Black greatness

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Jesus Fought Injustice, He Did Not Join It —Rev. Dr. William Barber "Story of America"

Jesus was no Ben Carson, Booker T Washington or Clarence Thomas. Therefore to use these people as examples of greatness is false.

------ :afro: !! I like Thomas , Carson is ok and Booker T invented the cotton gin and other devices . All 3 have done well in the USA in the past and currently . But 'Rev. Bill Barber' , i never heard of him . Is he one of 'mrobamas' advisors or preachers like jeremia wright or 'al sharpton' or 'jesse jackson' was IM2 ??
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.
why you going back to 1984 , the 'rainbow' nation proponent was President in 1994 , --- Nelson Mandela inaugurated - May 10, 1994 - --- if going by your payback reasoniong i can agree . There is NO african government that can be trusted IM2 !!

Because a dumb ass like you needs to be made to understand just how long the country had been violent and divided when you start off on your stupid ass comments. The nation had been divided and violent for around 70 years if not more by the time 1994 rolled around. But chumps like you want to be smart asses and act like because someone had a vision 23 years ago and it just didn't magically happen that somehow you get o make jokes. Well white boy we made a constitution 241 years ago with the promise of equality for all and we still haven't got there. Case closed. End of discussion.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITS never going to happen , watch and see and see Chicago or anty other big city in the USA . See Deeeetroit that used to be called the Paris of the USA . Yep , just going to be a downward spiral for the africa that we have been talking about with the exception of ORANIA if they can keep to themselves 1M2 .

YOU are the only one talking about that place. I had never heard of it. You talk real stupid pismoe. You don't know what you are talking about but you are glad to recite racist memes. There will be no downward spiral.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i point it out and now even YOU know that it is a fine place , ruled by law and independent and not starving and i wonder why others can't do the same . See the starvation in 'zimbabwe' under 'mugabe' and see earlier in modern time to see cannibalism under 'idi amin' in a part of africa , uganda IM2 .
Jesus Fought Injustice, He Did Not Join It —Rev. Dr. William Barber "Story of America"

Jesus was no Ben Carson, Booker T Washington or Clarence Thomas. Therefore to use these people as examples of greatness is false.

------ :afro: !! I like Thomas , Carson is ok and Booker T invented the cotton gin and other devices . All 3 have done well in the USA in the past and currently . But 'Rev. Bill Barber' , i never heard of him . Is he one of 'mrobamas' advisors or preachers like jeremia wright or 'al sharpton' or 'jesse jackson' was IM2 ??

You like weakness and lies.

This doesn't look like Booker T Washington. But this is the guy who invented the cotton gin.
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just a rumor maybe , doesn't really matter since i don't need a new 'cotton gin' or parts for the old cotton gin IM2 .
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.

Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..
IM2 thinks she is the personal protector of blacks. I have no doubt she's sincere. The pro black propaganda cheerleading shtick comes off as pretentious.
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.

Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..
You don't know what my experiences are, you seem to think we live in a bubble and you are "informing" us. Think again. If we as a country want to rid ourselves of racial stereotypes, then we have confront folks that choose to behave like negative racial stereotypes and educate THEM as to how ignorant and backwards that truly is, not empower and excuse that behavior.
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.

Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..

Time would be better spent doing volunteer work to INSURE that "Black Greatness" in CURRENT and FUTURE generations -- dontchathink?? How would you approach that?
why you going back to 1984 , the 'rainbow' nation proponent was President in 1994 , --- Nelson Mandela inaugurated - May 10, 1994 - --- if going by your payback reasoniong i can agree . There is NO african government that can be trusted IM2 !!

Because a dumb ass like you needs to be made to understand just how long the country had been violent and divided when you start off on your stupid ass comments. The nation had been divided and violent for around 70 years if not more by the time 1994 rolled around. But chumps like you want to be smart asses and act like because someone had a vision 23 years ago and it just didn't magically happen that somehow you get o make jokes. Well white boy we made a constitution 241 years ago with the promise of equality for all and we still haven't got there. Case closed. End of discussion.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ITS never going to happen , watch and see and see Chicago or anty other big city in the USA . See Deeeetroit that used to be called the Paris of the USA . Yep , just going to be a downward spiral for the africa that we have been talking about with the exception of ORANIA if they can keep to themselves 1M2 .

YOU are the only one talking about that place. I had never heard of it. You talk real stupid pismoe. You don't know what you are talking about but you are glad to recite racist memes. There will be no downward spiral.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i point it out and now even YOU know that it is a fine place , ruled by law and independent and not starving and i wonder why others can't do the same . See the starvation in 'zimbabwe' under 'mugabe' and see earlier in modern time to see cannibalism under 'idi amin' in a part of africa , uganda IM2 .

I don't know any of that. I saw a video of a town of 1,000 people. If you run a town of 1,000 people and people are starving and breaking the law then you really have a problem. People here are starving dumb ass. so then you talking about Mugabe in one small nation in that region means nothing. You might be wise to not run your mouth off about places like Uganda.
The great Muhammad Ali was rich and successful. No one called him a sellout or Uncle Tom.

Why is someone great just because they fight for money? And great for being a drafting dodger.

Ali was no draft dodger. Your current president dodged the daft, but you won't run your mouth about that now will you. Ali stood up for what was right. Why should he, a black man who was not allowed equal rights in this nation go fight a war for this nation? He was right. He had honor. You do understand what honor is don't you?

Ali is greatness. True greatness.

how was he great? just because he was black?
South Africa 1984

Whites are running around on this planet pretending they've done no wrong and are now victims of hate. That's psychosis.

