Black guy gets 10 years for murdering guy in knockout game. He will be out in 5.

This wasn't the "knock out game."

ST. CLOUD, Minn. - The teenager accused of causing a man's death last year after one punch in a St. Cloud alley is scheduled to stand trial Aug. 20.

Jesse Jean Smithers, 17, was in court again Thursday for a pretrial hearing. He has been certified to stand trial as an adult to face charges of second-degree murder and first-degree manslaughter.

Smithers is accused of punching Colton Gleason in September while Gleason was walking in a south St. Cloud alley. Gleason hit his head on the ground and was unconscious when he was taken to St. Cloud Hospital. He regained consciousness there, but he later died from his injuries.

Court records accuse Smithers of being a passenger in a vehicle passing through the alley. Gleason was walking two female friends home when a vehicle passed near the three of them.

Someone in the group that included Gleason hit the vehicle as it drove past, prompting a group of people to get out of the vehicle, according to court records.

One person punched Gleason, who fell backward and hit his head. A court complaint accuses Smithers of being the person who punched Gleason.

Someone hit Smithers car, so Smithers got out and punched the guy who he thought did it.

How is that the knockout game?

More crap. Not condoning what Smithers did, but at 17, I got into quite a few scraps, myself.

Are we going to blame the knockout game every time someone hits somebody?

Someone hit his car. He wasn't driving. He doesn't know who hit Gleason. His aunt swears he was home at the time.

Not one of those excuses was believable.
Why don't all those who want communism as a state religion just go to China, and all the go-getters come here?

That way, all the "peel me a grape" types can grow grapes instead of rice and enjoy the benefits of big gummint. :eusa_shifty:

And all those who work for a living can have it with reduced government.

Becki what does this even mean?:confused:
Whether it is the knockout game as defined by what the knockout game is defined by, is not the fucking point.

Leave to the left to not comment on the fact that the thug got 10 years.

That is the part that ought to draw the ire of the bleeding heart, demented, hypocritical left.

It didn't. Instead they obfuscate and pretend to be all offended by how the actual knockout game is technically defined.

And we wonder why our country has turned into pure shit.
Whether it is the knockout game as defined by what the knockout game is defined by, is not the fucking point.

Leave to the left to not comment on the fact that the thug got 10 years.

That is the part that ought to draw the ire of the bleeding heart, demented, hypocritical left.

It didn't. Instead they obfuscate and pretend to be all offended by how the actual knockout game is technically defined.

And we wonder why our country has turned into pure shit.

10 years is not an uncommon sentence for 2nd degree murder.
Why don't all those who want communism as a state religion just go to China, and all the go-getters come here?

That way, all the "peel me a grape" types can grow grapes instead of rice and enjoy the benefits of big gummint. :eusa_shifty:

And all those who work for a living can have it with reduced government.

What are you talking about?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Another "son of Obama" who felt entitled to get back at the white man.

I guess he was entitled, hence his light sentence thanks to our liberal justice system.
Whether it is the knockout game as defined by what the knockout game is defined by, is not the fucking point.

Leave to the left to not comment on the fact that the thug got 10 years.

That is the part that ought to draw the ire of the bleeding heart, demented, hypocritical left.

It didn't. Instead they obfuscate and pretend to be all offended by how the actual knockout game is technically defined.

And we wonder why our country has turned into pure shit.

Pretty sure his intent was not to murder the guy. He hit him because one of the guys in his group hit the car. Now he gets to spend 10 years in jail. You want to complain about a sentence there are plenty out there. This guy happens to be 18 not 50.
Another "son of Obama" who felt entitled to get back at the white man.

I guess he was entitled, hence his light sentence thanks to our liberal justice system.

He didn't mean to kill the guy. Seems fair to me
Only 10 years for killing somone...
Out in 5...

Why did they even bother to charge him?
I had a friend who also SUCKER PUNCHED a kid at a dance at high school.

That poor kid fell back and split his skill open on the corner of the wall.

He died, too.

My friend spend two year in prison for this assault leading to death.

IN this case the perp was White, so was his victim.

He sucker punched that kid because his former girlfriend liked this kid.

What should my friends sentence have been?
The MSM goes nuts over the Zimmermann and Dunn verdicts. Haven't heard a peep out of them over this outrage.
For good behavior, he will be out in 5 years.

Killed by knockout game - YouTube


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The guy who killed him.

18 Year Old Gets Only 10 Years For Killing Man In ?Knockout Game? Attack

Even when there is a willful, wanton, senseless attack that ends in murder, some wimpy judge in Stearns county Minnesota doesn't think the perpetrator of that brutal, unprovoked crime should get more than a measly 10 years in jail.

That was the sentence for 18-year-old Jesse Smithers just received for killing Colton Gleason with 1 punch to the head in a game of "knockout" that turned deadly on September 21, 2012.

Colton was innocently walking with some friends in an alley when the car Smithers was in pulled up, he got out and punched Colton who fell and hit his head resulting in his death.

I wonder if Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will come to Minnesota to protest and stir up trouble because of this incredibly unjust sentencing in a black on white crime?

After 17 months of waiting, a family finally learned how much time the man who killed their son will be in prison.

A Stearns County judge sentenced 18-year-old Jesse Smithers to 10 years on Thursday. Smithers admitted to delivering the deadly punch in a St. Cloud alley almost a year and a half ago.

On Sept. 21, 2012, Colton Gleason was walking with friends when a car pulled up, and Smithers got out and punched him. Colton died after falling and hitting his head.

His father, John Gleason, says the pain, bitterness and hurt his family feels did not go away with the sentencing of the man responsible for his son’s death.

“We’ve been given a life sentence by this cowardice attack and murder of our son,” John said. “He’ll serve very few short years and he’ll be back out again, and our son is gone forever.”

John says his son was the victim of a deadly “knockout game.”


Interestingly enough, nothing about this crime has been reported on MSNBC, or CNN, or any of the other race baiting networks.

Take a guess as to why that is. Go ahead, take a guess.

Why again did MSNBC doctor the Zimmerman tapes, and why after they found out he was latino did they put WHITE in front of hispanic from that point? I mean they never put WHITE in front of the fact that Obama is "African American."

We all know don't we? Well except of course for the left wing hacks who get manipulated by cliches in the media.

I still think they think Big Oil is the biggest reason the earth has been going through a warming cycle. Think about how stupid one would need to be to believe that.

Anyway, the thug got 10 years for his hate crime.

i am surprised the liberscum judge didn't pin a gold medal on him. :clap2:

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