallenged infections have a simple mathematical formula for spreading in a country. I must say that even an entire airplane load of Black Death agents from Madagascar will not cause much difference in a country like the uk.
Sensationalism? Like 3 people dead in some remote country of a 100 million population is not gonna matter.

LMFAO wtf have you been hate to bust that bubble it's way more than three ppl dead , reality check see how easily this shit can come here because ppl ain't got a fkn clue what is going on in the world and MSM sure in the hell isn't telling the public now are they.

They'll wait until it comes here ( which can to a degree be understood) , but sometimes there are many dangers and they wait for ppl to drop dead here first then warn ppl. Cause they don't want to cause a panic omg never cause a panic. lol

Okay. Assume it goes to the uk. What would be the death toll? I bet at most like 1%. That's nothing, The real Black Death in the medieval ages killed 67% of the populations, as mathematically expected. This will surely not happen now.

Have you ever seen this map ?

View attachment 160377

HealthMap | Flu Map | Contagious Disease Surveillance | Virus Awareness

Interesting map but I am not sure how to read it.
The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies.
Sensationalism? Like 3 people dead in some remote country of a 100 million population is not gonna matter.

LMFAO wtf have you been hate to bust that bubble it's way more than three ppl dead , reality check see how easily this shit can come here because ppl ain't got a fkn clue what is going on in the world and MSM sure in the hell isn't telling the public now are they.

They'll wait until it comes here ( which can to a degree be understood) , but sometimes there are many dangers and they wait for ppl to drop dead here first then warn ppl. Cause they don't want to cause a panic omg never cause a panic. lol

Okay. Assume it goes to the uk. What would be the death toll? I bet at most like 1%. That's nothing, The real Black Death in the medieval ages killed 67% of the populations, as mathematically expected. This will surely not happen now.

You could have a point, but germs or whatever can travel much faster now because of " Flying" etc which i'm sure you have thought of.

But if someone slips through the cracks and has no symptoms as they are on their way here lets say that is all it will take.
Just like when that Ebola so called crap ended up here which of course they claim ebola wasn't it.

"The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies."

The Leftists insist that we are ALL the same, that there are NO Higher Cultures just different peoples and that essentially we are no different from African savages or YES because haven't we ALL exhumed rotting corpses to dance in the street with :uhoh3: :rolleyes-41:
No but western people absolutely crave necrophilia. At least the Madagascar corpse dancers only dance, they don't have sex with their zombies like the western individuals do.
Sensationalism? Like 3 people dead in some remote country of a 100 million population is not gonna matter.

LMFAO wtf have you been hate to bust that bubble it's way more than three ppl dead , reality check see how easily this shit can come here because ppl ain't got a fkn clue what is going on in the world and MSM sure in the hell isn't telling the public now are they.

They'll wait until it comes here ( which can to a degree be understood) , but sometimes there are many dangers and they wait for ppl to drop dead here first then warn ppl. Cause they don't want to cause a panic omg never cause a panic. lol

Okay. Assume it goes to the uk. What would be the death toll? I bet at most like 1%. That's nothing, The real Black Death in the medieval ages killed 67% of the populations, as mathematically expected. This will surely not happen now.

Have you ever seen this map ?

View attachment 160377

HealthMap | Flu Map | Contagious Disease Surveillance | Virus Awareness
I have never seen this map before, and I don't understand what the colors and sizes of the dots mean.
The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies.
Sensationalism? Like 3 people dead in some remote country of a 100 million population is not gonna matter.

LMFAO wtf have you been hate to bust that bubble it's way more than three ppl dead , reality check see how easily this shit can come here because ppl ain't got a fkn clue what is going on in the world and MSM sure in the hell isn't telling the public now are they.

They'll wait until it comes here ( which can to a degree be understood) , but sometimes there are many dangers and they wait for ppl to drop dead here first then warn ppl. Cause they don't want to cause a panic omg never cause a panic. lol

Okay. Assume it goes to the uk. What would be the death toll? I bet at most like 1%. That's nothing, The real Black Death in the medieval ages killed 67% of the populations, as mathematically expected. This will surely not happen now.

You could have a point, but germs or whatever can travel much faster now because of " Flying" etc which i'm sure you have thought of.

But if someone slips through the cracks and has no symptoms as they are on their way here lets say that is all it will take.
Just like when that Ebola so called crap ended up here which of course they claim ebola wasn't it.

"The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies."

The Leftists insist that we are ALL the same, that there are NO Higher Cultures just different peoples and that essentially we are no different from African savages or YES because haven't we ALL exhumed rotting corpses to dance in the street with :uhoh3: :rolleyes-41:
No but western people absolutely crave necrophilia. At least the Madagascar corpse dancers only dance, they don't have sex with their zombies like the western individuals do.

