Black Hebrew Isralites are cause of the Catholic boy/Native American

I Failed the Covington Catholic Test
Next time there’s a viral story, I’ll wait for more facts to emerge.

10:48 AM ET

Like many people who spend too much time on Twitter, I watched with indignation Saturday morning as stories began appearing about a confrontation near the Lincoln Memorial between students from Covington Catholic High School and Native Americans from the Indigenous Peoples March. The story felt personal to me; I live a few miles from the high school, and my son attends a nearby all-boys Catholic high school. I texted him right away, ready with a lesson on what the students had done wrong.

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“They were menacing a man much older than them,” I told him, “and chanting ‘Build the wall!’ and this smirking kid blocked his path and wouldn’t let him leave.” The short video, the subject of at least two-thirds of my Twitter feed Saturday, made me cringe, and the smirking kid in particular got to me: his smugness, radiating from under that red MAGA hat, was everything I wanted my teenagers not to be.

Julie Irwin Zimmerman: I Failed the Covington Catholic Test - The Atlantic
Hebrew Israelites are not liberals.....they are like the cult group (Yahweh Ben Yahweh) this guy belongs to....

But you folks are so desperate to have a black guy on your side, you don't even bother to find out about him...

The strange story of that ‘Blacks for Trump’ guy standing behind POTUS at his Phoenix rally
How's that egg tasting this morning libs ?
Why is this in the news? Did someone get killed?

No a group of kids were harassed and chose not to engage. They currently have a student facing expulsion for being the only adult in the confrontation. Media and an native American lied. Media put out there and now rightfully, is retracting the injustice.

The incident is a snap shot of what media frequently does and gets away with.
This was at one of the marches this weekend, wasn't it? I'm sure there's a lot of mouthing off going on, on all sides and with little effect, all over the sidewalks at those marches.
Maybe it started on famous FB or YouTube (I'm guessing), but it sure as hell should have stayed there. Shame on us.
How's that egg tasting this morning libs ?
Why is this in the news? Did someone get killed?

No a group of kids were harassed and chose not to engage. They currently have a student facing expulsion for being the only adult in the confrontation. Media and an native American lied. Media put out there and now rightfully, is retracting the injustice.

The incident is a snap shot of what media frequently does and gets away with.
This was at one of the marches this weekend, wasn't it? I'm sure there's a lot of mouthing off going on, on all sides and with little effect, all over the sidewalks at those marches.
Maybe it started on famous FB or YouTube (I'm guessing), but it sure as hell should have stayed there. Shame on us.

The problem here is people have reflexively assumed these so-called Hebrew Israelites are liberals -- anyone who claims that DO NOT know who this group is. They despise both parties -- you should see what they feel about Obama -- they are not liberals.

And as racist as they are -- they still have not killed a single white person in pursuit of their racist both sides on this one
This was at one of the marches this weekend, wasn't it? I'm sure there's a lot of mouthing off going on, on all sides and with little effect, all over the sidewalks at those marches.
Maybe it started on famous FB or YouTube (I'm guessing), but it sure as hell should have stayed there. Shame on us
Huge FAIL. Cant you bring yourself to condemn these racist minorities? What more do they have to say/do? These kids deserved NONE of this.
face off. Both were trying to diffuse the black Hebrew Israelites.

mirror of Shar Yaqataz Banyamyan facebook video

Sad spin, hun. Phillips was not trying to diffuse the situation. He inflamed it with his physical and auditory intimidation tactics towards the boys.

Once again speaking up pro the guys in the red hats chanting build the wall.

How about the black Israelites who the started this crap. Sticking up for black Hebrew jews as well?? why because they are jews??


The fuller video would seem to assign more blame on a small group of Black Hebrew Israelites who were in the nation’s capital for the anti-abortion March for Life.

The main speaker for the Black Hebrew Israelites, hollering without a microphone for more than an hour, first tells some demonstrating Native Americans they had their land taken away because they worshiped the wrong god.

When the student party arrives later, the speaker launches into an attack on Catholics and against President Donald Trump. He also calls the mostly white youngsters “crackers.’’

Eventually, the teenagers engage, with one of them taking his shirt off and leading the rest in a cheer. Maintaining a distance of at least 15 feet, they then launch into a chant. That’s when Phillips and his fellow demonstrators walk in, banging drums and getting between the groups, although no confrontation appeared imminent.

The students initially seem to react to the drumming in a good-natured way before their participation appears to become more derisive, highlighted by Sandmann's apparent staredown with Phillips.

t one point, the students break into the kind of chant popular with crowds at Atlanta Braves and Florida State Seminoles games, while a few do a “tomahawk chop.’’

In the video, the Black Hebrew Israelites comment on how Phillips deescalated the situation, but also remark that he’s getting taunted.

Later, the dueling groups get physically closer, though at no point does a physical encounter develop.

Phillips, 64, an elder of the Omaha Nation, was participating in an Indigenous Peoples March that was concluding when he noticed the verbal clash in front of the Lincoln Memorial steps and decided to intervene.

