Black greatness

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What can you say about a man who attended Holy Cross College and Yale Law School as a beneficiary of affirmative action programs who currently asserts that blacks and other so-called minorities should lift themselves up by their own boot straps and is now virulently anti-affirmative action? What can be inferred about the familial feelings of someone who savages his sister before a conference of black conservatives for being dependent on welfare ("She gets mad when the mailman is late with her welfare check, that's how dependent she is. . . .") but fails to mention to the audience that his sister's relatively brief period of unemployment was due to having to care for an invalid great-aunt? - Remembering Fanon

The great Clarence Thomas. We blacks should all ascribe to be like him.
Not me asshole. I don't give a shit what color you are, you shut the hell up. Your OP is about as racist as it gets. You are the problem, not me. Whatever color you are, you can kiss my ass, or produce my "racist threads". Nasty little creep.

Sure you don't. .

I care so little, that I have friends here that may be black, or white or Asian... I don't give enough of a shit to check their bio. Who cares what they look like? I want to hear what they say.
And having both colors of children in my home, not one was favored over the other. EVER. So you shut up, with your allegations. You don't know jack.
But I know you. Your bias gave you away long before your brain kicked in. < Still waiting on that.
You white racists here talk a lot of shit. These are great men and women, Greater than your white asses could ever be in your wildest dreams. What they put up with to get where they wanted would have made you weak kneed lily livered racist pricks kill yourselves.

1. Carl Brashear 12 steps to Honor


The great Carl Brashear

He took these steps in the late1960's. This is within our lifetimes. .

Just think of all those pudding pops that Bill Cosby had to eat to become famous. Hard times.
What can you say about a man who attended Holy Cross College and Yale Law School as a beneficiary of affirmative action programs who currently asserts that blacks and other so-called minorities should lift themselves up by their own boot straps and is now virulently anti-affirmative action? What can be inferred about the familial feelings of someone who savages his sister before a conference of black conservatives for being dependent on welfare ("She gets mad when the mailman is late with her welfare check, that's how dependent she is. . . .") but fails to mention to the audience that his sister's relatively brief period of unemployment was due to having to care for an invalid great-aunt? - Remembering Fanon

The great Clarence Thomas. We blacks should all ascribe to be like him.
Uncle Clarence, he likes to have his belly rubbed.
You white racists here talk a lot of shit. These are great men and women, Greater than your white asses could ever be in your wildest dreams. What they put up with to get where they wanted would have made you weak kneed lily livered racist pricks kill yourselves.

1. Carl Brashear 12 steps to Honor


The great Carl Brashear

He took these steps in the late1960's. This is within our lifetimes. .

Just think of all those pudding pops that Bill Cosby had to eat to become famous. Hard times.

I almost wonder if IM2 is a sock of some white supremacist racist that is trying to make blacks look bad!
Kinda acts like it and that could be the case.
Yes it does, but this vid makes me think IM2 is for real.

Such an obnoxious big mouth.
You black racists here talk a lot of shit.......
Rid yourself of racism and you'll see that a lot of humans are great.
That sounds good Irish but probably ain't happening as some simply remain blinded their whole trip through here.

Like you and the rest of the white turds here who have produced more than 20 anti black racist threads on just this page alone. No one wants to read your crap about so called black racists and no one is going listen to your opinions in what we need to do to recognize the greatness of everyone when we do and you never have.
Go take a walk outside. With a little luck one of your thug criminal brothers will put you out of your misery on the shooting gallery street.
In Black v. Virginia ; Justice Thomas refused to give whites Religious Freedom. TNB.

If consider burning crosses as religious freedom, then we can consider knockout as religious freedom too.
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You black racists here talk a lot of shit.......
Rid yourself of racism and you'll see that a lot of humans are great.
That sounds good Irish but probably ain't happening as some simply remain blinded their whole trip through here.

Like you and the rest of the white turds here who have produced more than 20 anti black racist threads on just this page alone. No one wants to read your crap about so called black racists and no one is going listen to your opinions in what we need to do to recognize the greatness of everyone when we do and you never have.
Go take a walk outside. With a little luck one of your thug criminal brothers will put you out of your misery on the shooting gallery street.

