Black greatness

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Please, stick to the topic . We can digress until we turn blue. I think you missed the point, but somehow, I think that's IM2 all over, missing points and that's the human condition. Do you get that?

The thread topic is about black accomplishments. It was made because those like you decided to make threads where you felt free to make consistent comments about what blacks have not ever done. You are the one off topic. And if you don't like the topic then stay out of the thread. Because all you are doing is trolling hoping you can get this thread closed. This thread is about race because its in the race and racism section So then from this point on I am going to report you if you refuse to post on topic.
Wow. Close this thread down? No, there you go again taking this to seriously. All things fall apart, the center cannot hold. Why the emphasis "Black " or greatness? Yeah, this is the race and racism board. It still dosen't make black haters acting like stereotyped clowns any better. All I want is for you to take a deep breath and stop idealizing and look at the bigger picture. But we all know that won't happen.
Please, stick to the topic . We can digress until we turn blue. I think you missed the point, but somehow, I think that's IM2 all over, missing points and that's the human condition. Do you get that?

The thread topic is about black accomplishments. It was made because those like you decided to make threads where you felt free to make consistent comments about what blacks have not ever done. You are the one off topic. And if you don't like the topic then stay out of the thread. Because all you are doing is trolling hoping you can get this thread closed. This thread is about race because its in the race and racism section So then from this point on I am going to report you if you refuse to post on topic.

Who's the Black versions of Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Leibniz, Nikola Tesla, Igor Sikorsky, Da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Nietzsche, Voltaire, Immanuel Kant, Shakespeare, George Orwell, Mark Twain, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Wernher Von Braun, Sergei Koroiev, Rembrandt, Monet, Picasso, and Van Gogh?
The great Muhammad Ali was rich and successful. No one called him a sellout or Uncle Tom.

Why is someone great just because they fight for money? And great for being a drafting dodger.

Ali was no draft dodger. Your current president dodged the daft, but you won't run your mouth about that now will you. Ali stood up for what was right. Why should he, a black man who was not allowed equal rights in this nation go fight a war for this nation? He was right. He had honor. You do understand what honor is don't you?

Ali is greatness. True greatness.

I liked Ali, but don't ever mention his name to anybody in Michigan. They all hate him for some reason.

I have to ask: What would his grandma think of him being a muslim?
Please, stick to the topic . We can digress until we turn blue. I think you missed the point, but somehow, I think that's IM2 all over, missing points and that's the human condition. Do you get that?

The thread topic is about black accomplishments. It was made because those like you decided to make threads where you felt free to make consistent comments about what blacks have not ever done. You are the one off topic. And if you don't like the topic then stay out of the thread. Because all you are doing is trolling hoping you can get this thread closed. This thread is about race because its in the race and racism section So then from this point on I am going to report you if you refuse to post on topic.
Ok, I liked Marion Barry. I liked Bill Cosby. I Liked Mike Tyson or Malcolm X.
Please, stick to the topic . We can digress until we turn blue. I think you missed the point, but somehow, I think that's IM2 all over, missing points and that's the human condition. Do you get that?

The thread topic is about black accomplishments. It was made because those like you decided to make threads where you felt free to make consistent comments about what blacks have not ever done. You are the one off topic. And if you don't like the topic then stay out of the thread. Because all you are doing is trolling hoping you can get this thread closed. This thread is about race because its in the race and racism section So then from this point on I am going to report you if you refuse to post on topic.

Name some black accomplishments then

Give us your top 5. Mesez: You are racist troll with the report button at the ready and a turd. :dunno:
Please, stick to the topic . We can digress until we turn blue. I think you missed the point, but somehow, I think that's IM2 all over, missing points and that's the human condition. Do you get that?

The thread topic is about black accomplishments. It was made because those like you decided to make threads where you felt free to make consistent comments about what blacks have not ever done. You are the one off topic. And if you don't like the topic then stay out of the thread. Because all you are doing is trolling hoping you can get this thread closed. This thread is about race because its in the race and racism section So then from this point on I am going to report you if you refuse to post on topic.
To paraphrase Churchill: Some thread, some accomplishment. Please, I have been on this entire board before you knew what USMB was. Go for it.
I can hear the petty clinking and clanking of the whole mindset of the people like IM2, if you don't agree, they will call you names or call out for censorship. I have been here since 2011.
It's really not hard to find a list of famous black people who accomplished something, why are folks struggling so much with it?

