Black greatness

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I'm a liberal also and you can't tell me shit.
I'm just telling you people in poor black and white communities both have to do better themselves to get out. Don't wait for whites to bring jobs into black communities. Not going to happen. So if you can't start your own and if you don't want to be poor you may need to leave those communities. And if they do, America is not as racist as you think. It's more racist than conservatives admit but less than you think.

I'm telling you the truth. You seem to be unable to put yourselves in our shoes. You can only see things from the black perspective.

I don't need to put myself in your shoes when we are talking about a problem that is specifically black. Your views on these matters are simply erroneous sealybobo. I am going to look at the problem from the black perspective because I'm black and its a problem blacks face. I know how racist t his nation is and know so far better than you. Your way of getting things done does not work. This is not about waiting on the white man idiot. This is about demanding that the white man use the money we put in his businesses and banks in our mother fucking community. Get that? We put over1.3 trillion dollars into this nations economy, we aren't sitting around waiting for any handouts because we don't produce, Get it?

We lose 2 trillion per year by doing things the way we do them now. So either this nation goes under, or it develops the hoods, barrios and poor white sections of this nation.

This is not the thread topic and we've rode down this road before. I don't listen to you because you have no clue. And we don't have to see things from your side to understand what the fuck we need to do.

It's a black thang, huh, IM2? No, no one can tell you anything. Your mind is so obtuse and closed it's not even funny.


There are plenty of people who I have listened to . But you see, I have 32 years of working, researching, building programs that have been successful in this field. You don't have this experience, knowledge or education, nor does sealybobo. So I don't need to listen to people with flawed opinions steeped not on fact but in stereotypes and racial bias..
But what we are telling you has validity.

Let's look up black CEOs or executives of Fortune 500 companies. How many of them speak eubonics? How many of them took school seriously? How many of them left the ghetto?

Why don't you look at these great men and women and do what they did?

Why don't you shut the fuck up? You don't hear anyone black speaking eubonics anywhere but maybe on the streets. If that. Because I seriously doubt if you have spent any significant time in the black community.

What you say has no validity. What you say is a bunch of stereotyped racist mumbo jumbo. Nobody needs to leave anything idiot. People have friends there, long time friends and generational ties to the community. We don't have to look up the 2-3 blacks who are in fortune 500 to do shit. So then face reality and understand that instead of talking crazy that these so called places need to be fixed and the repairs shall not stop until the ghettos look like the suburbs complete with everything the suburbs have. This could have been done long ago.

Because I don't see your stupid white liberal ass forking over any money to help a who left the hood buy that 500,000 home, looking just like the one they left they had once owned and could only get 75,000 for when they sold it, in the suburbs.
Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..

Time would be better spent doing volunteer work to INSURE that "Black Greatness" in CURRENT and FUTURE generations -- dontchathink?? How would you approach that?

Just to play the devils advocate, you are a moderator and surely must see the plethora of ignorant and stereotypical threads started in this forum on a daily basis that imply the collective failure or inferiority of the Black population.

Posts that refer to Black people as less than human and prone to criminality. And in addition to that, some of the very same posters who are showing outright indignation over IM2 being non passive over what goes on here, are some of the same ones who turn a blind eye when Black people are negatively lumped together as a collective by ignorant, uneducated bigots.

If the forum is about race relations, where is the wrong in him posting information about Black people who do not fit the mold of what appears to be the opinion of what the majority of non Black posters here think describes Black people?
IM2 describes whites in a negative light

No IM2 does not describe whites in a negative light. IM2 talks about what white racists have done. And I have said what I have because of the shit I had to read in here that YOU have not said anything about.
Do you experience more racism than you can bare in the all white community you live in?

I'm Greek. When I moved from Detroit to my all white neighborhood we were the only ones with a long Greek name. People, parents, teachers, neighbors, kids, co-workers all treated us differently and we knew who was prejudice against foreigners. People at my dad's work asked why he didn't go back to his country.

So I'm sure you see ignorance all the time.

So what?
Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

It's like telling you to race us after we've broken your legs. Even if we stop breaking your legs the wounds and scars still exist.

And things still aren't fair. I get it. I know you're more right than we are.

As a liberal all I can tell you is what I think you should do to overcome it.

I'm a liberal also and you can't tell me shit.

He makes some good points...

And I'm not telling him he's wrong except for where he's wrong.

Seems their reply to telling them to speak English is, "they shouldn't have to."

