Black greatness

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You seem to be a super racist black man PERIOD, why not just admit the truth about your ugliness and go on your merry racist way. As for whites being racist, most don't care about color, that is just something your current OWNERS the communist dimocrats have indoctrinated you with.
You had a REAL LEADER once, and his family are some of the finest Americans in this country. He may have been black, but he had only a human heart, something you will never have, yours must be BLACK and most likely will be until you stand before the throne. I hope mine will stay just human, when I read racist post like you make it is hard to sometimes, but It is not for me to judge as you do even based on vileness such as you vomit. The only thing I can do is make an observation of your character. Read the whole Dream speech, and let a REALLY great MAN (NO COLOR INTENDED OR INFERRED) open your eyes. If Mike Browns parents had taught him CHARACTER he would be alive, If you are teaching your children what you post you are the one who will kill them.
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Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

One of my all time favorite speeches. Ms. Fannie lived it, and she walked the talk.
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Yeah the majority of the black population has been dumbified by their masters, the democrats.

But there have been a few truly great ones.
Booker T. Washington - Wikipedia

Nah. But you whites are certainly stupefied by the republican party.

Well as you plainly see, Booker T's philosophy did not work.

He wss perfect for an era when the most recognized Black people were Stepinfetchit, Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben.

He even tried to discourage Black people from leaving tbe south.
You seem to be a super racist black man PERIOD, why not just admit the truth about your ugliness and go on your merry racist way. As for whites being racist, most don't care about color, that is just something your current OWNERS the communist dimocrats have indoctrinated you with.
You had a REAL LEADER once, and his family are some of the finest Americans in this country. He may have been black, but he had only a human heart, something you will never have, yours must be BLACK and most likely will be until you stand before the throne. I hope mine will stay just human, when I read racist post like you make it is hard to sometimes, but It is not for me to judge as you do even based on vileness such as you vomit. The only thing I can do is make an observation of your character. Read the whole Dream speech, and let a REALLY great MAN (NO COLOR INTENDED OR INFERRED) open your eyes. If Mike Browns parents had taught him CHARACTER he would be alive, If you are teaching your children what you post you are the one who will kill them.

Oh really?

Martin Luther King Jr.: "My dream has turned into a nightmare"

Sign your own emancipation proclamation - Dr Martin Luther King

This is the real Dr. King son.

Your punk ass doesn't know shit about King, now shut he fuck up.

And this whining about someone being a racist because you get shown the truth, well you can stick that up your a-- too.
Fannie Lou Hamer's speech at the 1964 DNC

Black greatness. I say this as I do because of the over 20 threads just on this page alone that whites here bash black people. When we stop being gorillas, when white people stop telling us we blacks don't know how to act and or may other similar things I have read from you punk ass white bitches, then maybe we all can look at things in a colorblind manner. Don't you EVER think you get to speak the racist bullshit you do then tell me how I should not see color EVER again.

One of my all time favorite speeches. Ms. Fannie lived it, and she walked the talk.

Exactly. That's greatness.

It's only natural that whites like these here love weak submissive blacks who don't want to challenge their authority.

They even try turning MLK into the docile mealy mouthed weak kneed black man who doesn't challenge white authority but wants only to live in a "colorblind" nation.
Since we have had another apparently white person who saw fit to call me a racist then tell me about MLK let us hear some things king said in his life, Because apparently this idiot doesn't seem to know that he said anything but those few words in the I have a Dream speech.

American Dream - Lincoln University - June 6, 1961

and in this ALL Black Commemeration thread checkout the White Afrikaaner in Africa as he builds a new society TODAY and in the future if he is allowed to build . --- --- interesting , probably not many people know about ORANIA but shows the ability of Whites in their Africa . On topic i think , afterall starvation and 'mugabe' in S.Africa were mentioned so here is the other side of the coin .
and in this ALL Black Commemeration thread checkout the White Afrikaaner in Africa as he builds a new society TODAY and in the future if he is allowed to build . --- --- interesting , probably not many people know about ORANIA but shows the ability of Whites in their Africa . On topic i think , afterall starvation and 'mugabe' in S.Africa were mentioned so here is the other side of the coin .

Another example of the delusion some whites live in.

The days of white minority rule in South Africa are gone.
think that South Africans are starving under 'mugabe' aren't they ?? These people in ORIANA though look like they are doing fine . They even have a tourist industry and NO crime and crime is rampant and terrible in South Africa isn't it IM2 ??
You seem to be a super racist black man PERIOD, why not just admit the truth about your ugliness and go on your merry racist way. As for whites being racist, most don't care about color, that is just something your current OWNERS the communist dimocrats have indoctrinated you with.
You had a REAL LEADER once, and his family are some of the finest Americans in this country. He may have been black, but he had only a human heart, something you will never have, yours must be BLACK and most likely will be until you stand before the throne. I hope mine will stay just human, when I read racist post like you make it is hard to sometimes, but It is not for me to judge as you do even based on vileness such as you vomit. The only thing I can do is make an observation of your character. Read the whole Dream speech, and let a REALLY great MAN (NO COLOR INTENDED OR INFERRED) open your eyes. If Mike Browns parents had taught him CHARACTER he would be alive, If you are teaching your children what you post you are the one who will kill them.

Oh really?

Martin Luther King Jr.: "My dream has turned into a nightmare"

Sign your own emancipation proclamation - Dr Martin Luther King

This is the real Dr. King son.

Your punk ass doesn't know shit about King, now shut he fuck up.

And this whining about someone being a racist because you get shown the truth, well you can stick that up your a-- too.