"No but western people absolutely crave necrophilia."

Um I don't think so, probably a tiny percentage of the Western population is into that fringe perversion but I would say I do not think it is widespread.

How many necrophiliacs do you know? No I don't know any either. Point made.
Oh never fears it's all just a conspiracy America is to strong to get such diseases why we are automatically immune.
Maybe taking away all the weapons will further our immunity to it all lmfao.
Here's what's going to happen... nothing is going to happen. Like all your other conspiacies/doomsday prophecies, this won't come true, but you'll conveniently forget about this and all your previous failed prophecies and you'll lecture us about not buying into your conspiracies with the next moronic thing you post.

Aren't you tired of being wrong constantly? The next time you go to make a thread, you should stop yourself, if only to avoid embarrassment.
The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies.
LMFAO wtf have you been hate to bust that bubble it's way more than three ppl dead , reality check see how easily this shit can come here because ppl ain't got a fkn clue what is going on in the world and MSM sure in the hell isn't telling the public now are they.

They'll wait until it comes here ( which can to a degree be understood) , but sometimes there are many dangers and they wait for ppl to drop dead here first then warn ppl. Cause they don't want to cause a panic omg never cause a panic. lol

Okay. Assume it goes to the uk. What would be the death toll? I bet at most like 1%. That's nothing, The real Black Death in the medieval ages killed 67% of the populations, as mathematically expected. This will surely not happen now.

You could have a point, but germs or whatever can travel much faster now because of " Flying" etc which i'm sure you have thought of.

But if someone slips through the cracks and has no symptoms as they are on their way here lets say that is all it will take.
Just like when that Ebola so called crap ended up here which of course they claim ebola wasn't it.

"The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies."

The Leftists insist that we are ALL the same, that there are NO Higher Cultures just different peoples and that essentially we are no different from African savages or YES because haven't we ALL exhumed rotting corpses to dance in the street with :uhoh3: :rolleyes-41:
No but western people absolutely crave necrophilia. At least the Madagascar corpse dancers only dance, they don't have sex with their zombies like the western individuals do.

"No but western people absolutely crave necrophilia."

Um I don't think so, probably a tiny percentage of the Western population is into that fringe perversion but I would say I do not think it is widespread.

How many necrophiliacs do you know? No I don't know any either. Point made.

The most popular tv program in a western country is the zombie movies and series and shows. This proves that most western people are into necrophilia.
Oh never fears it's all just a conspiracy America is to strong to get such diseases why we are automatically immune.
Maybe taking away all the weapons will further our immunity to it all lmfao.
Here's what's going to happen... nothing is going to happen. Like all your other conspiacies/doomsday prophecies, this won't come true, but you'll conveniently forget about this and all your previous failed prophecies and you'll lecture us about not buying into your conspiracies with the next moronic thing you post.

Aren't you tired of being wrong constantly? The next time you go to make a thread, you should stop yourself, if only to avoid embarrassment.

Are you a good boy or are you a bad boy now? This thread is interesting.
Oh never fears it's all just a conspiracy America is to strong to get such diseases why we are automatically immune.
Maybe taking away all the weapons will further our immunity to it all lmfao.
Here's what's going to happen... nothing is going to happen. Like all your other conspiacies/doomsday prophecies, this won't come true, but you'll conveniently forget about this and all your previous failed prophecies and you'll lecture us about not buying into your conspiracies with the next moronic thing you post.

Aren't you tired of being wrong constantly? The next time you go to make a thread, you should stop yourself, if only to avoid embarrassment.

Are you a good boy or are you a bad boy now? This thread is interesting.
This thread is dumb as fuck, like all her threads are. She's into doomsday porn. This nonsense is the only way she can achieve an orgasm.
The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies.
Okay. Assume it goes to the uk. What would be the death toll? I bet at most like 1%. That's nothing, The real Black Death in the medieval ages killed 67% of the populations, as mathematically expected. This will surely not happen now.

You could have a point, but germs or whatever can travel much faster now because of " Flying" etc which i'm sure you have thought of.

But if someone slips through the cracks and has no symptoms as they are on their way here lets say that is all it will take.
Just like when that Ebola so called crap ended up here which of course they claim ebola wasn't it.

"The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies."

The Leftists insist that we are ALL the same, that there are NO Higher Cultures just different peoples and that essentially we are no different from African savages or YES because haven't we ALL exhumed rotting corpses to dance in the street with :uhoh3: :rolleyes-41:
No but western people absolutely crave necrophilia. At least the Madagascar corpse dancers only dance, they don't have sex with their zombies like the western individuals do.