I agree but unfortunately they do.

I'm willing to bet most of the poor black don't speak good English. That's giving employers an excuse.

Oh, here's another one. They name their kid Jamal or Tyron knowing hiring managers are white and racist.

If you are going to rebuilt the hood yourselves and hire each other by all means name your kid meta world peace but if you want your kid to get a job you should start naming them Ben.

Not condolezza.
IM2 thinks she is the personal protector of blacks. I have no doubt she's sincere. The pro black propaganda cheerleading shtick comes off as pretentious.

I'm male idiot. I guess your white racism is not pretentious. There is nothing worse than an ignorant old person. You are sixty and you are dumb.
Here is one thing I'm noticing blacks and Muslims are doing wrong. They move to my white neighborhood then they form clicks in the highschool and act like gangs.

The 15 year old white girl who goes to the highschool I went to 29 years ago is telling me what is happening now that 750,000 blacks moved out of Detroit and to the suburbs. 29 years ago I said the kids were ignorantly racist because they didn't know blacks but now they are racist because of what they are seeing and experiencing first hand.

We aren't seeing black greatness.

I tell you to get out of Detroit but don't bring the ghetto with you.

29 years ago was 1988. Whites and blacks in Detroit and the burbs knew each other . The kids were ignorant racists because they were ignorant racists to begin with. So then nothing has changed in that community. That's what I tell you.
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.

Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..

Time would be better spent doing volunteer work to INSURE that "Black Greatness" in CURRENT and FUTURE generations -- dontchathink?? How would you approach that?

Just to play the devils advocate, you are a moderator and surely must see the plethora of ignorant and stereotypical threads started in this forum on a daily basis that imply the collective failure or inferiority of the Black population.

Posts that refer to Black people as less than human and prone to criminality. And in addition to that, some of the very same posters who are showing outright indignation over IM2 being non passive over what goes on here, are some of the same ones who turn a blind eye when Black people are negatively lumped together as a collective by ignorant, uneducated bigots.

If the forum is about race relations, where is the wrong in him posting information about Black people who do not fit the mold of what appears to be the opinion of what the majority of non Black posters here think describes Black people?
IM2 describes whites in a negative light
He lives among all whites too. You better believe he doesn't speak his mind unless he's hanging out with liberals and now he knows that even white liberals who agree with most of what he says, even we have some negative criticisms of the black communities. And you see why they don't tell him because he's just going to take it personally.

And he says whites commit more crimes so he's ignorantly ignoring the fact that black communities are far more dangerous than white communities. At best he can compare our worst communities to theirs. And when 13% commit 49% of the crime?

I agree a lot of that is because of racism too. For example they target blacks for dwb and judges sentence blacks harsher.

But after I conceed everything he says is true, all I want him to admit is fatherless babies is a major reason the black community is fucked up. And that's something they're doing to themselves. Then not taking school seriously.

Yesterday a black on NPR was saying how black mom's rely on their kids to sell drugs to pay the bills. That's fucked up.
Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

It's like telling you to race us after we've broken your legs. Even if we stop breaking your legs the wounds and scars still exist.

And things still aren't fair. I get it. I know you're more right than we are.

As a liberal all I can tell you is what I think you should do to overcome it.

I'm a liberal also and you can't tell me shit.

He makes some good points...

And I'm not telling him he's wrong except for where he's wrong.

Seems their reply to telling them to speak English is, "they shouldn't have to."

I agree but unfortunately they do.

I'm willing to bet most of the poor black don't speak good English. That's giving employers an excuse.

Oh, here's another one. They name their kid Jamal or Tyron knowing hiring managers are white and racist.

If you are going to rebuilt the hood yourselves and hire each other by all means name your kid meta world peace but if you want your kid to get a job you should start naming them Ben.

Not condolezza.

This is about some stupid shit. Yet this fool actually thinks he has something I need to listen to. We should name our kids Ben so we can get jobs.. WTF? Is this guy on fentanyl?
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.

Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..

Time would be better spent doing volunteer work to INSURE that "Black Greatness" in CURRENT and FUTURE generations -- dontchathink?? How would you approach that?

Just to play the devils advocate, you are a moderator and surely must see the plethora of ignorant and stereotypical threads started in this forum on a daily basis that imply the collective failure or inferiority of the Black population.

