Black greatness

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I have seen the results of black culture. Little black kids so pissed off they beat a poor little old man's dog to death, these were kids, and the old man? A Pearl harbor survivor who's wife was dying of Alzheimer's . Wow. Blacks are so sensitive to people that are insensitive. This is a shout out to poor little IM2, cause' I got your back, even if others abandon or attack you.

What is "Black Culture"?

Is it the "Black Culture" that Condaleeza Rice grew up in? Who's parents protected her from the ugly realities of Jim Crowe, though even as a child she was aware that her parents, on cross countries trips and vacations, frequently brought their own food and picnic'd or camped so they wouldn't be humiliaged turned away from hotels and restaurants? Parents who made sure she had a good education, loved learning, learned to play music, and became an accomplished pianist, among many other things? That "Black Culture"?

Why is it only Condoleeza Rice? Condoleeza Rice is not unique among blacks. She is not the exceptional example for black people. She's not the only black person who went through that and had parents make sure they got good educations. .How about the reality that the black culture this woman describe did not make those kids beat that dog. White kids have tortured animals is that a result of white culture? Why is it that whites cannot ask these questions about their own culture when such things come up?

I am black, thereof part of he so called black culture. I had parents who went thought jim crow, we lived in segregation, they fought for our rights to get treated better, to have better educations, they made sure we got them. I got a masters degree thanks to them being on me and the majority of blacks in my town went to college, most of them graduated from either college or a technical school. This double standard is what pisses us off. Black kids beat up a dg and its because of the black culture. White kids beat up the dog and its because they are bad kids or are mentally disturbed, it's not the white culture. There is always an excuse, an out for whites to use. But we are not allowed to use those same excuses.

Some black kids beat up a dog and we get the lecture about black culture, yet Jeffery Dahmer cooked and ate people. John Wayne Gacy had sex with little boys and buried them under his porch. White culture had nothing to do with this, they were mentally disturbed. Mike Brown gets murderd by a cop and whites go running to look for ways they can call him a thug to justify the murder even as he had no record. Then once again we get the lectures on black culture form whites. A black graduate getting ready to serve his country is killed by a white man but its not because of white culture, oh no the white man had mental problems. A white man went to New York to hunt down blacks to kill, but we can't say it a result of white culture, no he as mentally impaired. Dillon Roof murdered 9 people in a church during bible study, white culture has nothing to do with that, he is a lone wolf full of hate.

Recently within the past 24 hours two white men were arrested for the murder of four men who they killed, burned in the pig cooker BBQ smoker, and buried over a drug deal. Are they thugs? Is this the result of white culture? I bet that's not what's going t be said. There will some excuse made or created for this behavior hat fits a general profile and not a race specific one.. But let that be someone black and we have to hear the ignorance and the continued use of the white double standard.

When does this shit stop white folks? When will you decide to look within your own culture to understand the problems created for all by some of the things you believe about others?
I grew up in a mixed environment. Pre-integration in Denver in 1968- 69', the Cole and Manual schools. Largely Black schools. I saw the hate from both sides. No big deal but I also saw the hate against whites, and racial bullying , I saw a black boy try to kill a Hispanic groundskeeper by throwing chair at him from the third floor at Cole. yeah, the same psychopath that said he hated whites because they were all racist. Yeah, like that.

You grew up in the 60's and wonder why blacks hated whites so much at that time. This is how blind to reality some of you are.

The Ancient Egyptians looked sort of like what Persians look like ie. not Black.

Also the archaeogenetics of the Near East say that the Ancient Egyptians were not Black.

The below is recent and based purely on DNA, again the DNA says that Ancient Egyptians were NOT Black.

You cannot argue with DNA. Period.




DNA discovery reveals relatives of ancient Egyptians -

So Ancient Egyptians were not Black.

Modern Egyptians are basically the DNA Kin of Sub-Saharans, what have Modern Egyptians created that has advanced ANYTHING, yes, I can't think of ANYTHING either.
Nobody is above racism, blacks slayed each other in Rwanda. Hutu and Tuttis were pretty smart people and it didn't stop hate or genocide.
Nobody is above racism, blacks slayed each other in Rwanda. Hutu and Tuttis were pretty smart people and it didn't stop hate or genocide.

Not the thread topic
Todays lesson is going to be short and sweet. You talk about Rwanda, but did you know?