George Washington Carver George Washington Carver
Percy Lavon Julian Percy Lavon Julian - Wikipedia
Ernest Everett Just Ernest Everett Just
Marie Maynard Daly Marie Maynard Daly - Wikipedia
George Carruthers Dr. George Carruthers and Apollo 16 Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph
George Alcorn,_Jr.
Herman Branson Herman Branson - Wikipedia
Sylvester James Gates Sylvester James Gates - Wikipedia
Madam C. J. Walker (love this woman!) - Madam C. J. Walker - Wikipedia

That's just a handful - many more out there :)
Great minds transcend race or disability. Look at say, Hawking, or deGrasse Tyson. Or sex, look at Curie . Let's stop right here and think why we need this thread.

Great minds transcend race or disability. Look at say, Hawking, or deGrasse Tyson. Or sex, look at Curie . Let's stop right here and think why we need this thread.

You are totally right...but here's a thought. Some of those great minds HAD to actively transcend race, gender, or disability in order to get where they got - to get recognition, or even the ability to get into an institution, that a white male wouldn't have thought twice about in those days.

Women like Curie, had to fight, to even be excepted into a educational program that did not consider women capable. It's the same thing with race.

I just got finished with a fascinating book - Goldberger’s war:The life and work of a public health crusader, about the man who discovered the cause and cure for pellagra, a disease that was devasting the south. But he was Jewish, and that put many barriers in his way, prevented him from pursuing a medical career, and from being taken seriously by his colleagues.

Great minds transcend...but great minds, from certain backgrounds have barriers that others don't. Recognizing that is not being racist.
There is no doubt about it blacks are intelligent and quite capable. The smartest woman, er, Person I ever knew was black. I think blacks are quite capable of transcending all their problems. What is really holding them back? Racism? Or self doubt and self hatred?
It's really not hard to find a list of famous black people who accomplished something

It isn't difficult at all.

Just like how easy it is to spot a racist black man who has accomplished nothing in life spewing away with his divisive racist shit on internet discussion boards.

....or guilt-ridden white idiots who feed his racism by enabling it, for that matter
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. What is really holding them back? Racism? ?

Yes, it is definitely racism that hold them back.


Run around with a ginormous chip on your shoulder, treat education as if it is a sell-out to your culture, refuse to take responsibility for your children or your behavior, and guess what, folks -- you won't succeed.
There is no doubt about it blacks are intelligent and quite capable. The smartest woman, er, Person I ever knew was black. I think blacks are quite capable of transcending all their problems. What is really holding them back? Racism? Or self doubt and self hatred?

People - any people - are held back by a variety of things. Most frequent - it's not one thing only - but a mixture. It can be economics (poverty) where you are also dealing with bad schools, drugs, unsafe neighborhoods - it can be culture mixed in. Yet another interesting book I recently read examined that, but not in blacks, but in white people of Appalachian heritage and culture: Hillbilly Elegy. Culture can do a lot to hold a person back, prevent them from suceeding and breaking free and, mixed in with that is there is often a bias against those cultures from the "outside". But - ARE blacks really "holding back" or being "held back"? Or, certain groups? Is it a mistake to broad brush an entire race?
You white racists here talk a lot of shit. These are great men and women, Greater than your white asses could ever be in your wildest dreams. What they put up with to get where they wanted would have made you weak kneed lily livered racist pricks kill yourselves.

1. Carl Brashear 12 steps to Honor


The great Carl Brashear

He took these steps in the late1960's. This is within our lifetimes. .

You said you started this thread to talk about black achievements. No you didn't. Here is the proof. You once against started a thread bashing white people.
You white racists here talk a lot of shit. These are great men and women, Greater than your white asses could ever be in your wildest dreams. What they put up with to get where they wanted would have made you weak kneed lily livered racist pricks kill yourselves.

1. Carl Brashear 12 steps to Honor


The great Carl Brashear

He took these steps in the late1960's. This is within our lifetimes. .

You said you started this thread to talk about black achievements. No you didn't. Here is the proof. You once against started a thread bashing white people.