Posts that refer to Black people as less than human and prone to criminality. And in addition to that, some of the very same posters who are showing outright indignation over IM2 being non passive over what goes on here, are some of the same ones who turn a blind eye when Black people are negatively lumped together as a collective by ignorant, uneducated bigots.

If the forum is about race relations, where is the wrong in him posting information about Black people who do not fit the mold of what appears to be the opinion of what the majority of non Black posters here think describes Black people?
IM2 describes whites in a negative light
He lives among all whites too. You better believe he doesn't speak his mind unless he's hanging out with liberals and now he knows that even white liberals who agree with most of what he says, even we have some negative criticisms of the black communities. And you see why they don't tell him because he's just going to take it personally.

And he says whites commit more crimes so he's ignorantly ignoring the fact that black communities are far more dangerous than white communities. At best he can compare our worst communities to theirs. And when 13% commit 49% of the crime?

I agree a lot of that is because of racism too. For example they target blacks for dwb and judges sentence blacks harsher.

But after I conceed everything he says is true, all I want him to admit is fatherless babies is a major reason the black community is fucked up. And that's something they're doing to themselves. Then not taking school seriously.

Yesterday a black on NPR was saying how black mom's rely on their kids to sell drugs to pay the bills. That's fucked up.
This thread kinda provides a look into broader racial problems in the US including those of perception and responsibility.

I brought up Condaleeza Rice as an example of "black culture" because I had read her biography. On my reading pile is another by a black woman journalist, and a book on the black migration north. What came out of what I've read are several good points.

The struggle parents raising children and protecting them from the more blatant racism fifty years ago.
The struggle parents face now in trying to raise children in areas where drug abuse is blatant, too many men have been through the criminal justice system, and crime and schools suck.
The "easy" success, "respect" and status that the gang culture brings.

Racism. I think there's more then a bit of it when we refer to "black culture" as if all black culture is "gansta". Or, as if it is racially unique instead of being the same culture of past groups who inhabited impoverished urban landscapes ...Irish gangs, Italian mafia, Hispanic gangs and cartels. All those groups suffered from ethnic discrimination, but at some you have to move beyond that and tackle the situations that seem to be keeping people from moving out. Racism is only one aspect and it's in danger of becoming an excuse to fall back on.
Instead of blaming "whitey" for everything, why not..

Elect people who will improve schools, bring in jobs and training to communities and hold them accountable, don't tolerate corruption simply because he is opposing whitey.

Look at role models...promote what you want to see, like the ones in this thread.

Don't tolerate or excuse the bad because of racism and don't make it an excuse for failure. It's a barrier but barriers can be overcome. Sometimes though it's just an excuse for not trying and there is only so much you can keep blaming on whites with looking at the contributions of your own communities.

Likewise from the white side. Racism exists. The forum is chock full of blatantly racist threads most of which target blacks. I don't quite know what else you can call threads casting doubt on the genetic intelligence of races, denigrating assumptions of "culture", ignoring the many and complex reasons behind crime rates and focusing on race only. Or how about the "feral negro" threads infesting the forum, that utterly ignores similar barbaric crimes by whites? Threads that ignore the bias in the justice system, that send more young black men juvie or to prison for crimes that if they were white, they'd be less likely to enter the system for.

The thing is coyote most of the things you say blacks should do have been tried. And I do think. you need to drop opposing whitey and don't use racism as a reason to fail. These are conditions whites made up that we don't do. Now what whites do need to understand that banging your head up against racist whites can take it's toll on people. It's real easy ttalk about what you should not do when you do not face the gunfire.

Whites need to understand we give them a ot of money. And a whole lot of people have gotten extremely rich because of it. They need to understand this because whites. especially may like those here, seem to think we are asking for free money.Yet they do not reurn our money back to us relative to contributions or in providing jobs when they decide to expand operations. We have white banks full of money from blacks who will not loan a black person money to start a business. Now you can present all the excuses you want, but that's all they are. There is no reason for what happens. If a white man can go bankrupt 6 times and keep getting business loans, then there are no excuses to be made.
Us poor/middle class liberal whites agree. In fact before the bush great recession bush and company passed bankrupt laws that made it harder for you and me but more convenient for guys like Trump. It was as if they knew what was coming.
Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

It's like telling you to race us after we've broken your legs. Even if we stop breaking your legs the wounds and scars still exist.

And things still aren't fair. I get it. I know you're more right than we are.

As a liberal all I can tell you is what I think you should do to overcome it.