MLK was a massive bible thumping blowhard who rambled on so much that he eventually fell on some key, cool sayings. The proverbial needles in the shit haystack.
a little more info on ORANIA for you and anyone that cares to watch IM2 . --- ---
think that South Africans are starving under 'mugabe' aren't they ?? These people in ORIANA though look like they are doing fine . They even have a tourist industry and NO crime and crime is rampant and terrible in South Africa isn't it IM2 ??

Well you see, the only problem with your bullshit is that Mugabe doesn't rule South Africa. You posted up a video abut one town of 1,000 people. I hope they have no crime. You talk about crime in South Africa.

So let me ask you a question: Do you really know what you are talking about when you are referring to South Africa?
a little more info on ORANIA for you and anyone that cares to watch IM2 . --- ---

I won't be watching any more. Like I said, the return to white minority rule just is not going to happen. Those people should be very glad Mandela allowed them to stay.
think that South Africans are starving under 'mugabe' aren't they ?? These people in ORIANA though look like they are doing fine . They even have a tourist industry and NO crime and crime is rampant and terrible in South Africa isn't it IM2 ??

Well you see, the only problem with your bullshit is that Mugabe doesn't rule South Africa. You posted up a video abut one town of 1,000 people. I hope they have no crime. You talk about crime in South Africa.

So let me ask you a question: Do you really know what you are talking about when you are referring to South Africa?
------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry , rhodesia , zimbabwe , south africa or whatever its called today but i made a mistake and you are correct Sir . Anyway mugabe and mugabe like Leaders and starvation in many African countries is common even with aid from western countries . Yeah , a thousand Whites in ORANIA and look at what they have built IM2 .
think that South Africans are starving under 'mugabe' aren't they ?? These people in ORIANA though look like they are doing fine . They even have a tourist industry and NO crime and crime is rampant and terrible in South Africa isn't it IM2 ??

Well you see, the only problem with your bullshit is that Mugabe doesn't rule South Africa. You posted up a video abut one town of 1,000 people. I hope they have no crime. You talk about crime in South Africa.

So let me ask you a question: Do you really know what you are talking about when you are referring to South Africa?
------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry , rhodesia , zimbabwe , south africa or whatever its called today but i made a mistake and you are correct Sir . Anyway mugabe and mugabe like Leaders and starvation in many African countries is common even with aid from western countries . Yeah , a thousand Whites in ORANIA and look at what they have built IM2 .

I can look at about 1.2 billion Africans and say you are an ignorant fool that knows nothing. There are more than 3 countries in South Africa and you are completely ignorant to what colonization did to this continent.
a little more info on ORANIA for you and anyone that cares to watch IM2 . --- ---

I won't be watching any more. Like I said, the return to white minority rule just is not going to happen. Those people should be very glad Mandela allowed them to stay.

----------------------------------------------------- No one cares about white minority rule except in Orania and thats probably not going to last too long . And Its probably best to have a black majority ruling these falling down countries as an example to the world . And i think that it was the Constitution rather than 'mandela' that allowed ORANIA to do as they are doing . In my opinion , these Whites in ORANIA ought to be looking to go to the USA IM2.
think that South Africans are starving under 'mugabe' aren't they ?? These people in ORIANA though look like they are doing fine . They even have a tourist industry and NO crime and crime is rampant and terrible in South Africa isn't it IM2 ??

Well you see, the only problem with your bullshit is that Mugabe doesn't rule South Africa. You posted up a video abut one town of 1,000 people. I hope they have no crime. You talk about crime in South Africa.

So let me ask you a question: Do you really know what you are talking about when you are referring to South Africa?
------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry , rhodesia , zimbabwe , south africa or whatever its called today but i made a mistake and you are correct Sir . Anyway mugabe and mugabe like Leaders and starvation in many African countries is common even with aid from western countries . Yeah , a thousand Whites in ORANIA and look at what they have built IM2 .

I can look at about 1.2 billion Africans and say you are an ignorant fool that knows nothing. There are more than 3 countries in South Africa and you are completely ignorant to what colonization did to this continent.
-------------------------------------------- yeah , someone elses fault eh IM2 . Course look at the USA to see some good colonization practices . Looks like killing white farmers and driving them off THEIR lands is part of the reason for starvation eh IM2 ??
a little more info on ORANIA for you and anyone that cares to watch IM2 . --- ---

I won't be watching any more. Like I said, the return to white minority rule just is not going to happen. Those people should be very glad Mandela allowed them to stay.

--------------------------------------------------- course you won't watch IM2 !! But here is some crime news in South Africa for you to check out . --- Year of terrible headlines sees South Africa's homicide rate leap again ---
think that South Africans are starving under 'mugabe' aren't they ?? These people in ORIANA though look like they are doing fine . They even have a tourist industry and NO crime and crime is rampant and terrible in South Africa isn't it IM2 ??

Well you see, the only problem with your bullshit is that Mugabe doesn't rule South Africa. You posted up a video abut one town of 1,000 people. I hope they have no crime. You talk about crime in South Africa.

So let me ask you a question: Do you really know what you are talking about when you are referring to South Africa?
------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry , rhodesia , zimbabwe , south africa or whatever its called today but i made a mistake and you are correct Sir . Anyway mugabe and mugabe like Leaders and starvation in many African countries is common even with aid from western countries . Yeah , a thousand Whites in ORANIA and look at what they have built IM2 .

I can look at about 1.2 billion Africans and say you are an ignorant fool that knows nothing. There are more than 3 countries in South Africa and you are completely ignorant to what colonization did to this continent.
-------------------------------------------- yeah , someone elses fault eh IM2 . Course look at the USA to see some good colonization practices . Looks like killing white farmers and driving them off THEIR lands is part of the reason for starvation eh IM2 ??

Yep. Maybe you learn a what has gone on in Africa before you run your mouth.

I said Mandela and it was Mandela. The constitution could have written out whites. And the US is not gong to support whatever that town is named. They need not look here for anything.
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