Black, Gay Republican Heckled With Slurs at MAGA Event

I've heard this tale already. Edited video posted by a deceitful asshole that isn't telling the whole story of the encounter.

You're free to provide evidence of that

Gay Republican defends GOP even after conservatives surrounded him & shouted slurs.​

This past weekend, gay Republican podcaster Rob Smith was subjected to racist and homophobic slurs at AmericaFest, a conservative conference hosted by the far-right organization Turning Point USA.

Talk about not being able to see the forest for the trees.
An Army veteran and Republican, who also happens to be black and gay, was heckled and harassed at an event sponsored by Turning Point USA, a far right organization, that backs Donald Trump's candidacy and also infiltrated the Arizona Republican Party, putting up extremist right-wing candidates who have delivered repeated election losses to the GOP over the past several years. This gentleman was treated with shouts of "faggot," "gay sex," and the N word before they began chanting "America first!" over and over.

This is MAGA, folks. Every day there are more and more examples of this behavior.

Hey you know what as gays and transgenderism becomes more socially accepted you will see more gay Republicans. It is just a realization the Republican party has to face. The Republican party will have to become more accepting of gays if they want to survive as a party. Either change their tune on gays or become extinct as a party and exist no more. As society changes they have to change otherwise voters will no longer vote for them.
An Army veteran and Republican, who also happens to be black and gay, was heckled and harassed at an event sponsored by Turning Point USA, a far right organization, that backs Donald Trump's candidacy and also infiltrated the Arizona Republican Party, putting up extremist right-wing candidates who have delivered repeated election losses to the GOP over the past several years. This gentleman was treated with shouts of "faggot," "gay sex," and the N word before they began chanting "America first!" over and over.

This is MAGA, folks. Every day there are more and more examples of this behavior.

Could we have some context?

How did they know he was a homosexual?

We need to see the entire video from start to finish before commenting

If he is a nevertrump social warrior for fag culture, teaching children the mechanics and joy of gay sex, who is crashing a trump rally he will get the negative reaction he may have been hoping for

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