The Berlin Conference of 1884 assigned the territory to Germany as part of German East Africa, marking the beginning of the colonial era. The explorer Gustav Adolf von Götzen was the first European to significantly explore the country in 1894; he crossed from the south-east to Lake Kivu and met the king.[24][25] The Germans did not significantly alter the social structure of the country, but exerted influence by supporting the king and the existing hierarchy and delegating power to local chiefs.[26] [27] Belgian forces took control of Rwanda and Burundi in 1916, during World War I, beginning a period of more direct colonial rule.[28] Belgium ruled both Rwanda and Burundi as a League of Nations 'mandate' called Ruanda-Urundi; the Belgians also simplified and centralised the power structure,[29] and introduced large-scale projects in education, health, public works, and agricultural supervision, including new crops and improved agricultural techniques to try to reduce the incidence of famine.[30] Both the Germans and the Belgians promoted Tutsi supremacy, considering the Hutu and Tutsi different races.[31] In 1935, Belgium introduced identity cards labelling each individual as either Tutsi, Hutu, Twa or Naturalised. While it had previously been possible for particularly wealthy Hutu to become honorary Tutsi, the identity cards prevented any further movement between the classes.[32]

Do you think that might have created animosity and distrust between the tribes?

The Rwandan Genocide - Facts & Summary -
Todays lesson is going to be short and sweet. You talk about Rwanda, but did you know?

The Berlin Conference of 1884 assigned the territory to Germany as part of German East Africa, marking the beginning of the colonial era. The explorer Gustav Adolf von Götzen was the first European to significantly explore the country in 1894; he crossed from the south-east to Lake Kivu and met the king.[24][25] The Germans did not significantly alter the social structure of the country, but exerted influence by supporting the king and the existing hierarchy and delegating power to local chiefs.[26] [27] Belgian forces took control of Rwanda and Burundi in 1916, during World War I, beginning a period of more direct colonial rule.[28] Belgium ruled both Rwanda and Burundi as a League of Nations 'mandate' called Ruanda-Urundi; the Belgians also simplified and centralised the power structure,[29] and introduced large-scale projects in education, health, public works, and agricultural supervision, including new crops and improved agricultural techniques to try to reduce the incidence of famine.[30] Both the Germans and the Belgians promoted Tutsi supremacy, considering the Hutu and Tutsi different races.[31] In 1935, Belgium introduced identity cards labelling each individual as either Tutsi, Hutu, Twa or Naturalised. While it had previously been possible for particularly wealthy Hutu to become honorary Tutsi, the identity cards prevented any further movement between the classes.[32]

Do you think that might have created animosity and distrust between the tribes?

The Rwandan Genocide - Facts & Summary -

That was actually a common colonial tactic - divide and conquor.
Nobody is above racism, blacks slayed each other in Rwanda. Hutu and Tuttis were pretty smart people and it didn't stop hate or genocide.

Not the thread topic
Argumentative, but I agree. Perhaps one day, you will create a thread that actually address a real issue. True Black greatness? My old 1970 middle school Councillor, Mrs Hall. She put up with me and a bunch of male black sociopaths and she did the best she could. I am listening to an old pretenders song, Hymn to HER, Oddly enough.
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Todays lesson is going to be short and sweet. You talk about Rwanda, but did you know?

The Berlin Conference of 1884 assigned the territory to Germany as part of German East Africa, marking the beginning of the colonial era. The explorer Gustav Adolf von Götzen was the first European to significantly explore the country in 1894; he crossed from the south-east to Lake Kivu and met the king.[24][25] The Germans did not significantly alter the social structure of the country, but exerted influence by supporting the king and the existing hierarchy and delegating power to local chiefs.[26] [27] Belgian forces took control of Rwanda and Burundi in 1916, during World War I, beginning a period of more direct colonial rule.[28] Belgium ruled both Rwanda and Burundi as a League of Nations 'mandate' called Ruanda-Urundi; the Belgians also simplified and centralised the power structure,[29] and introduced large-scale projects in education, health, public works, and agricultural supervision, including new crops and improved agricultural techniques to try to reduce the incidence of famine.[30] Both the Germans and the Belgians promoted Tutsi supremacy, considering the Hutu and Tutsi different races.[31] In 1935, Belgium introduced identity cards labelling each individual as either Tutsi, Hutu, Twa or Naturalised. While it had previously been possible for particularly wealthy Hutu to become honorary Tutsi, the identity cards prevented any further movement between the classes.[32]

Do you think that might have created animosity and distrust between the tribes?