.....and you can bet your bottom dollar that if similar language was used by a white person targeting blacks, some of the very same individuals who are feeding this racist troll would be all over it like shit on stink.
I have seen the results of black culture. Little black kids so pissed off they beat a poor little old man's dog to death, these were kids, and the old man? A Pearl harbor survivor who's wife was dying of Alzheimer's . Wow. Blacks are so sensitive to people that are insensitive. This is a shout out to poor little IM2, cause' I got your back, even if others abandon or attack you. I came to this poor guys aid, didn't see to many blacks at my side. But that's good. I didn't see any whites either.
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I have seen the results of black culture. Little black kids so pissed off they beat a poor little old man's dog to death, these were kids, and the old man? A Pearl harbor survivor who's wife was dying of Alzheimer's . Wow. Blacks are so sensitive to people that are insensitive. This is a shout out to poor little IM2, cause' I got your back, even if others abandon or attack you.

What is "Black Culture"?

Is it the "Black Culture" that Condaleeza Rice grew up in? Who's parents protected her from the ugly realities of Jim Crowe, though even as a child she was aware that her parents, on cross countries trips and vacations, frequently brought their own food and picnic'd or camped so they wouldn't be humiliaged turned away from hotels and restaurants? Parents who made sure she had a good education, loved learning, learned to play music, and became an accomplished pianist, among many other things? That "Black Culture"?
Great minds transcend race or disability. Look at say, Hawking, or deGrasse Tyson. Or sex, look at Curie . Let's stop right here and think why we need this thread.

Great minds transcend race or disability. Look at say, Hawking, or deGrasse Tyson. Or sex, look at Curie . Let's stop right here and think why we need this thread.

You are totally right...but here's a thought. Some of those great minds HAD to actively transcend race, gender, or disability in order to get where they got - to get recognition, or even the ability to get into an institution, that a white male wouldn't have thought twice about in those days.

Women like Curie, had to fight, to even be excepted into a educational program that did not consider women capable. It's the same thing with race.

I just got finished with a fascinating book - Goldberger’s war:The life and work of a public health crusader, about the man who discovered the cause and cure for pellagra, a disease that was devasting the south. But he was Jewish, and that put many barriers in his way, prevented him from pursuing a medical career, and from being taken seriously by his colleagues.

Great minds transcend...but great minds, from certain backgrounds have barriers that others don't. Recognizing that is not being racist.

Are you you thinking you can help IM2 transcend?

Good luck with that!
Please, stick to the topic . We can digress until we turn blue. I think you missed the point, but somehow, I think that's IM2 all over, missing points and that's the human condition. Do you get that?

The thread topic is about black accomplishments. It was made because those like you decided to make threads where you felt free to make consistent comments about what blacks have not ever done. You are the one off topic. And if you don't like the topic then stay out of the thread. Because all you are doing is trolling hoping you can get this thread closed. This thread is about race because its in the race and racism section So then from this point on I am going to report you if you refuse to post on topic.

What's a black invention that applies to the automobile?
Great minds transcend race or disability. Look at say, Hawking, or deGrasse Tyson. Or sex, look at Curie . Let's stop right here and think why we need this thread.

Great minds transcend race or disability. Look at say, Hawking, or deGrasse Tyson. Or sex, look at Curie . Let's stop right here and think why we need this thread.

You are totally right...but here's a thought. Some of those great minds HAD to actively transcend race, gender, or disability in order to get where they got - to get recognition, or even the ability to get into an institution, that a white male wouldn't have thought twice about in those days.

Women like Curie, had to fight, to even be excepted into a educational program that did not consider women capable. It's the same thing with race.

I just got finished with a fascinating book - Goldberger’s war:The life and work of a public health crusader, about the man who discovered the cause and cure for pellagra, a disease that was devasting the south. But he was Jewish, and that put many barriers in his way, prevented him from pursuing a medical career, and from being taken seriously by his colleagues.

Great minds transcend...but great minds, from certain backgrounds have barriers that others don't. Recognizing that is not being racist.

Are you you thinking you can help IM2 transcend?

Good luck with that!

I think this thread has a good topic that shouldn't be trash-trolled. Why not explore it? :)
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