They tried killing off as many blacks as they could in South Africa, ruled blacks by totalitarian rule against and now that they are crying about genocide when somone black kills a white person. They complain about black racism in south Africa after 70-80 years of white minority rule. This is not slavery where whites can whine about not being around. Just 30 years ago Apartheid was the law of the land. South Africa has had black majority rule for 25 years now. The white minority rule lasted for more than 50 years. So let's stop pretending.

I havent heard to many whites pretending that they have done no wrong. I don't live in the past either. Wrongs should be made right, but not at the expense of innocent people. Quit blaming whites for your unhappiness.
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.
I agree. One's race does not define their greatness.
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.

Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..
You don't know what my experiences are, you seem to think we live in a bubble and you are "informing" us. Think again. If we as a country want to rid ourselves of racial stereotypes, then we have confront folks that choose to behave like negative racial stereotypes and educate THEM as to how ignorant and backwards that truly is, not empower and excuse that behavior.

I know full well that whites don't live in a bubble. You are just a dumb ass woman who has made silly assumptions about blacks, made racist comments about blacks and you are being told about yourself by someone black because you've done so. I have worked with and known far too many whites to think what you assume. I am informing YOU because you are an ignorant white racist who doesn't know anything about us.

I know from personal life experience that not all whites are racists. But you are. So like you say, If we as a country want to rid ourselves of racial stereotypes, then we have confront folks that choose to behave like negative racial stereotypes and educate THEM as to how ignorant and backwards that truly is, not empower and excuse that behavior. Such as white racists.
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.

Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..
You don't know what my experiences are, you seem to think we live in a bubble and you are "informing" us. Think again. If we as a country want to rid ourselves of racial stereotypes, then we have confront folks that choose to behave like negative racial stereotypes and educate THEM as to how ignorant and backwards that truly is, not empower and excuse that behavior.
All IM2 seems to do is talk down to and about whites.Sure, there are white racists who post nasty things about blacks on the message boards, yet IM2 deems these idiots the majority rule...which is ridiculous.
South Africa 1984

Whites are running around on this planet pretending they've done no wrong and are now victims of hate. That's psychosis.

They tried killing off as many blacks as they could in South Africa, ruled blacks by totalitarian rule against and now that they are crying about genocide when somone black kills a white person. They complain about black racism in south Africa after 70-80 years of white minority rule. This is not slavery where whites can whine about not being around. Just 30 years ago Apartheid was the law of the land. South Africa has had black majority rule for 25 years now. The white minority rule lasted for more than 50 years. So let's stop pretending.

I havent heard to many whites pretending that they have done no wrong. I don't live in the past either. Wrongs should be made right, but not at the expense of innocent people. Quit blaming whites for your unhappiness.

I know Molly. I know.
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.

Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..
You don't know what my experiences are, you seem to think we live in a bubble and you are "informing" us. Think again. If we as a country want to rid ourselves of racial stereotypes, then we have confront folks that choose to behave like negative racial stereotypes and educate THEM as to how ignorant and backwards that truly is, not empower and excuse that behavior.
All IM2 seems to do is talk down to and about whites.Sure, there are white racists who post nasty things about blacks on the message boards, yet IM2 deems these idiots the majority rule...which is ridiculous.

Now what this has to do with the OP is exactly nothing. You have done this in every thread I've started. You and most of the others who are here right now bring nothing productive to these discussions you never address the thread topic and then you get defended for your behavior as a reward.
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.

Dumb. You don't read me talking about how whites have never done anything or how primitive whites are. I have read over and over in here whites making comments about what blacks have not done, so I made this thread. Your ignorance relative to your behavior is expected. So roll your eyes..
You don't know what my experiences are, you seem to think we live in a bubble and you are "informing" us. Think again. If we as a country want to rid ourselves of racial stereotypes, then we have confront folks that choose to behave like negative racial stereotypes and educate THEM as to how ignorant and backwards that truly is, not empower and excuse that behavior.

I know full well that whites don't live in a bubble. You are just a dumb ass woman who has made silly assumptions about blacks, made racist comments about blacks and you are being told about yourself by someone black because you've done so. I have worked with and known far too many whites to think what you assume. I am informing YOU because you are an ignorant white racist who doesn't know anything about us.

I know from personal life experience that not all whites are racists. But you are. So like you say, If we as a country want to rid ourselves of racial stereotypes, then we have confront folks that choose to behave like negative racial stereotypes and educate THEM as to how ignorant and backwards that truly is, not empower and excuse that behavior. Such as white racists.
Why are so defensive? Your worst fault is being so presumptuous. I have lived with poor blacks and Hispanics, for years. I see they are their own worst enemies, and some people LOVE to enable that negative behavior behind the safety their rich white entitled gated communities under the guise of fighting racism and opening eyes...Please. I have been here way before you, this is more about human nature. Genuflecting to blacks doesn't solve anything.
There is a seemingly jarring disharmony in the concept behind this thread. It's as if the OP is trying to justify something. If this thread was called "White greatness", we would roll our eyes and ignore it. Greatness transcends race. So lets recognize ALL great people.
I agree. One's race does not define their greatness.
hats what is suryseems lie.
It does when people of another race post thread after thread full of comments about how one race has never accomplished anything.

Molly you talk a lot of bull dookey but I never see you rebuking comments made about blacks being like gorillas which have been made in threads you have participated in. All you have done along with many others here is attack me for standing up t racist comments about those like me, then you want to cry abut how I am talking down to whites and think that white racists are the majority. Well from what I gave seen and experienced that's the only conclusion I can come to.
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