The Rwandan Genocide - Facts & Summary -

That was actually a common colonial tactic - divide and conquor.

True and a lot of African problems today result from colonialism and that technique.
Nobody is above racism, blacks slayed each other in Rwanda. Hutu and Tuttis were pretty smart people and it didn't stop hate or genocide.

Not the thread topic
Argumentative, but I agree. Perhaps one day, you will create a thread that actually address a real issue.Black great greatness? My old 1970 middle school Councillor, Mrs Hall. She put up with me and black sociopaths and she did the best she could. I am listening to an old pretenders song, Hymn to HER, Oddly enough.

I really don't think you went to school with black sociopaths. I do think you went to school with kids who were born during segregation who took crap you never could imagine happening to you in your wildest nightmares. I have addressed a real issue. As long as whites exist like you who think blacks have done nothing or try discrediting the entire black culture for things you would never discredit the white one for, there will be a consistent need to educate people like you about great accomplishments done by blacks. And from this point stop whining about people talking about race in the race and racism section. If you don't want to discuss race get the hell out of this section and go somewhere else.

We are done talking.
All these nameless blacks that are easily forgotten? That black kid that saved some neurotic suicidal Jewish kid from suicide? The Black girls that helped me from being beaten by a larger hateful group of blacks? Sometimes it takes you breath away. Blacks aren't evil nor are they absolved of their sins.
Some of us need to shut up about blacks and understand they are not absolved of their skins because they have more blood on their hands and more violence as a race,''

The Harlem Hellfighters | History

The thread topic is about black accomplishments. It was made because those like you decided to make threads where you felt free to make consistent comments about what blacks have not ever done. You are the one off topic. And if you don't like the topic then stay out of the thread. Because all you are doing is trolling hoping you can get this thread closed. This thread is about race because its in the race and racism section So then from this point on I am going to report you if you refuse to post on topic.

Name some black accomplishments then

Give us your top 5. Mesez: You are racist troll with the report button at the ready and a turd. :dunno:

How about IM2 lists the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of Blacks who've accomplished something, accomplished as in advancing Civilisation itself from the Stone Age.

You know like we can list THOUSANDS AND THOUSAND of White's who have done that and also I add the amazing Ancient Chinese.

  • Gunpowder, paper, printing, and the compass are sometimes called the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China.
Four Great Inventions - Wikipedia

List of Chinese inventions - Wikipedia

All they can list is random "things", there is NOTHING that has advanced Civilisation itself.

The problem with "things" one thing alone has "advanced" civilization. And everything is built upon something earlier. So yes, you can have a great invention, but what you don't see is the thousands of steps taken earlier by other people that led to it. Trying to pin it on "race" is dishonest. Culture, opportunity, etc has a lot to do with it. If you exist in a survivalist culture - all your talent and energy is in surviving, beating the diseases or wildlife trying to kill you, and getting enough food to eat. Put the same person in another culture and different opportunities present themselves.

Ever see this show? Connections (TV series) - Wikipedia

So what are you attempting to say? The Ancient Chinese STOLE their THOUSANDS of inventions off some Blacks in Africa or whatever?

No we never had that television programme and also the dates are many before my time, being born in 1990.

No, and it's not about "stealing" - it's building upon.

You would probably like Connections - it's worth seeing, it's available online I think.

You know my middle brother has an Archaeology Degree, he's been going to Egypt for several years on Archaeological Mission with the team of Archaeologists he works with.

Also I was going to mention that a few years ago there was a Virtual Autopsy from the actual remains and scientists recreated the face of Tutankhamun this with CT scans and genetic analysis and from that the below this is not a Black man, this complexion is what is refer to as Mediterranean ie. Olive complexion.




The below Golden Face Mask was originally made for Tutankhamun's stepmother/possible mother Nefertiti - Tutankhamun's father was Akhenaten who was married to Nefertiti, however DNA testing has named The Younger Lady as his mother, they do not know what her actual name was, although there is still an outside chance she MIGHT be Nefertiti, the Mummy was discovered in KV35 by Victor Loret in 1898:

The Younger Lady - Wikipedia

Tutankhamun's golden face mask 'was actually made for his mother'

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Todays lesson is going to be short and sweet. You talk about Rwanda, but did you know?