I'm a liberal also and you can't tell me shit.

He makes some good points...

And I'm not telling him he's wrong except for where he's wrong.

Seems their reply to telling them to speak English is, "they shouldn't have to."

I agree but unfortunately they do.

I'm willing to bet most of the poor black don't speak good English. That's giving employers an excuse.

Oh, here's another one. They name their kid Jamal or Tyron knowing hiring managers are white and racist.

If you are going to rebuilt the hood yourselves and hire each other by all means name your kid meta world peace but if you want your kid to get a job you should start naming them Ben.

Not condolezza.

This is about some stupid shit. Yet this fool actually thinks he has something I need to listen to. We should name our kids Ben so we can get jobs.. WTF? Is this guy on fentanyl?

Half joking but seriously look it up. And I know he people who throw away resumes with the name leshaunda.
Racism. I think there's more then a bit of it when we refer to "black culture" as if all black culture is "gansta". Or, as if it is racially unique instead of being the same culture of past groups who inhabited impoverished urban landscapes ...Irish gangs, Italian mafia, Hispanic gangs and cartels. All those groups suffered from ethnic discrimination, but at some you have to move beyond that and tackle the situations that seem to be keeping people from moving out. Racism is only one aspect and it's in danger of becoming an excuse to fall back on.
Instead of blaming "whitey" for everything, why not..

Elect people who will improve schools, bring in jobs and training to communities and hold them accountable, don't tolerate corruption simply because he is opposing whitey.

Look at role models...promote what you want to see, like the ones in this thread.

Don't tolerate or excuse the bad because of racism and don't make it an excuse for failure. It's a barrier but barriers can be overcome. Sometimes though it's just an excuse for not trying and there is only so much you can keep blaming on whites with looking at the contributions of your own communities.

Likewise from the white side. Racism exists. The forum is chock full of blatantly racist threads most of which target blacks. I don't quite know what else you can call threads casting doubt on the genetic intelligence of races, denigrating assumptions of "culture", ignoring the many and complex reasons behind crime rates and focusing on race only. Or how about the "feral negro" threads infesting the forum, that utterly ignores similar barbaric crimes by whites? Threads that ignore the bias in the justice system, that send more young black men juvie or to prison for crimes that if they were white, they'd be less likely to enter the system for.

On the whole Black users on this forum are certainly disproportionately more racist.
On the It's a matter of perspective and assumption.

90% of the folks here...we have no idea what race they are.

So, it's just some coincidence that some users here spout pro-Black, and anti-White ideals?

They must be unknown, but then we see they actually admit to being Black, they don't even deny it.

So, why should we think otherwise?
I wish there were more blacks here so im2 isn't being ganged up on
Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

It's like telling you to race us after we've broken your legs. Even if we stop breaking your legs the wounds and scars still exist.

And things still aren't fair. I get it. I know you're more right than we are.

As a liberal all I can tell you is what I think you should do to overcome it.

I'm a liberal also and you can't tell me shit.

He makes some good points...

And I'm not telling him he's wrong except for where he's wrong.

Seems their reply to telling them to speak English is, "they shouldn't have to."

I agree but unfortunately they do.

I'm willing to bet most of the poor black don't speak good English. That's giving employers an excuse.

Oh, here's another one. They name their kid Jamal or Tyron knowing hiring managers are white and racist.

If you are going to rebuilt the hood yourselves and hire each other by all means name your kid meta world peace but if you want your kid to get a job you should start naming them Ben.

Not condolezza.

1. Hiring manages are not racist. THey are well aware of Disparate Impact Theory and are hiring and promoting blacks to avoid being sued, if for no other reason.

2. Good point about names, but note that it did not seem to slow Condolezza down. Seems her hiring managers weren't racist.
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.

Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..

Time would be better spent doing volunteer work to INSURE that "Black Greatness" in CURRENT and FUTURE generations -- dontchathink?? How would you approach that?

Just to play the devils advocate, you are a moderator and surely must see the plethora of ignorant and stereotypical threads started in this forum on a daily basis that imply the collective failure or inferiority of the Black population.

Posts that refer to Black people as less than human and prone to criminality. And in addition to that, some of the very same posters who are showing outright indignation over IM2 being non passive over what goes on here, are some of the same ones who turn a blind eye when Black people are negatively lumped together as a collective by ignorant, uneducated bigots.

