Black greatness

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You white racists here talk a lot of shit. These are great men and women, Greater than your white asses could ever be in your wildest dreams. What they put up with to get where they wanted would have made you weak kneed lily livered racist pricks kill yourselves.

1. Carl Brashear 12 steps to Honor


The great Carl Brashear

He took these steps in the late1960's. This is within our lifetimes. .

Don't Tell us about these great black people tell black kids. They need the role models.

Are more blacks in the ghettos interested in science after seeing hidden figures?

No I am telling you.
You white racists here talk a lot of shit. These are great men and women, Greater than your white asses could ever be in your wildest dreams. What they put up with to get where they wanted would have made you weak kneed lily livered racist pricks kill yourselves.

1. Carl Brashear 12 steps to Honor


The great Carl Brashear

He took these steps in the late1960's. This is within our lifetimes. .

Don't Tell us about these great black people tell black kids. They need the role models.

Are more blacks in the ghettos interested in science after seeing hidden figures?

This is an excellent point bobo, the Contemporary Blacks are primarily following Gangsta and BLM, neither are good role models for especially young Black males.

I almost wonder if IM2 is a sock of some white supremacist racist that is trying to make blacks look bad!
What annoys him is you guys deny the racism that we all know exists.

But he denies blacks should or could do more themselves to improve their situation.

The poor people in America who say life isn't fair? They are right. Doesn't matter what color you are. Is it harder for poor blacks? Yes but still doesn't mean they can't or shouldn't try.

Don't these great black people prove blacks can achieve in America?
ONE HANDSHAKE AT A TIME: How Whitney Young Changed America

I am going to say this about king tut, it might be wise for lucy to shut it down about him being white. Now I am only going to say this once.

Because it really doesn't matter what color Tut was, because Egyptians are not white people. However, if lucy decides to continue trying her white supremacist crap, she is going to get embarrassed and made an example of

"she is going to get embarrassed and made an example of"

Listen nutball, that is SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE based on CAT scanning and genetic analysis from world renowned scientists, who like me are far more educated than some lunatic like you.

So go ahead give me a laugh and embarrass me, intellectually I can wipe the floor with barely educated idiots like you.

Sorry what Universities did you go to, what is your University Degree in? :badgrin:

This is NOT a Black man.


The Ancient Egyptians were NOT Black you idiot.



DNA discovery reveals relatives of ancient Egyptians -
I almost wonder if IM2 is a sock of some white supremacist racist that is trying to make blacks look bad!
What annoys him is you guys deny the racism that we all know exists.

But he denies blacks should or could do more themselves to improve their situation.

The poor people in America who say life isn't fair? They are right. Doesn't matter what color you are. Is it harder for poor blacks? Yes but still doesn't mean they can't or shouldn't try.

Don't these great black people prove blacks can achieve in America?

I don't deny anything. I say you don't know what the hell you are talking about and that you should really shut the hell up.
Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

It's like telling you to race us after we've broken your legs. Even if we stop breaking your legs the wounds and scars still exist.

And things still aren't fair. I get it. I know you're more right than we are.

As a liberal all I can tell you is what I think you should do to overcome it.
I am going to say this about king tut, it might be wise for lucy to shut it down about him being white. Now I am only going to say this once.

Because it really doesn't matter what color Tut was, because Egyptians are not white people. However, if lucy decides to continue trying her white supremacist crap, she is going to get embarrassed and made an example of

"she is going to get embarrassed and made an example of"

Listen nutball, that is SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE based on CAT scanning and genetic analysis from world renowned scientists, who like me are far more educated than some lunatic like you.

So go ahead give me a laugh and embarrass me, intellectually I can wipe the floor with barely educated idiots like you.

Sorry what Universities did you go to, what is your University Degree in? :badgrin:

This is NOT a Black man.


The Ancient Egyptians were NOT Black you idiot.

View attachment 138964
View attachment 138965
DNA discovery reveals relatives of ancient Egyptians -

Your link doesn't say anything about his race.

But this one say something.

King Tut's 'virtual autopsy' reveals surprises

Scientists believe genetics and inherited diseases played a role in Tut's bad health because of inbreeding. A genetic analysis of his family's mummies suggests that his parents were siblings.

King Tut's 'virtual autopsy' reveals surprises -

Tut was an inbred who died at 19 because of disease caused by the sex between a brother and sister. So them do you want to continue bragging about Tut being white or now is he black?