I do that every day, Never been shot at once. Me and my "criminal thug brothers" sit outside on the sidewalk on Saturday and play dominoes. So much for that one.
In Black v. Virginia ; Justice Thomas refused to give whites Religious Freedom. TNB.

If consider burning crosses as religious freedom, then we can consider knockout as religious freedom too.

No such thing as a Cross "burning" unless it is on someone elses property.

Cross Lighting is a Christian Right and has a long history against invaders. The UMC and KKK still widely partake. We're sorry the colored are offended by Christianity , however , what we do on OUR property is not the business of "long dong silver".
The head race baiter is at it again. I wonder if he ever took that promotion on the shrimp boat?
In Black v. Virginia ; Justice Thomas refused to give whites Religious Freedom. TNB.

If consider burning crosses as religious freedom, then we can consider knockout as religious freedom too.

No such thing as a Cross "burning" unless it is on someone elses property.

Cross Lighting is a Christian Right and has a long history against invaders. The UMC and KKK still widely partake. We're sorry the colored are offended by Christianity , however , what we do on OUR property is not the business of "long dong silver".

Christianity has nothing to do with cross burning.
The great Muhammad Ali was rich and successful. No one called him a sellout or Uncle Tom.

This is greatness, Not being some chump kissing whiteys ass like Carson or Thomas.

Clarence Thomas is a great black man, that the racist democrats tried to destroy...and retards in the black population to this day worship dead criminals like Michael Brown, while sneering at Thomas. If that isn't proof of the failure of the dem's great social experiment with the blacks, I don't know what is. Clarence Thomas - Wikipedia

We generally don't respect people who benefited from a policy who gets well off and then says the policy hurts those it was intended to help. Whites don't like people like that but yet you white conservatives parade ever mother fucking back sellout to us as examples of how we should be. Why is that? And it's not because they are examples of success.

Mike Brown was no criminal, neither was he worshipped.
Really? Mike Brown's Arrest Record
Black Inventors of the 20th and 21st Century

Feeling insecure?

Nope. I am responding to the many threads here by you racists that bash blacks, say we've done nothing, are like gorillas, and other associated racist crap. So then white boy given the 20 plus threads of white racist bull shit on this page alone just exactly who is insecure?

You aren't responding to white racist threads, you are starting your own racist threads
Black Inventors of the 20th and 21st Century

Feeling insecure?

Nope. I am responding to the many threads here by you racists that bash blacks, say we've done nothing, are like gorillas, and other associated racist crap. So then white boy given the 20 plus threads of white racist bull shit on this page alone just exactly who is insecure?

You aren't responding to white racist threads, you are starting your own racist threads

I've started no racist threads.
The great Muhammad Ali was rich and successful. No one called him a sellout or Uncle Tom.

Why is someone great just because they fight for money? And great for being a drafting dodger.

Ali was no draft dodger. Your current president dodged the daft, but you won't run your mouth about that now will you. Ali stood up for what was right. Why should he, a black man who was not allowed equal rights in this nation go fight a war for this nation? He was right. He had honor. You do understand what honor is don't you?

Ali is greatness. True greatness.
Clarence Thomas is a great black man, that the racist democrats tried to destroy...and retards in the black population to this day worship dead criminals like Michael Brown, while sneering at Thomas. If that isn't proof of the failure of the dem's great social experiment with the blacks, I don't know what is. Clarence Thomas - Wikipedia

We generally don't respect people who benefited from a policy who gets well off and then says the policy hurts those it was intended to help. Whites don't like people like that but yet you white conservatives parade ever mother fucking back sellout to us as examples of how we should be. Why is that? And it's not because they are examples of success.

Mike Brown was no criminal, neither was he worshipped.
Really? Mike Brown's Arrest Record

Yes really.

St. Louis County Prosecutor's office confirmed that Brown had no prior misdemeanors or felonies against him.

Michael Brown had no criminal record, police say
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