Black guy gets 10 years for murdering guy in knockout game. He will be out in 5.

What sentence was he supposed to get? :dunno:

The same one he gave the man he murdered!

What we do know is IF Colton was armed with a gun, and IF Minnesota had a stand your ground law, and IF Colton defended himself by shooting this thug like the dog he is, the asshole liberals in this thread that cannot see this as a hate crime (like they do when they colors are the other way around) would be incensed and calling for a life sentence.

Reference George Zimmerman case, and the non-stop coverage and protests along with the hands across America.

They have no control over their hypocrisy and their double talk. They are steaming piles of shit. There are more than 47% of this country too.

This particular case shows why every state ought to have a conceal and carry along with STAND YOUR GROUND. However, if it was that way, the commie socialist morons in the media would cause mass riots when dogs like this are shot.
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What sentence was he supposed to get? :dunno:

The same one he gave the man he murdered!

What we do know is IF Colton was armed with a gun, and IF Minnesota had a stand your ground law, and IF Colton defended himself by shooting this thug like the dog he is, the asshole liberals in this thread that cannot see this as a hate crime (like they do when they colors are the other way around) would be incensed and calling for a life sentence.

Reference George Zimmerman case, and the non-stop coverage and protests along with the hands across America.

They have no control over their hypocrisy and their double talk. They are steaming piles of shit. There are more than 47% of this country too.

This particular case shows why every state ought to have a conceal and carry along with STAND YOUR GROUND. However, if it was that way, the commie socialist morons in the media would cause mass riots when dogs like this are shot.

Maybe Colton or the other little angels should not have hit the car Smithers was riding in provoking a fight.
You mean the OP is a big steaming pile of manufactured bullshit?

Say it ain't so!

It was the knockout game.

You're just a typical lying dimocrap scumbag.

Every account of the incident leaves no doubt that's what it was. Except yours, of course.

But nobody believes lying scum like you.


No it wasnt the knock out game. Someone hit the car Smithers was sitting in. It was a fight.

Who is 'someone' bitch?

The kid who was murdered or one of the two GIRLS he was walking home?

How many White kids, or young White women, go around FUCKING with a car FULL of Blacks?

How many?

Are you that stupid? Well, yes you are one stupid fuck.... But are you that naive? No, you're not. You're a lying bitch just like every other dimocrap scumbag that's ever lived.

Where's the damage to the Car?

Did anybody admit to 'bumping' the car?


Pedestrians have the right of way on a street like that. Pedestrians don't 'bump' into cars, cars bump into pedestrians.

This is really simple, the scumbag lawyer defending this piece of fucking shit came up with an excuse that can't be disproven to make his crime look like Manslaughter instead of Murder II.

And it worked.

And you're a stupid bitch.

In Florida, we would have fried that POS. Quick.

In fact, in Florida, he wouldn't have the balls to try it because scumbags like that get what they deserve.


Six punks riding around in one car and they're not looking for trouble.

Fuck you
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It was the knockout game.

You're just a typical lying dimocrap scumbag.

Every account of the incident leaves no doubt that's what it was. Except yours, of course.

But nobody believes lying scum like you.


No it wasnt the knock out game. Someone hit the car Smithers was sitting in. It was a fight.

Who is 'someone' bitch?

The kid who was murdered or one of the two GIRLS he was walking home?

How many White kids, or young White women, go around FUCKING with a car FULL of Blacks?

How many?

Are you that stupid? Well, yes you are one stupid fuck.... But are you that naive? No, you're not. You're a lying bitch just like every other dimocrap scumbag that's ever lived.

Where's the damage to the Car?

Did anybody admit to 'bumping' the car?


Pedestrians have the right of way on a street like that. Pedestrians don't 'bump' into cars, cars bump into pedestrians.

This is really simple, the scumbag lawyer defending this piece of fucking shit came up with an excuse that can't be disproven to make his crime look like Manslaughter instead of Murder II.

And it worked.

And you're a stupid bitch.

In Florida, we would have fried that POS. Quick.

In fact, in Florida, he wouldn't have the balls to try it because scumbags like that get what they deserve.


Six punks riding around in one car and they're not looking for trouble.

Fuck you

My goodness! Thats a lot of butt hurt. :lol:

This wasn't in Florida it was in Minnesota. if it was in Florida he would have gotten off because he stood his ground, or self defense, or whatever
The MSM goes nuts over the Zimmermann and Dunn verdicts. Haven't heard a peep out of them over this outrage.