Egypt was black, and proof American cover up of that fact

Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

It's like telling you to race us after we've broken your legs. Even if we stop breaking your legs the wounds and scars still exist.

And things still aren't fair. I get it. I know you're more right than we are.

As a liberal all I can tell you is what I think you should do to overcome it.

I'm a liberal also and you can't tell me shit.
With all the black homocides, isn't black culture the biggest single corrupter you can think of? Hmm, rap music doesn't exude peace love and acceptance. Yo yo yo Nigg*.r. Using words that are banned from this board. I don't think Hamilton or John Brown or freed ex slaves, I am thinking debasing of American culture.
You white racists here talk a lot of shit. These are great men and women, Greater than your white asses could ever be in your wildest dreams. What they put up with to get where they wanted would have made you weak kneed lily livered racist pricks kill yourselves.

1. Carl Brashear 12 steps to Honor


The great Carl Brashear

He took these steps in the late1960's. This is within our lifetimes. .

Don't Tell us about these great black people tell black kids. They need the role models.

Are more blacks in the ghettos interested in science after seeing hidden figures?

This is an excellent point bobo, the Contemporary Blacks are primarily following Gangsta and BLM, neither are good role models for especially young Black males.


Yes really you birdbrain.

I laugh at every post you make, a paper cup has a higher IQ than you have. You realise that people are just humouring you in this thread, no you probably do not, you're not intelligent and educated enough to realise it.

I disagree.
I am going to say this about king tut, it might be wise for lucy to shut it down about him being white. Now I am only going to say this once.

Because it really doesn't matter what color Tut was, because Egyptians are not white people. However, if lucy decides to continue trying her white supremacist crap, she is going to get embarrassed and made an example of

"she is going to get embarrassed and made an example of"

Listen nutball, that is SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE based on CAT scanning and genetic analysis from world renowned scientists, who like me are far more educated than some lunatic like you.

So go ahead give me a laugh and embarrass me, intellectually I can wipe the floor with barely educated idiots like you.

Sorry what Universities did you go to, what is your University Degree in? :badgrin:

This is NOT a Black man.


The Ancient Egyptians were NOT Black you idiot.

View attachment 138964
View attachment 138965
DNA discovery reveals relatives of ancient Egyptians -

Your link doesn't say anything about his race.

But this one say something.

King Tut's 'virtual autopsy' reveals surprises

Scientists believe genetics and inherited diseases played a role in Tut's bad health because of inbreeding. A genetic analysis of his family's mummies suggests that his parents were siblings.

King Tut's 'virtual autopsy' reveals surprises -

Tut was an inbred who died at 19 because of disease caused by the sex between a brother and sister. So them do you want to continue bragging about Tut being white or now is he black?


Egypt was black, and proof American cover up of that fact

You really are a retard aren't you?

Yes you are, we should not expect uneducated morons like you to know that incest was considered normal in Ancient Egypt.

Of course nowadays incest is normal in the Black Ghetto, how many of those Black men are Muh Dick Muh Dick with their own daughters.

The YouTube thing is 100% horscrap.
Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

It's like telling you to race us after we've broken your legs. Even if we stop breaking your legs the wounds and scars still exist.

And things still aren't fair. I get it. I know you're more right than we are.

As a liberal all I can tell you is what I think you should do to overcome it.

I'm a liberal also and you can't tell me shit.

I'm just telling you people in poor black and white communities both have to do better themselves to get out. Don't wait for whites to bring jobs into black communities. Not going to happen. So if you can't start your own and if you don't want to be poor you may need to leave those communities. And if they do, America is not as racist as you think. It's more racist than conservatives admit but less than you think.

I'm telling you the truth. You seem to be unable to put yourselves in our shoes. You can only see things from the black perspective.
With all the black homocides, isn't black culture the biggest single corrupter you can think of? Hmm, rap music doesn't exude peace love and acceptance. Yo yo yo Nigg*.r. Using words that are banned from this board. I don't think Hamilton or John Brown or freed ex slaves, I am thinking debasing of American culture.

This thread is not about black homicide. You really need to leave culture and violence out of this discussion Mary.
Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

It's like telling you to race us after we've broken your legs. Even if we stop breaking your legs the wounds and scars still exist.

And things still aren't fair. I get it. I know you're more right than we are.

As a liberal all I can tell you is what I think you should do to overcome it.

I'm a liberal also and you can't tell me shit.