The Berlin Conference of 1884 assigned the territory to Germany as part of German East Africa, marking the beginning of the colonial era. The explorer Gustav Adolf von Götzen was the first European to significantly explore the country in 1894; he crossed from the south-east to Lake Kivu and met the king.[24][25] The Germans did not significantly alter the social structure of the country, but exerted influence by supporting the king and the existing hierarchy and delegating power to local chiefs.[26] [27] Belgian forces took control of Rwanda and Burundi in 1916, during World War I, beginning a period of more direct colonial rule.[28] Belgium ruled both Rwanda and Burundi as a League of Nations 'mandate' called Ruanda-Urundi; the Belgians also simplified and centralised the power structure,[29] and introduced large-scale projects in education, health, public works, and agricultural supervision, including new crops and improved agricultural techniques to try to reduce the incidence of famine.[30] Both the Germans and the Belgians promoted Tutsi supremacy, considering the Hutu and Tutsi different races.[31] In 1935, Belgium introduced identity cards labelling each individual as either Tutsi, Hutu, Twa or Naturalised. While it had previously been possible for particularly wealthy Hutu to become honorary Tutsi, the identity cards prevented any further movement between the classes.[32]

Do you think that might have created animosity and distrust between the tribes?

The Rwandan Genocide - Facts & Summary -

That was actually a common colonial tactic - divide and conquor.

When our peoples were in charge that crowd were not slaughtering each other, it's only when left to their own devices that they start going off the railings.

Sergeant Henry Johnson

Then-Pvt. Henry Johnson served as a member of Company C, 369th Infantry Regiment, 93rd Division, American Expeditionary Forces, during combat operations against the enemy on the front lines of the Western Front in France.

While on night sentry duty, May 15, 1918, Johnson and a fellow Soldier, Pvt. Needham Roberts, received a surprise attack by a German raiding party consisting of at least 12 soldiers.

While under intense enemy fire and despite receiving significant wounds, Johnson mounted a brave retaliation resulting in several enemy casualties. When his fellow Soldier was badly wounded, Johnson prevented him from being taken prisoner by German forces.

Johnson exposed himself to grave danger by advancing from his position to engage an enemy soldier in hand-to-hand combat. Wielding only a knife and being seriously wounded, Johnson continued fighting, took his Bolo knife and stabbed it through an enemy soldier's head.

Displaying great courage, Johnson held back the enemy force until they retreated. The enemy raid's failure to secure prisoners was due to the bravery and resistance of Johnson and his fellow comrade. The effect of their fierce fighting resulted in the increased vigilance and confidence of the 369th Infantry Regiment.

Sergeant Henry Johnson | Medal of Honor Recipient | The United States Army
IM2; Thank you for reminding me of the people I forgot. You have No idea. But race shouldn't be a factor. And some times it IS, Damn...
You white racists here talk a lot of shit. These are great men and women, Greater than your white asses could ever be in your wildest dreams. What they put up with to get where they wanted would have made you weak kneed lily livered racist pricks kill yourselves.

1. Carl Brashear 12 steps to Honor


The great Carl Brashear

He took these steps in the late1960's. This is within our lifetimes. .

Don't Tell us about these great black people tell black kids. They need the role models.

Are more blacks in the ghettos interested in science after seeing hidden figures?
You white racists here talk a lot of shit. These are great men and women, Greater than your white asses could ever be in your wildest dreams. What they put up with to get where they wanted would have made you weak kneed lily livered racist pricks kill yourselves.

1. Carl Brashear 12 steps to Honor


The great Carl Brashear

He took these steps in the late1960's. This is within our lifetimes. .

Don't Tell us about these great black people tell black kids. They need the role models.

Are more blacks in the ghettos interested in science after seeing hidden figures?

This is an excellent point bobo, the Contemporary Blacks are primarily following Gangsta and BLM, neither are good role models for especially young Black males.
I am going to say this about king tut, it might be wise for lucy to shut it down about him being white. Now I am only going to say this once.

Because it really doesn't matter what color Tut was, because Egyptians are not white people. However, if lucy decides to continue trying her white supremacist crap, she is going to get embarrassed and made an example of
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