Black, Gay Republican Heckled With Slurs at MAGA Event

Frau Blucher!

There you are!

Thank your weirdo buddies for forcing me into a corner.
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I pray you are right.
I‘ll volunteer to run the Auschwitz full of lefties for free.
You'll end up in there yourself, screaming and wailing "I'm with YOU guys!" as the slam the cell door shut in your face.
  • Fact
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Notice the worst TDS sufferer on the Modulator staff engaging in a fallacy:

Ascribe to all of a group the behaviors and words and thinking of just a few.

Such a retarded OP.
He’s a total phony. That’s been clear since ever. I’d have put it in ignore a long time ago if I could.
This is pretty shitty, in my opinion. Now, I do not know that the people shout such at this guy were GOP or not. But this guy is a vet and a GOP member. He is one of us and should be treated as such, notwithstanding his skin color and enthusiasm for dick. He is a hell of lot more of a patriot than any person who is shameless enough to place a "D" next to their name.
An Army veteran and Republican, who also happens to be black and gay, was heckled and harassed at an event sponsored by Turning Point USA, a far right organization, that backs Donald Trump's candidacy and also infiltrated the Arizona Republican Party, putting up extremist right-wing candidates who have delivered repeated election losses to the GOP over the past several years. This gentleman was treated with shouts of "faggot," "gay sex," and the N word before they began chanting "America first!" over and over.

This is MAGA, folks. Every day there are more and more examples of this behavior.

Alinsky 101. You guys have been running the same tired playbook since the Beatles were releasing new albums

"The students told Alinsky that they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bush’s address. “That’s the wrong approach”, he rejoined–“not very relevant” and besides, causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school [Not very likely-DH] He told them, instead, to go hear the speech dressed up as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards, reading ‘The K.K.K. supports Bush.’"
This is pretty shitty, in my opinion. Now, I do not know that the people shout such at this guy were GOP or not. But this guy is a vet and a GOP member. He is one of us and should be treated as such, notwithstanding his skin color and enthusiasm for dick. He is a hell of lot more of a patriot than any person who is shameless enough to place a "D" next to their name.
Is that how you like'em LORD LONG ROD.
It looks like a vlogger trying to get attention that anything else.
He was clearly egging them on. It also looks like a bar with who knows who is there, and probably the people there were all half drunk.
To make this into an assumption that an entire organization, and even worse - half the population think this way is completely stupid
An Army veteran and Republican, who also happens to be black and gay, was heckled and harassed at an event sponsored by Turning Point USA, a far right organization, that backs Donald Trump's candidacy and also infiltrated the Arizona Republican Party, putting up extremist right-wing candidates who have delivered repeated election losses to the GOP over the past several years. This gentleman was treated with shouts of "faggot," "gay sex," and the N word before they began chanting "America first!" over and over.

This is MAGA, folks. Every day there are more and more examples of this behavior.

I've heard this tale already. Edited video posted by a deceitful asshole that isn't telling the whole story of the encounter.


Notice the worst TDS sufferer on the Modulator staff engaging in a fallacy:

Ascribe to all of a group the behaviors and words and thinking of just a few.

Such a retarded OP.
Did you catch the slick filter bypass for the "N" word..?

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