Black greatness

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I almost wonder if IM2 is a sock of some white supremacist racist that is trying to make blacks look bad!
Kinda acts like it and that could be the case.
Yes it does, but this vid makes me think IM2 is for real.

Yes maybe just a little insane but who knows. This one reminds me of some of those christian bashers, "Christians bad, Islam good".

Nigeria camps.jpg
I almost wonder if IM2 is a sock of some white supremacist racist that is trying to make blacks look bad!
Kinda acts like it and that could be the case.
Yes it does, but this vid makes me think IM2 is for real.

I am a 56 year old black man. And for anyone white to actually believe that no blacks think like me or that I am a white supremacy shows they are delusional.
I almost wonder if IM2 is a sock of some white supremacist racist that is trying to make blacks look bad!
Kinda acts like it and that could be the case.
Yes it does, but this vid makes me think IM2 is for real.

Yes maybe just a little insane but who knows. This one reminds me of some of those christian bashers, "Christians bad, Islam good".

View attachment 137709

You are the loon here.
probably an American eh , i didn't look at the video but like i said , the guy is probably an American eh IM2??

You whites just love to avoid the truth. He was NOT considered a American by whites like you. Nor do you bastards consider us American now. You fool no one with your bull shit son. You maggots do this on purpose to annoy us. It's an example of the childish nature of the conservative white mind.
----------------------------------- i probably don't think of YOU as an American but thats cool . Still , here you are and I'm happy to see you . The board needs people like you to show us the 'fifth column' thats in the USA that Americans have to deal with . That being said , keep posting , you make me smile IM2 .
Black Inventors of the 20th and 21st Century

Clarence Thomas is a great black man, that the racist democrats tried to destroy...and retards in the black population to this day worship dead criminals like Michael Brown, while sneering at Thomas. If that isn't proof of the failure of the dem's great social experiment with the blacks, I don't know what is. Clarence Thomas - Wikipedia
probably an American eh , i didn't look at the video but like i said , the guy is probably an American eh IM2??

You whites just love to avoid the truth. He was NOT considered a American by whites like you. Nor do you bastards consider us American now. You fool no one with your bull shit son. You maggots do this on purpose to annoy us. It's an example of the childish nature of the conservative white mind.
----------------------------------- i probably don't think of YOU as an American but thats cool . Still , here you are and I'm happy to see you . The board needs people like you to show us the 'fifth column' thats in the USA that Americans have to deal with . That being said , keep posting , you make me smile IM2 .

You show me such loons still exist. YOU are the fifth column.

Clarence Thomas is a great black man, that the racist democrats tried to destroy...and retards in the black population to this day worship dead criminals like Michael Brown, while sneering at Thomas. If that isn't proof of the failure of the dem's great social experiment with the blacks, I don't know what is. Clarence Thomas - Wikipedia

We generally don't respect people who benefited from a policy who gets well off and then says the policy hurts those it was intended to help. Whites don't like people like that but yet you white conservatives parade ever mother fucking back sellout to us as examples of how we should be. Why is that? And it's not because they are examples of success.

Mike Brown was no criminal, neither was he worshipped.
Black Inventors of the 20th and 21st Century

Feeling insecure?

Nope. I am responding to the many threads here by you racists that bash blacks, say we've done nothing, are like gorillas, and other associated racist crap. So then white boy given the 20 plus threads of white racist bull shit on this page alone just exactly who is insecure?
Not me asshole. I don't give a shit what color you are, you shut the hell up. Your OP is about as racist as it gets. You are the problem, not me. Whatever color you are, you can kiss my ass, or produce my "racist threads". Nasty little creep.
Not me asshole. I don't give a shit what color you are, you shut the hell up. Your OP is about as racist as it gets. You are the problem, not me. Whatever color you are, you can kiss my ass, or produce my "racist threads". Nasty little creep.

Sure you don't. .
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