Thats because its not an outrage. Its a normal sentence for the crime.

That's just it, 10 years doesn't seem "normal" when you've lost a loved one to an attack. Especially when you consider he'll probably only serve about half that.

When it's all said and done, it is an outrage. Too bad the MSM won't be giving it any air time.
it was the knockout game.

You're just a typical lying dimocrap scumbag.

Every account of the incident leaves no doubt that's what it was. Except yours, of course.

But nobody believes lying scum like you.


no it wasnt the knock out game. Someone hit the car smithers was sitting in. It was a fight.

who is 'someone' bitch?

The kid who was murdered or one of the two girls he was walking home?

How many white kids, or young white women, go around fucking with a car full of blacks?

How many?

Are you that stupid? Well, yes you are one stupid fuck.... But are you that naive? No, you're not. You're a lying bitch just like every other dimocrap scumbag that's ever lived.

Where's the damage to the car?

Did anybody admit to 'bumping' the car?

And btw asshole

pedestrians have the right of way on a street like that. Pedestrians don't 'bump' into cars, cars bump into pedestrians.

This is really simple, the scumbag lawyer defending this piece of fucking shit came up with an excuse that can't be disproven to make his crime look like manslaughter instead of murder ii.

And it worked.

And you're a stupid bitch.

In florida, we would have fried that pos. Quick.

In fact, in florida, he wouldn't have the balls to try it because scumbags like that get what they deserve.


Six punks riding around in one car and they're not looking for trouble.

Fuck you


You mad, bro?

It was stupid and it was a fight - It was not "the knockout game."

Now, please chill trhe fuck out.
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No it wasnt the knock out game. Someone hit the car Smithers was sitting in. It was a fight.

Who is 'someone' bitch?

The kid who was murdered or one of the two GIRLS he was walking home?

How many White kids, or young White women, go around FUCKING with a car FULL of Blacks?

How many?

Are you that stupid? Well, yes you are one stupid fuck.... But are you that naive? No, you're not. You're a lying bitch just like every other dimocrap scumbag that's ever lived.

Where's the damage to the Car?

Did anybody admit to 'bumping' the car?


Pedestrians have the right of way on a street like that. Pedestrians don't 'bump' into cars, cars bump into pedestrians.

This is really simple, the scumbag lawyer defending this piece of fucking shit came up with an excuse that can't be disproven to make his crime look like Manslaughter instead of Murder II.

And it worked.

And you're a stupid bitch.

In Florida, we would have fried that POS. Quick.

In fact, in Florida, he wouldn't have the balls to try it because scumbags like that get what they deserve.


Six punks riding around in one car and they're not looking for trouble.

Fuck you

My goodness! Thats a lot of butt hurt. :lol:

This wasn't in Florida it was in Minnesota. if it was in Florida he would have gotten off because he stood his ground, or self defense, or whatever

He must of got his ass kicked by some black dude....
For good behavior, he will be out in 5 years.

Killed by knockout game - YouTube


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The guy who killed him.

18 Year Old Gets Only 10 Years For Killing Man In ?Knockout Game? Attack

Even when there is a willful, wanton, senseless attack that ends in murder, some wimpy judge in Stearns county Minnesota doesn't think the perpetrator of that brutal, unprovoked crime should get more than a measly 10 years in jail.

That was the sentence for 18-year-old Jesse Smithers just received for killing Colton Gleason with 1 punch to the head in a game of "knockout" that turned deadly on September 21, 2012.

Colton was innocently walking with some friends in an alley when the car Smithers was in pulled up, he got out and punched Colton who fell and hit his head resulting in his death.

I wonder if Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will come to Minnesota to protest and stir up trouble because of this incredibly unjust sentencing in a black on white crime?

After 17 months of waiting, a family finally learned how much time the man who killed their son will be in prison.

A Stearns County judge sentenced 18-year-old Jesse Smithers to 10 years on Thursday. Smithers admitted to delivering the deadly punch in a St. Cloud alley almost a year and a half ago.

On Sept. 21, 2012, Colton Gleason was walking with friends when a car pulled up, and Smithers got out and punched him. Colton died after falling and hitting his head.

His father, John Gleason, says the pain, bitterness and hurt his family feels did not go away with the sentencing of the man responsible for his son’s death.

“We’ve been given a life sentence by this cowardice attack and murder of our son,” John said. “He’ll serve very few short years and he’ll be back out again, and our son is gone forever.”

John says his son was the victim of a deadly “knockout game.”


Interestingly enough, nothing about this crime has been reported on MSNBC, or CNN, or any of the other race baiting networks.