If the forum is about race relations, where is the wrong in him posting information about Black people who do not fit the mold of what appears to be the opinion of what the majority of non Black posters here think describes Black people?

We're supposed to discuss the topics, not the posters or the moderators. But NOBODY can just chuck out epithets or stereotypes if it's NOT in the scope of the topic. We do our best to protect TOPICS. Not content.

Sure -- one approach is echo and give back the same venom. You're welcome to that. Go all active on the haters. But it's a matter of WHO you are trying to reach. You'll never EVER destroy a "hater-baiter" with that approach. But what WILL HAPPEN -- is that you will alienate all of the moderates and a great deal of the friendlies with it. And if you're just playing to the confirmed nut cases by acting like a nut case "as a STRATEGY", you're really not doing to actually correct the stereotypes or move the cause forward.

So, my question was a moderation "trick" to get THIS topic discussed. And it was a valid question about spending time ASSURING that Black Greatness is promoted in this generation and future generations. You can't read much into that in terms of judging the "strategy". It's an honest concern..
This thread kinda provides a look into broader racial problems in the US including those of perception and responsibility.

I brought up Condaleeza Rice as an example of "black culture" because I had read her biography. On my reading pile is another by a black woman journalist, and a book on the black migration north. What came out of what I've read are several good points.

The struggle parents raising children and protecting them from the more blatant racism fifty years ago.
The struggle parents face now in trying to raise children in areas where drug abuse is blatant, too many men have been through the criminal justice system, and crime and schools suck.
The "easy" success, "respect" and status that the gang culture brings.

Racism. I think there's more then a bit of it when we refer to "black culture" as if all black culture is "gansta". Or, as if it is racially unique instead of being the same culture of past groups who inhabited impoverished urban landscapes ...Irish gangs, Italian mafia, Hispanic gangs and cartels. All those groups suffered from ethnic discrimination, but at some you have to move beyond that and tackle the situations that seem to be keeping people from moving out. Racism is only one aspect and it's in danger of becoming an excuse to fall back on.
Instead of blaming "whitey" for everything, why not..

Elect people who will improve schools, bring in jobs and training to communities and hold them accountable, don't tolerate corruption simply because he is opposing whitey.

Look at role models...promote what you want to see, like the ones in this thread.

Don't tolerate or excuse the bad because of racism and don't make it an excuse for failure. It's a barrier but barriers can be overcome. Sometimes though it's just an excuse for not trying and there is only so much you can keep blaming on whites with looking at the contributions of your own communities.

Likewise from the white side. Racism exists. The forum is chock full of blatantly racist threads most of which target blacks. I don't quite know what else you can call threads casting doubt on the genetic intelligence of races, denigrating assumptions of "culture", ignoring the many and complex reasons behind crime rates and focusing on race only. Or how about the "feral negro" threads infesting the forum, that utterly ignores similar barbaric crimes by whites? Threads that ignore the bias in the justice system, that send more young black men juvie or to prison for crimes that if they were white, they'd be less likely to enter the system for.

Whites need to understand we give them a ot of money. .

Oh really?
As if Blacks don't pay less in taxes, and take more in welfare on a collective disproportionate basis?
He could say the same thing. If blacks are only 13% of the population why as soon as they had to start giving blacks welfare did the costs go up 4 times? That means we have black people in poor ghettos living under below poverty conditions.

It wasn't until blacks started getting welfare that conservatives started minding the program.

But I do think the black community has grown dependent lazy and complacent with welfare and so have poor whites. They are doing things wrong that's repeating the cycle. This advice I would give my own daughter. But would she be like blacks and not take my advice?

Anyone who has a kid while they are poor fucked themselves
18 posts marked as "no content" or "off-topic".. Last 3 or 4 pages are too general and personal. It's NOT even close to the topic of this thread. So I'm reopening this --- with a couple thread bans, and we'll try ONE MORE TIME to actually the OP topic...

It's not incest. It's not general racism. It's not an opportunity to parrot stereotypes. Read the OP.
18 posts marked as "no content" or "off-topic".. Last 3 or 4 pages are too general and personal. It's NOT even close to the topic of this thread. So I'm reopening this --- with a couple thread bans, and we'll try ONE MORE TIME to actually the OP topic...