Fuller video casts new light on Covington Catholic students' encounter with Native American elder

As a roman catholic myself I found the maga red hats students also out of line and acting racist.
Once again speaking up pro the guys in the red hats chanting build the wall.

How about the black Israelites who the started this crap. Sticking up for black Hebrew jews as well?? why because they are jews??


El problemo, the kids did not chant build a wall prior to the confrontation. In fact the Indian Elder is the only one referencing a wall.
Wrong, he is clearly in the middle of the group of kids and even admitted he did it.
He didn't confront anyone. Unless youbare going to say something stupid, like he was assaulting their eardrums with his drum...

Not so much the sound of the drum, but see how close he is beating it to the kid's face? See how close he is personally? Most sane rational people would consider that invading the kid's personal space. Crossing the street and placing himself in the center of the group was confrontational.
Statement released by student.
Covington Catholic student involved in incident at Washington, D.C. march releases statement
Apparently the only mature one.
How about the black Israelites who the started this crap. Sticking up for black Hebrew jews as well?? why because they are jews??
They are NOT Jews. They are frauds.

They say they are jews, what do you think the ancient Jews from Europe and Russia look like the jews of old, nope.

Not all present days jews look like Ivanka and even Jared for Bibi.
face off. Both were trying to diffuse the black Hebrew Israelites.

mirror of Shar Yaqataz Banyamyan facebook video

Sad spin, hun. Phillips was not trying to diffuse the situation. He inflamed it with his physical and auditory intimidation tactics towards the boys.

Once again speaking up pro the guys in the red hats chanting build the wall.

How about the black Israelites who the started this crap. Sticking up for black Hebrew jews as well?? why because they are jews??


The fuller video would seem to assign more blame on a small group of Black Hebrew Israelites who were in the nation’s capital for the anti-abortion March for Life.

The main speaker for the Black Hebrew Israelites, hollering without a microphone for more than an hour, first tells some demonstrating Native Americans they had their land taken away because they worshiped the wrong god.

When the student party arrives later, the speaker launches into an attack on Catholics and against President Donald Trump. He also calls the mostly white youngsters “crackers.’’

Eventually, the teenagers engage, with one of them taking his shirt off and leading the rest in a cheer. Maintaining a distance of at least 15 feet, they then launch into a chant. That’s when Phillips and his fellow demonstrators walk in, banging drums and getting between the groups, although no confrontation appeared imminent.

The students initially seem to react to the drumming in a good-natured way before their participation appears to become more derisive, highlighted by Sandmann's apparent staredown with Phillips.

t one point, the students break into the kind of chant popular with crowds at Atlanta Braves and Florida State Seminoles games, while a few do a “tomahawk chop.’’

In the video, the Black Hebrew Israelites comment on how Phillips deescalated the situation, but also remark that he’s getting taunted.

Later, the dueling groups get physically closer, though at no point does a physical encounter develop.

Phillips, 64, an elder of the Omaha Nation, was participating in an Indigenous Peoples March that was concluding when he noticed the verbal clash in front of the Lincoln Memorial steps and decided to intervene.

Fuller video casts new light on Covington Catholic students' encounter with Native American elder

As a roman catholic myself I found the maga red hats students also out of line and acting racist.

B'loney. Now that empirical evidence has been published that shows that boys were completely innocent, you are trying to make Phillips their moral equivalent. He's not. He and his agitator comrades LIED about the boys in order to exploit the situation for their creepy agenda.
How's that egg tasting this morning libs ?
Why is this in the news? Did someone get killed?

No a group of kids were harassed and chose not to engage. They currently have a student facing expulsion for being the only adult in the confrontation. Media and an native American lied. Media put out there and now rightfully, is retracting the injustice.

The incident is a snap shot of what media frequently does and gets away with.
This was at one of the marches this weekend, wasn't it? I'm sure there's a lot of mouthing off going on, on all sides and with little effect, all over the sidewalks at those marches.
Maybe it started on famous FB or YouTube (I'm guessing), but it sure as hell should have stayed there. Shame on us.

The problem here is people have reflexively assumed these so-called Hebrew Israelites are liberals -- anyone who claims that DO NOT know who this group is. They despise both parties -- you should see what they feel about Obama -- they are not liberals.

And as racist as they are -- they still have not killed a single white person in pursuit of their racist both sides on this one
I won't take sides and I won't agree with bringing this to national political attention. Lots of hate and bad manners there, and we're rolling in it like a dog on a road pizza squirrel.
I won't take sides and I won't agree with bringing this to national political attention. Lots of hate and bad manners there, and we're rolling in it like a dog on a road pizza squirrel.

You realize that not all of the kids were white? That the media judged these kids and plastered it on national news. Several forms of bigotry were on display and you don't want to call anyone on that?
Oh bullcrap the Indian guy was trying to defuse. If that was his intention, then the obvious thing to do was confront the Hebrew Israelites. He didn't go after the aggressors, he went after a group kids who would not engage the Hebrew group. The guy is just lying again to cover up his cowardly actions.



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