"No but western people absolutely crave necrophilia."

Um I don't think so, probably a tiny percentage of the Western population is into that fringe perversion but I would say I do not think it is widespread.

How many necrophiliacs do you know? No I don't know any either. Point made.

The most popular tv program in a western country is the zombie movies and series and shows. This proves that most western people are into necrophilia.

"The most popular tv program in a western country is the zombie movies and series and shows. This proves that most western people are into necrophilia."

Well I think just because someone likes Zombie shows that doesn't mean they are into necrophilia, I mean you do know that necrophilia is the sexual attraction to and sexual relations with a corpse?

I like 1950s Sci-Fi films that have space aliens and UFOs etc, that does not mean I want to have sex with Gort.

Sensationalism? Like 3 people dead in some remote country of a 100 million population is not gonna matter.

LMFAO wtf have you been hate to bust that bubble it's way more than three ppl dead , reality check see how easily this shit can come here because ppl ain't got a fkn clue what is going on in the world and MSM sure in the hell isn't telling the public now are they.

They'll wait until it comes here ( which can to a degree be understood) , but sometimes there are many dangers and they wait for ppl to drop dead here first then warn ppl. Cause they don't want to cause a panic omg never cause a panic. lol

Okay. Assume it goes to the uk. What would be the death toll? I bet at most like 1%. That's nothing, The real Black Death in the medieval ages killed 67% of the populations, as mathematically expected. This will surely not happen now.

Have you ever seen this map ?

View attachment 160377

HealthMap | Flu Map | Contagious Disease Surveillance | Virus Awareness
You know the plague isn't a virus, right?
The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies.
You could have a point, but germs or whatever can travel much faster now because of " Flying" etc which i'm sure you have thought of.

But if someone slips through the cracks and has no symptoms as they are on their way here lets say that is all it will take.
Just like when that Ebola so called crap ended up here which of course they claim ebola wasn't it.

"The plague that’s airborne and has killed at least 124 people in Madagascar is now blamed on “dancing with corpses.” This is the time of year when the dead are wrapped in sheets and paraded through the streets while others dance around the bodies."

The Leftists insist that we are ALL the same, that there are NO Higher Cultures just different peoples and that essentially we are no different from African savages or YES because haven't we ALL exhumed rotting corpses to dance in the street with :uhoh3: :rolleyes-41:
No but western people absolutely crave necrophilia. At least the Madagascar corpse dancers only dance, they don't have sex with their zombies like the western individuals do.

"No but western people absolutely crave necrophilia."

Um I don't think so, probably a tiny percentage of the Western population is into that fringe perversion but I would say I do not think it is widespread.

How many necrophiliacs do you know? No I don't know any either. Point made.

The most popular tv program in a western country is the zombie movies and series and shows. This proves that most western people are into necrophilia.

"The most popular tv program in a western country is the zombie movies and series and shows. This proves that most western people are into necrophilia."

Well I think just because someone likes Zombie shows that doesn't mean they are into necrophilia, I mean you do know that necrophilia is the sexual attraction to and sexual relations with a corpse?

I like 1950s Sci-Fi films that have space aliens and UFOs etc, that does not mean I want to have sex with Gort.

View attachment 160389
I like historic scifi too. But zombie lovers are different. They are probably already buying their tickets to Madagascar to dance and have sex with the corpses there.
Sensationalism? Like 3 people dead in some remote country of a 100 million population is not gonna matter.

LMFAO wtf have you been hate to bust that bubble it's way more than three ppl dead , reality check see how easily this shit can come here because ppl ain't got a fkn clue what is going on in the world and MSM sure in the hell isn't telling the public now are they.

They'll wait until it comes here ( which can to a degree be understood) , but sometimes there are many dangers and they wait for ppl to drop dead here first then warn ppl. Cause they don't want to cause a panic omg never cause a panic. lol

Okay. Assume it goes to the uk. What would be the death toll? I bet at most like 1%. That's nothing, The real Black Death in the medieval ages killed 67% of the populations, as mathematically expected. This will surely not happen now.

Have you ever seen this map ?

View attachment 160377

HealthMap | Flu Map | Contagious Disease Surveillance | Virus Awareness
You know the plague isn't a virus, right?

Plague is a virus and very infectious virus the Pneumonitic form is airborne and is spread from person to person through the air via infectious droplets.

Bubonic plague is a disease and not a virus, those who are exhuming the rotting corpses to dance with are not getting Bubonic plague they are getting Pneumonic plague which is a virus.

Google Is plague a virus and this is what you get first, anything that can be transmitted from person to person is a virus:


CDC Plague | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Plague

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