I'm just telling you people in poor black and white communities both have to do better themselves to get out. Don't wait for whites to bring jobs into black communities. Not going to happen. So if you can't start your own and if you don't want to be poor you may need to leave those communities. And if they do, America is not as racist as you think. It's more racist than conservatives admit but less than you think.

I'm telling you the truth. You seem to be unable to put yourselves in our shoes. You can only see things from the black perspective.

I don't need to put myself in your shoes when we are talking about a problem that is specifically black. Your views on these matters are simply erroneous sealybobo. I am going to look at the problem from the black perspective because I'm black and its a problem blacks face. I know how racist t his nation is and know so far better than you. Your way of getting things done does not work. This is not about waiting on the white man idiot. This is about demanding that the white man use the money we put in his businesses and banks in our mother fucking community. Get that? We put over1.3 trillion dollars into this nations economy, we aren't sitting around waiting for any handouts because we don't produce, Get it?

We lose 2 trillion per year by doing things the way we do them now. So either this nation goes under, or it develops the hoods, barrios and poor white sections of this nation.

This is not the thread topic and we've rode down this road before. I don't listen to you because you have no clue. And we don't have to see things from your side to understand what the fuck we need to do.
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.

Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..

Time would be better spent doing volunteer work to INSURE that "Black Greatness" in CURRENT and FUTURE generations -- dontchathink?? How would you approach that?

Just to play the devils advocate, you are a moderator and surely must see the plethora of ignorant and stereotypical threads started in this forum on a daily basis that imply the collective failure or inferiority of the Black population.

Posts that refer to Black people as less than human and prone to criminality. And in addition to that, some of the very same posters who are showing outright indignation over IM2 being non passive over what goes on here, are some of the same ones who turn a blind eye when Black people are negatively lumped together as a collective by ignorant, uneducated bigots.

If the forum is about race relations, where is the wrong in him posting information about Black people who do not fit the mold of what appears to be the opinion of what the majority of non Black posters here think describes Black people?
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This is greatness, Not being some chump kissing whiteys ass like Carson or Thomas.

There you have it folks! One of the main ingredients in the failure of blacks. They try to destroy any black who is successful. I think all they want to do is complain and commit crime.
Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

It's like telling you to race us after we've broken your legs. Even if we stop breaking your legs the wounds and scars still exist.

And things still aren't fair. I get it. I know you're more right than we are.

As a liberal all I can tell you is what I think you should do to overcome it.

I'm a liberal also and you can't tell me shit.

I'm just telling you people in poor black and white communities both have to do better themselves to get out. Don't wait for whites to bring jobs into black communities. Not going to happen. So if you can't start your own and if you don't want to be poor you may need to leave those communities. And if they do, America is not as racist as you think. It's more racist than conservatives admit but less than you think.

I'm telling you the truth. You seem to be unable to put yourselves in our shoes. You can only see things from the black perspective.

I don't need to put myself in your shoes when we are talking about a problem that is specifically black. Your views on these matters are simply erroneous sealybobo. I am going to look at the problem from the black perspective because I'm black and its a problem blacks face. I know how racist t his nation is and know so far better than you. Your way of getting things done does not work. This is not about waiting on the white man idiot. This is about demanding that the white man use the money we put in his businesses and banks in our mother fucking community. Get that? We put over1.3 trillion dollars into this nations economy, we aren't sitting around waiting for any handouts because we don't produce, Get it?

We lose 2 trillion per year by doing things the way we do them now. So either this nation goes under, or it develops the hoods, barrios and poor white sections of this nation.

This is not the thread topic and we've rode down this road before. I don't listen to you because you have no clue. And we don't have to see things from your side to understand what the fuck we need to do.

It's a black thang, huh, IM2? No, no one can tell you anything. Your mind is so obtuse and closed it's not even funny.


There are plenty of people who I have listened to . But you see, I have 32 years of working, researching, building programs that have been successful in this field. You don't have this experience, knowledge or education, nor does sealybobo. So I don't need to listen to people with flawed opinions steeped not on fact but in stereotypes and racial bias..
Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

It's like telling you to race us after we've broken your legs. Even if we stop breaking your legs the wounds and scars still exist.

And things still aren't fair. I get it. I know you're more right than we are.

As a liberal all I can tell you is what I think you should do to overcome it.

I'm a liberal also and you can't tell me shit.

He makes some good points...
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