Take a guess as to why that is. Go ahead, take a guess.

Why again did MSNBC doctor the Zimmerman tapes, and why after they found out he was latino did they put WHITE in front of hispanic from that point? I mean they never put WHITE in front of the fact that Obama is "African American."

We all know don't we? Well except of course for the left wing hacks who get manipulated by cliches in the media.

I still think they think Big Oil is the biggest reason the earth has been going through a warming cycle. Think about how stupid one would need to be to believe that.

Anyway, the thug got 10 years for his hate crime.
What does his race have to do with anything?
For good behavior, he will be out in 5 years.

Killed by knockout game - YouTube


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The guy who killed him.

18 Year Old Gets Only 10 Years For Killing Man In ?Knockout Game? Attack

Even when there is a willful, wanton, senseless attack that ends in murder, some wimpy judge in Stearns county Minnesota doesn't think the perpetrator of that brutal, unprovoked crime should get more than a measly 10 years in jail.

That was the sentence for 18-year-old Jesse Smithers just received for killing Colton Gleason with 1 punch to the head in a game of "knockout" that turned deadly on September 21, 2012.

Colton was innocently walking with some friends in an alley when the car Smithers was in pulled up, he got out and punched Colton who fell and hit his head resulting in his death.

I wonder if Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will come to Minnesota to protest and stir up trouble because of this incredibly unjust sentencing in a black on white crime?

After 17 months of waiting, a family finally learned how much time the man who killed their son will be in prison.

A Stearns County judge sentenced 18-year-old Jesse Smithers to 10 years on Thursday. Smithers admitted to delivering the deadly punch in a St. Cloud alley almost a year and a half ago.

On Sept. 21, 2012, Colton Gleason was walking with friends when a car pulled up, and Smithers got out and punched him. Colton died after falling and hitting his head.

His father, John Gleason, says the pain, bitterness and hurt his family feels did not go away with the sentencing of the man responsible for his son’s death.

“We’ve been given a life sentence by this cowardice attack and murder of our son,” John said. “He’ll serve very few short years and he’ll be back out again, and our son is gone forever.”

John says his son was the victim of a deadly “knockout game.”


Interestingly enough, nothing about this crime has been reported on MSNBC, or CNN, or any of the other race baiting networks.

Take a guess as to why that is. Go ahead, take a guess.

Why again did MSNBC doctor the Zimmerman tapes, and why after they found out he was latino did they put WHITE in front of hispanic from that point? I mean they never put WHITE in front of the fact that Obama is "African American."

We all know don't we? Well except of course for the left wing hacks who get manipulated by cliches in the media.

I still think they think Big Oil is the biggest reason the earth has been going through a warming cycle. Think about how stupid one would need to be to believe that.

Anyway, the thug got 10 years for his hate crime.
What does his race have to do with anything?

Oh here we go.......

Nothing, nothing at all. :rolleyes:
All liberals care about in this particular case in this thread is it was not technically the "knockout game." Their pathetic hypocrisy is so damn annoying.

Good thing for all of us who hate the hype race baiting main stream pathetic politically correct media that Colton did not have a gun.

Or else, this story would be a day and night, hands across America, candle light vigils with feigned outrage from Jesse and AL.
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All liberals care about in this particular case in this thread is it was not technically the "knockout game." Their pathetic hypocrisy is so damn annoying.

Good thing for all of us who hate the hype race baiting main stream pathetic politically correct media that Colton did not have a gun.

Or else, this story would be a day and night, hands across America, candle light vigils with feigned outrage from Jesse and AL.

Dude, you said that this was the knockout game and you were 100% wrong.

Own it already.

That being said, why does it make any differance that the defendant was black or that the victim was white? That's called playing the race card.

Own that too.
All liberals care about in this particular case in this thread is it was not technically the "knockout game." Their pathetic hypocrisy is so damn annoying.

Good thing for all of us who hate the hype race baiting main stream pathetic politically correct media that Colton did not have a gun.

Or else, this story would be a day and night, hands across America, candle light vigils with feigned outrage from Jesse and AL.

Sorry but your hypothesis has failed. If Coulton had of shot Smithers we would be saying that it was a fight and Coulton should not have resorted to shooting Smithers. No one would consider it racial. Its only when you profile a Black teenager or shoot one over rap music that we know its racial. Likewise when a Black youth plans out an attack on a white person just because they are white we also know it was a racial issue.
It is always blacks that got to make some kind of comment or joke about race.

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