It's not incest. It's not general racism. It's not an opportunity to parrot stereotypes. Read the OP.
Really? I didn't know moderators policed like this. Interesting. I'll go back and read the original post and hope my thoughts meet your approval.
You white racists here talk a lot of shit. These are great men and women, Greater than your white asses could ever be in your wildest dreams. What they put up with to get where they wanted would have made you weak kneed lily livered racist pricks kill yourselves.

1. Carl Brashear 12 steps to Honor


The great Carl Brashear

He took these steps in the late1960's. This is within our lifetimes. .

I can't believe you post a thread like this then you get offended at the replies you get.

I forgot you are a protected species.
Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

It's like telling you to race us after we've broken your legs. Even if we stop breaking your legs the wounds and scars still exist.

And things still aren't fair. I get it. I know you're more right than we are.

As a liberal all I can tell you is what I think you should do to overcome it.

I'm a liberal also and you can't tell me shit.

He makes some good points...

And I'm not telling him he's wrong except for where he's wrong.

Seems their reply to telling them to speak English is, "they shouldn't have to."

I agree but unfortunately they do.

I'm willing to bet most of the poor black don't speak good English. That's giving employers an excuse.

Oh, here's another one. They name their kid Jamal or Tyron knowing hiring managers are white and racist.

If you are going to rebuilt the hood yourselves and hire each other by all means name your kid meta world peace but if you want your kid to get a job you should start naming them Ben.

Not condolezza.

1. Hiring manages are not racist. THey are well aware of Disparate Impact Theory and are hiring and promoting blacks to avoid being sued, if for no other reason.

2. Good point about names, but note that it did not seem to slow Condolezza down. Seems her hiring managers weren't racist.

Condolezza Rice?
She is not an acceptable example of a successful black person because she is a republican
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.

Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..

Time would be better spent doing volunteer work to INSURE that "Black Greatness" in CURRENT and FUTURE generations -- dontchathink?? How would you approach that?

Just to play the devils advocate, you are a moderator and surely must see the plethora of ignorant and stereotypical threads started in this forum on a daily basis that imply the collective failure or inferiority of the Black population.

Posts that refer to Black people as less than human and prone to criminality. And in addition to that, some of the very same posters who are showing outright indignation over IM2 being non passive over what goes on here, are some of the same ones who turn a blind eye when Black people are negatively lumped together as a collective by ignorant, uneducated bigots.

If the forum is about race relations, where is the wrong in him posting information about Black people who do not fit the mold of what appears to be the opinion of what the majority of non Black posters here think describes Black people?
IM2 describes whites in a negative light
He lives among all whites too. You better believe he doesn't speak his mind unless he's hanging out with liberals and now he knows that even white liberals who agree with most of what he says, even we have some negative criticisms of the black communities. And you see why they don't tell him because he's just going to take it personally.

And he says whites commit more crimes so he's ignorantly ignoring the fact that black communities are far more dangerous than white communities. At best he can compare our worst communities to theirs. And when 13% commit 49% of the crime?

I agree a lot of that is because of racism too. For example they target blacks for dwb and judges sentence blacks harsher.

But after I conceed everything he says is true, all I want him to admit is fatherless babies is a major reason the black community is fucked up. And that's something they're doing to themselves. Then not taking school seriously.

Yesterday a black on NPR was saying how black mom's rely on their kids to sell drugs to pay the bills. That's fucked up.

I don't live in a all white town. I don't shut up to white people. I am part of working to fight white police harassment of blacks here in this town I am not going to admit to what is not true. I don't give a damn what you white liberals think. Why in the fuck do you what you white liberals thin of us is so mother fucking important. White liberals like you make a black person turn to a republican. Lack of economic development is the problem that fucks up the back community not what you say. If everybody was married and every body black had a phd, if there are no jobs or economic opportunities in the black community what the fuck do you have?


You don't know what the fuck you are taking about arrogant white liberal dumb ass.

This is where your stupid ass fails. And most white liberals with sense do not fail as you do.
You white racists here talk a lot of shit. These are great men and women, Greater than your white asses could ever be in your wildest dreams. What they put up with to get where they wanted would have made you weak kneed lily livered racist pricks kill yourselves.

1. Carl Brashear 12 steps to Honor


The great Carl Brashear

He took these steps in the late1960's. This is within our lifetimes. .

I can't believe you post a thread like this then you get offended at the replies you get.

I forgot you are a protected species.

So why do you think I posted like that sealybobo?
Why is it important that black greatness be discussed? Why not just discuss someone who is great, regardless of their race?
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